Iranian Woman Jailed & Forgotten - World Focuses on "Hikers"


Iranian Woman Jailed & Forgotten - World Focuses on "Hikers"
by BoosBoos

Below is the appalling character asassination of an Iranian woman, Sharzad Gholikhan, by a Miami news paper; Sharzad (a mother of 2) was arrested because her husband bought binoculars (that are legal to own but not to ship); and very few of the people expressing concern for the purported hikers convicted in Iran say anything about the treatment of this woman (or other Iranians mistreated by legal systems outside of Iran). That's shocking to me.

These are all quotes from a Miami Newspaper below -- I want you to imagine if the hikers were described in this way.


"She dressed stylishly, in Western clothes, with makeup and jewelry."

"her shady ex-husband's international plot, an unwitting victim of both Muslim traditions "

"She was a slick operative"

"Gholikhan wanted to meet for an interview, but jailers at the Federal Detention Center in Miami forbade it."

"Sexual urges are accommodated by "temporary marriage".

" If a stranger man would ever see only one hair of yours," her grandmother would say, "you are going to be hanged in Hell forever and ever with only that one hair, because you sinned!" 

" When she disembarked, five officers fingerprinted her and seized her passport and thousands of dollars in jewelry. "

And at trial, the prosecutor described Sharzad, 26 at the time of her trial, as intelligent, resourceful, cunning, manipulative, deceitful, and independent." How the hell would he know? The transaction for the binoculars took place in Austria. Imagine if Iran's courts had given statements about the *hikers* in this fashion - a lot of people would have criticized the courts in Iran, but people where are you on the issue of Sharzad? Your kids in the diaspora may face similar treatment in the future.


"At the time, I believed it was recorded. Did I check to see that the equipment was functioning? That someone pressed record? I requested assistance from the Austrians to provide the evidence. I couldn't demand it. I could only ask for it." Later, Kriske (the investigator) contradicted himself, saying he didn't record the meeting because it would have been illegal under Austrian law.

Sharzad was denied the right to have her family visit her, even though she has 2 young children; she was also convicted twice (once in Austria she served 1 month in prison and now she is in a U.S. prison on the same offense).  

Sharzad Gholikhan said she felt "the prejudice of the American nation."


And to those who say that Amnesty International and other rights groups did not have the resources to call attention to her I simply ask what resources did Amnesty require to post a 1 minute entry on their website about an Iranian-woman (and mother of 2) imprisoned on the basis that husband tried to buy some night-time binoculars ? Don't you think Amnesty could have diverted $2 of the budget they allocated to the world-wide media blitz they devoted to the *hikers* ?


My view is that under any government and under any judicial system, there appears to have been enough evidence to detain, charge, and convict the so-called *hikers* -- I can very easily see how a Judge in another jurisdiction could reach a conclusion that they were guilty. That doesn't mean I agree with every case tried before the courts of Iran.



* Who in their right mind, would ever take a chance to go into hostile territory for a hike?

* From among that population of *hikers* in California, what are the chances that 2 people, at least one of the Jewish faith, would want to go in the precise location where sectarian military violence is taking place between several competing Muslim factions?

* (Note: Think about how bizarre it would be for an American to get caught hiking on the German border during World War 2 or vice versa.)

* Add that the countries that the *hikers* originate from are actively funding and promoting terror groups on the same border (U.S. & Israeli politicians routinely and publicly support MEK and PJAK).

* Add that the countries the *hikers* are linked to (the U.S. and Israel) are beating the war drums against Iran, threatening to bomb Iran to the stone age almost on a daily basis while they both maintain a military presence near that border.

* Add that the country the *hikers* originate from just invaded 2 of the neighboring countries (Iraq and Afghanistan).

* Add that one of the alleged co-participants (Sara Shourd) jumped bail and that fleeing is often admitted as evidence of consciousness of guilt in criminal trials (I provided a link for that).

* Add that the U.S. has a history of sending operatives into Iran to manipulate the political landscape (Have you forgotten about Mosadegh? ... I promise the Judge didn't.)


       If you don't see how authorities can form a reasonable suspicion to arrest and charge the *hikers*, you're only kidding yourself. By automatically making it a *human rights* violation you're also cheapening genuine human rights violations; and endangering others.

A judge may very well have found -- based on the CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence -- that these 2 were involved in some form of intelligence gathering, meeting a contact at the border, delivering cash to operatives already in iran, or a number of acts that most other governments would object to under these same circumstances. In espionage cases, you never learn all of the details (or even in regular criminal cases).

