
May 2007

PART 1 -- PART 2 -- PART 3

May 22


You have totally blown this one

On Guive Mirfendereski's "Stupid is what stupid does":

As usual , not an ounce of respect was given to your audience. I guess that must be the thrill and joy of writing for iranian.com for you. You must be so proud of the "painful" decision you have made, in fact so consumed by it, that you have totally forgotten, So adamantely, that even though such high profile people should not think of taking such a trip, yet they have to, do i hear you putting your arrogance aside and bother to ask why?, because they have fathers and mothers they have to attend to. DO you have any loved ones in iran?

You don't think that they have gone through such painful and worrisome assessment of the consequences of such a trip before planning it, while they have no choice making the decision? They may not be as cold-hearted as you are, you know. Thank heavens that your illiogical and absurd ideas and feelings do not form the basis for the decision to go to iran for any iranian, be it prominant or not. according to you every one should take the position to say, fuck with iran and my loved ones, i am not gonna go because i will be strengthening IRI's chances of survival! $$%^&^& what the fuck kinda thinking is that?

and then you put the cherry on top by floating a wild and totally dumb idea of encouraging migration from iran exactly at a time where the US immigration protocol is undergoing a fundamental change, explicitly to ban or severly limit migration, based on family ties which is the common way for most iranians to come to USA, or most other western countries.

for someone who considers himself an authority on virtually anything related to iranians and their affairs, i must say that you have totally blown this one. Do you know how hard it is to leave iran? Do you think you can just pop out at the US embassy anywhere in the region and just name your request and the type of immigration document you want, and wham! bam! you are on your way to the states?

How ignorant and pathetic can you get?

It seems obvious to me that the KHAR has definitely has its way with you, or else you would not be pulling such noble  ideas out of your ass.

Kyle Saghafi


Empty bravado

From author of "Stupid is what stupid does":

This is addressed to all you who do not agree with my latest "Proceed at your own risk" and by hiding behind fossil imperial names like Kourosh1 and 3 and 5 (all dickheads) and Darius-the Xeresk (douche bag) and such are writing to deride me for my opinion: Eat my shorts!

If it were up to me, I would have the Department of State issue a stern travel advisory for IRI, including for Eye-rainians and Americans, and no longer recognize dual nationality for Iranians.

In fact, I would suspend all travel between Iran and the US, unless for immigration from Iran to the US. As for all of you "mobarez without borders," I would send you to the belly of Tehran just to see how much can you get done there with your empty bravado.

Very cordially yours,

Guive Mirfendereski (who has the balls to sign his real name).


Unfathomable need to go back to Iran

On Guive Mirfendereski's "Stupid is what stupid does":

Bravo Guive,

As usual a well written piece. I cannot for the life of me fathom the reason for wanting to do back to Iran. Aside from the nostalgic, “this is my birth place”, “I am first and foremost Iranian”, and such, Iranians traveling back are doing nothing more than pouring their hard earned dollar into the pocket of these coughers.  I have the proverbial hair on my tongue trying to convince the multitudes who keep going back, many of them our Jewish countrymen who think there is no harm in one little trip. We must refrain from traveling back. If as a group we do this, aside from the personal safety issue we will send a message that, Diaspora is united against them. I guess the bottom line is most Iranians still wish that they could hold on to their properties by not severing their ties. Perhaps the economic tie is more the reason for them going back, than the more illusive nostalgia or Nationalism.

Mahmoud Ghaffari


BEAUTIFUL expression of his emotions

On Hamid Bakhsheshi's "Persimmon's seed":

This story was extremely touching. The same thing, the exact same thing happened to me. My grandparents raised me. My grandfather was in love with his pride and joy garden. I totally understand what the writer is going through.. the fact is... I hate going back to that neighborhood. It feels as if I envy the people who are alive and live there and can experience the sunshine... Why not my grandfather who died at the age of 68? I miss him so very much every single day of my life.

Thanks to the author for the beautiful expression of his emotions. BEAUTIFUL.

I wish you patience,

Neda Masoumi Griffin


Shame on him and you

On Hossein Hajiagha's cartoons:

Ban this cartoonist from your site, he is disgusting. Shame on him and you to support him by including his cartoon on your web site.



Daring, and truly Iranian

On Hossein Hajiagha's cartoons:

I like his cartoons. They are provocative, controversial, bold, unambiguous, radically logical, courageous and daring, and truly Iranian.

I would like to wish him good luck.



Free ... to go back to Iran

On Hossein Hajiagha's cartoons:

I simply dislike reading Arabic alphabet. That also goes for Persian, or Farsi (it's essentially the same alphabet with some ad-ons). That has nothing to do with the Arabic language, Persian or alike, but simply because I see Latin as much more practical and easy to read and write.

I am asking this just as a curiosity; why do you put Hajiagha's Farsi writings in the cartoon category????????? That is very annoying because I am expecting a cartoon, and I find a letter! Really, this is not a joke! You have written the title "toon" or "cartoon" and when I click on it all I see is a scanned Farsi writing, mostly about Mr Hajiagha's personal short-comings, tragedies, problems and so on. I have nothing against Hajiagha writing about his personal problems, but a letter or an article or any other type of writing will never be a cartoon!!!!

