
Ballet keeps Cleopatra legend alive

Seductive, ruthless and ultimitely tragic – the legend of Cleopatra has inspired numerous artists, dramatists and film-makers down the ages, from Shakespeare to Hollywood. Now,

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Italian sanctions-busting

One of the many government owned “news Agencies” in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, quotes Alberto Bradanini, the Italian Ambassador in Tehran as saying: “International

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Green Day

Regimes like the Islamic Republic of Iran, which base their survival on fear and intimidation, constantly face the danger of that elusive moment when suddenly

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پاسخی به مسیح علینژاد

مسیح علینژاد دیروز در فیسبوک از مردم شکایت کرد که چرا پس از حبس خانگی موسوی و کروبی علی‌رغم بعضی‌ شعار‌ها ، قیامت نکردند. وی

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How many Iranians does it take?

In reacting to the latest crimes committed against demonstrating Iranians demanding their most basic human rights, the U.S. has imposed sanctions on two officials of

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