

What if Israel bombs Iran?

Just about everyone in the world will assume that the U.S. was complicit

30-Mar-2012 (12 comments)
Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning and discover that during the night. Israeli planes had conducted a bombing raid on Iran. How would your world have changed? Apart from the sensational headlines and breathless reports, the initial change might not be very significant. You would probably want to know whether the United States approved or assisted in the attack on Iran's nuclear sites. In fact, it doesn't really matter>>>


حماسه فراموش شده

آشنائی من با احمد کسروی

30-Mar-2012 (16 comments)
کسروی نشان میداد که پایگاه اجتماعی ارتجاع در ایران همان توده های مردم زحمتکش اند که آن روزها رفقای چپ همه امیدشان را به آنان بسته بودند. و اتفاقا این این تحصیل کرده ها و فرنگ رفته ها بودند که از حقوق بشر و آزادی دفاع می‌کردند، و در مقابل هم این رنجبران و زحمتکشان شهری بودند که به آزادیخواهان هجوم می‌بردند و بر رویشان چاقو و چماق می‌کشیدند>>>



I looked down and noticed he had hooves instead of fee

30-Mar-2012 (5 comments)
My ominous association with ghosts goes back to my early childhood years. Aunt Sedighe, my father’s youngest sister lived in Shoushtar, one of the oldest cities in the world, dating back to Achaemenian dynasty (400 BC). Shoushtar used to be the winter capital of Sassanian dynasty and it was built by the Karoun River. The river was channeled to form a trench around the city>>>


عشق یافته
30-Mar-2012 (4 comments)
این بار عشق را
در روز اوّل نوروز
بر زمین یافتم
و آن را از زمین
عیدی نوروزی.