September 8, 2004

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To get from Astara to Ardabil, you have to drive up
some of the steepest hights around. The road
litterally hugs the border with the Republic of
Azarbaijan. In fact, some of the hills in these
pictures may well be from this former Soviet Republic.
Heyron Pass (Gardaneyeh Heyron) is one of the most
beautiful places in the province. The buses, trucks
and cars have to make their way up to the top of the
mountain before they can get on the multi-lane highway
to Ardabil. Along the road there are wild blackberry
bushes. The locals sell them in little containers at
rest stops. If you are from Ardabil, you'll know all
about Asheh Doogh. This is a yogurt based soup,
filled with chick peas and other goodies. Plenty of
this is available at any reststop, with fresh tea and snacks..Next>>>
Photos by Babak Nassirian
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