Song & Trance

Song & Trance

Photo essay: Mohsen Namjoo's performance at Stanford with Kiosk

by Payam Mim
14-Feb-2010 (2 comments)



Society of Professional Dreamers

Critically acclaimed films screened in Los Angeles until February 20th

The 20th Celebration of Iranian Cinema kicked off this weekend at University of California, Los Angeles, featuring a collection of established and emerging talents from Iran. The goal of this greatly received show-case is, and has been, to present a diverse portrait of Iran’s variety of cultural communities, leading customs and expressions as well as ethnic minorities’ way of living. On Friday February 5th, the opening night was dedicated to Heiran (2009) Shalizeh Alizadeh’s first feature film>>>


Focusing on abuses

We must not ignore human rights in Iran

11-Feb-2010 (28 comments)
Old habits are difficult to break. After years of almost singularly focusing on the nuclear issue, the west has been slow to react to the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in Iran. While United Nations Security Council members are preparing new sanctions over the nuclear issue, the UN has yet to address Iran’s human rights abuses since the fraudulent elections last summer. Now more than ever, the narrow nuclear focus must be set aside and renewed attention given to the state of human rights in Iran. It is literally a matter of life and death>>>


The unfortunate case of Mr Dizaei

Dizaei's biggest crime was visiting the embassy of the Islamic Republic without permission

11-Feb-2010 (19 comments)
In Britain, the word “black” usually refers to people of African or Caribbean descent. It’s always been a surprise to many Iranians that Ali Dizaei, the disgraced London Met police commander, should have been head of the Met Black Police Association (MetBPA) — few people of African or Caribbean descent would be comfortable calling themselves Iranian. Even the word “Asian” doesn’t quite sit with us — it usually refers to people from the Indian subcontinent. We identify much more with the tag “Middle Eastern” and even then like to make clear that we are not Arabs>>>


Our patience is not infinite

To Navanethem Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

09-Feb-2010 (99 comments)
Although I have already highlighted the deteriorating human rights situation in Iran on several occasions in writing and in person, I deem it necessary to once again draw the attention of Your Honour and the distinguished members of the UNHRC to the following issues as you prepare to review the Islamic Republic of Iran's human rights record, on 15 February 2010: My compatriots have endured a difficult period. Their peaceful protests were responded with bullets and imprisonment>>>


Dog is God

"Perfect time to get a dog, right Daddy?"

09-Feb-2010 (10 comments)
Last summer I got a dog. I wasn't planning on it, it just sort of happened. I had been thinking about a dog for years. As a child, my father had gotten us one, while we were living in Algeria, his assignment as a technical engineer exchange program for the National Iranian Oil Company. We lived in a beach-side residential area on the southern Mediterranean, and the puppy we got, Alfor, was very soon bitten by a wild dog roaming the sand dunes, rabid as it turned out, and after a week or so, Alfor showed up outside our house again, but with the telltale signs of foam at the mouth, dirty, bloody, exhausted, and unresponsive to our calls>>>


Green hills and valleys

Green hills and valleys

Photo essay: Hiking near Mount Danad northeast of Tabriz

by Arash Tabrizi
08-Feb-2010 (4 comments)



Men's hangouts

Men's hangouts

Photo essay: Places I like to spend time in

by Temporary Bride
08-Feb-2010 (2 comments)



The Bottomline

I found there is this strong belief in separation of religion from politics now

07-Feb-2010 (6 comments)
I went to Iran, the country of my birth, in November of 2009 and stayed there for two months after being away for 30 years. I had left Iran right before 1979 revolution that overthrew the Shah. Before I left for my visit back to Iran, I was feeling very agitated and depressed about the way things are here in the USA and I felt like I needed to get away for a while. My trip to Iran was a pleasant, interesting, and eye-opening trip, but at times I felt strongly the gloomy atmosphere that was overshadowing the country of my birth>>>


Simple moments

Simple moments

Photo essay: Capturing special moments many of us pass by

by Banafsheh Hejazi
07-Feb-2010 (11 comments)



Please Release Our Children

Anxious, worried but still hopeful their children will be released soon

05-Feb-2010 (25 comments)
One evening last week at the Free Library of Philadelphia, I met Alex Fattal. I saw pain on his face, as he came up to me. A nice, kind young man, he told me who he was. I learned that he is the brother of Josh Fattal who, along with two of his friends, was on a hiking vacation in Iraqi Kurdistan before they were arrested by the Iranian authorities. This was in July, now it is February, and they are still in prison. Evin: Where else? The mothers and the families of Shane, Josh and Sarah have had no direct contact with their loved ones. No phone calls, nothing>>>


Shir Zanan

A mythical rite practiced in remotest villages of Northern Iran

05-Feb-2010 (14 comments)
Nestled deep in the snowcapped Alburz Mountains of Northern Iran, amongst a heavily forested region, the Council of Shir Zanan met under the cover of a pitch black, moonless night. Seven women were seated around an altar, facing each other and holding the eternal fire of Ahura Mazda in the palms of their hands. The sacred fire illuminated their faces and drew eerie shadows on the wall. Their murmur could be heard in the silence of the frosty night as they chanted under their breath: “Fear not our wrath; Fear not our revenge; Fear only our reverence.” >>>