By the way, Mr Hajiagha is missing the point. If he is so unhappy with his "art" being or not being appreciated, or if he is so unhappy about democracy, Canada etc why does he continue to live like that, and why doesn't he go to Iran??? No-one goes hungry in Iran and there is no democracy or human rights to be fearful about in Iran, and women are not free either so he can probably find one there.

There are so many Iranians in Iran who are suffering becasue of the lack of exactly the same things he is disliking about Canada, so it is not he who must be suffering, but it is just his (and others like him) personal problems that are preventing him from some sort of happiness in a free world so many miss in Iran. And freedom also means freedom to choose. So people like him must understand that they are free to choose Iran.


Ben Madadi


Free media cannot survive under such a regime

On Babak Yektafar's "Pulpit mentality":

One of the most painful circumstances of media in a country like Iran is that each one makes people know less than they thought they did. Whether the media is run by the state or not is a matter as to which slight views might differ. As we know, a free media cannot survive under such a regime. Therefore, no media in Iran can express secular and democratic views.

Reducing such a media to “opposition, moderate, progressive, and secular” is not serious because with or without such “secular” pulpit, the regime can remain comfortably in power.

The vice is however when the secular would-be free media abroad lobbies the regime. Such a media plays down the danger of political Islam as the only ideology of the IRI and its Islamist factions. Today the IRI and the co-Islamists have their vigilant eye on the Iranian media in the West.

Jahanshah Rashidian


Dying to defend Iran is an honor!

On Jahanshah Javid's "Culture of death":

At least it is not the culture "KILLING" as the US, israel, UK and other European allies follow! Dying to defend Iran is an honor! Or should we just handed over to the enemies of Iran?

jon goldust


Solution: Secular and democratic state

On Fatemeh Haghighatjoo and Kazem Alamdari's "Peaceful resolution":

The points you hypocritically ignore are the followings:

For an increasing majority of Iranians and a quasi totality of Iranian intelligentsia, factor “Islam / Muslim” is a synonym to obscurantism, crimes and hatred and cannot be highlighted by relics of the IRI at furthering détente in the Iranian society.

The IRI and all its Islamic factions are the same poison in different bottles. None of them is democratic, progressive and proves an Iranian identity. The IRI with its ideology, political Islam, and different ruling factions are the main enemies and the main factors of all current evils in Iran.

To solve all problems of backwardness, obscurantism, gender segregation, human rights, and also atom conflict Iranians need a secular and democratic state, to which veiled / bearded Islamists like yours are certainly opposed. Such a state with massive de-Islamisatiuon orientation must firstly bring people like you with black and Islamic backgrounds before justice.

Jahanshah Rashidian


It is up to Iranians who live in Iran to decide what they like to do

On Fatemeh Haghighatjoo and Kazem Alamdari's "Peaceful resolution":

Well, well, I agree to everything that these writers describe up until the solution. If some one old like me can smell a rotten apple, I am sure Mullahs will too. The solution is rumination of Reza "Moftkhore" Pahlavi's trash. 

It is true that we don't like Mullah's government but calling them illegitimate is stretching the truth. They are certainly more legitimate than the government of Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi and all those Sheikhdoms. Face it they have been in power for about 27 years and had more popular elections than of all those countries combined.

The West and the soft sell Neo-Cons like these writers or hard sell ones should get with it and realize that Mullahs are in charge and we have to deal with them. It is up to Iranians who live in Iran to decide what they like to do and not American government and their lackeys.

As for resolution of nuclear stand off, I suggest the US government truly without any pre-conditions start a real, not a fantasy, negotiation with them. I am certain they will listen. They will have no other choice.



Deep insecurity

On Heresh Rezavandi's "Becoming Bobby and Sally":


A thought provoking piece. Thank you.

Why do you think this name changing business seems more common in US than over here in europe?

This was only confirmed during my recent visit to LA, where I came across a number of people who'd given up their Farsi/ Persian name, in exchange for some monosyllabalic monotonous name.

Over the past 25 years I have rarely noticed this here in UK and If we did come across it, I can honestly say the general consensus amongst an average young Iranian here would be ' taraf khodesho gom kardeh'. So its not the norm but something to be looked down up on.

In fact the very pronouciation of 'Eye-Ranian' - which other than Dubya, seems to come from the US army generals, makes us all want to puke!

This  baffles me as in comparison  there are more Iranians in California with a more established community, yet underlying all that there seems to be deep insecurity. Why? Is the the danger for being discriminated against so eminent in a land of democracy such as US.

Its is sad and scary. To give up ones ethnic name is very poignant. It first and foremost strips us of our identity, so that nations that have for many years controlled our 'sarnevesht' will continue to do so due to our own lack of deep gratitude and appreciation of ourselves.

Change truley starts from with in.

Would welcome any comments,



Awaking sleepy boys

On Heresh Rezavandi's "Becoming Bobby and Sally":

What an interesting page to read. It refreshes our spirit and awakes the sleepy boys.

