

Photo essay: Feel our love coming your way

by Zahra Dowlatabadi




When you grow up and read this, we hope you feel our love coming your way from all parts of the world

08-Mar-2010 (one comment)
My daughter often asks me why I talk to strangers -- the answer is, that is how I get a chance to meet my loved-ones-to-be. One of my dear friends, found completely randomly, is a woman by the name of Sarah D. I met Sarah in 2006. At the time, she sold lettuce at the Burbank Farmer's Market and we struck up a conversation over arugula and dill. One particular morning, Sarah was positively beaming. She showed me a picture of a little girl named Augustine whom she had just met in Haiti. Her love for Augustine was contagious especially when she shared her pictures ... but let me get out of the way, and let you hear Sarah's story directly from her>>>



Pejman Akbarzadeh brings out the legendary singer's world in its full dimensions

08-Mar-2010 (11 comments)
A year after the overthrow of the Shah, the Islamic Revolutionary Court issued a subpoena with a list of singers and actors who were ordered to surrender to Evin authorities. Second on the list was Massoumeh Dadeh-Baalaa, known to the music world as Hayedeh. The ominous document, scribbled in course handwriting, can be seen in Pejman Akbarzadeh’s encyclopedic video biography of the legendary Iranian diva. Akbarzadeh chronicles Hayedeh’s life with such detail and insight that by the sad end we realize the storyteller has covered territory beyond the life of one artist; he has shed light on the world of the Iranian exile>>>


هشتم مارس زير نورافکن

ديگر لازم نيست زنان، بی تکيه گاه امن حقوقی، فقط از خواست های خود بگويند

06-Mar-2010 (4 comments)
زنان ما اکنون بايد از مفهوم کلاسيک روز جهانی زن دور شده و به مفهوم مدرن آن، که در پی تصويب اعلاميه حقوق بشر شکل گرفته، برسند. يعنی در روز جهانی زن، پيش و بيش از هر شعاری خواستار اجرای مفاد اعلاميه ای شوند که جهانيان، و از جمله کشور خودشان، پای آن امضاء گذاشته و آن را به رسميت شناخته اند. آنها بايد بجای طرح خواست های «اختصاصی» که ثابت شده اين حکومت برآورد کننده ی آنها نيست، خواستار اجرای مفاد اعلاميه ی حقوق بشر، بدون هيچ حذف و شرط و چون و چرايي، هم در مورد خودشان و هم در مورد کل مردم سرزمين شان باشند>>>


Women in Prison

Iran women rights defenders continue undeterred by prison detention

06-Mar-2010 (2 comments)
In the process of finding a new transitional global identity, Iran state authorities have steadily continued in the use of legislative delays, reversal of legal means and arrests of dissidents, activists and journalists. Younger, as well as older, women human rights defenders, are now finding themselves victim to increasing intelligence policies of non-disclosure, intimidation and repression. The Islamic Republic of Iran's state detention policies act as only a surrogate solution to many of the social problems now growing inside the country>>>



چیزی که توجه زن را جلب کرد، نگاه خیره و شیفتۀ او در آخرین لحظه بود

زن هر روز ماشینش را در یک کوچه بن‌بست پارک می‌کرد و حدود سه دقیقه پیاده می‌رفت تا به محل کارش برسد. هوا ابری بود. زن فکر کرد:«امروز حتماً بارون میاد.» در میانۀ راه، مردی را دید که به سویش می‌آید؛ انگار که درخواستی دارد. به چند قدمی هم که رسیدند، با شنیدن صدای آژیر پلیس، مرد لحظه‌ای سرِ جایش ایستاد، خیره به زن نگاه کرد، سپس ناگهان برگشت و با سرعت از او دور شد>>>




Photo essay: Persian model

by Ghormeh Sabzi
05-Mar-2010 (35 comments)



حجاب سوزان؟

تقدیم به زنان ِ سرفراز ِ ایران

04-Mar-2010 (11 comments)
چندان شگفت انگیز نخواهد بو د اگرامسال در هشتم ِ مارس و یا در شبِ چهارشنبه سوری، زنان ِ دلیرمان تصمیم بگیرند که اگر چه بصورت سمبولیک ( با آوردن یک روسری ِ یدکی) در یکزمان ِمشخص روسریها و چادرهایشان را به آتش بکشند. این اقدام قطعا با حساسیت ِ رژیم، حرکتی آنی وموقتی خواهد بود اماچه در سطح ِ ایران و چه در سطح جهان نتایج ِ بی نظیری را در بر خواهد داشت. بدون ِ شک با اینعمل دیگر رژیم نمی تواند آنان را با اتهاماتی نظیر ِ "محاربه با خدا" به صلابه بکشد وقطعا این عمل خطرناکتر از آنچه تاکنون بانجام رساند ه اند، نخواهد بود>>>


London Calling

London Calling

Photo essay: Looks like I'm going to become a Londoner

by Jahanshah Javid
02-Mar-2010 (44 comments)



