Be reasonable

An Iranian Baha'i's letter to President Ahmadinejad


Be reasonable
by Avid Reader

President Ahmadinejad,

I am writing this letter to you as an ordinary member of the Baha'i' faith.  Due to religious persecution of Baha'i's in Iran, I have lived abroad since 1980.

During your visit to the U.S. in October of this year, you were asked about the plight of the Baha'i's of Iran, specifically as it relates to of the concept of “Freedom of Religion”.  In both cases, your paraphrased response was as follows:

“In Iran, there are 3 officially recognized religions; Judaism, with Moses as the founder, Christianity with Jesus as the founder and Islam, with Mohammad as its founder”.  Your response implicitly indicated that the Baha'i' faith does not exist or is not recognized as a religion in Iran.  Interestingly enough, you failed to mention the Zorasterian faith which far out dates Christianity in Iran and some believe to be the oldest formalized religion in our country.

The second time you were posed with this question, you went a bit further asking the questioner who was the founder of the Baha'i' faith, when did he declare his message and what was his holy book.

Mr. President, as you well know, there are over 6.5 million Baha'i's in the world; more than Jews and Zorasterians combined.  There is no one country that has a great majority of its population consisting of Baha'is.  We reside in every country in every continent of this globe.  In over 90% of non Islamic countries, the Bahai faith is recognized as a religion and the Baha'is of said countries enjoy the freedoms offered to all its citizen equally.  Additionally, the United Nations recognizes the Baha'i' faith as a major religion and we are involved in humanitarian work in NGOs along side people of other faiths.  

Before continuing, I would like to remind you of the definition of “Freedom”.  Religious freedom means that citizens of a country have the right to worship God in the manner they choose.  It does not mean that ONLY RELIGIONS ACCEPTED BY YOUR GOVERNMENT are to be practiced by the citizens of your country.  You should not put yourself between God and man.  That is not a mission nor a station for you or any mortal man.

Secondly, it is somewhat well known that you and many of your advisors have been and are still invloved in an organization called the “Anjomane' Tablighate Islami”.  The major if not the sole purpose of this organization was/is the study and subsequent refutation of the teachings of the Baha'i' faith.  Many members of your organization had read more about the Baha'i' faith than perhaps some actual Baha'i's.  Therefore, I find it hard to believe that you, as an academically educated Iranian with ties to the “Anjomane' Tablighate Islami”not knowing that Baha'u'lla'h was the founder of the Baha'i' faith and that he declared his station and mission in mid 1800s.

At the outside chance that you had not known about Baha'u'lla'h, and his message of “Unity of Mankind” until now, I have summarized his teachings below.  In addition to the following main tenants, obedience to government and non-involvement in partisan politics is another one of teachings of our faith:

1) Unity of God
2) Unity of religions
3) Unity of mankind
4) Equality of sexes
5) Harmony of science and religion
6) Independent investigation of truth
7) Progressive revelation (every several centuries, God sends new messengers for continued spiritual education of man)
8) Elimination of all prejudices
9) Elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty
10)  Universal compulsory education
11)  Universal auxilliary language
12)  Establishment of Universal Peace

I am certain that these principles are in line with the ideals and goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

God willing, next time you are posed with a legitimate question regarding the religious rights of the Baha'i's you will give a more reasonable response.

With regards,

An Iranian Baha'i' living in the U.S.



oppression can not be justified with poetry

by Ramin (not verified) on

it is interesting that almost all iranians think that they are sha'ers.

regardless of the merits of this friend's poetry, the issue at hand is that, human right abuses should not occur based on a person's religion, even if you totally disagree with its teachings.

In recent years many Baha'is have been executed and tortured for their belief ( including my uncle who was killed in 1980 ). It does not mean that others have not suffered equally or worse, we certainly understand and share their pain. All that we are asking is understanding and aknowlegement in return, in hope that nobody is persecuted because they are different from us.

