06-May-2010 (one comment)
My friend Rak Razzam interviews scientist and enthnopharmacologist Dr. Dennis McKenna in Chimbre, Peru, on Ayahuasca and the Global Ayahuasca culture. >>>
06-May-2010 (2 comments)
Exercise your brain a bit. Watch the videos. What do you see in it?>>>
Flying Solo
06-May-2010 (4 comments)
هوا گرگ و میش بود. هنوز صدای پرنده‌ها در نیومده بود>>>
Iranians and their leaders should carefully follow up what happens in Arizona and Greece.>>>
No Fear
06-May-2010 (9 comments)
de ja vue? >>>
Red Wine
06-May-2010 (31 comments)
از نوشته‌های من >>>
06-May-2010 (19 comments)
I have been blogging about this rather imminent treat of war that looms over Iran, then it dawned on me that the wheels of war on Iran are already in motion >>>
Mardom Mazloom
06-May-2010 (49 comments)
گفتار رضا شاه در دیماه ۱۳۱۴ در باره کشف حجاب و شعر پروین اعتصامی از رویه این گفتار >>>
06-May-2010 (6 comments)
This is NOT a defense manifesto in my part but it is to demonstrate to those people who were kind enough to jump into conclusion with out even trying to see the other side>>>
Darius Kadivar
A Surreal conversation between US Diplomat and hostage John Limbert and Ali Khamenei then a high ranking cleric but not yet supreme leader. This is the full length conversation. Watch Here >>>
06-May-2010 (13 comments)
You might have noticed that recently I posted a blog, imagining all of us on a tour bus to I don’t know what your individual take was on the whole idea... >>>
M. Saadat Noury
06-May-2010 (17 comments)
The early history of Mother's Day dates back to Persians, Greeks, and Romans. >>>
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
06-May-2010 (2 comments)
مرد هفتاد ساله با حرض و خشم گلوی نازک پروین را گرفته بود و پاهایش را هم به سینه اش فشار میداد تا اورا خفه کند>>>
arash Irandoost
06-May-2010 (35 comments)
Mousavi's more refined tone and sharper intellect distance him from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Seduced young generation of Iranians are not privy to his radicalism and apologies for terror and bloodshed >>>
06-May-2010 (one comment)
Bill Maher on Islam and the South Park "Muhammad Bear Suit" Controversy. >>>