هنر آشپزی شیرین عبادی


by Fred

در مصاحبه با بی بی سی؛ بانو شیرین عبادی که ٩ سال پیش در زمانی که برادرشان "دستیار" رئیس جمهور نظام نکبت مسلمین "اصلاح طلب" و غیره بود جایزه صلح نوبل را به او دادند، حرفهای بامزه زیادی میزنند.

چند لقمه لذیذ بعنوان اشتها آور و ته بندی تقدیم علاقمندان دموکراسی پذیری دین مبین و خوانش ملی- مذهبی های هاج و واج و هواداران شارلاتان علی شریعتی میشود تا بروند و از مصاحبه توشۀ دنیوی/اخروی بردارند:

"اعلامیۀ حقوق بشر برآید یا عصارۀ ادیان است،

بایستی تفسیری از اسلام را انتخاب کرد که با مفاد اعلامیۀ جهانی حقوق بشر سازگار باشد،

ما از کاخ سفید درخواست که نکردیم، از دانشگاه ها، از موسسات فکری، از موسسات حقوق بشری، از طرفداران صلح همیشه درخواست میکنم کتابهای روشنفکران اسلامی را به زبانهای مختلف ترجمه کنید، امکانات به اینها بدهید تا تدریس کنند افکار مدرن اسلامی را به مسلمانانی که افکار متحجرانه دارند."

به عبارت دیگر؛ بانو عبادی بر این باورند که راه دموکراتیک کردن استبداد سفاکی که باورمندان افکار همگون ایشان در به قدرت رساندن و بقایش نقش کلیدی داشته و دارند، تدریس اسلام منطبق با حقوق بشر در دانشگاه های کشورهای غربی توسط "روشنفکران اسلامی" به مسلمین "متحجر" میباشد.

محض رضای خدا؛ پیدا کنید پرتقال فروش را.


به اینجا، اینجا و اینجا هم سرکی بکشید.


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Thank you Shemirani

by anglophile on

You clearly showed some very good examples of Mossadegh's opportunistic and unprincipled stances on the question of Islam. His worshippers like our Pahlevoon Panbeh, justify these acts as his being clever in bending to the conditions of the moment as he saw them fit but our Mossadeghollahis forget that a bender cannot be a principled person.

In additionto your examples I must remind our fanatic friend Pahlaevoon Panbeh that Mossadegh closed down the mixed schools and for a while even shut down the shops selling alcoholic drinks - all to appease the mullahs. But they were cleverer than him, saw his true colours and dumped him to the mercy of the public.



by anglophile on



If Mossadegh was secular alors le père noël existe :D

by Shemirani on

To say that Mossadegh was a secular man you must bring some facts to prove it because when i refers to mossadegh's life, it doesn't match with him !

For example :

 Mossadegh Saltaneh's speech in the parlement against Forooghi (Shoraye Meli Shahrivar 1305) Mossadegh said : الاسلام یعلوو لا یعلی علیه


Which means "Eslam az harchiz balatar ast va hichiz az eslam balatar nist"  It's very curious talk in the middle of a national parlement for a secular man, Isn't it ? (and i'm sure there is lots of example like this in his talks )

I also heard Mossadegh appointed Kashani to be Rais Majles Meli , that was the first time we had a mullah at this post !! It's a very curious decision for a secular man (and a lawyer !), isn't it ?

and of course we all know that Mossadegh married Emmam jomeh's daughter (Zahra emami who became later Zia al saltaneh) Do you think the religious stepfather( ZeynolAbedin) would agree the mariage with a "Secular" man? if you do i think you are not  realistic  at that time secular was an insult to them  like we saw it was in 1979 and still is for many of akhoonds )! i believe Mossadegh even played the islamic card to marry her :)

historical Facts talks by themselves ! I don't know for you but i will not follow a legend no matter how attractive it can be without knowing who the person was and  saying that mossadegh was secular is a Lie ! 


Pahlevoon panbeh

by anglophile on

I have no time nor any interest to educate you but I suggest don't cut and paste from the Mossadeghollahi sites (dont listen to equally illiterate pals of yours like Aynak and co, they have already been proven to be Mossadeghollis par excellence (LOL).


It is clear that you can hardly read or write in Farsi (never mind English) - so be a good boy and get started in Farsi 101.


keep  barking like a good novice Mossadeghollahi.




right blog

by Pahlevan on

This the right blog, my comment was a response to your "Thank you FA jaan, I shall continue with your good work" garbage. 

You seem to be having difficulty understaning in general!

Mossadegh was against forcing women to dress a certain way, whether it was Reza Shah's forcing women to lose their chadors or Bazargan forcing them to wear it ... It's called freedom of choice and democracy, a concept that's obviously alien to your kind! 

دکتر مصدق با معاونت وزارت فرهنگ مرحوم بازرگان مخالفت کرده و گفته بود او در این سمت چادر سر زن­ها خواهد کرد. از این گذشته نطق دکتر مصدق در مجلس چهاردهم در مورد مخالفت با کشف حجاب و اینکه بهتر بود به مرور از طریق محصلان رفع حجاب می­شد 


Wrong blog again

by anglophile on

Why can't you get your blogs right Pahlevan Panbeh?