Thanks Heresh.

Abdy Sadri


Why not try walking a mile in their shoes?

On Heresh Rezavandi's "Becoming Bobby and Sally":

Salaam. Your sarcasm toward Iranians living in America is unfortunate and uncalled for. While Babak and Solmaz may have assimilated into American life over the past 30 years, so have the immigrants from a hundred other countries. It's called trying to fit in. If you were able to look into the heart of Babek and Solmaz you'd find that their heart is still as Iranian as the day they left Iran. The only people with true Iranian-American hearts are those like me who've been born to one Eye-Ranian parent and one Am-Aira-Can parent, or perhaps Babek and Solmoz's kids born abroad.

While you appear to hold the Babak and Solmaz in complete and utter comtempt on the face of your article, when one reads between the lines it sure looks as if you are envious.

Before you slam Babak and Solmoaz too hard, why not try walking a mile in their shoes!?

Khoda Nagah-dar,

Lance Raheem


Appoint them Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense and CIA director

On video "Understanding Iran and the implications for U.S. policy":

This program has to be required viewing for all Americans in every level of society. From the richest and the most educated to the Joe six pack. Furthermore it should be translated into Farsi and be required viewing for all Iranians in every level of society from the Shomal Shahri to the Bazaries. For me personally this has been one the best video, article, opinion, round table discussion, political analysis or any other name that can be conjured up that I have had the privilege of witnessing on this site or any other site related to Iran and US relations. The three panelists on this program need to be appointed to the posts of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense and the CIA director. Maybe only then we can avoid World War III.

Javid S.


Sounding quite jealous of Iranian Americans

On Heresh Rezavandi's "Becoming Bobby and Sally":

Dear Mr. Rezavandi,

Greetings and salutations. Please forgive me if you feel that as a non-Iranian that I am talking out of turn, but I am unable to refrain from offering my two-cents worth in reference to your article giving a good although unwarrented thrashing to Iranian-Americans.

I would appear that there is something in the water of Britain that compels Iranians residing there to take out there frustrations on Iranian-Americans. I can understand that though since most of Her Majesty's subjects that I've met in life have there personality of a piece of plywood. It must be the water which makes people there so rigid, sanctimonious and stuck-up.

Personally I would rather have a good barbecue with Bobby and Sally rather than taking tea with Rezanald... oops, I mean Reginald and his snooty wife Eye-Ritish any day of the week. It was only a short time ago that another Brit-based Iranian, Sonia Gilani in "No Wonder American Gets It Wrong", was ranting about Iranian-Americans. She came across as sounding quite jealous of Iranian Americans, and so do you.

I know you didn't ask, but my advice is stop drinking the water. It turns, otherwise, nice and friendly Iranians into small and yelping chihuahuas.

Faithfully yours,

Richard Redinecki


Other immigrant groups in the US have done the same

On Heresh Rezavandi's "Becoming Bobby and Sally":

Hello Heresh,

I stumbled across your nagging piece on iranian.com. No wonder you seem to complain about Thanksgiving: it doesn't look like you're thankful for anything. While you claim you feel sorry for AND fear many an Iranian-American, what you truly feel is envy. Indeed, Iranians in Europe often complain about the ones in the US.

Maybe some of them ended up in Europe because they couldn't get into the US in the first place. After all, I've met quite a few compatriots who resided in France, Germany, and Scandinavia for many years only to resettle in North America later. I have yet to meet one Iranian who left NY or LA for Paris or Stockholm.

In your first paragraph, you claim Iranians in the US make up statistics. Well, aren't you doing the EXACT same when you conclude that "half of Iranian-Americans" are embarrassed? I'm curious to know how you came up with the round 50% mark. What was your sample size? Was your data unbiased and random? But I digress.

So Solmaz wants to be called Sally and Keyvan Kevin. What difference does that make in your life? To each her own. Other immigrant groups in the US have done the same. The Chinese get English first names and decades ago immigrants from Germany, Greece, and Poland Anglicized their names and surnames.

Your essay is full of sarcasm, vulgarity (the f-word), and just a dab of anti-Semitism. For someone who lives in the UK, you sure know about universities and lifestyles in America. Yeah, you keep on believing that Iranians in the US go to school/work every day in front of demonstrations where burning Iranian flags is the norm.

Whether you like it or not, many Iranians in the US are fairly educated and affluent. You may look into the Census Bureau under Iranian ancestry for that.

Now, that's statistics that I didn't pull out of my, er, hat! It just might be a new concept to some folks out there.



Like an old Hemingway novel

On Tara's "Modern, but medieval":


You should consider keeping a daily log of your experiences, and try to get your writings published in a small book.

Your writing style is very smooth, and concise. It reads like an old Hemingway novel. A lot of people would love to read your experiences as you travel through iran, from your unique viewpoint.



Not as filthy as London or New York!

On Tara's "Modern, but medieval":


Tehran is not as filthy as London or New York! Please give us a break and try to be a fair observant without any prejudices.

I’m hoping you had put the fire you made off after having a good Iranian breakfast. Yes, I have good clue about how good Iran is but unfortunately some of us look at with the different point of view. Good luck.




