اسلام تخیلی شیرین عبادی


by Fred

پیش از تقدیم بخشی از آیه ای از قرآن، دو خبر و یک سئوال، باید عرض شود که تفاوت بین ادیان ابراهیمی در شکل است و نه محتوا.

آیه ٣۴ سوره نساء (زنان):

"مردان، سرپرست و نگهبان زنانند، بخاطر برتريهايى كه خداوند براى بعضی نسبت به بعضی دیگر قرار داده است، و بخاطر انفاقهايى كه از اموالشان میکنند...."

خبر اول:

طبق قانون عربستان؛ زنان بدون رضایت ولی خود مسافرت نمیتوانند بکنند، درصورتی هم که اجازه سفر از شوهر خود گرفته باشند، بتازگی دولت با ارسال SMS خروج زنان از کشور را به اطلاع شوهران‌ آنان می‌رساند.

خبر دوم:

طبق قانون جمهوری اسلامی، زنان متاهل در هر سنی برای خروج از کشور نیاز به اجازه همسر دارند، اخیراً مجلس حضرات در پی تصویب قانونی است که براساس آن زنان مجرد زیر ۴٠ سال نیز برای خروج از کشور باید اجازه "ولی قهری" یا " حکم شرعی "حاکم شرع" را کسب کنند.


مبلغان انتخاب تفسیری از اسلام که با مفاد اعلامیۀ جهانی حقوق بشر سازگار و دموکراسی پذیر بودن دین مبین مانند بانو شیرین عبادی، لطفاً توضیح بدهند که بجز تفکیک دین از دولت، با نص صریح قرآن که در تضاد تفسیر ناپذیر با حقوق بشر و بُن مایه دموکراسی است چه باید کرد؟



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ادا اطوار اسلامی
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مسجد همجنسگرایان
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Iranians are legitimate target
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more from Fred
salman farsi

Brother Asad

by salman farsi on

You have spoken the truth brother. May Allah bless you and forgive you your sins.

For an Islamic democracy

Shazde Asdola Mirza

دیگ به دیگ میگه، "رو سیاه"

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Fred: as a Jewish person, your one-sided attack on Islam, without acknowledging the source of all those anti-woman laws (i.e. Judaism), is simply appalling.

Compared to Judaism laws, Islam is 100 times more progressive towards women!

When a Muslim like me attacks Islam, it is criticism. When a Jew does that, it can be racism.

Azadeh Azad

Skh jan

by Azadeh Azad on

Yes, you have every right to reply to Fred, especially that he is at least intelligent, contrary to some new bizarre (and bikaar) entities who shall not see my political comment removed :-).



Soosan Khanoom

Azadeh jan ...

by Soosan Khanoom on

As far as I remeber, I have not read his blogs ..  I only know him through your introductions.  I, however, have not been passive when it comes to anyone who supports or sympathizes with MEK and their causes. This specific person has skipped my attention. Other than that, I see no other reason in me not responding to his posts. 

: ) 


salman farsi

Sister Azadeh

by salman farsi on

I see that you have been flagged already. I think someone must have found your own comment slanderous or rude. But if I remember rightly your issues with Brother Hossein go a long way back and are more of a personal nature. On the contrary I have no personal issues with Brother Fred.I don't even care for his support for Israel. His insults/mockery/guilt by association of Islam, as shown by a sample of his writings in my previous comments, is the issue here. So Sister I suppose you are the one who is being inconsistent by bringing a personal issue to a public forum.

Vassalamo Alaik va Rahmatollah.

For an Islamic democracy

Azadeh Azad

Let's be consistent

by Azadeh Azad on

I know that Fred, anti-IRI, supports Israel. However, I could not find a single word or a hint on Israel, on this blog.


You might say that you know Fred's pro-Israeli position; therefore whatever he writes needs to be considered (or actually judged) based on his ultimate purpose, which is apparently the bombing of the IRI's alleged bomb-making installations, killing millions of Iranians and bringing back a pro-American government.


My question is why don't you fine people apply the same approach towards, let's say a supporter of the Mujahedin-e khalgh, like Hossein Bagher-Zadeh, whose ultimate purpose is to help this terrorist group and their allies take power in Iran. I have never read a single comment about the real intention of this pro-mujahed individual who has lied, on this very site, about the extent of his collaboration with Massoud Rajavi or "dear Mrs. Rajavi,.... Respectfully".


