ایرانی نمونه


by Fred

در این روزگار پَست و پلید سالاری در ایران و رسوب دد منشی حاکمان به سطح جامعه؛ دلبستن به آینده ای روشن سخت است.

دقیقاً دو سال پیش دیروز، در طی تظاهرات مسالمت آمیز مردم ایران؛ ندا آقا سلطان، مانند بسیار ی دیگر، توسط گلولۀ یکی از مأمورین بسیجی نظام پر برکت به قتل رسید.

در آن بحبوحه که میرفت ندا هم بشود یک قربانی از یاد رفتۀ دیگر که قتل او توسط مأمورین ماستمالی و به سخره گرفته شود؛ یکنفر از مال و جان و همۀ تعلقات در ایران گذشت؛ پا پیش نهاد و با متانت، تعقل و بدون شاخ و برگ دادن های معمول، با رسانه های جهان آزاد مصاحبه کرد.

او در لحظه جان دادن ندا کنار او بود، آرش حجازی؛ پزشک، روزنامه نگار، نویسنده، مترجم و ناشر کتاب است.

روزی که ایران از یوغ اسارت اسلامیست ها آزاد شود؛ آرش حجازی جای ویژه ای در تاریخ مبارزات ایرانیان خواهد داشت.

درود بر مادر و پدری که آرش را تربیت کرده اند؛ آفرین بر فرهنگ و کشوری که در عین بلا، از ایندست فرزندان در آن رشد میکنند.

با چنین ایرانیان؛ امید بستن به رهایی، خوشبختی، آبادی و سرافرازی ایران؛ امید واهی نمیباشد.



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ادا اطوار اسلامی
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مسجد همجنسگرایان
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Iranians are legitimate target
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more from Fred
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not think you are a paid agent of IR. But I have a problme iwth Islam. It is not just the followers but the religion itself that is a problem. You know as well as I that it is cooked up BS. I still do not understand why would someone betray his own people and subject them to 1400 years of hell still going. Maybe in retrospect you should have not joined with Mohammad. It was obvious he was no better than Mobeds. Those who followed were just as bad.

If you are honest then you know Quoran is just made up. There was no divine inspiration. Just a power hungry and mentally insane man named Mohammad. He initially realized he was nuts until Khadijeh convinced him otherwise.

He should have gone with his initial and right reaction. He was nuts and knew it! But then got power hungry. Mobed or Mollah are the same. Power corrupts and does not matter who has it. Very few people are able to resist the temptation.

salman farsi

Thanks brother VPK for being so considerate!

by salman farsi on

Well at least you know why I broke ranks with those corrupts "moobeds" and joined the glorious faith of Islam.

But I still don;t understand why you and your pal, Ghassem from Ghiass Abad, think I am a paid agent of the regime.

I am as much aginst them as you guys are. The only difference between me and you guys is that I believe Islam per se has no problem and it is its followers who are to be blamed.

 For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I mean ex-Roozbeh sorry I forgot to mention you. No disrespect meant. I did not mean to hurt your feelings. You did get one thing right. The Sassanid Zartoshti orthodoxy was very power hungry and rotten. Probably had a lot to do with weakening of Sassanids. And of the reluctance of Iranian masses to support Yazdgird III as they should have. I think most of them switch to being Mollahs after Islam came and I am not joking.

They could care less whether they said "bename Izad" or "Bsmellah". As long as money flows in they are happy. So Salman your attempt to rid Iran of corrupt Mobeds simply replaced them with corrupt Mollahs. They even managed to take worst of Zartoshti {see Vandidad} and bring it into Islam. I strongly urge all of you to read it and see how Islam was modeled after Sassanid Zartoshti. Here is it: //irantarikh.com/persia/vandidad.htm . Skip the first three fargards and go on from the 4th where the rules for "offenses" begin.

The greatest harm was that we did not become free; just nearly lost our culture. Which was saved thanks to Ferdowsi and other greats. If we want to be free we need to rid ourselves of orthodoxy of religion.