" O Opperssors on Earth!
Withdraw your hands from tyranny, for I have pledged Myself not to forgive any man's injustice.."
from the Hidden Words -Baha'u'llah



Baha'u'llah's prophesied the fall of those who desecrated Islam.

by faryarm on

Bahais and not just those from  Iran but of all other countries and backgrounds uphold the Truth of Prophet Muhammad and HIs religion.   Sadly it is those that profess to be Muslim leaders that have desecrated Islam, not Bahais.   See what Baha'u'llah prophesied 150 years ago about he downfall of corrupt Islamic religious establishment (THE MULLAHS) that today has lost so much of its moral authority:

“O people of the Quran,” Bahaullah, addressing the combined forces of Sunní and Shia Islam, significantly affirms, “Verily, the Prophet of God, Muhammad, sheddeth tears at the sight of your cruelty. Ye have assuredly followed your evil and corrupt desires, and turned away your face from the light of guidance. Erelong will ye witness the result of your deeds; for the Lord, My God, lieth in wait and is watchful of your behavior... O concourse of Muslim divines! By your deeds the exalted station of the people hath been abased, the standard of Islam hath been reversed, and its mighty throne hath fallen.” you think the people of Iran would agree that the religious people that rule Islam and Iran today "have assuredly followed' Their " evil and corrupt desires, and turned away" their "face from the light of guidance"

Would you agree that Baha'u'llah's prophecy is or has come true?

"Erelong will ye witness the result of your deeds; for the Lord, My God, lieth in wait and is watchful of your behavior... O concourse of Muslim divines! By your deeds the exalted station of the people hath been abased, the standard of Islam hath been reversed, and its mighty throne hath fallen.”




Brother Shahrouz

by Shae'r (not verified) on

I Read Your "Agony" ..
And I Read Your "Sarcasm" ..
May I Be "Bold" Enough to Tell You ..
That When You "Desecrate" A Holy Religion ..
That My Brother,
You Shouldn't "Expect" Any Better ..
Like I Said,
If You Want To Bring To This World A New Religion ..
Call It Whatever You Want, ..
Name It whatever You Want ..
But "Do Not" Attach It To An Inspired Faith of God ..
And in Doing So, "Prostituting" It ..
I Read The Mishaps and Misfortunes ..
But When I Put "My Hands" In A Pot of Boiling Water ..
I Shouldn't Expect Not To Be "Burnt" ..
Pure and Simple ..


Your Shae'r

by Shahrouz (not verified) on

I wish all the “Chastising” of the Baha’is will end their and NOT to execute them, burn their houses or their animals, confiscate their wealth, deny them of education, desecrating their cemeteries, deny them from every human rights, etc, etc., and let them practice freely their “religion” like Mormons.

And I wish the true followers of Profit Muhammad, a Divine Religion, show the Bahia’s how to be compassionate, tolerant, righteous and lovers of humanity by their “deeds” and not by their “Shae'rs”.

You True Brother,


Our Bahaii Friend

by Shae'r (not verified) on

Faith as cometh By Sheikh Baha ..
As a Mormon is To Christianity ..
Revelations That Are At Best Questionable ..
Beliefs That Are At Best "Hallucinatory" ..
Without Showing "Disrespect" To Our Brother ..
The "Love" of God is among all of us ..
My Brother, If You want To "Bring About" A "New" Religion ..
Call It "XYZ" ..
Or If That's Not Suitable,
Call It "ABC" ..
But My Brother,
Do Not Try To "Prostitute" A Holy Religion ..
Regardless Of These Bastard "Mullahs" ..
Mohammad's Revelations Were From "GOD" ..
In Closing,
You Are My "Brother" ..
But "Do Not" Expect Me Not To "Chastise" You ..
If You Are walking Along The Path of "Ignorance" ..


What Have "Bahais" done?

by faryarm on

In answer to "Teach"

" ......why don't Bahai's declare themselves moslem on their government papers to avoid all of these problems; after all Bahaism is related to islam, isn't it? "

They have been some of the most patriotic, educated ,resourceful and United body of people in Iran. all you have to do is to see the names, backgrounds and professions of the Bahais, who were kidnapped, disappeared or executed by the regime.