Have you ever met a single Mujahed who has actually become democrat? I haven't and I haven't heard any.
Plus, Hossein Baghert Zadeh has proven to be a sexist man by publishing a demagogic article against Feminist Lawyer, Shadi Sadr'a truthful statement that Iranian men need to look at themselves and tell themselves and others about their sexist attitude towards women.


Hossein Agha, like all little dictators, has this vital need to control others, especially women who tell the truth about men and make him appear to be an ordinary, old-fashioned male chauvinist with despotic tendencies. Despotic chauvinists are bad for the future of Iran, especially the future of the Iranian women.


I have not noticed a single one among you to criticizet this MEK individual for his attachment to MEK and its President "Dear Mrs. Rajavi,.......Respectfully". When I objected to his having addressed this dangerous woman (Maryam...) so affectionately, he replied that my question was not worth replying. Democracy in action, eh? :-)






Ps. Please Be polite. I shall flag slanderous or rude comments, which up to now I have tolerated.

salman farsi

Brother FDOML

by salman farsi on


Ask your question from those who hold Khomeini dear - NOT ME Brother,

For an Islamic democracy


"brother Salman": Yes it

by firstdayofmylife on

"brother Salman": Yes it does apply to the new perverted version of zionism. 

 I appreciate your implied agreement with the real Salman's quote regarding the Satanic Verses. I appreciate your honesty. 

 BTW, Is there still a fatwa against salam Rushdie's head by your beloved Khamnei?


معالجه عقلی!


در واقع امروز روز مراجعه به عقل خود و روز مشاعره با آن است که چون ممکن است فردایی نباشد. بجای بازی با آلات فیل بهتر که قدر این روز آخر را دانست و از هذیان گویی دست شُست که چه بسا مسخره کردن امروز باعث کُدورت خاطر فردا در گور شود!


Fred you just don't see what is going on

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The USA and Israel Government Policies want and support Islamists, they are the organization and planning behind Islamic extremism seizing power.  Israels role is to help this process in North Africa and the MiddleEast for both the EU and USA.  Israel/uk/france/germany and the USA removed the late shahs team using muslims, so Israel can't do a thing to threaten the existance of IRI, not even 1 bombing run, if it endangers the grip of extremists on the tools of controlling iranians, who are by definition enslaved in their own country by the islamists. 

Israel funds and supports the mek extremists, because that is all it is allowed to do according to the policy it follows, Israel actively support groups that can not produce peace, progress or human rights if they come to power.  However they will produce the regression that is the wests real number one goal in this situation.  Israels only problem is the USA and EU plan doesn't give a damn about the price Israeli's will have to pay fighting islamists with tactical nukes, the same islamists they are tasked with empowering and consolidating over entire societies to keep the societies weak and intentionally backwards.

Islam in Government is what the USA wants, its why an Islamic Democracy is something all muslims should curse, if we are true muslims or even good human beings, islam should have no place in government and government should have no place in islam, but the west knows that most (muslim/jew/christian) will not figure it out and will use muslims to harm themselves, while in no way wanting the same thing for their own societies, this is how crooks operate.

In summary the goal for muslims is a neo-colonial one and has been from the very begining, muslims were used to betray the late shah with the goal of causing countries to regress and make them backwards by force, to do this they want islam brought into government, one wonders if they love religion so much, why they don't love christianity in their own government.

Islam is now in government in Libya care of nato by war, In Iraq care of USA by war, in egypt and tunisia care of the arab spring and trying to come to power with US/EU/Israel/turkey/arab help in Syria it has nothing to do with weakening Irans ally, it is introducing poverty and weakness into syria by introducing by force extremism into government.

salman farsi

Brother FDOML

by salman farsi on

  Do your qoutes cover the Zionists or is it only pointed at Islamists (do you understand the difference between the Islamist and the Muslim)?

For an Islamic democracy


To Islamsist:

by firstdayofmylife on

“A people that has remained convinced of its greatness and invulnerability, that has chosen to believe such a myth in the face of all the evidence, is a people in the grip of a kind of sleep, or madness. ”
Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses


“From the beginning men

by firstdayofmylife on

“From the beginning men used God to justify the unjustifiable.”
Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses

“Something was badly amiss with the spiritual life of the planet...Too many demons inside people claiming to believe in God.”
Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses


مشاعره مذهبی!



مثل اینکه امروز صحبت دین و سوره و آیه است. پس من هم یک ابراز دانش دینی بکنم!

أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصْحَابِ الْفِيلِ

سوره قضای حاجت در جنگل - آیه ٣ اضطراری

"اسباب آقا فیله تو جنگل علم گردد و تر گردد و بعدش خیلی کیف کند و از خدا سپاسگزاری کند."