The hikers were convicted after a trial and represented by a lawyer. Now you might not be happy with the trial that they got; however, they had lawyers and received some form of legal process (the Iranian woman represented herself). I raise this point also because the U.S. diminished its own moral authority to complain about trial standards when it started rounding up 'middle eastern' looking men, sending them to Guantanamo Bay Cuba WITHOUT TRIAL & WITHOUT A LAWYER for and INDEFINITE amount of time -- Not to mention that some of those 'detainees' were not even captured on the U.S. border (but in their home countries) and many were tortured: Have you forgotten the pictures of people standing naked holding electrical wires or having to rub human excrement on themselves? Have you forgotten the detainees that died while being interrogated?)

The *hikers* were properly arrested and the Judge used his common sense in reaching a verdict - that's what I believe happened. The reality is that a similar process takes place in U.S. courts every day (and even U.S. courts sometimes incorrectly convict a person).


more from BoosBoos

Funny how the US says one thing and does another ... agreed

by BoosBoos on

Only 8 years?  Seems like

by BaronAvak on 

Only 8 years?  Seems like the got a light sentence.  Hey, at least they got a trial, with charges filed against them, were not tortured, and their detential has a defined end period, which is more than you can say for the "enemy combatants" held by the U.S. in violation of U.S. law and international conventions.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Thaks for the links it is depressing.


Denigrating stereotypes about Iranians ...

by BoosBoos on

@ Yolanda:     Anyone spreading negative stereotypes of Iranians -- like suggesting iranians always lie for other Iranians -- will always be rejected by the majority of my people.  Your compliments of insults don't amount to a hill of beans; and only reflect on you.  I also recommend that you you read the articles "Iranian McCarthyism":   //    -------  " by yolanda on Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:20 PM PDT You lie so much for this lady just because she is Iranian! "  

"  by yolanda on Well-said! Statira! "


Another horn aimlessly beeping traffic

by BoosBoos on

by statira on And dont worry about Sharzad."


@ Statira: 

Funny, how this entire site is built on people levelling insults (without quoting others or addressing their points through the use of quotes).  I wrote about that technique ("Iranian-McCarthyism"); that's where people attribute their own head-trips to others and then write abusive comments and insults.  Unless and until you correct that technique, you're only another horn aimlessly beeping in traffic.

The technique you use is called: "iranian McCarthyism."  Here's a link explaining what that is:



Second, I want you to be free to worry about or not worry about whatever you decide is important to your life.  But in terms of your command to me ("Don't worry about Sharzad")  -- and please notice that unlike you I use quotes -- your technique is a fascist manner of depriving people of the human right of freedom of conscience to formulate their own opinions and to focus on whatever subject they want to.  

P.S. If you're going to insult someone, at least spell correctly; thanks (Do Not = Don't).   


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I truly hope

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

that we are all more worried about Iranians in Iran. People are getting imprisoned for no crimes. Forget the hikers! I do feel for Shahrzad but she will be freed in 2 years or at least I hope so.    Yes let us start a blog with the names of prisoners in Iran. Then update it when any new people are jailed.   That includes Karruboi! 



by yolanda on

Well-said! Statira!

If you were a true Iranian, you would be more concerned about thousands of innocent young, intelligent Iranians who are tortured, raped and hanged in the IRI's jails. Dont be concerned about Abu Gharib scandal, while you have Kahrizak to blog about.

Thank you!



by statira on

You are trying to intimidate everbody here by your creepy Iranian Slaves blog. You remind me of one of those Hezbolahee saggy in our school's Anjomane eslami. We used to call her Halimeh comando. About being an Iranian Slave, if you  and other low life mobs of Khate Emam, who are persuaded by the regime propaganda are a free Irani, I really prefer to be a slave.

If you were a true Iranian, you would be more concerned about thousands of innocent young, intelligent Iranians who are tortured, raped and hanged in the IRI's jails. Dont be concerned about Abu Gharib scandal, while you have Kahrizak to blog about.

And dont worry about Sharzad. She is gonna get free in less than 2 yrs and I bet she would get greeted as a hero and is gonna start her lavish life style from the money she earned thru smuggling and working for IRI. 


Repetitive Punishment of Iranian Woman

by BoosBoos on

"  by statira on BoosBoos:If you read the article( that you quoted yourself) one more time, you see it says, No one shall be liable t be tried again in criminal proceeding... OF THE SAME STATE. Sharzad's case is in two different countries.  "


Keep looking for excuses to subject this Iranian woman to repetitive punishment.  According to your logic she can be arrested and jailed for the same offense in several more countries ... where does the prosecution of her end?    