You are correct;  Most people who have had personal experience with Bahais, have a positive view. The antagonism comes from decades of false and baseless poisoning of the Iranian mind by the Mullahs, who see the spread of a progressive spiritual movement (Persian in origin) void of dogma, superstition ritual and professional clergy, a direct threat to their franchise and existance; thus through the years they have used every cruel method to persecute Bahais. 

Bahai teachings require that every Bahai who reaches the age of maturity, is obligated to Choose independently for him or herself whether he or she is to be a Bahai; and to be a Bahai is to recognize Baha'u'lah as the latest of God's Messengers who has brought teachings for  Unity and  spiritual regeneration of all a world that is fast spiraling down towards polarization, war and chaos.

As a result of its openness, it is vunerable to attacks such as those that took place by the secret Islamic Hojjatiyihh after the revolution when thy attcked the Bahai centre in Tehran and stole its membership directory.

This became the basis of arrests, attacks on peoples homes and a way to identify Bahais and their possessions, using all kinds of baseless accusations from agents of foreign powers to Kafar, unbeliever.

 You asked, why not lie, about being a Bahai? well some people were forced to put ads in paper recanting their belief... most refused at the expense of death or my aunt and uncle who helped a "muslim" neighbour.

My 86 year old great aunt was imprisoned as Spy ( not sure for whom,the British, Russina , American or israeli). because they found my cousins scuba gear in the pool house...she passed away a few weeks later. 

it is indeed a very personal test as to  why these people, most of whom were some of the most educated and forward looking citizens, refused to be broken by a dirty ignorant mullah..i guess they see this world as but a shadow of what's to come and therefore not worth giving up ones principle and dignity. There is ONE good reason why the Regime is afraid of Bahais and their principles.

I am looking forward to a soon to be produced film about the story of Mona a 16 year old Shirazi Girl, who was hanged along with nine other women for refusing to be broken and recant her Bahai Beliefs.


please see // for the story of Mona; I believe Mona and all the Bahais who have and are being persecuted sacrificed themselves for society, for Iran and the world's future peace and happiness.




RE: Good one, one mindor (minor) mistake.

by Yazdi (not verified) on

I think the original writer made a mistake in terms of population they were referring to. There are more Baha'is "than Jews and Zoroastrians combined" in IRAN not the world. The Baha'i faith is the largest religious group in Iran behind Islam.


What have they done?

by Teach (not verified) on

I don't know much about Bahai, but have had many decent Bahai friends. I have heard that this was a setup by Brits, and so on and so forth; but I do not know of any harm that any Bahai has brought to our country specifically, while I know of so many many moslem mullas who have brought disaster to our country. So, why are some people so antagonized by Bahai's? What have they done specifically to deserve this? Or does this dislike have a purely religious root?
Also one question for any Bahai friend that wishes to answer: religion is a private matter, so why don't Bahai's declare themselves moslem on their government papers to avoid all of these problems; after all Bahaism is related to islam, isn't it?


Still dont't get it

by anonymous-13247890 (not verified) on

After reading all these posts, I still don't get it why some Iranians are so upset about Bahai's. I think it could be just one of those things that people find to exclude others since they are in majority.

Rosie T.

Why Bahaism Is So Threatening to IRI Part 2

by Rosie T. on

Someone asked this question and I commented below on it. But since reading more on this thread, it occured to me that beyond JUST postulating a commonality of the Abrahamic religions (which destroys the claim of primacy of Shiism--IRI's coercive statal tool), there is a perhaps a deeper reason Bahaism is SO threatening.   

Bahaism must be the ONLY religion in the world which both accepts Mohammad as a prophet AND states there have been and will be others after him. This is VERY threatening to the core of Islam, a rather frozen core, whereby all has been revealed and there isn't much to do now except obey the temporal laws and wait for judgement day. (Actually I think the Sunnis have been historically more guilty of this than the Shias, except under the Abassids of Al-Andaluz, who were Persians). By expressing the possibility of a DYNAMIC, self-rejuvenating force within ISLAM, Bahaism is REALLY dangerous...not just to IRI, but to reactionary Islam in general.