جان فرحی: نجواها و ناگفته ها

حواس پرتی مدعی

03-Feb-2010 (10 comments)
بر سر زبان افتادن نام آقای جان فرحی به اتهام کلاهبرداری و سوء استفاده های مالی، آتش یهودی ستیزی و اصطلاحا آنچه آنتی سمیتیزم نامیده می شود را تیزتر کرده است. این روزها در لوس آنجلس در هر جمعی که می نشینی به شرطی که دوستان یهودی حضور نداشته باشند، یکی پس از دیگری نظریاتی می دهند و با استناد به شواهدی احکامی صادر می کنند که گویا از فرط بدیهی بودن به قضایای مسلم هندسی می ماند که انکار و یا رد آن تائیدیه ای بربیسوادی و بی صلاحیتی و حواس پرتی مدعی ست>>>


معنویت و پاکدینی روشنفکرانه - 2

آیا معنویت و پاکدینی روشنفکرانه میتوانند بدیلهائی برای دین باشند؟

03-Feb-2010 (one comment)
در ربع آخر قرن بیستم در آمریکا شاهد یک حرکت مذهبی بنیادگرایانه قوی بوده ایم که شاید بتوان از آن به سومین احیای مذهبی (اولی و دومی در قرون هجدهم و نوزدهم رخ دادند) تعبیر کنیم. در ایندوره شرکت مردم در کلیساهای بنیاد گرا بمراتب بیش از اقبال آنها از کلیساهای "جریان اصلی" پروتستان (مانند پرسبیتارین و اپیسکوپل و متدیست) بوده است. عجیب اینست که جامعه شناسان این دوران بجای مطالعه این پدیده هنوز به مرده ریگ عصر روشنگری یعنی خیال خوش تقدس زدائی از تفکر انسانی (سکولاریسم ذهنی) و ناسوتی سازی حیطه عمومی تکیه میکردند>>>


Sorrow or bliss

Women with movies demanding social change

03-Feb-2010 (2 comments)
Neshat’s prominent style of magic realism combined with strong elements of female melodrama unfolds a strong tale about societal turmoil and personal nightmares from five female perspectives. I consider Iran as the fifth character, which is highly misunderstood, mistreated, and even raped at the end by fundamentalist forces, very much like the lives of other four characters. Iran in this era stands on the verge of a profound transformation from a poor developing country to an independent wealthy nation with a democratic government>>>


Zoghal Khoob

Kiosk music video directed by Ahmad Kiarostami

02-Feb-2010 (5 comments)


Mossadegh and Ahmadinejad

Iran faces almost the same dilemma as 1953

01-Feb-2010 (42 comments)
There is a stark similarity between some aspects of the political atmosphere dominant over Iran today and those under Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh right before the U.S.-led coup of 1953 that resulted in the overthrow of the legitimate government of Iran and the establishment of a U.S.-puppet government of the Shah. In the period between 1951-53, the U.S. in a close collaboration with the British colonial power through their channels within Iran's military and political apparatus, particularly the Shah’s court, was able to contrive division within the ruling circle and as a result the society at large>>>


So much in common

The Nazi regime and Ahamdinejad’s Islamic Republic

30-Jan-2010 (93 comments)
The English historian, Richard Evans, in his three extraordinary volumes on Nazi Germany goes into great detail about the rise and fall of the third Reich. As someone who follows the events in today’s Iran, reading the 700 pages of volume two, The Reich in Power, I am struck by various similarities between the Nazi regime and the Islamic Republic. One is the role of resentment of perceived humiliation by foreign powers in both regimes. The Nazi regime derived much of its popularity and ideological fervor from anger about the humiliating terms imposed on Germany following World War One>>>


Why does religion persist?

Human beings are genetically predisposed to be awestruck

26-Jan-2010 (33 comments)
Throughout the history of humankind, we cannot find any phenomenon more enduring and more ubiquitous than religion. It has been with us ever since we started living in communities. While scientific investigations have not provided conclusive evidence regarding the origin of religion, many researchers believe that human beings have a natural inclination for religion because of their genetic makeup. In other words, believing in religion is rooted in our genes. We are predisposed to be spiritual beings and religion is the outward manifestation of our spirituality>>>


 معنویت و پاکدینی روشنفکرانه

آیا میتوانند بدیلهائی برای دین باشند؟

26-Jan-2010 (one comment)
رویاروئی فکر روشنگری با جهانبینی دینی در سه جبهه بود. جنبه شناختی دیدگاه روشنگری کیهان شناسی جدیدی فارغ از پیشفرضهای متافیزیکی ارائه کرد، جنبه سیاسی آن به تفکیک دین از سایر حیطه ها منجمله سیاست انجامید و بالاخره در پهنه ذهنیت فکر روشنگر زیبائی شناسی و اخلاقی جدید را بارمغان آورد. این تقابل فقط در عالم فکر نبود. در عصر جدید با ظهور پروتستانتیزم و دولت- ملتها طومار سلطه کلیسای کاتولیک بر اروپا یکباره در هم پیچیده شد. >>>