Your points have no merit:  


First, you're quoting from the European Convention on Human Rights, where; and where it uses the word "State" it actually means country.  France is a "state" (and a country), Germany is a "state"(and a country), Belgium is a "state" (and a country)

 ... do I need to go on?  


Second, this is what the U.S. Constitution says (the Iranian-woman is jailed in the U.S. for the same offense based on the same investigation):


“Nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.”

(U.S. Constitution, Am. 5.) 


The idea underlying double jeopardy is to give people a human right against imposing multiple punishments for the same offense; and this implicitly recognizes that there must be a policy of finality because an ordinary person cannot continuously keep defending against the power of a government.


According to your logic it's fair for this Iranian woman to be charged and convicted in as many countries as possible on her way back to Tehran once she gets out of a U.S. prison.  


I also noticed that you did not challenge the basis for why the U.S. has lost its moral authority on human rights issues -- that's further set forth in a Blog called "Iranian Slaves" here:




Are you even Iranian?   

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Statira

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

VPk: Dont let BoosBoos provacative name mesmerize you.

At my age I am not so easy to be mesmerized! There are a lot of facts being thrown around here:

  • Double jeopardy does not apply as one trial was in Europe and one in USA so that part is right.
  • The prosecutors did pull a fast one by offering her a deal then backing out. Why?
  • She did come to US on her own accord. I am mystified as to why. It sounds pretty stupid does anyone have a theory why?
  • The main guy got away and she seems to me like the "second prize".
  • One way or other she has 2 years remaining if I am not mistaken. So the whole sorry affair will be over in 2 years. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  • What is she going to do once she is released. Deported to Iran?



by statira on

No one shall beliable to be tried or punished again in criminal proceedings under thejurisdiction of the same State for an offencefor which he or she has already been finally acquittedor convicted in accordance with the law andpenal procedure of that State.” (European Convention onHuman Rights, Seventh Protocol to the Convention, ArticleFour.) By BoosBoos

BoosBoos:If you read the article( that you quoted yourself) one more time, you see it says, No one shall be liable t be tried again in criminal proceeding... OF THE SAME STATE. Sharzad's case is in two different countries.

VPk: Dont let BoosBoos provacative name mesmerize you.

Yolanda: Thanks x doing your assignment. It explains the case very clear. While I was reading it, I was picturing Iranian version of James bond and bond girl.


Human Issues have no gender ...

by BoosBoos on

" by Rea on Once a KGB, always a KGB.  In fact having his picture on any blog pretending to deal with women's issues ...."


The Blog does not deal with "women's issues" it deals with human issues ... what's between your legs is not relevant to the subject matter of the blog (how could it be?); and sometimes even some women have to be reminded of the discriminatory ideas they harbor.  That ideology is a part of what you are imprisoned by and that style of thinking can also be used justify discrimination by women against others.  If you hold these kinds of prejudices, what other ones do you hold?  



Innocent face ?

by Rea on

Once a KGB, always a KGB.

In fact having his picture on any blog pretending to deal with women's issues is like putting a picture of Khamenei and expecting me to believe you are talking women.

Late here, got to work tomorrow, nite.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Rea

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I think the point is that an innocent face does not mean the person is not a spy.


I'll try to be polite

by Rea on

But what the hell Putin got to do with the rest of it ?!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

IRI Spies

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Folks, I have been opposed to IRI from day one. I oppose the hostage taking; the idea of VF;  mixing religion and government. Pretty much anything they stand for. I oppose the anti-women system of IRI.

They took my father's business; my family home; our house in Shomal. All we had was taken and my father accused of both being agent of the Shah and an MKO! Wow I did not know my father was a double agent! They went so far as to execute our house keeper's son! But I try to be fair and not let hate cloud my judgment. I do not hate Iran; just oppose IRI. The problem I see with many diaspora is they mix the two. They are so angry at IRI they lash out at Iran.

Anything to do with Iran is bad. Anything to do with America is good. They fail to see there are legitimate rights any nation has. Even Iran under the IRI like the right to its borders. If you fall out of line you are labeled an IRI agent. God help you if you so much as say Iran has a right to its own borders! Interestingly this is not Americans but Iranians who say it. That is the most painful part of it. Thankfully these are the aging generation. In time be replaced with a new generation.