Amazing personal connections

From author of "Memories of an American boy":

Dear Mr. Javid:

Please let your readers know how much my family and I have appreciated the many responses we have received since the publication of my father's photos and my essay on Abadan in the '50s. The warmth of the reactions and the several amazing personal connections were somewhat predicted but still surprising.

I plan to send another set of photos in the near future fom the Khuzistan region, and a couple more from Abadan given the interest. We have tried to be responsive to peoples' emails, but I know that some messages were lost. If any readers were expecting a response and did not receive one, please send again.

With best wishes,

Paul Schroeder


Pretending the Islamic Republic doesn't exist

In response to Sheema Kalbasi's "Engaging with a ruthless regime":

Sheema Kalbasi's statements regarding Haleh Esfandiari's predicament are unclear at best and uncalled for otherwise--what is the purpose of this piece? Is it smug and self-congratulatory ("the difference between some one like Haleh Esfandiari and I, Sheema Kalbasi"...)? Is it an attempt to say I-told-you-so?

Esfandiari did not go to Iran to have a dialogue with the IRI nor to condone their repressive practices, she went to visit her sick mother.

Haleh Esfandiari's belief that conflicts can be resolved and reforms can be made through engagement is admirable, not something to be mocked or derided.

Following Kalbasi's fuzzy logic, Iranian politics are reduced to a totalitarian monolith devoid of any dynamism, and one could argue that anyone who travels to Iran is an accomplice in the acts of repression!

What is odd to me is after 30 years, many Iranians residing outside of Iran are still sticking their heads under sand to avoid updating their thinking, or worse, to pretend the Islamic Republic doesn't exist. One may disagree with the politics and practices of the Iranian regime, but constructive social and political change in Iran will definitely not come by making shrill denouncements, doing nothing, and waiting for a Messiah/Mahdi figure to come fix it all.

Roozbeh Shirazi


What is truly irritating you

In response to Qumars Bolourchian's "Thank You Mr. Pourzal":

With regards to Mr. Bolourchian's comments about the debate VOA debate, his commentary would perhaps been valid had he not had the mute button on as he clearly did not fathom the content and context of the debate in question. Mr. Bolourcian's claim that VOA is the mouthpiece of Israel and the American right is laughable considering that opposition organizations have been labeling VOA as pro Islamic Republic since the time of Khatami. So for once VOA actually held a debate that included an individual that was competent enough to counter regime propaganda and perhaps that's truly what is irritating Mr. Bolourchian.

Additionally Mr. Bolourchian goes on to claim that Roozbeh Farahanipour is the typical "pay me money so I can start a revolution tomorrow morning" and a monarchist. While Mr. Bolourchian may suffer from selective hearing, anyone can go view the whole debate themselves. Farahanipour made it abundantly very clear that he and his respective organization are for a secular republic. Additionally Mr. Bolourchian goes on about how one "can't finance a revolution from the comfort of their LA mansions" but conveniently forgets to mention that Farahanipour was the person leading student protests in Iran.

I won't go into how Farahanipour decimated his opponent but as I mentioned before, your readers can view the debate online.




Same could also be said for any other religion

On Amil Imani's "The grand delusion":

Dear editor,

It is easy to write and publish one short article with a 'catchy' title such as Mr. Imani's "The Grand Delusion" and denounce one of the main three religions with a billion believers on this planet. Whatever is implied in this article could also be said for any other religion.

As a secular person how I wish a group of truly secular scholars would sit down and research about Islam and its socio-political history from its root to the present time. We possess plenty documents, Qu'ran itself being the main one. Such research would take many years of readings and writings and hard work. To compare believers with drug addicts, with all due respect to Mr. Imani, is not only a cheap shot but also shows that he like many disillusioned Iranians is taking a lazy-way-out which only satisfies himself and like minded individuals. Islam, like all other religions, should be studied with a seriously critical approach.

The 18th and 19th century European scholars have taken this task. We need the labor of secularist Iranian and Arab Scholars in this important field. Until then we have to ignore such superficial articles that reek anger, hate and prejudice such as Mr. Imani's.

With best wishes,

Mali Mostoufi
--New York


Not all religions are equal

In response to Mali Mostoufi's "Same could also be said for any other religion":

Dear Mr. Mostoufi,

Not all religions are equal. There have been some truly evil religions – such as David Korish’s Branch Davidians and Jim Jones’ Peoples Temple and Islam of Mohammad. All religions must be judged by their fruits. No matter how long a religion has sustained itself or how many followers it may claim, if a religion is barren of good fruits it will eventually be cut down.

On September 12, 2006, Pope Benedict XIV gave a lecture at the University of Regensburg on “Faith, Reason, and the University.” His main point was that reason, ‘logos,’ was an integral part of the nature of God and central to Christian beliefs, whereas the God of Islam is not bound by rationality or even his own word. He went on to say that violence and threats are unreasonable, and they are not needed to convince a reasonable soul and lead one to faith.