You clearly have difficulty understanding Farsi too:


نطق دکتر مصدق در مجلس چهاردهم در مورد مخالفت با کشف حجاب و اینکه بهتر بود به مرور از طریق محصلان رفع حجاب می­شد هم در این موارد گویا است ...


I only suffice it to use the above quote in demonstrating Mossadegh's sucking up to the Mullahs, as opposed by Reza Shah's courageous act. You are your own worst detractor (LOL).


Now go plug up your history holes old boy before it all drains. 



by Pahlevan on

دروغ پردازی‌های بیشرمانهٔ تو و امثال تو در مورد دکتر مصدق، خوشبختانه توسط ایرانیان آزادی‌خواه برملا شده‌اند: 

مورد دیگر هم در مورد وزیر فرهنگ دوم کابینه دکتر مصدق مرحوم دکتر آذر است که همینان در جریانات بعد از انقلاب از سوی آیت­الله خمینی حکم ارتداد هم دریافت کردند و این بار از سوی میرفطروس به این متهم است که در دوره اول به وزارت فرهنگ رسیده و مدارس مختلط را بسته غافل از اینکه او در دوره دوم به وزارت رسیده که همین نشانگر این است که در دروان دکتر مصدق هم مدارس مختلط بوده ولیکن طبق خاطرات آیت­الله حائری یزدی به دلیل فشار شدید آیت­الله بروجردی بعدا مجبور شده بود در این مورد اقداماتی انجام دهد. یا در مورد مشابه در مورد معاونت وزارت فرهنگ مرحوم بازرگان او صحبت کرده غافل از اینکه خود دکتر مصدق با معاونت وزارت فرهنگ مرحوم بازرگان مخالفت کرده و گفته بود او در این سمت چادر سر زن­ها خواهد کرد. از این گذشته نطق دکتر مصدق در مجلس چهاردهم در مورد مخالفت با کشف حجاب و اینکه بهتر بود به مرور از طریق محصلان رفع حجاب می­شد هم در این موارد گویا است ...


آیا بهتر نیست به جای دروغ پردازی و حمله به دکتر مصدق، و همدستی با گروه‌های متعفنی چون اسلامیست‌های کثیف غرب‌نشین، سکوت اختیار کنی‌ و دست از ضدیت با ایران و ایرانی‌ برداری؟ شرم و حیا هم بد چیزی نیست. 




How the Mighty Fall

by Mehrban on

One measly compliment and they start squealing  



Thanks FA

by anglophile on

That was very interesting and informative too.


First of all Roozbeh dear

by anglophile on

Her Majesty is still the Head of State of that cold and uninhabitable nothern out post. Second, I can't see if my good friends (my bretheren if you will) have any connections with the recent developments in Metcalfe Street, Ottawa. But I am sure my good Baha'i friends in London can put them up somewhere until a permanent residence is found for them. We are so accommodating here in the land of hope and glory :))


Puzzled, Puzzled, Puzzled

by Demo on

My yesterday comment of using the word 'filthy' to desribe the fake lefties & the word 'chicken hawk' to promote fake pahlevans was deleted while the 2 said groups have all the freedom in the world to say whatever they want to with their comments/blogs. Just puzzled & wishing for my account's blockage by the admin any time soon. And such a relief that would be to end my habit of writing comments for the good of others, if any.


anglo jaan: never mind mossadegh, let's talk Canada!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Situation in her majesties ex colony seem to be very serious for your faithful servant (you called him your "brother"[s] in his defence, and he wagged his tail for you three times, well done both of you!). He seem to be in overdrive with all his user ID's for the past couple of days! 

What's your plan of action for your ex servant in case he happened to be, god forbid!!!, somehow connected to islamic republic of zereshk's embassy in canada? Do they still take in shiat refugees in london or have they expired their use as far as her majesties government is concerned?

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Thank you FA jaan, I shall continue with your good work :)

by anglophile on

Good Morning from an unusually sunny and warm London :)


Well, well, well. Let's see what we have got here. A typically immature Mossadeghollahi who true to his Imam Mossadegh's creed of self-worship has chosen a humble name!! and another ugly image of the Imam as avatar. No problem sofar. It all fits the profile of a good Mossadeghollahi.  


But hang on a minute there is a little problem here. Our friend says:


"Mossadegh was a secular to a point where he refused to appoint Bazargan the minister of education because of Bazargan's Islamist ideas. Even your filthy Emam knew that mossadegh was a secular democrat and despised him because of that:" 


Our good friend seems to have a very sanitised version of history (very typical of Mossadeghollahis again). His first minister of Education (Culture in those days) was a fanatical muslim called, surprise surprise, Karim Sanjabi - yes the same Sanjabi who was racing against other fellow Mossadeghists to suck up to Khomeini. In his next cabinet after 30 Tir, Mossadegh (the secular - my foot) appointed Mehdi Bazargan as deputy to Dr Azar in the ministry of Education and their first job was to shut down the mixed (boy and girl) schools! 