چوب خدا


انشالله که چوب خدا خوردن شامل حال همگی در این سایت شود که فقط و فقط حرف حساب بزنند! آمین!

گر فقط خوانی آن مثنوی جاودانه کتابی را که رومی نوشت
آنچنان غرق در تفکر گردی که وصف آنرا هرگز نتوان نوشت!

"كساني كه مكلف به تورات شدند ولي حق آن را ادا ننمودند مانند درازگوشي هستند كه كتابهائي بسیار را حمل مي‏كند، قومي كه آيات الهي را تكذيب كردند مثال بدي دارند، و خداوند جمعيت ظالمان را هدايت نمي‏كند." (قرآن ٦٢:٥)

Soosan Khanoom

To Sarbazan-e Imam Fred,

by Soosan Khanoom on


Now if I am an IRI supporter then why you guys even fight IRI?  If IRI is expressing the views I am expressing here then Why even reformists and leftists are in prison? 

As your ignorance demonstrates over and over , according to your standards the reformists and leftists are all IRI supporters! Then  why you hypocrites on this site even support Iranian political prisoners?  

oh please ... do not give me "the sake of the freedom crap" !   

You guys have toasted Shirin Ebadi on may occasions ...  Now please stop acting so innocent!  

You better learn to deal with a country that has more Shirin Ebadis and Nasrin Sotudeh than any other opposition.    Or both of them are IRI supporters? ... I guess everyone is then !  and you better learn to deal with me too ..  

nothing you say will change the facts ! 

Please get your heads out of the sand and stop pointing to the sky with your butts !  

thankx : ) 



دموده تک کتابی!




من با خدا یک گپی زدم گفتش، چوب خدا صدا نداره، هر کی بخوره دوا نداره! 


Soosan Khanoom

Welcome back vildemose : )

by Soosan Khanoom on

I thought the first day of your life would be different but the same old ... 

Many have missed you on this site ... One being me for sure !!




oh boy, "MY ISLAMIC

by firstdayofmylife on

oh boy, "MY ISLAMIC MISSION"?????

Salaman must be thinking he is still in Evin making tavabs...lol


مامان عروس


جای مادر عروس با استدلال های شریعتمداری پسند و نابش خالی بود که تشریف آورد.

موضوع بلاگ با این شامورتی بازی ها عوض نمیشه.

پا بزنید! 

salman farsi

Prove me wrong brother Fred.

by salman farsi on

Denial is not a proof. You asked for meat I gave you enough to chew. If you don't like it blame it not on me but on yourself. It was your meat.

My Islamic mission is to guide the bretheren, yourself included. If you have nothing to say have the decency to apologize.

For an Islamic democracy


Iran is not IRI!

by firstdayofmylife on

Everyone know Soosan Khanoom supports Islamic Republic of Iran.

Now , SK may keep pointing his finger at the press and keep saying that he did not have any sexual relationship with that woman!

Does it matter anymore?

Why bother denying!!

So what !

Iranain.com is a democratic online publication. ( ok ... ok .. do not laugh but it is .. it really is ) and it definitely is not IRI.ir or Islamists.com...or basiji.com....

What a silly game...


حرف حق پس اینجور ندارد!


"پس از دید مراجع تقلید و علمای عظما در سایت ایرانیان دات کام، مشکل اصلی و اساسی اسلام مسلمانان هستند نه خود دین یا کارگردان و سایر مجریان برنامه! خب بابا اینو زود تر میگفتین که ملت مسلمان روشن بشن!"

عقل را باید اوّل در کار افکنی تا روشن شوی
چون بی اندیشه کر و کور و شرالّدواب شوی

إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِندَ اللّهِ الصُّمُّ الْبُكْمُ الَّذِينَ لاَ يَعْقِلُونَ
بدترين جنبندگان نزد خدا افراد كر و لالي هستند كه عقل خود را بکار نمی اندازند. ( قرآن ٨:٢٢)
وَلَوْ عَلِمَ اللّهُ فِيهِمْ خَيْرًا لَّأسْمَعَهُمْ وَلَوْ أَسْمَعَهُمْ لَتَوَلَّواْ وَّهُم مُّعْرِضُونَ
و اگر خدا در آنان خيرى می ‏يافت قطعا شنوايشان می‏ساخت و اگر آنان را شنوا می‏كرد حتما باز به حال اعراض روى برمی‏تافتند. (قرآن ٨:٢٣)


Liar !

by Fred on

It is obvious you are a shameless LIAR.   