The Pope told his audience that he was reminded of this distinction when he recently read an account of a dialogue that took place in Ankara in 1391 between the Byzantine emperor Manual II Paleologus and an educated Persian. At one point in the discussion, the emperor said, “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

In the wake of the lecture, pandemonium broke out all over the world:

· In London, 100 people demonstrated outside Westminster Cathedral. Anjem Choudary, the head of Al Ghurabaa, said, “Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment.”

· In Muslim Mogadishu, Somalia, Sister Leonella Sgorbati, 65, was murdered with 3 or 4 bullets in the chest, stomach, and back by two gunmen.

· In Pakistan, demonstrators from Jumat E Islami posted banners saying, “Mr. Pope – Be within your limits.”

· In Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal expressed “deep sorrow” at “the allegation that Islam was spread by the sword,” temporarily ignoring the scimitar emblazoned on his national flag.

· Turkish officials threatened to cancel the Pope’s forthcoming state visit.

· Later the Pope retreated slightly indicating he was deeply sorry about the angry reaction that was sparked by his speech and that the medieval text did not reflect his personal view.

But in all the reaction, no Muslim went on record with a statement of the “good things” Mohammed introduced. This was cogently picked up by Yashiko Sagamori at the AmericanCongressForTruth.com:

The appropriate response should have been very simple. It should have listed all those things that are unique to Islam; things that set it apart from Judaism and Christianity, but are neither evil, nor inhumane. And if Islam really is just another religion, then the list of those things, accumulated since the inception of that Abrahamic faith 14 centuries ago, must be long and widely known to both Muslims and us, the infidels >>> Full text

Amil Imani


Obsessed with your hatred

In response to Amil Imani's "Not all religions are equal":

Mr. Imani,

You even didn't bother to read my response to you; you just sent me another of your "war of words" on Islam today. Amazing how you are so obsessed with your hatred. Well, Sir, I feel sorry for you. But I don't care for your obsession. Although I think you need some professional therapy. For your information, and perhaps for your peace of mind, I am NOT even a Muslim. And please do NOT sent me more of your Propaganda about any religion, AND PLEASE REMOVE MY NAME FROM YOUR LIST. Thank you. Mali Mostoufi--(Ms-- which means I am a Woman.)

Mali Mostoufi
--New York


Tony B Liar

On Ben Madadi's "Hiding behind America":

Sorry Dude but you are completely misreading Tony B Liar. He did not genuinely believe that Iraq posed a threat and resorted to forgery and fabrication.

Just do a Google on dodgy dossier:

If Mr. Blair were convinced of the justice of his cause, he wouldn't have needed to fabricate evidence but to present his well-founded facts.

Moreover, despite his crocodile tears, and his tiresome religiosity, he did indeed wish his own countrymen to perish by wanting to pay the "blood price":

This was really very rich from an effete man like "Tony" who'd probably be traumatised if he broke so much a fingernail but then, in common with most politicians, integrity has never been B Liar's strong suit.

More broadly, under Tony Blair's new labour, British politics was brought to new lows of sleaze, spin and rank corruption, hardly setting an example for any aspiring third-world democrat.





On Siamack Baniameri's "Dear Mack":

Siamak B,

I really & truly enjoy your articles. Keep up the good no THE GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT job you are doing.

Eslam Shams


More shame on Iranian community

On Bruce Bahmani's "How to build a community":

I coompletely agree with Bruce's observations. I'd like to add my two cents' worth.

I believe the reason most of these so called "non-profits" lack community involvement and fail the essential purpose(s) stated in their Articles of Incorporation is because these entities are in reality for-profit businesses operating under the guise of a non-profit because of tax reasons; merely promoting and protecting the interests of the individual "tyrant".

The reason these tyrants are able to get away with it is because the Iranian community doesn't really care about establishing a community outside of Iran. They want to be entertained and that is exactly what these so called "non-profits" bring to them around Norooz.

So, yes shame on the "tyrants" but more so shame on the Iranian community which acts like the herd and plays into their hand.

Talaieh Joon


Iranians who never experienced Iran

On Parissa Sohie's "Interrupted love":

Dear Parissa,

Salaam. I read your article and it touched something inside me. While I felt sad for you and so many others, like my own mom, whose hearts are filled with sadness for all the memories that you hold onto about your lives long ago in Iran, I felt even more sadness for people like me who will never have any of those memories.  My generation is filled with Iranians who have never and will never be able to call Iran our home. We may call ourselves Iranians, but it is only because we our the children of those who left Iran.  God only know how many of us have been born and raised in countries all around the world. Don't feel sad for yourself, feel sad for Iranians like me, for we've never had a chance to experience what those of you who lived in Iran experienced. I envy you.

Khoda Nagah-dar,

Lance Raheem


Cuban Missile Crisis dwarfs in comparison

On Manesh's "Checkmate":

In the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran there is no doubt! That is not to say it is a benevolent government or a popular one. For better or worse, the IRI is the government is in power in Tehran, and everyone has to make the best of it. Estrangement, arrogance, sanctions, and all other failed policies of the last 27 years have only strengthened support for it, and have exacerbated the suffering of the weak and powerless of Iran, not its powerful. We stand here today at the brink of war, a war with for more dire consequences than that of the Iraq fiasco. The Cuban Missile Crisis dwarfs in comparison. Unless cooler heads prevail, there will be nothing short of all out war and bloodshed of unparalleled proportions.

