letter to JJ

by Souri

Yesterday in that blog of Fred ,

When the grotesque becomes vile

there happened a strange thing.

One comment has been deleted while it was not offensive nor it had contend any personal attack.

The same thing happened to two other posts in the same blog, the day before.

I'd like to know who is behind those deletion and what is the reason.

None of those posts were  offensive, but they have been addressed to the same person (and another person from the same group of thought).

I wish you would addressed the problem and give us an explanation as to why those comments have been flagged and how they have got deleted.





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Souri khanoom

by Doctor mohandes on

Baba In Aghayoon O Khanooma ro Mamnoo o Blog Kon Felbedahe!

Dars aabraati beheshoon bedeh!! Makhsoosan in Dadash faramarzo... :))

Souri For president!


بابا این بلاگ ما چی‌ بود و چی‌ شد :)



ای نامه که می‌روی به سویش

از جانب ما بگو چه سودش؟

بچه‌ها : یکی‌ بود یکی‌ نبود، یک جی‌جی بود، یک سایتی داشت

توی اون سایت یک بلاگی بود، توی اون بلاگ یک نفر آدم فضول بود که واسه
خودشیرینی هی‌ کامنت‌های مخالفین بعضی‌‌ها رو دیلیت میکرد. آخرش هم ما
نفهمیدیم که حالا که قصه ما به سر رسید، اون کلاغ فضوله به عشقش رسید یا
نرسید؟ اینهمه کامنت دیلیت کردن‌ها واسش هیچ سودی داشت یا نداشت؟

Anahid Hojjati

فرامرز عزیز , شکسته نفسی می کنی !

Anahid Hojjati

فرامرز جان , بلیل شما زبانِ گربه های بیشتری را خورده , آنهم با متخلفات.


امان از این گوگل فارسی


والله به خدا تقصیر من نیست، تقصیر این ایرونی های تو گوگله. من هر چی مینویسم یک چیز دیگه میدن بیرون.

اولش فکر کردم که این گوگل فارسی مثل ماشین کالباس و سوسیس سازیه! از یک طرف گوشتو میکنی تو، از اون طرف کالباس و سوسیس در میاد! ولی همش غلط غلوطه!

بهر حال آبروم جلوی سر و همسایه رفت!

وای وای وای  چطور شد

قدسی خانوم ولو شد

در ضمن آناهید،

این بلبل شما از گربه هم که  نمیترسه هیچی  زبون گربه رو هم خورده!

گربه هم گربه های قدیم!   

Anahid Hojjati

Faramarz jan, I wrote that you did kenaye because

by Anahid Hojjati on

Because you wrote my student after taking my class will talk like bolbole gorbe deede. Isn't such a bolbol prone to becoming less talkative. That is what I meant and I meant it half seriously because you were half joking. Was that you who wrote estelah like that? You should sign up in my class and please don't say that you want Souri too, then I will be heart broken :(.


faramarz khan

by Doctor mohandes on

Baba che koohoolatee?

Be man migan Javoon avale Valayatemoon:0

You deeesagreee?... aske meesseezz soorii khanoom. eh!



by Doctor mohandes on


At least now i know ke i won't be alone in whomever class i end up enrolling:)

Haj agah: Istelah be "saat" hast na ba "seen"

Hapeee tannkss (millions of them) geeveeng.

Dar bare roonevesht o zeernevesht... Chashm roo chesham. Tarteebesho midam:))



باید یک نامه از ولیت و دوتا رونوشت شناس نامه بیاری


Sorry to butt in, but the above reminded me of every time I have to go to IR government offices, waiting for ages and bringing all the documents they asked for the day before.  They run such a sham.




نه به خدا آناهید، نه والله دکتر مهندس


مقصودم این بود که اون واژه را خیلی قشنگ برای جناب دکتر مهندس ترجمه کردی و میتونی استاد ایشون باشی. ولی مطمئن نیستم که ایشون شاگرد حرف گوش کنیه یا میخواد بازی گوشی کنه.
کامنت کلاس اکابر هم راجع به سن و سال من و دکتره که کهولت سن داریم. همین!

دکتر جون،
چرا عصبانی باشم بابا؟ سر صبحی داریم میگیم و میخندیم. این استلاح دم کوزه آبشو بخور، یک استلاح خیلی رایجیه و چیز بدی نیست.
اما در مورد تعویض معلم کلاس اکابر، باید یک نامه از ولیت و دوتا رونوشت شناس نامه بیاری که ببینیم چیکار میتونیم بکنیم.         



by Doctor mohandes on

Don't get asabaniii... Watch the faashaare Khoon. deh!

I much prefer Beer, Can you find me a Koozeh that produces beer instead?
I also want to choose my own eeenstrukrtor (not to be confused with a tractor) eef eet ee okey?

How about souri khanoom? I am sure you can do all the paper works and transfers.


Anahid Hojjati

Faramarz jan, haala kanayaa meezanee, as Ghatebe would say?

by Anahid Hojjati on



دکتر مهندس


این مدرک دیپلم ادبیات فارسی از کالج پورتو ریکو فقط به یک درد میخوره، اونم اینه که پای  کوزه بذاری و آبشو بخوری!