از زن ستیزی تا تبعیض ستیزی

روز جهانی زن در راه است

27-Feb-2010 (4 comments)
سی سال حاکمیت و تبلیغات تمامیت خواهانه‌ی یک نظام ایدئولوژیک بی‌شک تاثیرات مخربی در شکل‌گیری تفکر و بر رفتار مردم داشته است. اما ضد ارزش شدن ارزش‌ها معمولن یکی از مهم‌ترین دست آوردهای تجربه‌ی تلخ نظام های ایدئولوژیک است. یکی از ارزش‌های حیاتی حکومت اسلامی بنیادگرایانه که ریشه در سنت‌های پدرسالارانه و حرم‌سرایی ایران سلطنتی هم دارد، تفکیک جایگاه شهروندان بر اساس جنسیت‌شان است. تعبیه‌ی جایگاه فرودست برای زنان، نشانه‌دار کردن آنها به واسطه‌ی حجاب و تقسیم عرصه‌های حضور اجتماعی زنان به مجاز و غیرمجاز، از ارکان اصلی و بازتولیدگر ساختار نظام جمهوری اسلامی است>>>


Rooftops of Villanova

Literary award for "Rooftops of Tehran"

27-Feb-2010 (3 comments)
As a debut novelist, the selection of my book Rooftops of Tehran for Villanova University’s One Book program was an amazing honor. In its fifth year, earlier selections of this prestigious initiative have included Khaled Hossini’s The Kite Runner in 2005, followed in successive years by Timothy Tyson’s Blood Done Sign My Name, Immaculee Illibagiza’s Left to Tell, and Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle. I had no idea, prior to arriving at the campus, how much time and effort had gone into preparing for my visit. >>>


Culture of Human Rights

Circulate among friends and family

25-Feb-2010 (10 comments)


Less is More

Less is More

Photo essay: People, places & things

by Mehdi Rahmat
25-Feb-2010 (3 comments)



Economizing My Way Up

On a cold day in early December, I finally arrived in Norman, a small college town in Oklahoma

24-Feb-2010 (2 comments)
I was quite young and full of joy and pride when I graduated from Tehran University - the only major state university in Iran in early 70s, - because my long held dream had come true. Back then in Iran, just being accepted to a major university was considered quite an achievement, but successfully sticking with it right through graduation was even more of an accomplishment. This was especially true for me because I was the first one in my family to go to college or have any kind of formal education for that matter>>>


On the Ground

On the Ground

Photo essay: Spending one month working for UNICEF

by Roshan Khadivi
24-Feb-2010 (one comment)



The Future Takes Forever

Who was Fereidoun M. Esfandiary?

22-Feb-2010 (8 comments)
“No civilization of the past was great,” Esfandiary insisted. “They were all primitive and persecutory, founded on mass subjugation and mass murder.” Against a tide of books warning of global crisis, decline, and alienation, Esfandiary proclaimed the first Age of Optimism. Technology would universalize abundance; nations would disappear; identities would shift from cultural to personal. “The young modern is not losing his identity. He is gladly disencumbering himself of it,” he wrote. “In the 21st century, no one will say ‘I’m Egyptian, or Romanian, or American,’ but ‘I’m global,’ or ‘I’m moon-based,’ or ‘part Martian.’”>>>


Now We Know

A testimony to the ingenuity, entrepreneurship and resilience of the Iranian youth

19-Feb-2010 (5 comments)
Rolo May once said creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitation. Bahman Ghobadi’s most recent work portraits how this is manifested in the day to day life in Iran, in particular in that of the Iranian youth. No One Knows About Persian Cats opens with Ghobadi recording a Kurdish song in an underground recoding studio in Tehran. This is his only cameo appearance in the entire film. On the surface, the plot is simple. Ashkan and Negar, two young musicians are looking to form a band and dream of taking part in a music festival in Europe>>>


From Tabriz to Bushehr

From Tabriz to Bushehr

Photo essay: Iran through the eyes of a foreign tourist

by Edda
17-Feb-2010 (22 comments)



It was summer of 72

The love that bound us is all I remember clearly

17-Feb-2010 (10 comments)
It was summer of 1972. It is a memory but plays like a dream in my head. I spent a lot of time with my youngest uncle Hamid and his friends. Mostly Hadaf graduating year students who were ok with a kid my age hanging with them. I was good at Takhte, convoluted jokes & conversations, and could handle their version of Shah/Vazir that included real slaps that left finger prints on the face for a good half a day, Otooye Atashin that could take a chunk of your hair off, and Shah's takht who would literally sit on you throughout his reign that was always longer than appropriate and ended up in tyranny no matter who got to be king>>>


ژن های تاریخی و ملّی

یا شباهتهائی ظاهری؟

15-Feb-2010 (8 comments)
برخی از وقایع دوران پادشاهی هرمزچهارم و پسرش خسرو پرویز را که بیست و دوّمین و بیست وسوّمین پادشاه ساسانی – اواخرقرن ششم و اوائل قرن هفتم میلادی (٥٩٠- ٦٢٨) – بوده اند می آورم و با وقایع مشابهش در زمان پادشاهی محمّد رضا شاه پهلوی و دوران پس از او مقایسه می کنم. و شما خود داوری کنید که اینها آیا فقط شباهتهائی ظاهری است و یا ژن های تاریخی و ملّی. فرستادن لباس زنانه - هرمز چهارم (٥٧٩ – ٥٩٠ میلادی) برای تحقیر مخالف سر سختش بهرام چوبینه که سرداری بزرگ و پهلوانی بنام بوده است لباسی زنانه با شلواری سرخ و سرپوشی زرد رنگ به عنوان هدیه برای او می فرستد: >>>