سال سی


by Fred

در این روزهای پر آب چشم تلخ تر از زهر هلاهل که شاهد قلع و قمع گسترده، قتل و مثله کردن زن و مرد و کودک ایرانی، سه طلاقه کردن آزادی، برگزاری دادگاه های آنچنانی و اعترافات رقت انگیز تلویزیونی میباشیم، برای آندسته که در انتظار اصلاح در درون و از درون رژیم پر برکت جمهوری اسلامی چشم براه میباشند و پس از بسی رنج برده شده در این سال سی اعتقاد راسخشان به اصلاحات چکه چکه خدشه برنداشته یاد آوری دیروز امروزین پر بدک نمیباشد.

«... تا دو روز دیگر عمر نخستین مجلس شورای اسلامی که این‌جانب عضو آن بودم و از مزایای این عضویّت، از جمله مصونیّت پارلمانی برخوردار بودم به پایان می‌رسد. از پس‌فردا من نیز مانند بقیّه موکّلینم قابل تعقیب و بازداشت و تأدیب هستم. به همین دلیل نیز با استفاده از فرصتی که رئیس مجلس در اختیار بنده گذاشته‌اند می‌خواهم به اطّلاع برسانم که اگر در روزهای بعد شاهد گردیدید که بنده را بازداشت کردند و بعد با تبلیغات و سر و صدا اعلام نمودند که بنده جهت بعضی توضیحات و روشن نمودن حقایق در تلویزیون ظاهر خواهم شد و در صورتی که دیدید آن شخص حرف‌هایی غیر از سخنان دیروز و امروز می‌زند و مثل طوطی مطالبی را تکرار می‌کند، بدانید و آگاه باشید که آن فرد مهدی بازرگان نیست.»

مهندس مهدی بازرگان در آخرین جلسه‌ی دوره‌ی اوّل مجلس شورای اسلامی روزنامه جمهوری اسلامی اردیبهشت


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ادا اطوار اسلامی
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مسجد همجنسگرایان
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Iranians are legitimate target
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samsam, cheers excludes muslims who cannot drink beer!

by Anonymous8 on

do not be exclusive!



by SamSamIIII on



or as Machiavelli says; choose your battles selectively.

Ommaties survival has always been thru lies & half-truths. chameleons.

Cheers Patriot !!!




Re: Q

by jamshid on

Q, I am not surprised that you are not answering the questions I have been asking you here and elsewhere. It only helps prove my point.

Just for the record, by asking these questions, I do not mean to find out your answers, as I could already guess what your answers might be.

The purpose of asking these questions was to corner you in a way that would reveal your dishonest (moozi) and coward (do roo) personality, a mollah without the turban.

Thank you for the assist.


Fred and farhad

by KouroshS on

The professor was extremely busy dispesing life advice right next door. You should have seen the brow-beating that some of us got in there. I think there is so much free advice that has been prepared by someone or some organization out there, ready to be given out, and i really don't think anyone should stay bee naseeb. Heyfe be vallahe.


LOL, look who's talking!

by Q on

hate has made your comments as undecipherable as your rape/murder based ideology.



Senile Islamist

by Fred on

At your advanced age you might be experiencing senility, your unbridle Islamist hate has made your comments as undecipherable as your rape/murder based ideology.  Go about chatting nonsense, and yes airtight sanction is the death of your ideology, your cutthroat republic and your homicidal, rapist brethrens.


Exactly Fred!

by Q on

That's what I thought.

How desperately unoriginal of you Fred. Yes, I was talking about Molana's Poem!!! His famous "se charkheh savaran!" I must have missed that one.

Once again I have to hand it to you for your spirit of "cultural appreciation". I'm certain if they were alive today, all the great Iranian poets would join you singing hymns about total sanctions.

aged Islamist wedding photographer who specializes in whitewashing his Islamist cutthroat republic’s routine rape, torture and murdering of Iranians

Good Fred: Dont' forget hateful thoughts and hateful deeds. You are one third of the way there...


Islamist with gall on steroids

by Fred on

Only an Islamist has the gall to talk about hate and when it comes to gall on steroids, the aged Islamist wedding photographer who specializes in whitewashing his Islamist cutthroat republic’s routine rape, torture and murdering of Iranians takes the cake.

BTW, if the aged Islamist's understanding of cited Molana line is manifestation of hate, then maybe for the very first time in his life he should take his hateful blinders off.


Fred and Samsam

by Q on

It's perhaps not surprising to know that even your poetry is full of hate and bigotry.

