لذت بچه بازی شرعی

by Fred

پیشتر در باره فاجعۀ عروسی قانونی کودکان حتی زیر نُه و و ده ساله در ایران تحت حاکمیت مسلمین ایرانی ستیز مطالبی تقدیم شد. برای نمونه در اینجا و اینجا.

خبر جدید:

حاج آقا محمد علی اسفنانی، سخنگوی کمیسیون قضایی و حقوقی مجلس درباره این موضوع گفته:

"به طور کلی نمی توان برای این موضوع چاره ای اندیشید زیرا منع ازدواج کودکان زیر 10 سال با شرع تضاد دارد و ممکن است کودکی با سن زیر 10 سال به بلوغ کامل جنسی و فکری رسیده باشد."

به عبارت دیگر، میشود در تضاد واضح با "شرع" خیلی کارها مثل بدعت گزاری "ولایت فقیه" با اختیارات مافوق پیامبر و هزار و یک دیگر از ایندست "نامسلمانی" کرد، ولیکن برای جلوگیری از سیراب کردن امیال حیوانی حاج آقا های بچه باز نمیشود با "شرع" کاری کرد و توسط یک کلاه شرعی مألوف، حقوق مُسَلم کودک و بشر را معیار قرار داد.



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ادا اطوار اسلامی
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Shazde Asdola Mirza

یک بچه باز دیگر حکومت اسلامی بدام افتاد

Shazde Asdola Mirza

   دادستانی فرانکفورت: معاون کنسولگری ایران متهم به آزار جنسی کودکان است




Obviously, Wikipedia has

by vildemose on

Obviously, Wikipedia has been compromised by IRI's agents and renders itself completely worthless.

Those so-called Islamic experts are known as experts only to muslim extremists and noone else. No other non-muslim scholar who really is objective and non-biased can possibly agree with these so called self-appointed scholars.

Try again.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Khomeini in His BOOK

by Azarbanoo on

adviced/Suggetsted for sexual satisfaction rubing yourself against babies.  Of Course, It comes from MO Practice in 1400 years ago.


Facts are stated about Mohamad's Rapes

by IranFirst on


FACTs, were stated about Mohamd's rapes of the infant, there were no questions. If you don't like the facts and have to bring US millitary, and the owner of this site,... to the discussion to prove a point, that is your problem. stick to facts and bring your evidence. It seems many Muslims (including the poster Demo), think Mo's rapes were justified and are defending it. How someone can defend THighing a 6 years old is beyond meد



by Demo on

Mamoor, CIM, & Ali P for your remarks!

There are still some 'awake' on this site after all!


I didn't ask where he lives: I asked about speech standards

by CIM on

[The questions appeared regarding comments about Muslims, which seem to be tolerated by the website: such as implying 'Muslims are predisposed to rape girls.'  The idea is to find out what the censorship standards are.  It seems that day-in and day-out they are made the boogymen of this site while the site comfortably has taken money from the Israeli and US military and from Bahai special interest groups.] 

Since this website has previously acknowledged receiving financing from the US military, Israeli military, and Bahai special interest groups, would you support the following:

(1)  Would you support "Islamic scholars" being permitted to participate on this site so we can see what they have to say about your claims?  (Are there any "Islamic scholars" on this site now?  Why not?  Doesn't that seem strange for a country like Iran that has a lot of mosques?)

(2)  Would you support  other commentators being allowed to join this site that want to voice concerns about other faiths (e.g. let's say they want to say the same types of things about Judaism or the Bahai faith; is that okay?). 

(3)  Or are you happy being given your private soapbox to rattle-off statements that cannot be tested, talked-about, or addressed?  Here is your grand opportunity: write to the owners of this website, like I have, and encourage something other than censorship.  

Ali P.

مرغ از قفس پرید

Ali P.

Using the funds received from US and Israeli and Bahaii (!) military, JJ is comfortably retired in his chateau, in South of France.


nothing is sacred

by مآمور on

my religion is not!!their religion is!!

ok!! I got it

I wear an Omega watch


Apologist and not so cleaver attempt for Religious Engineering

by Zorumbaa on

God is DEAD, in kind if ever existed, and in sprit the sole product of hallucination and brainwashing of disparate hope-seekers. A dead non-existent god is not in the position to APPOINT a messenger, aka, a prophet. That is a technical impossibility!! So what are we arguing about?