Meeting the needs of the Iranian Government will also meet the needs of the Iranian people to a large extent. Overlooking that fact is plain silly. To its credit the Iranian Government has made numerous gestures and overtures to resolve outstand issues over the past 4 years. But since the Bush administration and all preceding US governments have had regime change on their agenda, these overtures have been ignored. From security guarantees, to the issue of the MEK terrorists, to nuclear energy, all concerns of the Iranian government have been labeled as irrelevant or inappropriate. While similar concerns for other countries would not have receive such irreverence. It's time the US employed a more sound foreign policy and think of the next 50-100 years and not the next round of elections. It's time for more realism, and less school house bickering.

Afshin D


Exposing the regime's lies

On Shaul Bakhash's "Endless untruths":

Thank you for setting the record straight, but you are preaching to the choir. Those of us who live outside Iran already know that the regime and its media mouthpieces are incapable of telling the truth. I know that you didn't ask, but I would like to offer a suggestion, if you don't mind. While informing the English speaking world of the lies is commendable, I think that you would get more bang for your buck if you were to translate this fine article into Farsi and post it on sites where Farsi is the medium of communication. Far more people inside Iran, would be able to appreciate it than as it now appears-in the English language on a site that is probably more read by expat-Iranians than those still living in Iran.

You are a patriot to expose the regime's lies. We need more people like you. Without the truth being revealed, Mark Twain's famous words would surely be true. He said, "A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth gets is shoes on." Thanks for helping the truth get its shoes on!

Lance Raheem


Do you have any family members in Iran?

On Manesh's "Checkmate":


I guess you prefer the US attacking Iran than negotiating with Iran! Hell with the regime, but may I ask if you have any family members in Iran whom you like?



Shame you are allowed to teach our kids

On Touraj Daryaee's "Microphones, planes, and stereotypes":

Read your vitriolic article about movie 300. Regardless of the historical accuracy of the movie, your prose is disgusting. if Iran is such a paradise (then and now) what are you doing here? It is a shame that people with your political/moral values are allowed to teach our kids. I hope that tenure is not in your future.



USA will never be a friend of Iran

On Mohammad Kamaali's "The art of remembering":

I totally agree with Mr. Kamali’s article.

I believe the USA will never be a friend of Iran. Let’s look at the history of US relationship with Iran. It never has been on a mutual respect and on a “one and one bases”. Here are the facts:

* Ousting Reza Shah and occupation of Iran
* Installing the Shah and TARAJ (milking) Iran
* Downing the government of Mohammad Mosadesgh
* Downing the Iran air and killing 290 innocent Iranians
* Pursuing and helping Sadam Hussein to go war with Iran and giving him the chemical capabilities. Killing almost a million Iranians.
* Calling Iran Axis of Evil. Guess who the real evil is!
* Trying to sanction Iran economically and making hardships on Iranians

It is obvious you see how US thinks of Iranians as a bunch of naïve people and easy to manipulate!! It is time stay firm and say NO to US. MAYBE IRAN IS BETTER OFF WITHOUT ANY RELATIONSHIP WITH THE USA!! HOW CAN A LAMB AND A WOLF CO-EXIST?

Washington, DC


How short minded, how blind, how ignorant, how shallow

On Tina Ehrami's "Would you care if he was ugly?":

I read this article and I just want to cry! How short minded, how blind, how ignorant, how shallow can some of us be!? My goodness, those people in Iran are fighting against one of the most dangerous regimes in the history , for freedom and here we are talking about which one is prettier!??????? I just would like to ask this lady does she know what happened to Ahmad Bateby? Does she know what really his family went through!?

I am sorry to say this, but shame on us for thinking like 12 years old school girl while others are making history by fighting for Iran!

And as far as I know Ahmad Bateby became a well know face and name because he is one of the leaders of students , because of his bravery, not because of his pretty face!

Just like any other Iranian, dear Tina, you should be proud of these people and support them. You should bring people together, not make uneducated comments about the bravery and selfless acts of these people!



OUR problems with YOU

On Mohammad Kamaali's "The art of remembering":

Our problems with you did not start in an art gallery and will not end there.

OUR problems with YOU will end when every single person who participated in the hostage crisis in 1979 has been extradited to the United States to stand trial for kidnapping and terrorism. And when every person in the government hierarchy who participated directly or indirectly in terrorist attacks on Americans is dead or in prison. And when Iran is no longer building nuclear weapons.

If you are lucky.

And, look at the bright side. We didn't throw any of those artists in prison for being Iranian. We treated them better than you would have treated American artists in Iran. Didn't we?

Craig B

And PS- Since you speak for those artists and you are calling the shots, next time don't send them here. Did somebody hold a gun to your head and force you to open an art exhibit in the US?

PPS-Get a grip.