Good job being such magnificent ambassadors of Persian "culture." From what people see of you, there is no doubting, you have the three basics down:

hateful thoughts
hateful speech
hateful conduct

Thank You again for your self-sacrificing work toward a culture you are supposedly "defending."

Farhad Kashani

Fred jaan,   Great

by Farhad Kashani on

Fred jaan,


Great piece as always.


Just wanted to say, I remember a time when this site, and other Iranian sites, were manipulated by a few IRI supporters and apologizers. How else would you explain the Iranian people being forgotten by the world all these years?

If it wasn’t for the efforts of people like you and Samsam111 and others, the Iranian people in Iran would have no voice and no one and no means to speak on their behalf. You started speaking out and as result, the world soon realized what is going on in Iran and that IRI is not only a disaster for Iran, but also a nightmare for world peace, co existence and global harmony.


You guys have contributed greatly and I have to say at this point, it’s even more crucial to speak out.


So keep up the good work.



سام سام


پیام دریافت شد، سبز باشی و همواره قبراق



by SamSamIIII on



گرگان و سگان امتی از در و ديوار
واق واق ميکنن جارکشيِ سيد علی بيکار
تخم و تره رژيم قادس همه جمعند
هيجده ميليارد و نيمشان ترکيه در بند
از شيخ و ان شريعتی گفته بيارند
از ناف دل امام افسانه نگارند
سام سام به تو گويد چو ايرانيه دانا
بگذار ز عبا سوزی ان شيخ بنالند
چون سگ نتواند که بگريد ز غم و درد
او زوزه کنان ياد امامش به دل اورد
ان خنده که بر لب حاجيت تو ديده
ان خنده ترسی ست ز فرجام,که تو شلوار ريده

 سام سام


آن مگس بر برگ


آن مگس بر برگ کاه و بول خر

همچو کشتیبان همی افراشت سر

گفت من دریا و کشتی خوانده‌ام

مدتی در فکر آن می‌مانده‌ام

اینک این دریا و این کشتی و من

مرد کشتیبان و اهل و رای‌زن

بر سر دریا همی راند او عمد

می‌نمودش آن قدر بیرون ز حد


سه چرخه سواران مولانا دوست


آن سه چرخه سوارهایی که گز نکرده پاره و  آشنایی آنها با شعر از طریق کاوش واژگان کلیدی است خوش باشد که خود مثنوی، هر چاپ آکادمیک آن، نیکلسن، شادروان فروزانفر یا آخرین و کاملترین آنها به تصحیح محمد استعلامی را مطالعه فرمایند باشد دریچه های دیگری به کهکشان انسانیت برویشان باز شود. مولانا حیلی حرفها زده که باید در کلیت و نه خوشه چینی سنجیده شود. یک چیزی تو مایه آنچه خود او راجع به معز برداری و پوست را برای ابلهان بجاگذاشتن.  درست خلاف آنچه آن شارلاتان حاج فرج دباغ میکند. 

  سخت گیری و تعصب خامی است

تا جنینی کار خون آشامی است

  در ضمن  سری هم به نسیمی بزنند تا بفهمند یک من ماست چقدر کره داره و این ره که میروند به ترکستان است.  



Fred, why do you have to insult everyone?

by Anonymous8 on

why do you have so many strange name calling for people you are arguing with? does it help with your case to make up curses and employments for them?

if you are not anti Islam, why do you call people you don't like "haji" and "islamist" in the same way as insults?


