When a site grows as large as, it is only a matter of time before some archive rat comes along to dig out long-forgotten pieces to see the light of day again. And what the rat drags out we will call “Best of” This archive rat started digging in 2006. My idea was to put together a “Best of…” covering the site to the end of that year – which I did. By 2007 the new site was going to be up and running “any day” and it made sense to wait and inaugurate “Best of…” in the new site. Well… that took a while.
... -- not an apple -- depicted in the biblical Garden of Eden (Part I)
Pomegranate fruit has a fascinating history of traditional use as a food, as a medicine, and as a cultural icon, which dates back thousands of years. The pomegranate originated from Persia and has been cultivated in Georgia, Armenia and the Mediterranean region for several millennia. Pomegranates were one of the earliest fruits to be domesticated and their range now includes the Far East, India, the Mediterranean, and the Americas. The wild pomegranate did not grow natively it originated in eastern Iran and came to the Aegean world along the same cultural pathways that brought the goddess whom the Anatolians worshipped as Cybele and the Mesopotamians as Ishtar
Chat and telephony technology
Most of us are familiar with those cheap 10-10 numbers we can all use to call friends or family members during those holiday times of year. And if you're more technically advanced, you've probably even used such things as Skype or instant messaging to stay connected. Today I've discovered an even better option for staying connected, not only during the busy holiday season, but for any time of year. It's called goober
Christmas is coming… (And its not just the ‘Goose’ that’s going to get fat!)
Even before the Christmas period falls upon us, we are already recovering from the holiday aftermath of Thanksgiving. Greed has once again, gotten the better of us and some of us are paying the price in the form of fatigue, sluggishness and weight gain. So what on earth are we supposed to do when we haven’t yet reached the ‘Mother’ of all holidays, Christmas? Well, I don’t know about you, but barely a week into December and I’m feeling lethargic, heavier and generally not at my peak. In anticipation of the Christmas season, I have decided to eat sensibly to prevent any needless weight gain even before the Christmas and New Year is upon us.
What right do I have to complain about life?
The pain we are all feeling is real and devastating. It is true that our dear little Lauren is finally free of pain. Her suffering is finally over. How we all wish her life story would not have ended here prematurely, two months short of her 14th birthday. This is so unbelievably unfair. Lauren was denied the chance to fully experience life. Just as she was blossoming as an intelligent, beautiful young lady, her body was viciously attacked for the third time by Cancer, one of the worst enemies of the mankind
داشتن يك عمو ي پولدار خيلي خوب است
by Abdy S
معناي لغوي : خواهر مادر
معناي استعاره اي: هر زني كه با مادر رابطه ي گرم و صميمي داشته باشد .
نقش سمبليك : يك خانم مهربان و دوست داشتني كه خيلي شبيه مادر است و هميشه براي شما آبنبات و لباس مي خرد .
غذاي مورد علاقه: آش كشك .
ضرب المثل : خاله را ميخواهند براي درز ودوز و گرنه چه
خاله چه يوز. خاله ام زائيده، خاله زام هو كشيده. وقت خوردن خاله
خواهرزاده رو نمي شناسه. اگه خاله ام ريش داشت، آقا داييم بود .
The Quran is kept in our living room, beside the Bible
by John Oliver Smith
Very soon the peace brokers are coming to meet in Annapolis. Men and
women of different nationalities and faiths will sit down together by
the water searching for peace in a conflict that seems to have no end.
Their arguments have been in the making for more than a thousand years.
Tonight I will go home to live in a peaceful sanctuary built by two
people of different faiths that both cling to their one commonality -
God, the One who makes all things possible. Who is full of compassion
and mercy....and forgiveness. He holds no grudges to those who are
truly regretful.
The best meals aren’t always served in Michelin star restaurants with celebrity chefs
Grrrrrrr!!!! Nothing frustrates me more than poor service in restaurants and hotels. Unnecessarily arrogant and condescending mannerisms that should, quite frankly, get thrown out with the trash as far as I’m concerned. Eating out is the social lynchpin of business and private life alike and therefore deemed necessary, at times. So what worse way to spend an evening with a client, friend or date, than to be patronised by some jumped up, wet behind the ears, accent-laden, barely-older-than-myself waiter. My recent experience at a famous London Italian Restaurant called Cecconi’s was precisely this.
Photo essay: Family & friends
by Mahtab
As long as I am the king of Iran, I never let anyone oppress any others
I am accepting the role of monarch, and just like Cyrus THE GREAT who wrote his Charter of Human Rights for his blessed subjects, I have prepared my own. I am presenting this Charter of Human Rights to you, so you can elect me as your tyrant... no, shit (that wasn't for you)... beloved king: 1) I announce that I will respect the traditions, customs and religions of the nations of my empire and never let any of my governors and subordinates look down on or insult them until I am alive (I will only let the security service, or personal militia, do all that while pretending to know nothing).
A journey of sensory overload
There is something borderline sexual about the dark, velvety smooth, rich and sweet characteristics of one of the most ancient and well known foods in history. The sinful dark master that preys on unsuspecting individuals, intoxicating them and releasing it potency into the blood stream. Inflicting incurable addictions on its victims and imposing an infinite quest for the ultimate ‘Cocoa’ fix
Bikers from Iran take anti-war message to Washington DC
Ali Nasri >>>
Iranian peace bikers reflect on the end of their U.S. tour
A few months ago a group of 14 Iranians traveled around europe
and the United-States by bicycle in order to bring the message of peace
and friendship of the Iranian civil society to other nations, in a
project called 'Miles for Peace'.
This is a summary of their experiences after this intense trip and
talking about their future projects. See video clips on Youtube and
their own blog: People can also sign the petition support dialogue and peace between Iran and other nations.
I long for a slow news day
I’d swear this world has gone mad. This morning at work during our daily morning-coffee-Chitchat. I mentioned the racism killing in Antwerp to my colleague that’s an odd thing to mention at a morning-coffee session isn’t it? about 2 weeks ago I had read a short article about the proceeding of this psychopath, that has been stuck in my mind and I had mentioned this to my colleague, so today’s sentencing was something we couldn’t let pass by . This man had killed a black pregnant lady and had injured a Turkish lady if that’s not heinous enough.