I would prefer to a call you a jerk

On Amil Imani's "The grand delusion":

Mr. Imani,

With all due respect, I would prefer to a call you a jerk. Islam is not the only religion that is based on delusion and manipulation of the masses. Would you believe that in the 21st century millions still believe that god had a son? No one religion is more real than the other. They all have been propagated by bunch charlatans whether mullahs or priests. All religions are fantasies and none of them are better than the other. Having said that, I still believe that people whether they are Jews, Christians or Muslims have a right to accept and believe in their faith. I don't.



Not nearly as bad as religion

On Ben Madadi's "Some modesty wouldn't hurt":

What you write about Iran in the aforementioned article is true about every nation. Although arrogance is a problem, it is not nearly as bad as the problems caused by humanity's greatest scourge - religion.

John Gabriel


Funny but all true

On Jeesh Daram's "Dumping on the regime":

Good job my friend; funny but all true. Please do not stop.

Esfandiar Ilkhan


Go Goli Go

On Minou Akhavan's "Fool us once Goli, shame on us":

Get an Iranian-American elected into office first and then worry about policy issues and political affiliations. Representation is desirable being on the fringe of American politics is not. Get her elected and then lobby for her vote, that’s what the Italians, the Irish, the Jews and the Arabs are doing. Get your priorities straight: representation comes first everything else second.

Go Goli Go,

Shahriar Sh


Embarrassing, yet quite contagious

On Bruce Bahmani's "Rock on Shahin Jan!":

Another satirical, if not hilarious, glance in the mirror. Nicely done! My favorite point has to be the metaphor used for Iranian-ness. Indeed socially embarrassing, yet quite contagious, and somewhat hard to treat.

Best wishes,

Zohreh Ghahremani


Solving Iran would require much more than a simple regime change

On Ali Mostofi's "Seculars vs. Seyyeds":

The issues unfortunately are not as simplistic as one would hope or as they may ordinarily be perceived. Did it ever occur to you that in spite of all the rhetoric coming from the Neocon corner, regime change is the last thing on their mind at this time for Iran? Of course matters would have been much different had the “Mission Accomplished!” banner rang true. However with chaos in Iraq spiraling out of control, and Afghanistan turning in to the abysmal failure it was destined to be, do you really think regime change at this juncture is in the US’ best interest? Iran may be considered an arch foe, but at least it’s a predictable arch foe that always backs down when expected. With every revolution there is always a tumultuous period of excess and uncertainty that often times can last for years. Regime change would only exacerbate matters in the middle east, and push it closer to the brink of all out war and anarchy. This is neither in the interest of the United States nor Iran.

While the people that occupy the Iranian blogosphere certainly matter, they are not the majority of Iranians. The regime enjoys many areas of strong popular support on both the political front as well as religious. Iran and Iranian culture cannot be summarized to the attitude and wishes of the people of Shemiran. Most people in Iran don’t see their economic woes as a product of mismanagement, but as a result of unfair embargos and sanctions. Most people in Iran do support Hizbullah against Israel, and as much as we living in the West or Shemiran like to harp on about our Aryan and Persian roots, most Iranians do follow Islam as well and they take the religious elite at their word on most matters!

Alexander did concur Iran, Yazdegird did lose to the Arabs in Qadesieh, and the Monguls did rule our land for centuries. What we have as our culture today, is not that of Cyrus the Great as some would purport. We have a potpourri of many cultures that have enriched us as well as held us back. We have to accept it for what it is. Cyrus was indeed great, but what we are today would be as alien to him as his contemporary Greeks. The problems of Iran are complex, and have their roots in cultural, religious, economic, and social matters. Solving them would require much more than a simple regime change. Economic shut down of the country may indeed hasten the regime’s demise as it did the Shah’s, but until we as a people address the, “What next?” issue judiciously and logically any action would be a fools errand.

Afshin D.


JEESH first before writing

On Jeesh Daram's "Dumping on the regime":


Go and do your JEESH first before writing for IRANIAN.COM! Sorry, I couldn't start reding your article with a name like yours, since it was SHAASHI and NAJESS!

When you're done, and you dare writing your real name (such as FILTHY, AHMAGH, BEE SHO-UR, BEE TARBEE-AT). I may consider looking at your rude article which is just like you and your name!



Boro doole Cheney raa bekhor ahmaq!

On "sheeshaki" comment regarding Dick Cheney's warnings against Iran:

Khaak to saretoon baa in hammaal baazihaatoon. Boro doole Cheney raa bekhor ahmaq! SHOMA IRANIHA ADAM BESHO NEESTEED.

Tom Winz


Shah, savak, mossadegh, 28 mordad, operation ajax, blah, blah

On Zohreh Khazai Ghahremani's "Same old story":

You know Mrs. Ghahremani, no offense but go back to dental school! Get a job.

Ok you Jeffersonian Hamiltonian freedom loving overly intellectual people have won. The shah you didn't like (because the poor bastard worked for over twenty five years to make your miserable life better) is gone. So is savak, one agency that for two decades prevented Iran from a yoke of communism and islamo fascism is gone as well. So what is your beef? This is what you guys wanted right? You got it, celebrate it enjoy it! Why are you people always so misreable all the time? You guys won.