بود شاهی در


بود شاهی در جهودان ظلم‌ساز

دشمن عیسی و نصرانی گداز

عهد عیسی بود و نوبت آن او

جان موسی او و موسی جان او

شاه احول کرد در راه خدا

آن دو دمساز خدایی را جدا

شاه از حقد جهودانه چنان

گشت احول کالامان یا رب امان

صد هزاران مؤمن مظلوم کشت

که پناهم دین موسی را و پشت

گفت ترسایان پناه جان کنند

دین خود را از ملک پنهان کنند

کم کش ایشان را که کشتن سود نیست

دین ندارد بوی مشک و عود نیست

سر پنهانست اندر صد غلاف

ظاهرش با تست و باطن بر خلاف

شاه گفتش پس بگو تدبیر چیست

چاره‌ی آن مکر و آن تزویر چیست

تا نماند در جهان نصرانیی

نی هویدا دین و نه پنهانیی

گفت ای شه گوش و دستم را ببر

بینی‌ام بشکاف و لب در حکم مر

بعد از آن در زیردار آور مرا

تا بخواهد یک شفاعت گر مرا

بر منادی‌گاه کن این کار تو

بر سر راهی که باشد چارسو

آنگهم از خود بران تا شهر دور

تا در اندازم دریشان شر و شور

پس بگویم من بسر نصرانیم

ای خدای رازدان می‌دانیم

شاه واقف گشت از ایمان من

وز تعصب کرد قصد جان من

خواستم تا دین ز شه پنهان کنم

آنک دین اوست ظاهر آن کنم

شاه بویی برد از اسرار من

متهم شد پیش شه گفتار من

گفت گفت تو چو در نان سوزنست

از دل من تا دل تو روزنست

من از آن روزن بدیدم حال تو

حال تو دیدم ننوشم قال تو

گر نبودی جان عیسی چاره‌ام

او جهودانه بکردی پاره‌ام

بهر عیسی جان سپارم سر دهم

صد هزاران منتش بر خود نهم

جان دریغم نیست از عیسی ولیک

واقفم بر علم دینش نیک‌نیک

صد هزاران مرد ترسا سوی او

اندک‌اندک جمع شد در کوی او

او بیان می‌کرد با ایشان براز

سر انگلیون و زنار و نماز

او به ظاهر واعظ احکام بود

لیک در باطن صفیر و دام بود

بهر این بعضی صحابه از رسول

ملتمس بودند مکر نفس غول

کو چه آمیزد ز اغراض نهان

در عبادتها و در اخلاص جان

فضل طاعت را نجستندی ازو

عیب ظاهر را بجستندی که کو

مو به مو و ذره ذره مکر نفس

می‌شناسیدند چون گل از کرفس

موشکافان صحابه هم در آن

وعظ ایشان خیره گشتندی بجان



Dr. Haji Strangelove

by Fred on

In your last fatwa you accused me of being “Anti-Islam” and pro destruction of Iran. I asked you to prove it, citing my own words and obviously you can’t. I know being a shameless Islamist has its privileges, one of them is having the ultimate power to mark others for death without batting an eye, your brethrens do it every minute of the day.

 As for your efforts towards Islamist nuke under the guise of nationalism, national interests of Iran are something you need to lookup its definition in a local library’s reference book, Shariati garbage ain't a good source, Khodeti Haji




by Mammad on

The imbecile with atomic-size brain (IASB) which is, however, empty, has a name for everybody, because he "respects" the "gentlemen agreement." So, calling Q  Q is, in his opinion, violating the "agreement," and worse than calling him wedding photographer (although there is nothing wrong with being a wedding photographer; it is an art).

IASB claims that APIPAC wants to help Iran and Iranians. Tow khod hadees-e mofassal khaan az in mojmal.

Absolutely: Between AIPAC and defending Iran's right to a full cycle of uranium enrichment, people like me won't hesitate even for a moment to pick the latter, and do so proudly. A nation either has the rights or it does not. If it does - which in this case does - then they must be defended. These rights are not wishy washy issues that IASB or his AIPAC masters can deny or change or spin. He thinks baa halvaa halvaa goftan dahanesh shirin misheh!

The reason that IASB attacks people like me senselessly is that he knows that what people like me write about the nuclear issue has been influential. If it were not, he would not have given a hoot. AIPAC and their agents go after only those people who have influence, or may do something that may change the public opinion.

This is the same man that has mocked, attacked, and named called Bazargan and people like him too many times. His brain is atomic size, but his arrogance is larger than the universe. He thinks that he can do or say whatever and get away with it. He has been caught, and has lost his nerves.



Presumptions abound

by Mehrban on

like usual my friend ID you make an arrogant comment.  So be it, you are you. My question starts with the first comment by Midwesty questioning Freds qualification to even comment on this issue.

هل کام و ناز را در کوی رندی راه نیست 

The rest is history of derailments.

Islamic Republic has been repugnantly violent from day one and it still is.  That is the point (I think).  It is a simple and valid point.  


Friday, August 07,

by vildemose on

Friday, August 07, 2009

Iran Update

Some experts are raising the question about whether Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will serve out his four year term. They wonder if the instability and substantial opposition to him from reformists as well as the hostility of some conservative hard liners will undermine him.

CSM on why the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps relentlessly cracks down.

On the clerical players in the Iran crisis, see my essay at The New Statesman, "Meet the Ayatollahs."