Pahlavan Panbeh jaan you have a long way to go to catch up with your Imam Mossadegh. So don't get into territories in which you are so clueless. Just go shout outside the closed embassy. That's the least mischief we expect of you old boy (LOL).


Now lets get back to Ms Ebadi please - she is more fun than Imam Mossadegh (LOL again). 



بابا هنوز چهار روز وقت داری!


پهلوان: این آقای انگلفیل آدم خوبیه، ولی‌ همیشه مواظب مستأخدمین  قدیمیش هست. الان که "ویک اند" هست. ولی‌ صبح شنبه که در قصر واز بشه، ایشون  شخصا با  ملکه تماس گرفته و خواهان پناهندگی سیاسی در لندن برای مستخدم قدیمی‌ که در حال حاضر در استخدام سفارت ولی‌ فقیه در کانادا، و به همراه همه برادران و خواهران شیفته هسته امام خمینی در حال "وقی ال اخراج"  هست خواهد شد.

والسلام نامه تمام  


The unholy alliance

by Pahlevan on

Is the unholy alliance that staged a coup against mossadegh forming again on Iranian.com ?!

First Amendment

Anglo jaan... :)

by First Amendment on



Man taa injaa aavordamesh.......bagheeyash baa khodet :)))))



by Pahlevan on

How does it feel to have so much in common with a filthy west-residing Islamist parasite?! congrats!


Islamist Amendment

by Pahlevan on

There is a big difference between what goes on in your rotten Islamist head versus the reality. Mossadegh was a secular to a point where he refused to appoint Bazargan the minister of education because of Bazargan's Islamist ideas. Even your filthy Emam knew that mossadegh was a secular democrat and despised him because of that:


One of the main group of supporters of the coup against Mossadegh were filthy Islamists like khomeini that cheered as Mossadegh was brought down.

It's good to see that you and angal have found something in common, LOL!


Wrong blog Pahlavan

by anglophile on

You are just as confused in your politics as you are with where to fire your drivel.


You are either young and immature or old and immature, the choice is yours :))) 

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Mossadeq was not secular. As a matter of fact he didn't have to be........I am not sure if he knew what it meant.......As far as having something in common with this or that group or party or ideology is concerned, our collective political outlook is more intertwined than we otherwise like it to be.........


It's a great avatar!

by Pahlevan on

I have chosen a great avatar, Mossadegh was a great secularist and will  always be a torn in the eyes of filthy Islamists. Islamist parasites like you are obviously bothered by it (you have that in common with monarchists LOL), and frankly that's the point. 


Khoresht Bademjoon!

by fanoos on

I wonder if Ms. Ebadi knows how to make one with long ones, Bademjoon that is!

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Then you've chosen the wrong avatar........


no fetish just dislike

by Pahlevan on

a great amount of dislike for Islamist backwardness and filth!

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Sorrrrrrrrry...........I didn't know you have a shoe fettish............... :)


Actually, plenty of dirt

by Pahlevan on

Islamist amendment, unlike west-residing Islamist parasites like you, us real Iranians are actually hard-working citizens that excel in bussiness and science! so don't assume that we are anything like your filthy kind. Why don't you put your foot where your filthy mouth is and get the hell out of the west you despise so much and go to Gaza to declare Jihad against the infidels?!

West-residing Islamists are traitors to both Iran and the host secular countries that have allowed these scumbags to live there. 

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Not much dirt is under Nazanin's shoes..............that's the way it goes, when  the wearer spends most of her time in bed................


The dirt under Nazanin's shoe vs Ebadi

by Pahlevan on

The dirt stuck to the sole of Nazanin's shoes is worth more than Shirin Ebadi. Filthiest creatures on earth are west-residing Islamists. There's nothing more repulsive than a west-residing Islamist parasite. 

Islamists do not have brains; an Islamist talking about "brains" is like a pile of crap talking about "pleasant aromas" ! 



تفسیر بانو عبادی از ۲۸ مرداد


سپس مجری جلسه از عبادی پرسید: "آیا به نظر شما اگر مصدق ساقط نمی شد انقلاب اسلامی در ایران رخ نمی داد؟" 

عبادی در پاسخ گفت: "بله اگر مصدق در اثر کودتا سرنگون نمی شد و باقی می ماند و برنامه های خودش را اجرا می کرد ایران دچار وضعیتی نمی شد که منجر به یک حکومت اسلامی بشود و حکومتی که سر کار می آمد مسلما یک حکومت غیر مذهبی بود."       //www.roozneveshtha.com/2010/03/post_294.shtml


'To Have' or 'Not to Have'

by Demo on

What difference does that make to a 'Former Chicken' anyways, remembering that like Fred herself, Shrin & Nazanin are also old chickens!