Virtual tour to Iran

by Midwesty

Commenting on the work of one of the great contributors of this website a funny thought occurd to me. Imagine we set up a tour of all contributors to Iran and we assign them some responsibilities along the way. Let your imagination loose and come up with something funny! But be courteous!

I recommended Fred to be the tour guide. As all of us sitting in the tour bus, he stands up and tells us what Islamic Rapist Republic did exactly what at what place, then he bends and asks the driver to stop so he can get Baaghaali from his favorite place in Sarcheshmeh... 

DK notices the golden Aftabeh from the Golestan Palace's bathroom is missing and gives us a grief.

Monda, makes sure everyone is in line and behave well.

Azadeh, is sitting way back and think why the hell I am here with these morons!

Abarmard, is pulling down Capt Ayhab's shirt telling him, "sit I can't see"!

I leave the rest to you...

I love to hear your words about me.


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Marjan Zahed Kindersley

Capt_Ayab When you find out let me know who the culprit is

by Marjan Zahed Kindersley on

If someone's upset you, let me know. With one "gher" of mine, it'll be wo/man over board!;)


MidWesty. The tour  IS a circus! ;)


Where is the comment by WasTellIt ????????

by capt_ayhab on

Good morning

Where is the comment by WasTellIt????????????




welcome aboard Anahid

by Midwesty on

Where would you like us to go?

Anahid Hojjati

KouroshS' comment on Saturday morning was very funny

by Anahid Hojjati on


As I am reading some of the comments on this thread, I find the comment that KouroshS left at 9AM on Sat. very funny.  It is on the spot about many IC writers.



by Midwesty on

No problem. Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to stick around. We just pulled over to watch a circus. ;o))

Marjan Zahed Kindersley

Midwesty, ;)))

by Marjan Zahed Kindersley on

That's what happens with logic. Yes, I can cook your head.


THANKS for the fun!



by Midwesty on

Pretty good. It went over my head. After all, can you cook?
Just kidding. I thought it was just me having a twisted logic. Girl, can you teach me some?

Marjan Zahed Kindersley

Inside and outside the bus

by Marjan Zahed Kindersley on

I_support_Khamenie will give us a tour guide of factories, roads and learning centres built in recent years and still standing and give us the exact cost of each brick plus all labour costs.

DK will show us the spot the Shah was to explain Quantum Physics to Einstein, but alas had to cancel as he had to rush off to help a peasant milk a goat ("related" evidence of this evident will be available on all CCTV cameras, installed on the bus by Ghormesabzi, and blasted all over each and every wall the bus will pass)

Monda will be sampling swear words and expressions which she will carefully translate  into a new language she will create out of all Iranian languages and Esperanto. These will be set to a new contemporary classical music called "Beyond Chahargah - The Full Mokhalef"; post-modern-public-art-activism kind of thing for young people.

Sorry Monda, therapist will be Midwesty who will teach self-confidence classes

Was Rosie will be taking notes of all that is said and start a ten thousand page introductiory prologue (that's not including the footnotes) chapter 1, to the tour diary -(her thoughts will follow in the next edition)

Fred will have invented a new computer for this very purpose. (This computer will however, as we all will find out later, prove to have been a Trojan horse, planted by the CIA). He will entertain us with a Rap(ist) song (broken record), which all will enjoy for its prowess alone.

Raoul will bring Iranians into the 21st C and set up a contemporary harem called "Play-ALL-Genes;  See-What-Our-Country-Can-Do-For-You"

Niloufar will keep stopping the bus to hand out litres of skin-bleach, just in case those r words people start with their r-ism.

Azadeh will inspire an army of boobquakers to hand out male chastity belts to those women who CHOOSE to use them. Azadeh won't have to lift a finger. She'll just inspire. She will however hand out blindfolds to men who can't bear bare arms.

Red Wine will make us stop for hours on end to bring out his easel. Many will disturb him by offering to pose.Whilst

Capt_Ayab will be sneaking off to do some graffiti art poetry made out of natural carpet dye and fresh sea water.

BenRoss will demand a basic structural discussion on hierarchical bargaining powers for the sale of the tickets for the trip.

Q will find Islam and take pictures of her.Again.

And Jahanshah  will be collecting addresses of new places to stay in the region to plant weed for future stopovers.

