کارتون: احمدی نژاد توگوشی خورد

کارتون: احمدی نژاد توگوشی خورد
by Omid Hast

روز جمعه، سایت خبری بی بی سی متن سندی را منتشر کرد که در سایت ویکی لیکس انتشار یافته بود.  بر اساس این گزارش، در یکی از جلسات شورای عالی امنیت ملی ایران که ظاهرا پس از تظاهرات روز عاشورای سال گذشته تشکیل شد، آقای احمدی نژاد پیشنهاد کرد که برای مقابله با اعتراضات مردم و تلطیف فضای سیاسی، ممکن است دادن آزادی های فردی و اجتماعی و از جمله، آزادی بیشتر به مطبوعات لازم باشد.  به گفته منبع مورد اشاره ویکی لیکس، وی گفت که در شرایط موجود، "مردم احساس خفقان می کنند."

در سند منتشر شده توسط ویکی لیکس آمده است که فرمانده سپاه پاسداران از این پیشنهاد به خشم آمد و خطاب به اقای احمدی نژاد گفت: "اشتباه می کنی! خود تو مسئول این وضعیت هستی و حالا می گویی باید به مطبوعات آزادی بیشتری داد؟" و سپس به صورت رئیس جمهوری سیلی زد که باعث برهم خوردن جلسه شد.




more from Omid Hast
Shifteh Ansari

Very funny!

by Shifteh Ansari on

Very funny!  I have no doubts that life has not been a garden of roses inside the coup government of Islamic Republic since last year's fraud, murders, and the rest.  Sepaah commanders would act arrogantly toward Mahmoud and everyone else.  Why shouldn't they?  They own Iran.  Of course, just like all fascist governments, they won't last.  Already we are seeing signs of this in all facets of life in Iran since June 2009.  The fraud was nothing new, the overt violence thereafter and the severe suppression of all voice in Iran will become their ondoing.  Sardar Jafari and his cronies should enjoy their remaining fearful time in power.


Dear Divaneh

by Doctor mohandes on

That is such an irrelevant comparison

are we supposed to compare every single matter of inconvenience and insult, to how IRI runs things? Is that practical?

Are You Going let anyone who decides to Bully your around and Purposely and intentionally Annoy you, do so, Allowing them to get away with it based on the principle of Oh well, " I would be doing What IRI does best" so let's just  forget about it??

Shazde Asdola Mirza

اگه این داستان حتی یه ذره حقیقت داشته باشه

Shazde Asdola Mirza

... باعث میشه که من قدر یه سر انگشت از احمدی تشکر کنم


I like your logic

by Souri on

Yes dear Omid Hast, I agree with you.

People are entitled to their own opinion. something could have a bad meaning to someone, and wouldn't have the same meaning  for others. So one comment can be considered as offensive to some people and not offensive to others. There is a right for the readers to flag what they consider as offensive. But the ultimate decision goes to the editor, which may decide to delete or not delete a comment. And even if he makes the wrong decision,....that is not a big deal, either. The editor is human too. He has a right to have his own opinion. Sometimes we agree with them, and sometimes we don't. At the end of the day, what makes me happy, is the fact that we all have the same rights to speak our mind and to have an opinion about what others say.  That by itself, is a gift for which we should be thankful.

The good behavior of the people, warms our heart and make us thankful.....  And the bad ones, just make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!

Omid Hast

I have no problem with Sargord Piroz's comments in my blogs

by Omid Hast on

He has commented on my blogs before and I don't mind them.

I think it is everyone’s right to click on the "Flag" button if they
find a comment inappropriate, however the ultimate decision to delete or
not delete is in the hands of the Editor, which in this case I believe it was
a wrong decision.

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Omid Hast for your great cartoon

by Anahid Hojjati on

I think people believe this story because it gives many some kind of joy to know or to think that AN was slapped.


Dear DM

by divaneh on

IRI does not tolerate annoying things neither. He calls people Anti Iranian and they call him a person with sick and demented mind. What's the big deal?


You people

by Doctor mohandes on

Must be that some people here enjoy being called Anti-iranian immensley and the fact that this man repeats the same thing in every single blog, without an exception, soothes your souls. Hmm. Ok. Suite yourselves.

I for one Agree and encourage flagging and banning such comments. It gets nauseatingly annoying sometimes and indicates the sick and demented mind that is behind it.

You, on the other hand, may defend it in the name of Freedom of speech.


very nice depiction of the event

by MM on

In your cartoon, apparently AN was not slapped hard enough since as the old Persian saying goes " I hit him so hard, his a$$ got electrified (bargh as koonesh pareed)".

But, very nice depiction, nonetheless

PS, Thanks for standing up for SP's right to comment.  The admin is getting a bid paranoid about deleting most flagged comments!


I second you Omid

by divaneh on

SP's comment was in fact very valid in questioning the source of this leak and stating people's inclination to believe such stories without examining their validity. Who is doing this?

Omid Hast

I object to Sargord's comment being deleted

by Omid Hast on

He had every right to say what he said.


Could someone

by Doctor mohandes on

Make This sargord Pashmaki Zip it?

Getting sick and tired of His ANTI - IRANIAN rubbish. I swear to god man.

Enough of your Phony crappy stuff dude.


Pity AN is not a Christian

by divaneh on

Nice Cartoon Omid jaan.

Omid Hast

Thank you Yolanda for your interesting comment

by Omid Hast on

... and taking the time to provide the links.



by yolanda on

Hi! Omid,

     Wishing you a great 2011 and thank you for all the artwork on IC..... I really like the varieties on IC....

I was wondering why Jafari is so bold and he did not get fired for his behavior.....apparently he was appointed to his post by Khamenei 3 years ago.......I guess AN can't fire him like Mottaki even though he was humiliated by Jafari.........I was trying to find a smiling photo of Jafari.......but it almost does not exist! Wow! they were homey before!

It is interesting that AN and Jafari did not come out to deny the slapping themselves! 

here is the wikileak:


My favorite cartoon of 2010 is of the nuclear scientist Amir Shahram.

Have a great 2011!


Omid Hast

I desperately want NOT to believe these accounts

by Omid Hast on

... but considering the overwhelming evidence coming out of Iran on a daily basis, it is not very difficult to believe these thugs would use slapping, among other things, to make a point.  You don't believe me?  See for yourself here:





And so on...

Omid Hast

Caption translation for non-Farsi speaking people:

by Omid Hast on

"What!  Relax things a little bit!  You fucking asshole!  Take this for now till I show you the rest."

Omid Hast

Wikileaks: Ali Jafari slapped Ahmadinejad in early 2010

by Omid Hast on

According to a leaked US diplomatic cable, General Mohammad-Ali Jafari slapped Ahmadinejad in early 2010, as Tehran was still dealing with the fallout from a disputed election.
