In Memoriam, II


by Onlyiran

A few months ago I wrote a blog in memory of the online martyrs of the Islamic Republic, or the “sacred regime,” as it calls itself.  The blog was dedicated to those who lost their online lives – by being blocked—in service of their paymasters.

I believe that it is time now to remember a couple of more of these online warriors, as there were recently blocked.  I am, of course, referring to (blocked once before as “Shah Gholam”), and BoosBoos.

Now, I know that most reasonable and fair minded people would ask “why should we honor these obnoxious cyber “chomaghdaars” who labeled everyone a “Zionist?’  Why should we memorialize IRI embassy workers from Canada?  Why should we honor paid South Lebanese Hezbollah operatives who pose as Iranians on Persian language internet forums?

My response is this: calm down and think about it objectively.  These people were dedicated.  They signed up under multiple usernames, they manufactured “facts,” they lied, they abused, they even contradicted themselves in the same comment and on the same blog.  Would YOU do that for a salary or a free dish of ghormeh sabzi or a free vacation in Mahmood Abad?  Well, they did, and they did it well.  Do you know how hard it is to connect EVERY negative thing in Iran to Israel (and as we know, the IRI is chuck full of nuts with negativity)?  Do you know how hard it is to close your eyes, and open your mouths and call everyone a “Zionist?”  Well, they did it like it was nothing.  Doesn’t this utmost display of “Shabaan Bi Mokh-ism” deserve some honorable mention?

So, please join me in saying a prayer for these shaheeds of the Islamic Republic.  They will be honored and remembered…until their inevitable return under new usernames!   


more from Onlyiran
Anonymous Observer

very true Roozbeh Jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

I wasn't even referring to him.  I was following up on my comment below where I said that the IR likes poetry, and meant that's why they have the conference.  

But like you said, our little friend here took it personally.  

Choon ke barmidari sag dozd faraf mikoneh...

How funny.  :-)) 


این هم جریان چوب و گربه دزده :)


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


to resident Zionist parast

by Anonymous8 on

Anonymous Observer

See, what was I saying about IRI and poetry? :-)

by Anonymous Observer on

This is just too funny.  I wonder if any of IC's resident IR supporting poets are in attendance:


Anonymous Observer

See, what was I saying about IRI and poetry? :-)

by Anonymous Observer on

This is just too funny.  I wonder if any of IC's resident IR supporting poets are in attendance:


Anonymous Observer

On the subject of IRI and poetry

by Anonymous Observer on

There is a very interesting relationship between the two.  After all, isn't Rozeh a form of poetry?  

Plus, don't Khomeini and Kahmenei each have a book of poetry?  And they all like Sheikh Hafez and Sheik Saadi and all other types of poetic sheikhs.

So, no surprise that their online army consists of poets and / or poetry fans.  


Sorry OI

by Truthseeker9 on

but I think blogs like do not chieve anything for our cause, all they do is make these people look like our victims.  Winning discussions through facts is different to picking on people for amount of time they spend here or something irrelevant. A lot of people here are aggressive and get blocked and it has nothing to do with politics but our culture. Sorry to say but SK has come out looking better than you just because you have let her through finger pointing. To convince people on the other side you have to do better than claim some hollow victory because they have been (temporarily) blocked. I don't mean to offend you but to see things like this is in my opinion counter productive. Who cares IMF or some troll has been blocked? You could have written a great political blog that would interest the readers than to have a laugh at people, which achieves what? My last comment too. 


همساده جان


خیلی بد شد که کامنت شما پاک شد.  مثل اینکه پیروان خط امام شما رو فلگ کرده بودند.  دربارهٔ افشین خان/ سحرناز خانوم هم شاید حدس شما درست بوده، چون همانطور که میدونید داشتن چند عیال مربوطه بر رجال امت اسلام جایز است.  البته احتمال اینهم هست که  افشین خان / سحرناز خانوم یک username دیگری هم داشته باشند.  حالا شما حدس بزنید آن username ممکنه چی‌ باشه. :-)


TS9-I don't have to write on IRI supporter's behalf to be a Dem.

by Onlyiran on

All I need to do to show that I tolerate them and their opinions, which I do.  I invite you to visit blogs by the usual suspects to see for yourself.  I probably comment, or have commented, on less than 5% of them.  Most of the times I don't even read them.  In my opinion, they are free to write whatever they want.  At the same time, I express my opinions through my own posts.  