Somehow I have a feeling that nobody will be able to see anything, as there will be a giant blind spot created by the several representing flags on the bus.


That's as far as I've got.




Ensign ROsie

by Anvar on

You’ve painted a new picture of a Double-Decker bus for me! lol

Trust me when I say that the bus you’re on isn’t going anywhere; however, in case I’m mistaken, make sure to pack your pink hijab with you.  It may come in handy.  (ref. old avatar)

Live long and prosper.


Was Rosie

Okay fine, Ben,

by Was Rosie on

Esmail and I have gone to another room in this roadside inn. Why don't you put the Iran tour thread back on track. Give some jobs and assignments to people on the tour. I'll start.

Fozoul Bashi's the translator and you're the nurse, the one who heals people when they have a boo boo.

Was Rosie

Esmail, let's move it back

by Was Rosie on

to your first blog, okay?

Was Rosie

But Esmail, surely...

by Was Rosie on

there are people in between the 'typical' Iranians from the farthest corners of Azerbaijan to Balochistan and the North Tehranis who 'abstained from voting but threw themselves in to the 'green' circle to take advantage of the situation'. Those are the ones you were talking about in your blog right? But surely there are plenty of others in-between who want economic AND social/cultural change.

Are you from Bandar Abbas? Do you live there? Travel there?


Take a hike Rosie. You are

by benross on

Take a hike Rosie. You are doing it again!

Fouzul Bashi

بابا یه مسافرت می خواستیم بریم بعد یه عمری کوفتمون کرد

Fouzul Bashi

  مهمونو که رو بدی صابخونه می شه!  آقا ترو خدا این پنجره رو باز کن خفه شدیم.  نگران توییت کوچولو نباش.  دونه هاشو خورده و خواب خوابه طفلک.  بهتر وگرنه چشم و گوشش باز می شد می خواست اونم مجیکال میستری تور بکنه.


I can reply with what about

by shahanshahesmail on

I can reply with what about the people from bandar abbas who voted mousavi? they are devoted fanatically to islam yet I know alot who voted mousavi.

those who are totally against the nezam , who did not vote mousavi but rather abstained from voting but threw themselves into the "green" circle to take advantage of the situation , like you said , are mainly consisted of north tehran who like one guy in a pic i saw was wearing a versace underwear , nice tan , good physique , top of the line clothes , that is not your typical iranian from the farest corners of azerbaijan to the southeast corners of balochistan , whether voted mousavi or ahmadinejad. 

The north tehrani should choose where their loyalties stand ,if they prefer the western liberal way of life where "nothing is sacred" , then by all means they can move to those countries , which is what some have done . I prefer a world of law , culture , rules and limits , nothing is unlimited. 

Was Rosie

Yes, of course, it's the right article for this discussion.

by Was Rosie on

Everyone else is out site-seeing. We're the only ones on the bus. Rea's hiking and Anvar can't stand the smell of feet.

but mainly , like most mousavi supporters , it was teh economy that led them to vote for him , not for more "freedoms" 

So what about all the hipsters in North Tehran who wanted 'freedoms'? And in other cities as well? Are they the ones you were railing about on your thread as being part of foreign influence? What percentage of the Greens do you think people like that comprised?

And by what percentage do you suspect that Mousavi actually won the elections?



economics ! , ofcourse

by shahanshahesmail on

economics ! , ofcourse economics imagine the power iran would have outside the middle east if it was able to get past the sanctions and fully develop its oilfields , Mousavi would have been a MUCH more competent person at that job . 

You can include some increased freedoms , like allowing freedom of press to function within the limits of respecting islamic values and the islamic state , to allow increased criticisms of government officials as envisioned by khomeini in order to better it , not overthrow it . 

I also supported ahmadinejads move to allow women into sports stadiums.

but mainly , like most mousavi supporters , it was teh economy that led them to vote for him , not for more "freedoms" 

p.s. is this the right article for this discussion?


Accidental tourist

by Rea on

If you stop to take hikers on board, I'd like to be as far as possible from shahanshaesmail. Called me stupid once, never explained why, macho passenger. ;o)

Bonne nuit.

Was Rosie

Here, Esmail, look: ps Midwesty

by Was Rosie on


That's just what No Fear's talking about. Ahmadi's economic policies. Under the Is Mousavi Janus-Faced thread.