Pendar nick and Israel. Mullahs contribution to Iran history

by Siavash300 on

"The burden of Israel on the American taxpayers is a known fact "Pendar nik

Are we suppose to be worry about America? Our country call Iran, not America Mr. Pendar.

Israel has never invaded Iran, nor did any Iranian were being killed by Israelis.

On strike contrast, Iran was invaded by lizard eater Arabs and Iranian were being raped and killed by Arabs during 8 years war with Iraq.  That is a known fact. 

I am surprised you didn't know that.  

Mullah's contribution to Iran history is their sperms. They were promoting prostitution by making left and right Segheh. One of the mullahs has 16 segheh. I see some of mullahs' illegitimate children on you tub and I.C. these days.  



by ComraidsConcubine on

 ACCIDENTALLY, mea culpa for not reading everything that's typed here

 Mea mea, mwwwa mwwwa ! mwwwa 


salman farsi

Thank God you excluded me VPK

by salman farsi on

Remeber I am as much against the IRI as Salam Farsi was against the corrupt and power mad Zorasterian preists. I am sure yo know what I  mean

 For an Islamic democracy


Long like "alchemy" of basic (il)literacy

by AMIR1973 on

The female Groupie of the (Stalinist IRI) Groupie, i.e. Pendar-e Neek (previously "Comrade"), says:

"Where "accidental hero" turns into "accidental death".

Just a couple of days ago, the Groupie himself said, in reference to Neda Aghasoltan:

"But remember that her accidental death while she was peacefully strolling in the street alongside her piano instructor can not symbolize our nation's struggle for freedom." 

Is this a failure of memory or simply a case of illiteracy on the part of said female Groupie?  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Well the usual

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


shameless IRI groupies are out again. As usual:

  • Pendar beats up on Jews. The Islamist "cure all". When all else fails blame Israel! What the heck did Israel have to do with anything? It was the IRI thugs not Israel who murdered Neda. Accident my ***.
  • ComraidsConcubine makes no sense whatsoever.

So we have the Islamist combination of antisemitism and utter nonsense. Perfect mixture for a cult made up of a bunch of murderers.


Halleluja! Long live IC alchemy

by ComraidsConcubine on

 Where "accidental hero" turns into "accidental death"



This needs patenting! 

 I really do wonder if Fred needs genius "allies", who come up with this bit of epic classic logic and Fred knows what I mean:


"BtW: I have hightest IQ like FRed & RostamZ.  I have a Ph.D. in hardest area in science.  So, Mr. Pendar e Nick & Demo who must be one in two different IDs, you are one of those Islamist too."


Anyway, carry on.... But do try to keep away from explosives.



Thank you Mryam

by Simorgh5555 on

The audacity of anyone calling Neda's death an 'accident' makes my blood boil. Neda's assassin was captured on video and admitted that he fired the fatal shot although he did not aim for Neda. This is irrrlevant as a Basij he went to confront demonstrator and carried a rifle to harm them. This itself was a crime. Any dirty Basij who wants to harm our young men and women deserve to be punishee. I cannot believe how someone can steep so low and call Neda's death an accdident. Shame on them.



by Simorgh5555 on

Kindly elaborate by what you mean by when you say "our nation"? Nation to me means Iran and Iran has no qualms with Israel. How.much do you earn every year which makes you such am important tax payer? Go to US AID and explore how much of your money is being sucked into a blackhole of debt in developing countries especially in Africa where there is no accoutability or government.
But this is beside the point and I do not want to deviate from the main topic which is Neda.
By calling Neda's death you might as well be spitting on her grave. Getting hit by a bus is an accident. Falling down a slippery staircase is an accident. Getting struck by lightning is an accident. It is not an accident for a Basiji man who was recorded on video sporting a rifle and went to confront demonstrators an accident. He shot his weapon whether or not he was aiming for Neda or not but an intent to harm demonstrators was there. Thank you for confirming to me that all Palestinian civillians in killed in Gaza in 2010 were all accidental deaths. You have been a useful tool for the IDF by rubbishing Judge Goldstone's report blaming Israel for war crimes. Its how the gun went off and not the intention to kill.