Soosan Khanoom

by Onlyiran on

Can you please tell us what kind of "science" it is that you do?  I mean, I know a lot of scientists, and they are always busy with their experiments, coming home late at night, etc.,  You, on the other hand, are on IC 24/7, blogging, commenting, writing poetry, commenting on poetry, etc.  So, I'm just curious, what kind of science it is that you do which allows you so much free time? :-)


Just to prove you are a true Democrat

by Truthseeker9 on

Why not write In Memorandum III for all non-IRI sympathisers who have been blocked and returned through new IDs?  ...    :)

PS: I do not respect IRI Sympathisers either but think we need their comments here to prove to readers we need change. 


Well said Soosan Khanoom

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Creating an online gang group who are willing to label anyone who they
disagree with as an IRI agent while you and people like you are so sneaky in terms of turning things around that no one at the ends benefits but IRI agents actually ....

The guys and gals on this post are too foolish to even waste your comment on calling them fools.

They are beneath clueless. 

In communicating their disapproval of legitamate views by labelling others, the best phrase is "so extremly ignorant they inadverently serve IRI"... my last post and view of this blog too.




Mehrban jaan - if I recall correctly

by Onlyiran on

Jaleho loved poetry as well. :-)


They all show up as poetry lovers... LOL

by Mehrban on

So true!  :)


Soosan Khanoom

keep singing like bunch of canaries for yourselves

by Soosan Khanoom on

Keep up with it ...... good job but do not say this is democracy cause this is not....  besides look who is talking?  

OnlyIran, if they are good at calling everyone Zionists you are as good as them in calling everyone anti-Semitic... I have been a victim of your... myself to the point that I think you are actually an IRI supporter or agent on IC who are trying to prove some points here .. 

Creating an online gang group who are willing to label anyone who they disagree with as an IRI agent while you and people like you are so sneaky in terms of turning things around that no one at the ends benefits but IRI agents actually .... 

My first and last comment on your blog 



On the issue of IRI supporters and use of multiple usernames

by Onlyiran on

I caught one of them in action a few months ago.  Read the comments on this thread:



COP & Hamsadeh

by Onlyiran on

COP: I think that they all use the same manual to train.  Although I think that BoosBoos was our good friend No Fear. The writing style and key phrases gave her away.

Hamsadeh: I don't think that JJ can afford to give away vacations.  The only vacations that these people get are through this program:



 Hooshang: //broodin

by vildemose on



Reform requires the consent of the corrupt


Roozbeh has a very good point

by Onlyiran on

They are getting more sophisticated these days.  They show up as poetry loving, open minded, "liberals" who love humanity in all forms, and are "appalled" when an American missile goes stray in Afghanistan and kills five people.  But they are totally silent when the suicide bomber blows himself up in an Afghan bathhouse the next day and kills 80 innocent people just so that he could kill an Afghan official.

The best way to detect them, though is to throw out a bait about Israel, military action or sanctions.  Then you see them coming out the woodwork like ants.  And you will see the key words: "Zionist," "injustice," "imperialis," "occupation," etc.  Then you know who you're dealing with.


تئوری توطئه

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

جنبش آزادیخواهانه مردم منطقه را منسوب به توطئه‌های دولت‌های غربی و اسرائیل نمودن همانقدر درست است که انقلاب ایران را توطئه کارتر و جلسه هفت کشور صنعتی و بی بی سی معرفی کردن. اینکه این دولت‌ها در تغییراتی که در کشورهای منطقه می‌شود بسیار حساس هستند و این تغییرات با منافع مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم ایشان سروکاردارد، تردیدی نیست واینکه می‌توانند در حرکت این جنبش‌ها بشکلی تآثیر گذار باشند امکانش وجود دارد، ولی آنها نمی‌توانند جنبشی را بوجود بیاورند. علل پیدایش پدیده‌های اجتماعی که جنبشها ازآن نمونه‌اند دردرون جامعه قراردارند وعوامل خارج ازاین پدیده‌ها درشکل گیری آینده این پدیده‌ها می‌توانند تآثیراتی داشته باشند. شناسائی و ریشه یابی هرپدیده‌ای با بکارگیری تئوری توطئه ساده ترین روش است. ولی با واقعیت بسیارفاصله دارد. جنبش‌های آزادیخواهانه امروز منطقه را توطئه دولت‌های بزرگ غرب خواندن تنها بمعنی درک نادرست قدرت مردم و تحقیراراده ملت‌های درگیراست. تئوری توطئه موضوعی جدید درمیان مردم نیست. مطالعات و نظرهای دانشورانی چون دکتر احمد اشرف و دکترداریوش شایگان قدمت موضوع "توطئه" را بخوبی نشان می‌دهند.(۱)