 A war lord, self-appointed, self-proclaimed head of a turf seeking violent Arab tribe, seeking commercial supremacy and monopoly of the trade some 1500 years ago, disappears in the freaking supper hot desert somewhere in some cave in the Arabian Peninsula and later tells the gods revelation to his childlike wife. The mystical power of the supernatural non-existent deity does the trick.  The Islamic empire, like other religious empires before them starts to flourish.  Attack, kill, and conquer, confiscate their property and rape their woman, take them as slave and converts, all in the name of NOTHING that you had no choice as to keep it in secret—a mystery never known to mankind.

Who or what this god is that you, his messenger, his representative on earth, his spokesman, the ONE who has been in DIRECT contact, CANNOT and/or are NOT WILLING to define for and explain to the duped, is it possible that they would NOT FOLLOW and change their mind ONLY if they know?!!

Some 100 years later from the date of the direct contact,  all the undigested hear-say becomes the holiest book of the original Islamist and their off-springs mothered by the LIBERATED women in Islam!!


Mr. J. Javid & Mr. Amin: Islam, Judaism, Bahai, and Free Speech

by CIM on

Since this website has previously acknowledged receiving financing from the US military, Israeli military, and Bahai special interest groups, would you support the following:


(1)  Would you support "Islamic scholars" being permitted to participate on this site so we can see what they have to say about your claims?  (Are there any "Islamic scholars" on this site now?  Why not?  Doesn't that seem strange for a country like Iran that has a lot of mosques?)


(2)  Would you support  other commentators being allowed to join this site that want to voice concerns about other faiths (e.g. let's say they want to say the same types of things about Judaism or the Bahai faith; is that okay?). 


(3)  Or are you happy being given your private soapbox to rattle-off statements that cannot be tested, talked-about, or addressed?  Here is your grand opportunity: write to the owners of this website, like I have, and encourage something other than censorship.  


(4)  To the Administrator, Mr. Javid, and Mr. Amin: Why don't each of you also clearly state whether you would allow Nos. 1 & 2 and let's see if we can get other people to contribute here.  Let's also see if we can determine what your censorship standards are. 


Muslim Scholars Confirm Muhammad Thighied Aisha at 6

by IranFirst on

..and this is their "prophet", what is expected from low-life MUllahs and the rest




Idiot Islamists want to have it both ways! Child molester Was OK

by IranFirst on

Since they are not allowed to think in their cult, here is their logic: Mohamad Molested the 6 years old kid , because it WAS Ok in thoes times!, then they tell us that EVERY THING in Islam is for Today and it can not be changed, and has to be practiced as thoes Arab savages did.

Make up your mind, either  this garbage (Islam) was good for 1400 years ago and it does not hold today, or Mohamad had serious character flaws and Muslims should be ashamed for crimes he commited that are righfully considered criminal in 21st century civilized world.

How can this desparate savage Mohamad claim that he has something to offer to humanity TODAY, when his standard of behavior is raping children, which you claim was the norm for 1400 years ago



by Demo on

This commentator abhors 'calling names' games on IC! If one does not believe in any religion that is his or her absolute right & no argument over that! But defining a prophet without believing in GOD is just questionable!

No hate mongerings & no preferences over over any of the GOD's messangers! The GOD's message is UNIversal! He created the UNIverse! Everything points to his UNIty! His religion is not 3 but UNIquely UNIque 1! All he is asking us to praise him & to become all UNIted in one big commUNIty!

May GOD bless us all.


Hateful beleiver,

by vildemose on

Hateful beleiver, try Again. Epic fail.

I am not jewish not that it's any of your business. All three Abrahamic religions are equally appalling and have caused nothing but misery,  hate, and division. 


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Redefining Prophet on IC!

by Demo on



"He should have set examples and as an all-knowing entity should have known better. It just shows that he was not really a God's prophet and not holy whatsoever."!?