Any one interested in a quick-Sigheh?

by BoosBoos on

 ATTENTION:  A pro-Israeli blogger thinks I've been sent here as an "IRI spy" to "glorify Sigheh" - While submitting your sigheh application, please take the time to read the human rights abuses against an Iranian-woman above.  And notice how she never quotes me but just attributes statements to me :   

" by yolanda on You come here to gloriy IRI and glorify Sigheh."


Bravo VPK & Parthianshot91

by BoosBoos on

I read Fesenjoon's nonesense ... and I noticed both you (VPK) and Parthianshot91 were also called 'IRI spies' ... ridiculous.   I enjoyed Parthian-shot's quote.  And Fesenjoon was a pro-Israeli blogger (that's very clear from his post).     

by Parthianshot91 on 

 You see how you go ahead and call anyone who tries to protect the Iranian people, an islamist? That right there is a mentality of a lost clueless fool. I don't care how horrible this regime is, I would never  jump on the bandwagon of the same person that is trying to ridicule my people,



by yolanda on



Are you done?

by BoosBoos on

by yolanda on 


   I really can't use you as a source for this case 'cause you have lied so many times:

You said this lady was put into jail without a trial: Lie!  [ MY REPLY: She was subjected to 3 legal proceedings 1 of them was a conviction "in absentia" which means she did not participate.] 

You said she does not have an attorney: lie! [MY REPLY: She was self-represented; when she did not have the money to hire a private defense attorney they assigned an attorney to her that had the same negative views of Iranians that you do.  Finally, she ended-up facing the court on her own. She did not have a lawyer at the time she was convicted or sentenced.] 

You don't have a lot of choices not to lie 'cause you have to follow IRI's official lines to fight for this lady!  [MY REPLY:  That's all you know how to say because you don't address facts - you're featured in the blog called "Iranians Slaves" where I quote you: // ]

The world is not stupid! If this lady is really wrongfully accused and unfairly treated, people will fight for her.....just like the world is behind Sakineh! [The woman that admitted to killing her husband so she could screw someone else?  Good luck! ]  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear BoosBoos

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

The worst part of our predicement is self imposed sterotyping. Before you joined there was some guy named "Fesenjoon". He used to write blogs trashing Iranian people right and left. His reasoning was to jolt us into action. But not once would he say anything good about Iranians. I sparred with him pretty much non stop. He was finally banned for using foul and insulting words. Here is a sample of his blog:  
  • // 



by yolanda on



Dear VPK: "Iranian Slaves"

by BoosBoos on

Read "Iranian Slaves" ... it puts the Double Jeopardy argument into sharper focus.  I'll look for some other sources for you, but the Miami paper doesn't have personal knowledge, yet employed many anti-Iranian stereotypes (that are Dangerous to all Iranians).  The lack of News stories is also part of the problem, few are willing to discuss the predicament of the Iranian-woman while giving front page coverage to the hikers. That's one of the issues. 

Iranians Slaves: 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear BoosBoos

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The problem is that Miami Herald is one of the few American sources. I searched and did not find much other than that. Do you have access to other links? I would prefer to get the story from various sources. 

A possible source is "Democracy Now" by Amy Goodman who is pretty fair. I am not sure if she did a story on this. But if she did you will be likely to get a far more balanced report.


Stereotypes of Iranians ... that's all you've posted

by BoosBoos on

But Yolanda, you and the Miami paper both employ anti-Iranian stereotypes ... the Miami paper hasn't included information on personal observations - it's engaged in a lot of character assasination of the woman based on stereotypes of Iranians.  

You do the same, while making excuses for the 3 "hikers":

" by yolanda on Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:20 PM PDT You lie so much for this lady just because she is Iranian! "



by yolanda on

Hi Statira,

     I did some homework. When Shahrzad and Seif were arrested in Austria in 2004, they were divorced already, but they were business partners! Seif relied on the lady to do all the e-mail exchange with the night vision goggles dealer in is how they were arrested:


"Gholikhan grabbed the papers. Alex snatched them back. She said, "What do you mean, it's illegal? We can't just put this in our luggage and go home?" Gholikhan claims Seif then muttered in Persian for her to shut up; he'd explain everything later.

The trio discussed the possibility of shipping the goggles via DHL. Ultimately, Seif decided it would be better to drop them at the Iranian Embassy in Vienna. They could be placed in a diplomatic purse, treated as sovereign property, and carried out of Austria undetected.

From a separate hotel room, Special Agent Ron Kriske, a square-jawed, bald-headed officer fighting weapons proliferation for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), secretly watched the meeting on monitors and listened via an audio feed. A translator interpreted the Persian for him. He claims he never recorded the meeting.

