I interview Ambassador John Limbert for Persian Heritage Magazine

I interview Ambassador John Limbert for Persian Heritage Magazine
by Brian Appleton

This is part one of an interview I did for Persian Heritage Magazine of Ambassador John Limbert; peace maker, former assistant deputy secretary of State, Ambassador to the Iran desk of the Mid East Section of the US State Dept, Distinguished professor of history at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md and former US Embassy hostage in Tehran.



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If you haven't read this excellent interview by Brian Aryadoost

by MaryamJoon on

"OonYaroo," You should read the interview and stop calling him names.  You should be happy that this gentleman has taken the time to conduct and write a serious interview (one of the only few on this site). 

He knows Iran and Iranians better than the Likudniks and whatever other mischievous factions post insulting messages here all the time.

And if Brian's pen-name is "Aryadoost" or "Ali," that's his business.  I met Oliver Stone's son and he said call me Shawn Ali-Stone, and i respected that because that's his life decision.  I suggest you respect Aryadoost's decision also; Like I said, he knows Iran and Iranians better than you do.

Brian Appleton

Nokaretam Maryamjoon

by Brian Appleton on

I learned from John's book: How to Negotiate with Iran about how American military, military trainers and their dependants had immunity from Iranian Law since Harry Truman. That is why they acted like first class citizens over there. This is the same reason that even the pupper PM in Iraq did not let 30,000 US troops stay in Iraq because Obama asked for their immunity from local law. America has got to stop thinking it is better than everybody else just because it has the biggest and most advanced military. Might does not equal right. Everytime they say to Iran do as we say not as we do they are empowering the regime. A third world country especially one like Iran which has been invaded repeatedly has to worry about its sovereignty which is not something most Americans can relate to. The words international oblicgations, illicit nuclear program...this is all propaganda as Iran has not violated the terms of the NPT. America does not take well to getting kicked out of a colony. It has never gotten over Cuba and only got over China because China is big enough to hurt us. Invading Iraq was an unjustifiable act of aggression in my opinion and the expense of that war helped cause this recession. It only benefitted the defence contractors who are all back on their feet now. We must stop casting stones at others and clean up our own house. Every day I see beggars in the streets of America. I did not see that in Iran in 2008. We need to take a good hard look at ourslelves. I heard Mrs. Bahadorzadeh speak at Stanford about the Kharizakh Foundation and its unique and successful treatment of indigent elderly, handicapped and orphans and how they create a community not segregated by age and teach everyone employable skills. Her closing snetence was that Iran had things to teach the rest of the world. But our media serves only the multinationals agenda and if an American has heard the word Kharizakh it is only in reference to the prison abuse after the 2009 election fraud. If a female activist is raped by her prison guard in Iran it makes international news but according to a US government website there is a sexual assault every two minutes in the USA and it doesn't even make the news unless it is something spectacular like a mass rape and shooting with automatic weapons...the point is that governments are failing the needs of the people on both sides and citizen diplomacy is what is filling the void. People don't want wars...dirty old men want wars


Brian H. Appleton


Rasool Aryadust

Brian Appleton


by Brian Appleton on

very amusing ... there actually are some things America could learn from Iran by the way but not the ones on your list


Brian H. Appleton


Rasool Aryadust

Brian Appleton


by Brian Appleton on

very amusing 


Brian H. Appleton


Rasool Aryadust

Oon Yaroo

"what is the answer?" Here is a practical answer...!

by Oon Yaroo on

First, we will have all American males change their names from John, Dave, Bill....to Mohammad, Ali, Hossein, .... and their heads all wrapped around with white and black rags and towels....!

Second, we will have all American females change their names from Janet, Peggy, Barbara, ... to Fatmeh, Khadijeh, Soghra,.... and their whole body immersed into blank tents.

Next, we will invite Ayatollah Khamenei to Washington D.C. to lead the newly converted 300 million Americans in a Friday prayer facing the Washington monument.

Then, we will have a massive Ashura ritual with the whole gang beating their chests with bear hands and chains and cracking their heads wide open bleeding all the way from the White House to the Arlington National Cemetery for another round of self beating and hey maybe we can rile the crowd up to chant the familiar "Marg Bar Amerika!" Hey, wait a second, isn't that "Marg Bar Ourselves!?"

I am willing to bet my money that this American gesture will convince and persuade the mullahs in Iran to give up on their hell bent convictions to bring death to America!

Now, Hojatollah Rassoul, ain't that a viable solution!? :-)



Brian Aryadoost Gerami

by MaryamJoon on

Don't take some of these profiles too seriously.  

They have certain objectives: (a) To try to convince as many Iranians to repeat Likud's talking points; (b) To defame certain religions in an effort to pry away converts to the Bahai movement; (c) To create anxiety among Iranians; (d) To try to make Iranians in the US feel politically powerless; and (e) to ratchet-up as much anti-regime sentiment as possible in case of an invasion so there are people on the ground in Iran that *may* be friendly to the invaders and welcome them as 'liberators.' 

On a totally different note.  I enjoyed your site and your interview with Limbert. I had read his history on the origin of the Kurds before, but I didn't realize it was the same Limbert.  I would encourage him to go back to Iran (with permission of course).  Someone like him can do a lot to bridge the impasse, and it seems silly for people to carry feuds that even the original parties to the feud left behind long ago.    

I also very much enjoyed your memories of Iran.  As I read your site I realized that while we were all in a blissful social bubble pre-revolution there was also a political storm brewing that no one really saw coming.  And i believe it all could have been avoided.  Astonishingly, what was wrong with US foreign policy then, is doubly more so now.  For example, when one hears Limbert speak, it's clear he has an understanding of Iran. However, some of the up-&-comers in the US State Dpt. don't really seem to have a handle on what Iran is or who Iranians are.

Best wishes. 


Brian Appleton

what is the answer?

by Brian Appleton on

are you a proponent of all out war then...Of the US invading and throwing out the current government and making Iran into a vassal state once more? If you are going to critique then tell us what solution you propose. 

Brian H. Appleton


Rasool Aryadust

Brian Appleton

what is the answer?

by Brian Appleton on

are you a proponent of all out war then...Of the US invading and throwing out the current government and making Iran into a vassal state once more? If you are going to critique then tell us what solution you propose. 

Brian H. Appleton


Rasool Aryadust


Still Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome

by Faramarz on


A nice guy who believes that if Obama gets on a plane and go to Iran and show some love, Rahbar, Sepah and Basij will reciprocate.

Iranian protesters of 2009 tried the same thing with Rahbar, Sepah and Basij and ended up being detained, raped and tortured at Kahrizak.

Love is not the answer here!