Well I've learned quite a bit from this thread, including that Bahais did not go voluntarily to Ottoman Empire. I hope I've contribiuted something as well. 

Robin Goldsmith


Yes, The Bah

by faryarm on

Wow, beautiful story of peace; Looks like written in heaven! Suddenly Israel is a peace loving government and Bahai shrine is the center of arab/israeli peace!!!!!!!!!

Yes, ask any Arab or Israeli Jew living In Haifa....i
It's a lovely marriage!!!!!!!! And you think all this is innocent and nothing is hidden under carpet??????

Nothing is hidden Except your contempt for Bahais...I wish you opened your eyes...Everything abot the Bahais is an open Book...and now available to you on the Web.

All that is needed is a healthy open mind.

Please tell me if Wahabi's, Ghadiani's and Ahmaddieh are all brought by Baha's companions in prophethood straight from God?

They are obviously attempts for change and reform corruption within Islam...if you knew ANYTHING abot Bahai teachings, you would not be making such blind comparison.

There's been many atempts to derail mainstream Islam during the course of history by so-called moslems or sworn enemies, and this is not the final one.

Dear Astraysoul !

You probably never saw or heard this, any self respecting Bahai, whether Iranian, African, Scandinavian or native American Indian has to accept Islam in its true light as part of what Baha'u'llah calls progressive revelation...

If anything, The advent of Bahai Religion should be considered as a NOT a derailment of Islam but its renewal by the same Almighty Source who inspired Muhammad and The Holy Quran and all previous religions.

 Islam that is today is corrupted by a backward self serving clergy, who have lost any moral license or credibility with the majority of Iranians. They are the ones who have 'DERAILED" Islam, not Bahais.

A well known Hadith, quotes The Prophet Himself saying that if the Ummat do not abide by the Quran, Islam will not even last one DAY (1day=1000 years).

We believe, as Abdul- Baha said in 1911:

“When religion, shorn of its superstitions, traditions, and unintelligent dogmas, shows its conformity with
science, then will there be a great unifying, cleansing force in the
world which will sweep before it all wars, disagreements, discords and
struggles–and then will mankind be united in the power of the Love of God.

Do you Disagree?


Hamvatan, Bahais love Iran

by Havatan (not verified) on

Hamvatan, Bahais love Iran and all Iranian.
We are all one family a wonderful family.
The voices of discontent although load but are very few.
we trust that the great many fine Iranian brothers and sisters of us are hounerable, loving human beings. You are some of the kindest caring people of this world. I lived in Iran and know this for a fact.
keep up the good work

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

Some of you use a simple letter asking for tolerance to trash the Bahai, it is unbelievable.

Iranian Cinema was considered by world directors and critics the finest in the world in the late '90's, and among those in Iran, who were able to follow the symbolism, Bezaiee is generally considered the greatest, greater even than Kiarostami and Mahmalbaf.

Ending of Mosaferan:  a universal vision of tolerance and forgiveness. The mirror is redeemed, the marriage takes place among the spirits of the dead, when ALL the living, all gathered, from ALL political, social and economic strata of society can see each other and hence themselves in the mirror.

It is one of the most extraordinary scenes ever captured on cinema as well as one of the most moving pleas for forgiveness and tolerance anytime, anywhere...The extraordinary effusiveness of the is the light of the mirror of Attar's Simorgh, it is the light of Ahura Mazda...and yes, it is the light of Khatami speaking before the UN as "a man of the East". it is an old, old, quintessentially IRANIAN light.

Bezaiee is Bahai.


So sad.....