After 15 minutes, Seif, Gholikhan, Alex, and "the bodyguard" (in actuality, a German-speaking Austrian agent) made their way out of the hotel to a gray Audi. Seif carried a laptop. Alex opened the trunk and unzipped an Adidas duffle bag. Inside was a smaller green bag. He invited Seif to lean his head into the trunk and peer through the goggles.

Seif accepted the duffle, and the parties said their goodbyes. Seif and Gholikhan were about 10 steps away from the car when teams of policemen jumped out of two vans, guns drawn."


Don't fall into my "trap."

by BoosBoos on

 VPK, don't fall into my "trap": Because if you do it will me that you preserved your ability to read quotable facts, form your own opinion, not be forced into endorsing a position through insults, and care about the national security of your country (regardless of who is in power in Iran).  Read below and also have a look at my Blog on "Iranian-McCarthyism."    //  ------------------------------------------   

" by statira on VPk, You're a nice man. Dont fall into BoosBoos' trap."


" by statira on She was convicted in two different courts and two different countries for the same crime. So there must be some beyond reasonable doubt evidences against her. "


 " by statira on Where did you get your law degree? Hoze Elmieh Ghom? "


“Nor shall anyperson be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life orlimb.” (U.S. Constitution.)


“No one shall beliable to be tried or punished again in criminal proceedings under thejurisdiction of the same State for an offencefor which he or she has already been finally acquittedor convicted in accordance with the law andpenal procedure of that State.” (European Convention onHuman Rights, Seventh Protocol to the Convention, ArticleFour.)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It is really hard to get unbiased information. Most of the stuff is either from US media or So I have to filter them through my "BS filter". Most the time there is nothing left :-) 

The little I know says that there were 3 trials:

  • Vienna - 28 days which sounds pretty minimal. I would say does not in any way justify the 5 year term US gave her.
  • USA - no verdict; a retrial was ordered. 
  • USA - given 5 year term.

A 28 day conviction is one thing; a 5 year thing is totally different. You get 28 days for a joint or a late alimony payment. You get 5 years for armed robbery. I see no way that the first one justifies the second one. Anyway say she was married; does that mean she is responsible for the husband? The only time you get in trouble for family is parent are responsible for their kids. Even then you don't get jail but have to compensate damages.



by statira on

I have more assignments x you. Could you find out if she was married to her husband during those illigal activities? She had some involvements in those smugglings even if the goods was under the name of her husband. Perhaps, after she got divorced, she felt she would be clear of every charges and retruned to U.S.

She was convicted in two different courts and two different countries for the same crime. So there must be some beyond reasonable doubt evidences against her.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I did some of my home work

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It turns out the person trying to send the goggles was the ex-husband not her. So I am not sure why she is convicted and not him. If my ex-wife kills someone do they put me in jail?  Arresting family members is a hallmark of IRI and Soviet Union not a democracy. 

Hence there must be some connection that ties them together. 

This is from Miami Herald:

By the time the case finally made it to an American court four years later, Gholikhan had served 28 days in Austria, slipped by extradition attempts in two countries, and surprised everyone involved by voluntarily boarding a plane to Miami and surrendering to federal officials.

Why did she get on a plane and go to USA? Is she stupid or did she feel innocent. Even so why take a chance. It does not make any sense to me. Most likely she felt innocent. Here is some more:

In spring 2008, the U.S. government offered Gholikhan a plea deal for time served. She accepted and pleaded guilty to one charge. Days later, at the sentencing hearing, the government said there had been a miscalculation. She would actually have to serve 29 months. Gholikhan balked and withdrew her plea. She would rather take her chances at trial on six charges: brokering the export of defense articles, exporting defense articles, attempting to export goods to Iran, and three related conspiracy charges.

Note: US gives her a deal; then backs off which does not sound fair to me. Miscalculation: tough the US made a deal and had to stick by it. But they did not and basically lied to her. 

Later, Kriske contradicted himself, saying he didn't record the meeting because it would have been illegal under Austrian law.

The prosecution then claimed to have her recorded. When she implied the recording would exonerate her the prosecution backed off and said they did not have a recording. Have you heard: prosecution misconduct?

This sounds to me that the prosecution could not get the "right guy". In their anger they got this woman so they would not go without a result. We see it all the time not just with Americans. It happens to regular Americans. Prosecutors want convictions. That is how they earn their living. I know because I know people in the business. It is a screwed up system. Many innocent people get regularly convicted. Prosecutors routinely hide evidence that may prove innocence ...