Try to explain such to our Jewish faith brethrens whose Prophet Mosa murdered a man without a cause while that man was arguing with an Israeli slave of the Mosa's race! And that was propably the emergence of race preference among Israelis. But only the GOD of Msa, Isa, Mohammed, & all other prophets knows the absolute 'truth!'

'That was a nation that has passed away. theirs is what they earned, and
yours what you have earned. you shall not be questioned about what they
did. (Quran 2:134, repeats again @ 2:141)' 


 A prophet should not be

by vildemose on

 A prophet should not be a follower. He should have set examples and as an all-knowing entity should have known better. It just shows that he was not really a God's prophet and not holy whatsoever.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


اختلافات فرهنگی، مذهبی و سنتی!




بعله، همون طوری که جناب مهمان پرست، معاون وزارت امور خارجی جمهوری اسلامی و معتقد به اسلام بار الهی گفت، مساله بچه بازی در استخر برزیل یک سوع تفاهم  و ناشی از "اختلافات فرهنگی" است. محمد رسول الله هم ۱۴ قرن پیش نظریات مختلف فرهنگی، مذهبی و سنتی با بقیه خلق خدا داشت.


دم جمهوری اسلامی گرم!


که در طول فقط ۳۴ سال نشان داد به ملت ایران که این همهٔ جنایت، دزدی و فساد چیزی به جز  اسلام ناب محمدی، آن هم از نوع شیعه دوازده امامی بیشتر نیست...

دست مریزاد جناب آقایان خمینی، خامنه‌ای، رفسنجانی، ....  و ملاه  بدون منبر و عمامه، آقای "دکتر" احمدی‌نژاد !


Nicely Said it All! Thanks Much!

by Demo on

ازدواج با خردسالان، رسمی معمول در میان جوامع بدوی آن روزگار بود. ایشان صرفا پیرو سنتهای زمانه خود بودند

Such nicely put statement verifies the stated fact @ the beginning that the discussed topic is purely a matter of culture & of traditions of every society! Religion's laws are to improve or to get rid of them altogether if harmful




by Fesenjoon2 on

تقلا زیاد می کنید.

ازدواج رسول الله با کودک ۹-۱۰ ساله (عایشه) در منابع کثیری بخوبی بازگو شده است. اگر امثال منابع صحیح مسلم، صحیج بخاری، سنن ابوداود، طبری، ابن سعد، و ابن هشام و غیره را جعلی  می پندارید مشخص است که از تاریخ اسلام اطلاع درستی ندارید.

ازدواج با خردسالان، رسمی معمول در میان جوامع بدوی آن روزگار بود. ایشان صرفا پیرو سنتهای زمانه خود بودند.




MIT studies on brain development

by vildemose on


 ممکن است کودکی با سن زیر 10 سال به بلوغ کامل جنسی و فکری رسیده باشد."

 This is sick and you can actually prove this idiot wrong by using science.


20s and beyond
According to recent findings, the human brain does not reach full maturity until at least the mid-20s. (See J. Giedd in References.) The specific changes that follow young adulthood are not yet well studied, but it is known that they involve increased myelination and continued adding and pruning of neurons. As a number of researchers have put it, "the rental car companies have it right." The brain isn't fully mature at 16, when we are allowed to drive, or at 18, when we are allowed to vote, or at 21, when we are allowed to drink, but closer to 25, when we are allowed to rent a car.

Setting the Stage--Adolescence
The limitations of the "teen brain" has been well publicized in the mass media, helping parents, teachers, and others understand why it may be difficult for teens to meet our expectations and demands for managing emotions, handling risks, responding to relationships, and engaging in complex school work or employment. In early- and mid-adolescence, the brain undergoes considerable growth and pruning, moving generally from back to front areas of the cerebral


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir




برای کسی که قرآن را هذیان میداند چه تفاوتی میکند به بلی و یا نه گفتن به لاطائلات. محمد در دربند زندگی کرد و یا در تجریش و یا در سن ٥٠ سالگی باباکرم میرقصید و یا نه همه و همه بر میگردد به همان حدیث و روایاتی که ممکن است ١٠٠% دروغ باشد و جعلی! ایشان همچون دیگر پیام آواران حق و حقیقت هر کاری کرد مسئولش خودش است همانند هر دیوانه و عاقل دیگر. والسلام.