At what point people like you will ever get tired rehashing the same rubbish, lies, and propaganda's about shah, savak, mossadegh, 28 mordad, operation ajax, blah, blah... again and again....

It's 2007 now. Islamo fascists are in power now. There is no more shah or savak around. Find another outlet for your insecurities and pshychological problems.



Well done my brother

On Bruce Bahmani's "Rock on Shahin Jan!":

I think this is your most well written article to date. Well done my brother.

Fardad/Shahin wannabe,

Jay Jamali


Tulips: Iranian not Turkish heritage

On Fariba Mobargheie's "Because I love Istanbul and tulips":

Tulips are part of our Iranian heritage that predate the Ottoman Empire by centuries. Even the Turkish word for such flowers, is the same as that of our Persian: "Laleh"

The Ottoman connection with Tulips is that it was through them, that "Laleh"s were introduced to Europe. In fact, the story goes that the word "tulip" is a play on the Turkish "tulbend" which describes the material used for their Sultan's "turbans." The Europeans saw a similarity between these exotic turbans, and this flower, and the word "tulip" was born. The Turks themselves, continued to use the Persian "Laleh."

I think the photos from your reader's visit to Turkey are great. But to be an Iranian and not be aware of our own heritage, is a little less great. Personally, I would prefer if Iranian.com gives more scrutiny to articles that start with an "as you may know." This particular statement, it has been my experience, is often followed by gross errors and misrepresentations.

Afsaneh Mirfendereski


Know her better and who she was

On 70's Pop singer Neli:

I saw Neli's page and listened to her memorable and wonderful songs. I would like to thank you for putting her songs on this page and I hope in the future I be able to read about Neli's life so as I can get to know her better and who she was.

Thank you.



Let me know where you need me to drop my first load

On Jeesh Daram's "Dumping on the regime":

Dear Mr. Jeesh Daram,

Greetings and salutations. Please accept my compliments on your unique name? I know it's not French, but I should be because I have alway felt that I have wanted to piss on the French, but that a different matter entirely.

I wanted to let you know that I am ready, willing and able to join any fecuent campaign to liberate your homeland if you'll accept the gastrointestinal creations of non-Iranians. The thought of being able to "pinch a loaf" on the handiwork of Her Majesty's government attracts me with a burning feculence that I've never before felt.

You might be wondering why a foreigner would want to join your gloriously malordorous shitathon, so please allow me to explain.

About 350 years ago, one of my ancestors discovered what is known today as Falmouth, Maine. When he founded the town he orginally named it Mintymouth, Maine. Unfortunately for him, that name made King George II of England angry because he hated mints. The King had my ancestor dragged back to England where the King proceeded to drop his trousers and take a huge royal dump in my ancestor's mouth as punishment. He then ordered my ancestor to change his name to Tubbashite and to name the town in honor of himself since my poor ancestor did, indeed, have a foul mouth after his audience with the King's ass that shiteful day.

For the past three and a half centuries my family has sworn to one day repay the excrement-filled British Royal House back for the hospitality their ancestor showed ours. You have come up the most turdish plan I've ever heard of...and I want to doo-doo my part if that ok?

Just let me know where you need me to drop my first load, for I'm ready, willing, and after a good bean and jalapeno meal at Taco Bell, able to do my duty for freedom's sake.

Mrs Ima Tubbashite


Great to have a sense of humor

On Jeesh Daram's "Dumping on the regime":

Another job well done. I only wish you write more often since your last article. "Zereshk!" was done back in February.
Any way... it’s great to have a sense of humor.

Stay well and keep on writing!!



Shitting for regime change

On Jeesh Daram's "Dumping on the regime":


You are absloutley right about this. Those of us who are older and don't go by titles like Iranian-American or Iranian-whatever still remember that it was the act of "shitting" by former IRA prisioners, in particular the notorious Bobby Sands in Maze prision if I am not mistaken, who basically brought the whole Irish struggle against British domination to the media and the world. Since then the Brits have looked for political settlement as well as fair treatment of IRA prisoners. So yes indeed you have a valid point.



Left us so soon

On Fariba Amini's "Houshang Pirnazar":

Dear Ms. Amini,

With many thanks for your beautiful note on Mr. Pirnazar. So sad to hear he has left us so soon.

Why do we Iranians worship death? Why not when he was among us? His loss has not been mentioned in any media, or at least I did not notice.

Thank you so much for your kind note. May God bless U.

Aziz Selahy


Visionary of our time

On Fariba Amini's "Houshang Pirnazar":

Dear Ms Amini,

I was very shocked and saddened when I read the new of Mr Pirnazar's passing away. He was a great man and a visionary of our time. He will be missed immensely among every Iranian community. During the past couple of years I had the privilege of reading a few of his articles and engaging in a couple discussion with him.

Unfortunately I do not have any contact details for his family, otherwise I would have liked to personally express my deepest sorrow for their los which in a way was a big los for all fair, open minded and freedom loving Iranian

May his sole rest in peace and may God give his family the strength and peace during such sad times.

Bruce Roshanravan


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