Alors que le 8 mars était un symbole de laïcité contre l’église catholique, il devient maintenant plutôt une lutte mondiale contre la misogynie de la mosquée islamique.
India supplies a great part of the needed gasoline, which helps the Mullah regime survive: it imports Iranian crude-oil, and exports refined gasoline to Iran.
The new democratic and secular movement must aim to instate democratic state in Iran, in which all political authorities will be directly elected by the people
All freedom-loving people, free-world governments, and particularly the U.N. must intervene in this gross violation of human rights by the Iranian Islamic regime
As catalysts, the "green" leaders make chemical reaction happen without being a part of the new substance. A newborn body of democratic and secular regime in Iran substantially has no elements of the rotten IRI
اين مردم ايران و بويژه ايرانيان و فعالان سياسی خارج از کشورند که بايد به کمک افکار عمومی و سازمان های مدنی غرب تاثيری برسياست های اين کشورها بجا گذارند
Ahmadinejad is notorious for his fierce rhetoric and peculiar attitudes. His nonsensical paroles, absurd comments, lack of rationality, revolting habits and odd gestures suggest a personal immaturity or even abnormality
The people of Iran, as the 14-century-long victims of Islam, have now right to cast serious doubts on anything related to Islam, including the core pillar of Islam, the Nabuwat
قدس را برپا كردند تا خيل حزب الله داخلی و خارجی را منسجم كنند و بعد اماده سرکوب های خونین دهه اول انقلاب شوند.
À peine la colère des iraniens au sujet des élections frauduleuses atténuée, voilà qu’une affaire humiliante de viol et d’agression sexuelle vient à nouveau les secouer
Rape in the Mullahs’ prisons is not an individual decision of an interrogator, as one may commonly believe; it is a systematic process based on a belief system, and for promoting a political agenda
در ميان جريانات چپ سرنگون طلب, حزب کمونيست کارگری که فعالترين جريان خارج از کشور, حداقل در اروپا, است يک پلاتفرم وحدت در ده ماده پيشهاد کرده
نماز جمعه فردا تلاشیست در جهت وحدت دو جناح رژیم در مقابل خطر سیل مردم ازادی خواه ایران
Let’s all freedom-loving Iranians abroad massively commemorate the 18-Tir by demonstrating and crying slogans targeting at the whole totalitarain IRI at this day
Un véritable boycott qui peut paralyser ces tyrans en Iran est le pétrole. Sans pétrole le régime ne survit pas assez longtemps