احمد اشرف، جامع شناس و از ویراستاران دانشنامه ایران، تئوری توطئه درقدیم را حتی در پیدایش ایران در سلطنت فریدون و پند ارسطو به اسکندر نشان می‌دهد. نگاه کنید به: "توهم توطئه" نشریه گفتگو، منتشر در ایران، شماره ۸ در تابستان ۱۳۷۴. سخنرانی دکتر داریوش شایگان، فیلسوف ایرانی در دانشگاه تهران: مردم توطئه را در قدیم از سوی نیروهای ماوراء الطبیعه می‌پنداشتند و امروزه آنرا در دست گروههای انسانی می‌بینند.


HTG would you describe yourself as a monarchist?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

A constitutional monarchist?


HTG spreading & creating extremism and fundamentalism is

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

what the USA has been doing since they betrayed the SHAH.

I guess the Khomeini fans hate america for one reason/ supporting the Shah

and I have major issues with both the UK and USA for the exact opposite issue/betraying the shah

the USA & UK if you remember denied selling the Shah plastic bullets and tear gas, or any anti riot equipment,

what great friends,

You must be pulling my leg, did you not remember the bbc being khomeini's loud speaker to deceive iranians and create the IRI from which we are all reeling today?

I have every right to condemn the proAmrica and proEngelis Crowd who became citizes of the UK and USA and in the process have no problem selling out Iran by not objecting to USA and UK support for the Regime and by not asking the usa and uk to follow a policy of regime changeaway from islamist groups.



by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

"Why does the west/ lead by the usa ..."

This sounds so much  like Tudeh's  slogan on : "Amperialiszm Jahani, Beh Sar Kar Degi Amrika."

Where did you pick that up Amiri? The Imperial Court? Hozeh Elmieh? Hozeh Hojatieh?...


vildemose who is the fake secular monarchist?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

what's his Username?


Overt supporters of IRI on this site are becoming very rare...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

For good reasons. I mean if you live in London, Toronto or LA, you'd not want to come on internet , start supporting IRI, Al_Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbullah, and all those lovelies, risking being picked up by local police on terrorist related charges, would you? 

The IRI supporters on this site are now hiding behind "monarchism", "secularism" , "ex_tudeh", "intellectual", "poet", etc. They are more than happy in joining the rest of the crowd mocking the odd mullah, cursing IRI, etc. But talk about their nuke bomb,slightest hint of a military strike on IRI or any robust action against IRI, and they show their real faces, attacking "evil west", "evil BBC", "evil USA", jews, bahais, zionist, etc. In my opinion,  if it smells and talks like crap, it is crap, no matter how packaged......

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Anonymous Observer

What I will miss the most about Shah Gholam / iranmilitaryform

by Anonymous Observer on

will be his trademarked phrase: "Zio-terrorist."

Ahhhh...good times...I'm sure we will see him again.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

well I guess it was month of roozeh...........

And g.. khori is o.k.

ghormeh & gheymeh was for eftaar.



 Well-done. I Think our

by vildemose on

 Well-done. I Think our fake secular monarchist should join their defunct cyber basiji brethersn soon.

Reform requires the consent of the corrupt

Maryam Hojjat

Any way, I have missed Sargod Firouz

by Maryam Hojjat on

have not you? He completely has been wiped up from IC / earth!


I thought that

by Cost-of-Progress on

boos boos character was more like the molla shotor character, but hey, these species must train with the same material. They are sing the same tune....