Why don't you go and debate him on it?


ps Midwesty,

Chak Chak. IMy destination is Chak Chak. 

Was Rosie

Esmail, /ps Anvar,

by Was Rosie on

So that's what you meant by 'change' when you ended your first blog


with this:

Peace be upon you, maybe next time you will stay out of the affairs of the nation so that maybe we can have a chance at change, for now we are stuck with Ahmadi.



ps Anvar, you can sit on my lap. lol


Home Sweet (smell of) Home!

by Anvar on

Just imagine taking a whiff of that intoxicating air in the bus infusing the scents of Chanel, Dior, Brut, 4711, Golab (rosewater), and feet all together!  Those who can hold their lunch in and don’t require a barf bag will be awarded the title of Honorary Patriots and for the duration of the tour may pass judgment on which passengers are True Iranians and which ones aren’t.

Regretfully (!), it seems like all the seats on this bus are already taken.  I’ll just get on the next (mini) bus and sit next to Rosa Parks from whom I can learn a thing or two about riding on a bus.

All in good fun…



oh you mistake my

by shahanshahesmail on

oh you mistake my intentions

im honoured to be put in khomeinis league :) , never have I heard a person speak with such charisma , such power of influence , such confidence , such powerful leadership skills , such a source of emulation , something I doubt ill ever be on par with.

speaking of khomeini I wanna hang his pic on the buses back window ;)

only thing I have against ahmadi is his lack of economic skills , thats why I voted for mousavi , for his revolutionary credentials on keeping the economy alive during the worst times , other than that ahmadinejad has my support in everyway. 

Was Rosie

Well, you have to admit, Esmail...

by Was Rosie on

you ARE younger than Khomeini.


But, seriously, why don't YOU TWO debate each other? Esmial and No Fear? A pro-IRI Moussavist and a pro-IRI Ahmadenejadist?

What do you care, what I called you, Esmail? You knew you were gonna get called all kinds of things when you came fact you were the first one who cursed on your first blog. You called Kadivar's friends 'shaahi scum'..c'mon, admit it...go check..even though you kept complainging about everyone else cursing. lol But who cares, so what? Who cares what you called Kadivar or I called you? Why don't you and No Fear debate each other?

I'm serious. There's a Moussavi thing at the top, about him being two-faced, in the pictory. No Fear's already been there. He marked his turf.

Fouzul Bashi

Sorted then No Fear ;) Take a seat next to tweet ;)

by Fouzul Bashi on

Sorry Was-rosie, he is sitting next to Niloufar and myself and the Little Tweet, Avatar an' all   You might get lucky next time if you don't go by appearances so much ;)

Was Rosie

Oh, I see...

by Was Rosie on

They can continue feasting on their snot bubbles coming out of their nose for all i care

Is that what's on the menu for lunch on the bus?

And what's for desert, dust and dirt?


is baby ruhollah a reference

by shahanshahesmail on

is baby ruhollah a reference to me?

No Fear


by No Fear on


As NP correctly said, I have been a supporter of Ahmadinejad from the get go.  I do not feel the urge or need to be deceitful and sugar coat myself behind an Avatar just to engage some IC posters.

I rather avoid those posters who simply avoid me on the merits of an avatar, or by who i support , without listening to what i have to say. They can continue feasting on their snot bubbles coming out of their nose for all i care.  They lack the objective analytical approach to political issues.

I am interested in engaging anyone who has a relatively solid base for their political thoughts. A person like that would not have any issue in engaging with me either to expose me or to exchange ideas.


Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

great idea! we can also go get some fresh pistachios from rafsanjan before heading for the brewery!

jundishapur is a superb idea. we should also visit 6000 year-old temples and fortresses in nearby shush. one of the most amazing things i have seen in my life. their construction technology has been lost. but their structures are still there.

good night


Thanks humanbeing

by Midwesty on

I found it. Thanks and good night!


reference to link

by humanbeing on

First Iranian Academic Site: Jundishapur

is it one of a long series of chapters from an ebook he wrote to which he gives links in a blog on called FIRST IRANIANS

i cut and pasted it above but i'm technologically challenged and it didn't come out as a link. in the search box under the ic logo on top left of screen put in m. saadat noury, and his blogs will come on. he's a regular contributor.