Join us Saturdays in the park
From: Iran’s Committee of Mournful Mothers is formed by mothers who have lost their children- killed, imprisoned or disappeared- during the peaceful demonstrations protesting
From: Iran’s Committee of Mournful Mothers is formed by mothers who have lost their children- killed, imprisoned or disappeared- during the peaceful demonstrations protesting
اين حرکت يک جنبش اجتماعی است نه جنبش بلاواسطه سياسی. بدين سبب در شرايط کنونی هر کوششی برای تعريف و محصور کردن آن در قالب
از علی خامنه ای بايد پرسيد چرا برای محاکمه جنايتکاران ومتجاوزان جنسی ” قرائن و شواهد ” و يا اظهارات خود قربانيان ملاک نيست، اما
BACK in 2007 the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) announced an important change of mission. From now on the main task for
The US special envoy to Afghanistan has held an “explosive” meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai over the country’s election, the BBC has learnt. Richard
Neo Cons or Neo Comms: Who got it right on Iran? After the recent uprising of Iranian people against Tyranny and Fascism, it has become
A part of the Writing Love series. One hot summer day, to be precise, one Friday the thirteenth of August, at about a quarter to three
“We have used background information, which typically includes basic biographical information about the reporter and a snapshot of what they have been covering recently, to
من یک روز گرم تابستان، دقیقا یک سیزده مرداد، حدود ساعت سه و ربع کم بعد از ظهر عاشق شدم. چشمهاش سبز بود. سبز سبز
The Democratic National Committee on Thursday joined the growing group of politicians and committees pledging to return or donate to charity campaign contributions from Democratic
در کمال ناباوری در حالیکه نمایندگان مجلس با حضور در بهشت زهرا این خبر را تائید نمودند و رییس سازمان بهشت زهرا نیز کنار گذاشته
Speaking at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in response to a question about the
پارلماننیوز: یکی از اعضای کمیته ویژه مجلس برای بررسی حوادث پس از انتخابات، تصریح کرد:«تجاوز با باتوم و شیشه نوشابه به برخی از بازداشتشدگان حوادث
آيت الله حسينعلی منتظری، از مراجع شيعه در قم، در پاسخ به نامه ۲۹۳ نفر از روشنفکران و نخبگان، با انتقاد از «دادگاه های نمايشی»
10:00GMT—6:00AM/EST Washington, 27 August (WashingtonTV)—The United States on Wednesday reiterated a call for the release of an Iranian-American scholar on trial in Tehran, saying the
But Sweden, which was one of the first countries in the world to pass a law guaranteeing freedom of expression in 1766, has refused to
Writing Love series: One hot summer day, to be precise, one Friday the thirteenth of August, at about a quarter to three in the
A committee of British lawmakers said it regrets that arms components made in Britain were used by Israel during its military operation in Gaza. The
* Khosoro and Shirin series * Persian Serenades series * The Dark & Red Mountain series * The Rose & Nightingale series * The Pomegranate
Iran will cease diesel exports from September as it starts to build inventories ahead of the peak demand period starting in the autumn, an official
In order to provide an outlet for haters of all kind, shapes and sizes, Jew Haters, Muslim Haters, Gay Haters, Christian Haters, Black Haters, White
آیا براستی دیکتاتور ها دیوانه میشوند؟ دیروز در یک مهمانی مردم از هم میپرسیندند که آیا دیکتاتور ها از اول دیوانه بودند یا بعد از
محمود احمدی نژاد رئیس جمهوری ایران گفته است که در برخورد با متخلفین “باید ابتدا از گردن کلفت ها و آنهایی که خود را مالک