
هنوز هم ستاره مي كشند

سياهي سرتاسر ايران را فرا گرفته بود. اسم شب ظلمت بود و تا ابديت پيش مي رفت . خورشيد را دورن قلعه اي از سرب

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Zen-like Developed centuries ago in Heart , once one of the most important cultural centers in the world, Persian calligraphy and miniature painting have remained

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From an Iranian CEO

Payam’s response to Ben Madadi’s “The art of getting some”: I have been asked frequently to give talks about my life. I have never done

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Golden eye

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. – 3rd century BC Greek Proverb The Real Voyage of Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes

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Be weary this fall for darkness is eying you growing up as a deer to a wolf. Avoid colorful conduct, all flowery words, or dress

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For Freydoon

ظهر بود خیابان بود تابستان بود میخکی بود زخمی در دست یک شرقی غمگین بدنبال کوه نور بر سر سهراهی عشق آرزو تنفر عشق مرد

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Free and weightless

Sunday afternoon, an aviation guru friend of mine and I took a drive to Bealeton, VA, located 60 miles South West of Washington, DC to

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Free and weightless

Sunday afternoon, an aviation guru friend of mine and I took a drive to Bealeton, VA, located 60 miles South West of Washington, DC to

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تاريخ ما و سکولاريسم

اگر تعريف واقعی، منطقی و «به روز شده» ی سکولاريسم عبارت باشد از «دخالت ندادن ايدئولوژی قدرتمندان و حاکمان (که مذهب نمونه ای از آن

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