آقا ایرج پزشکزاد
والا بابام جان دروغ چرا٬تا قبر آ.آ.آ .آ ما که به چشم خودمان ندیدیم یعنی اگر راستش را بخواهید ما از خمیرگیر شنیدیم که ازممدآقا نانوا
والا بابام جان دروغ چرا٬تا قبر آ.آ.آ .آ ما که به چشم خودمان ندیدیم یعنی اگر راستش را بخواهید ما از خمیرگیر شنیدیم که ازممدآقا نانوا
Listening to the paranoid Republicans, you’d think that Barack Obama is working night and day to give away what’s left of U.S. power. He’s exposing
A desperate regime, appointed and inspired by the ultimate saviour of mankind ” Imam zaman” resorting to capturing, raping, killing, trading, innocent people to get international
“Si je rentre en Iran, je suis sûr qu’on ne m’autorisera pas à tourner”, affirme le cinéaste Bahman Ghobadi, décidé à s’exiler après avoir dénoncé
نشانی از استیصال اهل جدال سمندر مشکی باف چندی قبل اندر وقایع نیریز، که بعد از شهادت جناب سیّد یحیی دارابی رخ داد، مطالعهای مینمودم.
خسته ام از دلتنگیها خسته ام از بیرنگیها 8:45 من یک معلم دانشگاه هستم. بعلت های واهی مجبور شدم به کشوری دیگر بروم. فرزندان ایران
ما هم صاحب خانه شدیم. یادم میآید در ایران دوستانم و من در آرزوی داشتن یک خانه از آن خود بودیم. یکی از دوستانم بنام
Dancing Amon Amon BAGDAD CAFE THE trench town – Everything Yiri Yiri Boum – Gnonnas Pedro
Special Thanks to Farah Rusta for correcting me the other day. Nimtaj Khanum better known as Taj-Ol-Moluk was the First Pahlavi Queen of Iran. Bio: Tadj
This is a Very Interesting speach by Dr. Abbas Milani followed by Q&A with the audience on Modernity in Iran and the challenges of the
FROM THE TEACHINGS OF ABDU’L-BAHA Recorded by Ann M. Boylan Walking today in the gardens by the Hudson River in the early morning, I had
It’s hard to decide whether I was blessed or cursed to make my way to Vafa Animal Shelter, the ‘only’ animal shelter/sanctuary in Iran. It
نگارش یافته توسط رزیتا ۲۶ ارديبهشت ۱۳۸۸ سكرات موت خواندن خبر اتهام جدید “مفسد فی الارض” برای یاران ایران مرا به این اندیشه فرو
ما درین درگه چنان استاده ایم نه بپاییم؛ نه ز پا افتاده ایم. اینکه می بینی تو رخها سرخفام از غم لاله رخی آشفته ایم.
Despite the ballyhoo of the recent Aipac national policy conference in Washington, when Israel-US bonds were feted, relations between the two countries are currently more
بايد از آقای موسوی پرسيد مگر شما از ۵۷ تا ۶۰ عضو مرکزی حزب جمهوری اسلامی که تمام امور مملکت را در دست گرفت و
Arman’s graduation from high school is fast approaching. Today, he was getting his graduation cards ready. I was astonished and pleased by his request. He
Please refer to this LINK to see LARGE Image. Chickens could be coming to roost in a backyard near you.
من به شما مىگويم که عملکرد آقاى احمدىنژاد نه تنها انقلابى نيست، بلکه به ضرر انقلاب است. يعنى نتيجه عملکردش اين مىشود که انقلاب اسلامى
It is increasingly becoming an accepted fact among political analysts and politicians in the West that Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad should not be taken seriously,
Apostasy and Baha’is as Apostates in Islam May 16, 2009 Editor’s Note: This is a translation of an editorial titled “What is apostasy, and are
Like father, like son, looking more and more like ostaad…
The story of an Iranian couple who were unhappily married for 27 years. He had a temper. She never really loved him. So they split
Iran’s upcoming presidential election pits Mr. Mosavi with an implacable resume against the current Ph.D. president. All indications point to a soft win by the
Story of Roxana Saberi has another angle that is mainly ignored by political pundits. She and her father resemble many many Iranians in Diaspora. For