The JAFIO Report: Week of 3/7/10


The JAFIO Report: Week of 3/7/10

How to read this post: every time you see JAFIO, you must say "Just Another Fucking Iranian Observation", then take some salt and throw it over your left shoulder."

Hey! At Least we're not Indian!…
This week the government of India in yet another demonstration of how far India has progressed, formally declared that women could now walk only 5 paces behind their husbands when taking walks together. This is a 50% improvement as the previous rule was 10 paces behind the men. Minster of culture, Sanjit Tandooripradak said, "we think this welcomed move will allow women to actually hear what their husbands are saying, that hopefully a more open dialogue between husband and wives will ensue. Although most Indian couples do not speak to each other usually. I mean, they were strangers when they got married,why spoil it now? Tandooripradak further added that in addition to the modified pacing rules, Indian women could also now wear baseball caps, but only in the forward facing position. Any Indian women caught wearing a backwards facing baseball cap will be
subject to a fine, and/or 30 days as Microsoft Phone Support…

It's Chile in the Summer…
Chile became the latest country to suffer yet another big earthquake as an offshore temblor with a magnitude of 8.8 killed at least 723 people. Surprising since the recent 7.0 quake in Haiti which was almost 50 times less powerful killed over 217,000 people there. The reason? Engineering. Chile had a better construction code and infrastructure than Haiti. The only thing funny about this report is that the aftershocks of this latest quake were still being ignored by Tehran...

Ahmadinejad favored in Iraqi Election…
This week's election in Iraq the second since occupation…er…I mean Liberation is likely going to be won by Mahmoud as well. Not because the election is a fraud, but because there are more people in Iraq who want to be just like Iran, than want to be just like Egypt...


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