07-Apr-2010 (one comment)
One of my agricultural extension students said, “Teacher, for a man without a beard, you are very smart.” Then, hugged me>>>
I recieved these so called Looti SMSs in an email.  It is good to know that despite all the crap happening around them, the people of Iran have not lost their sense of humor. >>>
07-Apr-2010 (15 comments)
The secular corrupt Kyrgyz government is an example of why we need to establish / talk about the Iranian constitution beforehand. We do not want to get out os a hole and fall into a well, as the old Persian proverb say>>>
Red Wine
07-Apr-2010 (22 comments)

در سوگ صادق هدایت


من لباس تنگ میپوشم ، بله ..... پوشش خوشرنگ میپوشم ، بله
میشوم طناز و زیبا و ملوس ..... میخرامم در چمن چون نوعروس

Maryam Womenfound
A day at the park for Persians... >>>
07-Apr-2010 (4 comments)
Falling in love in a Leafy Autumn London>>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
07-Apr-2010 (one comment)
باحتمال این دوست ما از دیدن سرگذشت دخترک یتیم شده خیلی متاثر شده است و میخواهد بگوید که این تقصیر روحانیون آن زمان است که به دختر بینوا ومادر و برادرش که هم قربانی نیکی پدرش شده اند نرسیده اند و کنگ باقی مانده اند>>>
07-Apr-2010 (3 comments)
Shortcomings & guns>>>
Brian Appleton
07-Apr-2010 (56 comments)
Civilian killing by US military action >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
ولی آیا خدا او را از این جهان آزاد کرده بود تا به ملکوت خود و به بهشت جاویدان ببرد و مزد آنه همه بی گناهی و خواندن دعا  مناجات  نماز و قرآن را بدو بدهد؟ >>>
07-Apr-2010 (10 comments)
Reza Aslan questions the war in Afghanistan. >>>
07-Apr-2010 (11 comments)
Not a scientific census... but mere observations >>>
Darius Kadivar
Ousted from his throne due to a Military Coup, King Constantine of Greece could count on the Loyalty of Iran's Royal Family. He was amongst the rare foreign dignitaries present at the Shah's funeral a decade later>>>
Darius Kadivar
Liam Neeson (CLASH OF THE TITANS) tells the story of how Athens became the world's first democracy. From the PBS series "The Greeks -- Crucible of civilization" >>>