جناب دمو دوباره به هذیان افتادی


این چیزها چیست که مثل آدم تب دار از خودت صادر میکنی و آسمان ریسمان میبافی. این خیلی ساده است. آیا این فرد که می گفت پیغمبر است به دختر هفت ساله بند کرده بود یا نه؟ آیا شهوت مردی با بیش از پنجاه سال سن برای دختر هفت ساله بچه بازی محسوب می شود و یا خیر؟ جواب هر دو سوال یک بلی و یا خیر ساده است. حالا هی برو به جای جواب دادن مهمل بباف، قرآن.. صلیب..شیطان..میخ..زنبور..اجنه.

به نظر من پیروان هر دین دیگری هم که مهر تائید بر این بچه بازی و کشتن آدمهای بیگناه و غارت و تاراج اموال مردم به وسیله این به اصطلاح پیغمبر بزنند تنها خود را فریب داده اند و باید به ریششان خندید.


The truth is following Iskam, like a sheep

by IranFirst on

With overwelming evidence of this Child-milster's actiions (Mohamd), you are NOT allowed to think for yourself and condemn him for his sick actions. If Mohamad himself had told you that he molested the 6 year old, you would reject it, because you are not programmed to hear anything against your cult. Such is the sad truth about the Islam and Islamists who can't think for themselves and not only have to be told to what to do and think, and say (repeating some meaningless Arabic words like parrots), but enforce it on the others who see the eivel in this cult of Islam. Be honest with your self and READ quaran and Hadith and then you will see this monster of a cult as it is, the source of misery for all humans.


حقیقت «خود فریبی»



فراق از عقل که گشتی بجای تعقل در پیام یقهُ پیام آور را گرفته و امیالش را اندازه میگیری. او را محکوم به طلب ازدواج با دختر ٧ ساله یکی از پیروانش میکنی و یا اتهام دروغگویی بهش می چسبانی. شیطانش مینامی و یا بر صلیبش میکشی! بعد هم برای تبرئه خود به خود فریبی پرداخته و روایت و حدیث برای فریب آیندگان نیز جعل میکنی. ولی فراموش میکنی که خالق عقل همانا حقیقت را چون عسل شیرین ساخته و خود فریبی را تلخ چون زهر مار.

پ.ن. آیا خود فریبی نیست که بهائیان در زبان اسلام را تایید میکنند و در قلب آنرا تکذیب!


When the Child-Molester Mohamad is the Example..

by IranFirst on

When the Child-Molester rapist, Mohamad is the Example, what is expected from the rest of these idiot Muslims who fololow him and their terrorist cook book Quran , like sheeps. MO actually "married" Ayeshe, when she was 6 and he molsted her (look up tighing), got his animal satisfaction from rubbing against her tighs, like the sick bastered that he was, and then started rapeing here when she was 9.

... and the so called Mulsims follow his "examples" and rape children till today, all sanctioned by their sick "religion"which they want to impose on Iranians and the rest of the civilized world


تلخی حقیقت


جناب دمو حالا لطفاَ بفرمائید ایشان برای کدام امیال دختربچه هفت ساله دوستش را طلب کرد؟ متاسفم که حقیقت گاهی تلخ است اما نگران نباش، خود فریبی همیشه شیرین است.


امیال حیوانی؟



خُرده ای به طرز نگارش نتوان گرفت که قلم گوید از خفته درونِ قلمزن! بهر صورت آن شرع من در آوردی حاج آقا ربطی به دین ندارد و ١٠٠% فرهنگی است که سالیان دراز در هندوستان و نپال و ویتنام و بسیاری از کشورهای دیگر متداول بوده و هست و تعبیر آن به «امیال حیوانی» مختص حیوانات «دنیای آزاد » است و مُریدانشان!


و عقلی که دربند شد نتیجه اش دیوانگی است و ذلتش!


از پیغمبرشان یاد می گیرند


پیغمبری که به بچه هفت ساله بند کرد امتش هم این میشود.