اولا فوری پول شهریه تو پس بگیر، بعدش هم من ضمانت تو میکنم پیش آناهید که  یک کلاس اکابر هفته ای سه شب برات بذاره، در عرض سه ماه مثل بلبل گربه دیده فارسی حرف میزنی!                    


Dear Souri

by amirkabear4u on

As far as I noticed and JJ himself or someone else mentioned it somewhere the main problem JJ has moderating this website.

I agree it is not easy. I also do not believe the person who has this task is necessarily political or otherwise neutral.

One issue, however, JJ must do. He thinks a person's blog is a location to write anything one wants to write. I do not agree with this since if a newspaper or publisher in the name of freedom prints rubbish, will get sued. The same law should apply to blogging on this site.

There are a great variation of users with different views and JJ should also consider this is one of the main Iranian sites. Therefore he should try harder. I do not think it is very democratic to write anything one wants. But this is only my opinion.

Fairness and Equality in Justice


Ajabaa!! Hayraataa!!

by Doctor mohandes on

Thanks anahid khanoom for the help. I was actually teezeeng In faramarz khano,

Souri jan

So in bood nateejehe rooz ha va hafte ha va dagheeghe haye  doostee??:(( hala ma sare kari shodem??:(( beram ye fas gerye konam ke in ashkha tabagh tabagh daran mirizan az goone haye (lateefam) payeen...:)))



Doctor jon/Anahid

by Souri on

Agreed %100 about the " legitimate and relevant Logic"

On another note: you are too funny!

Anahid jon: in doktor az oun sare kari hast baba, don't take him too seriously :)

Anahid Hojjati

حسن خدا داده را حاجت مشاطه نيست means

Anahid Hojjati

متن ضرب المثل :
حسن خدا داده را حاجت مشاطه نيست
معني ضرب المثل :
کسي که زيباست ديگر نيازي به آرايش و آب و رنگ اضافه ندارد.


Our new slogan

by Doctor mohandes on


Bloge maro pas bedeh... Commente maro pas bedeh.




Souri jan

by Doctor mohandes on

Good Blog here.

But at the same time, We should realize that not being given the reason may entail its own very legitimate and relevant Logic. So why even bother? You know vat i aamm seeyeeng be joone mola?:))


Granted that i Just finished my studies in Persian Literature (100 % pure Persian) from the University ala Francies ala Guadalajara ala Mundial . and was named as Soomoola Koom ladan:)). I do not Understand the meaning of this verse :

Hassan Khoda dade...haji mashti mashti nist?

Dees vaz not een de Finaaal egzam or de final perojekt. Vaat de helll!! peeleez ekspeleein dees to mee. Mucho mamnoon,




by Majid on

I do agree with both Souri and Mammad in this regard.

Once in a while "INCONSISTENCY" is name of the game on IC.

Imbeding one (1) video by one user in more than 2 months period is considered "take focus away from the main subject of the page " while at the same day multiple by others is "business as usual"!

Deleting and removing comments is another one!


Some people have more rights!

by Mammad on

One gets to post several nonsense "blogs" on the front page of the IC every day, while the blogs of others who are very much informed, well-versed in the subjects that they write about, and are also objective (not to be confused with neutral) languish deep inside the website and, thus, most people do not get to see and read.

I suppose the same is true about flagging and deleting.



I know

by Souri on

And that is where I've always been confused!

The style is not the same at all.

Okay, I still don't know who you are!

The surprise guest for dinner ?!!!


دروغگو دشمن خداست!


But seriously, you are not correct at all. Just compare the writing style, the topics, etc. I wouldn't lie.


You are lying :)

by Souri on

be khoda you are lying.

For the good reason that you didn't reply to my email.......Because if you do, I'd know your name 



by Faramarz on


۱. نه به خدا، عجب حرفی میزنی، خاک عالم
۲. نه به جون امام اولی، ما کجا اونجا کجا
۳. نه والله، این حرفا چیه   

Anahid Hojjati

Souri jan, how about a Moshaereh blog?

by Anahid Hojjati on

Souri jan, we have not had a Moshaereh blog for a while. After Friday, this coming weekend, it might be good to have one. I don't know if you have time or not.


My Lips Are Sealed!

by Faramarz on



Thank you all

by Souri on

You are too nice to me.

I think  my next blog should be around the subject of "Blushes & make up" rather than the site's policy...LOL

You are all very kind.

Faramrz: When did you meet me? Do you know me in person?


سرخاب و سفیداب


سوری خانوم،

شما اصلآ احتیاج ندارید که بزک و دوزک کنید و یا از سرخاب و سفیداب استفاده کنید. به قول معروف:

حسن خدا داده را حاجت مشاطه نیست

Hoshang Targol

Rosie khanom I think you're right

by Hoshang Targol on

they're just exaggerating the redishness of your beatifuly lit cheeks because:


A- They're not posting their pictures


B- If they did it wouldn't turn out to be as red as yours


C- They're just haters ( I'm kidding of course, the only real hater here is obviously Q, and the rest)


D- All of the above!




by Simorgh5555 on

I meant it as a compliment! You just looked so red in the pic that I thought you had a swim in an ocean of pomegranate juice. No offence intended. I was teasing.  If you are that red in real life then how are you when you blush ;)