Roberto Benigni's clip >>>
Jahanshah Javid
20-Feb-2010 (84 comments)
"We didn't know Jahanshah Javid of is GAY...," a prominent Iranian-American wrote in an email>>>
Noosh Afarin
20-Feb-2010 (7 comments)

 آیا رضا پهلوی جایگاهی در همه ‌پُرسی یا رفراندوم دارد؟

19-Feb-2010 (3 comments)
خوردم قسم تا بعد از این
با چشم باز عاشق شوم
bajenaghe naghi
19-Feb-2010 (26 comments)
It is a very sad fact of life that some of us one day may have to deal with>>>
Mardom Mazloom
19-Feb-2010 (12 comments)
اگر مایه زندگی بندگی است......دو صد بار مردن به از زندگی است (شعری زیبا از فردوسی) >>>
ponderous pontification
Our rich culture – a Bandari song & گلهای رنگارنگ >>>
19-Feb-2010 (4 comments)
Haji Mirza Aqasi, was instrumental in preventing the meeting of The Bab and Muhammad Shah Qajar, after the Shah facilitated a Royal Escort to lead the Bab to the capital, Tehran>>>
Arash Monzavi-Kia
19-Feb-2010 (9 comments)
One of the first times teaching a class in Canada, I caught a kid laughing at a scrap note, which said “Irani = Crazy”>>>
Paidar Iran
19-Feb-2010 (one comment)
نگاه کردن به آلت تناسلی زن باعث کوری ميشود!>>>
Muni Tahzib, A Pediatric Allergist speaks of when her life as a mother and a physician was severely tested by her son's life threatening condition.>>>
19-Feb-2010 (2 comments)
Québec MPs are mobilised for Human Rights in Iran >>>
19-Feb-2010 (5 comments)
Prime Minister of Iran >>>
19-Feb-2010 (one comment)
Rushing blood over the wire
Whipped my childhood tear >>>
19-Feb-2010 (one comment)
مسئولیت باز سازی ایران دست طرز فکر من و شماست هموطن>>>