Maryam Hojjat

Fred + S5555 + VPOK you All said well in

by Maryam Hojjat on

defense of innocent Neda.  I believe we need educational classes for parents to teach our children ethical and moral values such ones that Arash Hejazi portryed.  Hopefully soon in FREE Democratic IRAN & Free from akhoonds and backward, Barbarian Islamists.

salman farsi

In Islam killing an innocent is the same as killing the world

by salman farsi on

Khamenei/Ahmadinejad/Mousavi and Karroubi are all guilty

 For an Islamic democracy


Wake Up Call!

by Demo on

The whole issue about this lady's death & others 2 years ago is around the regime's crediability. 'Lost it all if there was ever any.' Their explanations of the events, the killings, the arrests, the mocking trials, & etc. led to where we are today. We all can write the beautiful essays like below & argue over Israel & etc. but GOD's hands to bring justice of his own to the criminals must not be forgotten as per his word in Quran: 'The killing without a cause of a human is like killing of many nations to come!!!'



"Pendar-e palid"

by پندارنیک on

Accidental hero.............Reading is an earthly thing, while understanding seems to be a matter of heavenly miracle.

Hands off the dear memory of Neda. Show some respect to her family and friends ..........Enough of Israeli propaganda at the expense of her precious blood.

No more replies from me.....


"Israel who has never done us any harm."

by پندارنیک on

The burden of Israel on the American taxpayers is a known fact and an under-the-surface social buzz. Israel is no longer an asset but a liability in the American political ledger.

One has to be from beyond Mars or from the other galaxy (the one whose discovery was posted in the news section by yourself) in order to deny the harms of Israel to our nation. Your biased standing is revolting.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

In Neda's memory

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The memory of the brutal murder of Neda will never go away. Pendar-e palid. You should be ashamed of even suggesting this. Accident my foot. Next you will claim all the rapes and tortures were just accidents as well.

Oh did Khomeini accidentally shoot all the Marxists or burn down Cinema Rex. Buddy your Akhoonds deeded will never be forgotten. Even after their trial and punishment there will be monuments. There will be streets and squares named after Neda; Cinema Rex and the murdered Marxists. There will be national holidays to remind new generations for a thousand years of the evil of IR. If you think you are off the hook you are sadly mistaken. Mollahs are toast and they know it.


Pendare Nik

by Simorgh5555 on

You are not even worthy of mentioning Neda's name let alone making an assessment of her legacy. She embodie the hopes and happiness which Iranians aspire to have. No self respecting Iranian would toil day and night for Palestine and support engaging in hostilities against another country such as Israel who has never done us any harm.
Neda' fiance did a wonderful and corageous act to go to Israel by showing the world that Iran is not filled with small minded anti-semites. You are just jealous Caspian did what you have dreamed of all of.your life: to go to Israel.
I urge more Iranians to learn from the example set by Caspian and visit Israel. Israel and Iranians will unite and leave the Islamist-Leftist garbage in the cesspit of history.


Of Neda

by پندارنیک on

The exploitative use of the dear memory of the late Neda has to stop at once. Those of us who try to use her name, and the shocking image of her last precious breath to their dubious and self-serving political end, have to understand the emotional burden imposed on her dear family and friends.

The desired change within Iranian political arena will not be achieved by propagation of accidental heroes such as Neda whose social status in no shape and form resonate with the economical class of the majority of the people.

True heroes of our nation who will ultimately bring about the desired changes to the Iranian political scene may or may not be able to afford hiring a piano instructor, but no fiance of a real Iranian hero would ever take an all-paid promotional trip to Israel..........Of that I'm pretty sure.