"It is not funny. It is dancing."
One year my mother and father took ballroom dancing classes. There was no one to watch me at home since my brother was away at college, so they would take me along. They never felt comfortable in America in a way like it was theirs. But they didn't have to call it theirs to be happy. Whatever happened, they knew there was one other person who knew exactly how they felt being away from Iran
آن چراغی كه به مسجد بردی
حق اين خانه ويران خوردی
حاجيا ديگر از اين ساز مزن
پرده افتاده ازين راز، مزن
Washington and Tehran must find that right path together
by Hossein Mousavian
Obama's engagement policy has failed. In fact, they support Ayatollah Khamenei's assessment that the core goal of U.S. policy is regime change. The door to rapprochement is closing. To keep it from slamming shut, the United States should declare, without condition, that it does not seek regime change in Tehran. Beyond that, the recognition of several principles is essential to bettering U.S.-Iranian relations after more than 30 bad years
It isn't war they want but the illusion of control
by M.J. Rosenberg
These are strange times for those of us who follow the debate about a possible war with Iran. It is clear that the Israeli government and its neoconservative camp followers here in the United States are increasing pressure on President Obama to either attack Iran or let Israel do it (in which case, we would be forced to join in). But the idea of another Middle East war is so outlandish that it seems inconceivable it could actually occur
Luna Shad's "The Keys to My Home"
The imagery in this Rumi quatrain is actually enacted in a scene in Luna Shad’s documentary,
Keys To My Home. The exiled journalist, Neema, shops for a gift for his friend and colleague, Delbar, whose red tape ordeal in Turkey is over and has now started a new phase of the refugee’s bureaucratic nightmare in Paris. “No, not that color, Delbar would never wear it,” says another refugee helping him shop as they sort through various colors on the rack.
Colorless, the robe of fortune is my prison>>>
رد پای پول و حرص در این حرفه، آدم را به فکر می اندازد
by Fariba Moghaddam
روانشناسی در واقع به نوعی مذهب مدرن شده است و مذهب به اقتضای طبیعتش، چه سنتی و چه مدرن، نه سودای شناختن روان دارد و نه قصد معالجه ی "مجانین" . مذهب سیاهی لشکر می خواهد . هر چه بیشتر بهتر! هر چه فرمانبردارتر مقبول تر! و لشکری که سیاهی صفت بارزه اش باشد جز از سیاهی ها و سردرگمی ها و سرگردانی ها، ره به جائی نمی برد. تا به حال که نبرده است
اندر حکایت نقد تاتر و تیارت
ناصر رحمانی نژاد کارگردان تاتر و ساکن آنزمان لوس آنجلس در سالنی که جمعی از دست اندرکاران هنری حضور داشتند، پس ازنمایش ویدوئی از اجرای خوب "اتلو در سرزمین عجائب" نوشته "غلامحسین ساعدی" که در لندن و در حضور "ساعدی" اجرا کرده بود متنی را در باب هنر نمایش در لوس آنجلس قرآئت کرد که به ذائقه تاتریون لوس آنجلسی خوش نیآمد وکار بالا گرفت.
اقدام مرکز اولاف پالمه را صرف نظر از نقاط ضعف آن باید مثبت ارزیابی کرد
گردهمآیی دو روزهای که به دعوت مرکز اولاف پالمه در روزهای ۴ و ۵ فوریه در حومه استکهلم برگزار شد به بحثهای زیادی در بین اپوزیسیون و محافل ایرانی آن دامن زده است. این جلسه به صورت ناعلنی برگزار شده و از فهرست دعوت شدگان یا شرکت کنندگان در آن یا گفتگوهای آن گزارش مستند و رسمی منتشر نشده است
Sanctions don’t promote democratic change
by Natasha Bahrami and Trita Parsi
Supporters of the policy assume that there is a positive relationship between broad economic sanctions and democratization. The policymakers responsible for these measures either are ignorant of or are simply ignoring the empirical evidence: broad sanctions—total financial and trade embargoes—do not have a good track record of changing target countries’ policies or of pushing them toward democracy
Interview with Christopher de Bellaigue
Mohammad Mossadegh — Iran’s charismatic Prime Minister—and the coup that brought him down in 1953 stand at the center of modern Iranian history. British journalist and writer, Christopher de Bellaigue, has written a new book on this remarkable figure titled "Patriot of Persia", which counts as the first real biography of Mossadegh in English. De Bellaigue, who is married to an Iranian artist and who has lived in Iran, has written about the country and the wider Middle East
Iranian movies must be judged either by their political braveness or high cinematographic standard
Movies by Iranian directors who have the chance to work abroad (like Marjan Satrapi or Ali Samadi Ahadi) are extraordinary masterpieces, carrying a very unique handwriting of their directors. And they breath the spirit of freedom and of unlimited creativity. But because they are produced in the west, they attract much less media attention. The media and critics in the west too often judge a movie more by the cirumstances under which it has been produced, and therefore grant a movie that has been produced inside the country an extra bonus for “braveness”
دختری که بیکار ایستاده بود پرسید: «میخوای بزنگی»؟
by Abbas Salimi
یک هفته ای از نوروز گذشته بود که آقای فروزان تصمیم گرفت خانه ای بخرد. به محله های مختلف سرکشی کرد و در نهایت آپارتمان سه خوابهای را در سعادت آباد پسندید. روزی که می خواست برای قولنامه کردن خانه به بنگاه برود، از من خواست همراهش باشم و من هم پذیرفتم. در یک بعد از ظهر نیمه بهاری خودرویش را روبروی بنگاه معاملات ملکی پارک کرد و پیاده شدیم
كدامین توفان
جگرِ آن دارد
كه زیرو رو كند این آب و خاك را؟