What you quoted are statements of facts, for instance I’ve quoted directly from Quran and the news items.

The problem with liars like you is when you are challenged; you come up with this sort of nonsense.

This is the last time I show reaction to your nonsense.  You are just shameless, Boro Haji!

Soosan Khanoom

Everyone knows that Fred supports Israel

by Soosan Khanoom on

Even khajeh hafez knows that !

Now , Fred may keep pointing his finger at the press and keep saying that he did not have any sexual relationship with that woman!  

Does it matter anymore? 

Why bother denying!! 

So what !

Iranain.com is a democratic online publication. ( ok ... ok .. do not laugh but it is .. it really is )   I, however, am not sure people in the Israelis.com would have tolerated us as much if it was vise versa !



دروغ مصلحتی!



البته میگن که دروغگو دشمن خداست ولی دروغ مصلحتی که سبب حفظ منافع معنوی مؤمنین، سلامت و امنیت جامعه ایمانی میشود عیبی ندارد!

در نتیجه دروغ سلمان را میشه زیر سیبیلی در کرد!

salman farsi

Halal meat or Kosher meat brother?

by salman farsi on

Both types are available in your shop: 

Kosher meat ( in praise of Israel and victimising her):

اسرائیل بارها نشان داده که در راستۀ حفظ بقای خود و در نطفه خفه کردن فاجعه نتنها اطلاعات دقیق دارد، بل، در کنار تکنولوژی پیشرفته خلبانان زبده و شجاع هم دارد.


The blows Israel suffered from the nearly 1,500 mostly Iran provided missiles and rockets were greatly softened by her Iron Dome Missile Shield System. Although no infrastructure damage, five Israelis lost their lives from the few missiles that got through.

Halal meat (in belittling and poking ridicule at Islam):

Citing out of context quotation from the holy Qur'an and presenting Iranian regime laws as Islamic shari'ah (from this very blog):

سوره نساء (زنان):

"مردان، سرپرست و نگهبان زنانند، بخاطر برتريهايى كه خداوند براى بعضی نسبت به بعضی دیگر قرار داده است، و بخاطر انفاقهايى كه از اموالشان میکنند...."


طبق قانون جمهوری اسلامی، زنان متاهل در هر سنی برای خروج از کشور نیاز به اجازه همسر دارند، اخیراً مجلس حضرات در پی تصویب قانونی است که براساس آن زنان مجرد زیر ۴٠ سال نیز برای خروج از کشور باید اجازه "ولی قهری" یا " حکم شرعی "حاکم شرع" را کسب کنند.

Asking misleading questions and presenting them as facts:

مبلغان انتخاب تفسیری از اسلام که با مفاد اعلامیۀ جهانی حقوق بشر سازگار و دموکراسی پذیر بودن دین مبین مانند بانو شیرین عبادی، لطفاً توضیح بدهند که بجز تفکیک دین از دولت، با نص صریح قرآن که در تضاد تفسیر ناپذیر با حقوق بشر و بُن مایه دموکراسی است چه باید کرد؟

I rest my case Brother and forgive you for your abusive language and for your lies.

For an Islamic democracy


Salamn obviously never

by firstdayofmylife on

Salamn obviously never bothered to read any of the content of Fred's blog. The titles are meant to be provoctive and grab reader's attention so they will actually read the content.

Though we should not be surprised to see such absurdities  from uneducated Islamist. Remember Cineclub? The Islamist thought it meant Breast club for men...hahahhaah


Liar !

by Fred on

You are a liar; quote me where I’ve done what you accuse me of doing.

Those are the titles of blogs, where is the meat, what in those blogs prove you accusation?

salman farsi

O' Brother! I wished you had'nt challeneged me

by salman farsi on

The evidence is overwhelming. Here are a just few examples brother Fred (unless you spin them the way the Iranian regime spins the holy Quran):

Praising Israel:

خیابان کوروش در شهرهای اسرائیل / ایران و خلبانان دلیر اسرائیل


1 Israeli = 33 Palestinians


Bashing Islam:

اسلام تخیلی شیرین عبادی / علم فیزیک اسلامی

شانزه لیزۀ اسلامی

These were only a few recent examples of Brothers Fred's praise for Israel and ridiculing the faith of Islam by connecting it with whatever foolish or cirminal things that the Iranian regime do.

Do you need more evidence brother Fred?

I forgive you for calling me a liar Brother and I hope Yahowah does the same.



For an Islamic democracy