Parents of Neda Agha Soltan remember their daughter shot by a Sniper during the post election protests of 2009.
Iranian Constitutionalist from Austria criticizes writer and former actor/director Esmail Nouriala and fellow likeminds for dismissing dialogue with Monarchists under the disguise of democratic discourse.
Are you comfortable seeing what's in the video knowing that that the US government and media refrain from criticizing Israel?
HAFEZ: Unfinished Love Affair
مجموعه چند ویدئو در این رابطه
ایرانی کُشان و ایران ویران کُنان
Iran belongs to those willing to defend it.
مجبور شدیم دایه شیرده براى او بگيريم
The better informed everybody becomes the greater the chance that war can be prevented.
Love see's the good, the beautiful, the true. It doesn't force or Control
بی بی سی فارسی در نوروز امسال، طی یک مجموعه برنامه در تلویزیون، وبسایت و رادیوی خود بزرگترین شخصیت تاریخ ایران زمین را به رای مخاطبانش می گذارد