Also, catch this week's essays by John Feffer and Chalmers Johnson at Tomdispatch.com, on, respectively, Western suicide bombers and on how to cut back on Americans' addiction to imperial war.



Have a great weekend everyone. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and angsts.

Majid Zahrai

Debate manners

by Majid Zahrai on

IRANdokht, You are full of accusations and a very disproportionate amount of bitterness and aggression. I asked a question and you attacked me and went on to attack me some more. I can see it's futile having a discussion with you. Enjoy your debate with others Ms. no debate manners.

vildemose, Thank you for the clarification. What is Dr. Sahimi's user id on the site, so that I may track his discussions with Fred? I am now really interested in learning more about him and about the prior debates. Thank you.


Mehrban jan

by IRANdokht on

When there are over 60 comments on a blog, it means the conversation has taken a life of its own and most likely it has nothing to do with the initial content of the blog.

If you want to know what the discussion is about, just like I was asking Mr Zahrai here to do, may I suggest you start reading the comments?

Best! :o)



dear Fred: What is wrong

by vildemose on

dear Fred: What is wrong with being a wedding photographer?? I think it's really cool and a lot of fun.



was that a lesson in "debate etiquette"?

by IRANdokht on

Mr Zahrai

You show up claiming that you have seen the comments but have no idea where the subject of Dr Sahimi popped up. The you went ahead and singled out people, made an observation (not sure based on what since I had not defended Dr Sahimi) and wanted to know what's going on as if something needs to be wrong when people are asking an AIPAC supporter to explain why he's accusing people of being islamists. 

I asked you to go read the comments to get your answer and you picked up on one "passive aggressive" observation that I made to lash out at me.

Did you bother to read the comments and get your answer? Was that the point or were you trying to insinuate something else? maybe you wanted to discuss Dr Sahimi and Tehran Bureau! That's why I asked you to speak out directly. No Tehran Bureau, Huffington post, antiwar.com are not NY Times and THANK GAWD for that! 

by the way what you quoted from videmose was said after your question. In case you don't remember why you asked...

Thanks for showing me how a "debate" has to be done. I am here to learn from the best!


Thanks for the summary, I used to laugh when I saw those words, but after a while and the indirect way they're said when he's addressing me in third person started to get to me.





tempest in a teapot

by Mehrban on

What is the big deal here?  What I read in Fred's blog is that the antics we have been witnessing recently in the name of court proceedings and confessions are nothing new.   So what is the objection to that?  Is that not true?  We saw much more gruesome events 30 years ago in the murders of the Shahis without court proceedings on a rooftop.   We saw a former minister of education (a woman) stoned to death.  I don't understand what is wrong with what Fred is saying in this blog?

Save yourselves some breath, I am by no stretch of the word Shahi, a Shahi. 


Here comes "people"

by Fred on

Resident Islamist wedding photographer is not satisfied anymore with his usual plural pronoun” us” and “we” and is now into representing “what people see”?


Significance of Mr. Sahimi

by vildemose on

Significance of Mr. Sahimi to me is not what outfit has decided to publish him or not; it's the content of his articles that I regard as urgent and most relevant to the future path of our struggles as a nation. All the other experts don't show the same urgency and care. I am not asking anyone to care about my views or Dr. Sahimis . I'm simply expressing  my own views and concern.

 Mr. Sahimi and Fred have a tumultuous history here in IC (see the archive).


Problem is when Fred writes anything, this is what people see:

by Q on


as you can see it's difficult to translate, but on the bright side, it saves time since you know it won't change from one blog to the next.

Majid Zahrai

Passive agressive?!!!!

by Majid Zahrai on

Hold your horses lady! I only asked a question to understand what's going on on this thread! No need to attack me for asking a question!

vildemose says "Dr. Sahimi is one of the most brilliant and objective Iran experts thus far who deeply cares about Iran's future and forsees the danger facing our nation in the next few years". Forgive me again. Dr. Sahimi sounds like a knowledgeable man but what is the obsession with him anyway? What am I missing here? The articles I am seeing are all published by Tehran Bureau, which is not exactly the New York Times!

I asked a question to understand the significance of this character to this debate. There is something really wrong with the way you debate.  

The amount of anger shown around here is unbelievable.


Irandokht, translation may be impossible, I'll explain why,

by Q on

the reason is the orginal must be coherent, and it usually isn't.

Since I've been put into a jovial mood by Fred's hillarious claim of "There is a gentleman’s agreement to not name names", I will be demonstrating further in my next comment.