Why NIAC and IRI apologists are mobilizing against Ken Timmerman
I pledge that if elected to Congress I will be an unfailing advocate for their freedom. Why? “[B]ecause I believe a free Iran is in
I pledge that if elected to Congress I will be an unfailing advocate for their freedom. Why? “[B]ecause I believe a free Iran is in
At the conclusion of the Non-Aligned Meeting, the leaders gather for a photo op.
Johann Sebastian Bach Violin Concerto in A minor 1. Movement Arranged and performed for 2 Pianos by SHIRIN & THOMAS Images : Dresden/Germany
در این قسمت که قسمت سی و پنجم مجموعه ی کارپردازان انگلیس در ایران است به معرفی چهلمین کارپرداز یعنی مهدِ عُلیا مادر ناصرالدین
I invite my friends here on IC to watch this informative documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dwv7JXgPxLI# About the documentary http://www.manufacturing-dissent.com/
معاون فرهنگي و تبليغات سپاه پاسداران به شكست سناريوي آمريكا در منطقه اشاره و تصريح کرد: آمريكا در منطقه با مشكل روبرو است؛ حضور نظامي در سوريه
به گزارش نشریه آمریکایی تایم، ارتش آمریکا حضور نیروهای خود در رزمایش مشترک پیش رو با اسرائیل را با هدف «رساندن پیام مخالفت با حمله
I’d like to invite our friends to take a look at….HERE…….HERE……..HERE…….HERE……HERE…….AND HERE……..
Most people ascribe the governing system in Iran as a theocracy. The titular head of the nation is a supreme leader with theological training (Ayatollah)
سخنرانی مرحوم مهندس مهدی بازرگان نخست وزیر دولت موقت در ورزشگاه امجدیه و توضیح درباره نهضت خمینی و نظر نهضت آزادی درباره انقلاب اسلامی و
“اگر امروز به مخالفان سیاستهای دولتهای اروپايی نیز كه اقدام به برپایی تظاهرات مي کنند، پول و سلاح داده شود، قطعاً وضعیت کنونی سوریه در
PARTS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
When Amanda Staveley was a girl, her parents told her that tradition dictated her brother would inherit the family’s considerable wealth, while her role should
HAFEZ: OBAMA and the “Persian Carpet”: A few days ago, I came across the above photograph of a recent interview with President Obama in the
Saadabad Palace. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi gives a press conference, after the celebrations for the 2500 years of the Persian monarchy in Persepolis. (Source: persianrealm.com) The Shah
مروری بر روزهای خونین شهریور در تاریخ ایران ١ – خون شهیدان سوم شهریور ١٣٢٠ میجوشد http://www.iranboom.ir/tarikh/tarikhemoaser/7244-khon-shahidan-sevom-shahrivar-1320-mijoshad.html ٢ – کشتار ۱۷ شهریور ۱۳۵۷ معروف
Threats to Iran, Iran’s territorial integrity, and the safety of Iranian citizens & where these threats originate.
“Sketch” for Setar (Persian instrument) and Electronics. (2012) Composer: Anahita Abbasi, Soloist: Kiya Tabassian. The piece was performed on 1st Sep. 2012 during the Atlas
After the Apartheid government of South Africa collapsed, the new government declassified a series of documents signed by Shimon Peres of Israel and P.W. Botha
August 27, 2012 The Honorable Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Chairman of the Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee 101 Main Street, Suite
Astrology of Sun in Shahrivar or Virgo and Moon in Farvardin or Aries 2012. http://instagr.am/p/PDKkLdLF6n/ In about eight hours time the Moon will go from
Armed men claiming to be Syrian rebels have kidnapped relatives of outspoken US-based Middle East expert Majid Rafizadeh, who tells FRANCE 24 the captors are
“The truth is something that cannot be hidden”. “Feigning wealth, power, confidence, good health or activism is simply a way to exorcise the fear of
According to the video’s uploader, the footage shows the moment that the barrel bomb fell on the Hamidiya neighborhood on Saturday. Several activists claim the
Readers periodically ask me some variation on this question: “Why does the press follow every jot and tittle of Iran’s nuclear program, but we never