Someone sent me this article and you might enjoy: ّفرح و زاهدی

ٍDr. Nasser Afshartoos (not verified)

فرح و زاهدی
اردشیر زاهدی، پسر فضل الله زاهدی از گماشتگان هندی انگلیسی که برای اجرای قرارداد 1907 تقسیم ایران توسط انگلیس و روس از هند به جنوب ایران فرستاده شده بود. در سال 1919 زمانی که طبق قرارداد وثوق الدوله امور ایران به دست انگلیس سپرده شد برای فضل الله شناسنامۀ ایرانی تهیه شد و در زمان به قدرت رسیدن رضا شاه توسط انگلیس و ادغام ارتش هندی انگلیسی در ارتش ایران فضل الله زاهدی تابعیت ایران را گرفت. ابتدا از لقب بصیر دیوان استفاده می کند و سپس زمان تغییر اسم ها در زمان رضا شاه تبدیل به زاهدی می گردد.
فضل الله برای اینکه اصل و نسب ایرانی بگیرد مانند پدر هویدا که فلسطینی بود، با خانوادۀ اشرافی پیرنیا (خدیجه پیرنیا) وصلت کرد. اردشیر زاهدی در 1307 به دنیا آمد. او تحصیلات ابتدایی خود را در هند شروع می کند و در سال 1313 رابندرنات تاگور شاعر و استاد فلسفه هندی در آن مدرسه به او و سایر فرزندان صاحب منصبان انگلیسی تعلیم و تدریس می داد.
اردشیر زاهدی در سال 1325 دبیرستان اسلامیه بیروت را به پایان می رساند و سپس به آمریکا فرستاده شده و پس از دو سال فوق دیپلم کشاورزی را از کالج کشاورزی ایالت « یوتا » آمریکا دریافت می کند و پس از مراجعت به ایران با نفوذ پدرش، مدرک او معادل لیسانس شناخته می شود.
وی از زمانی که در بیروت به سر می برد به واسطۀ پدرش با سرویسهای اطلاعاتی غربی به خصوص انتلیجنس سرویس مربوط وی گردد. او در اردیبهشت 1331 به همراه مرتضی امیر ارجمند (همسر آینده لیلی امیر ارجمند) به استخدام وزارت کشاورزی درآمد و با توصیۀ انگلیس در پست معاونت و خزانه داری « کمیسیون مشترک ایران و آمریکا برای بهبود امور روستایی » در اصل 4 ترومن قرار گرفت.
اردشیر زاهدی در سال های بعد از کودتا و صدارت پدرش در کنار او بود و پس از برکناری فضل الله زاهدی از پست صدارت و فرستادن او به ژنو به عنوان سفیر شاهنشاهی، اردشیر زاهدی با حمایت سرویس های اطلاعاتی غربی در تهران ماند و در سال 1335 دختر محمد رضا شاه را به نامزدی او در آوردند و در آبان ماه 1336 با شهناز ازدواج کرد (البته این ازدواج با برنامه ریزی و حسادت فرح دیبا در سال 1343 به متارکه انجامید و حاصل آن یک دختر به نام مهناز بود).
اردشیر زاهدی پس از ازدواج با شهناز، بیش از پیش مورد توجه دربار قرار گرفت او در اوایل سال 1338 به توصیۀ علم نمایندۀ شاه برای رسیدگی به امور دانشجویان ایرانی خارج از کشور شد و با هماهنگی انگلیس بودجۀ دانشجویان ایرانی را مابین مخالفان رژیم پهلوی یعنی کنفدراسیون دانشجویی قرار می داد. پس از برنامه ریزی ازدواج فرح دیبا با شاه به توصیه انگلیس (فرح دیبا در این زمان عضو حزب توده و کنفدراسیون کمونیستی دانشجویی بود) اردشیر زاهدی با حمایت فرح دیبا و علم ابتدا در اسفندماه 1338 به سفارت در واشنگتن گمارده شد و پس از دو سال به دلایل حساسیت شدید دانشجویان ایرانی و واکنش آنها علیه حرکات زنندۀ زاهدی و همچنین نارضایتی امینی نخست وزیر از توطئه های زاهدی در واشنگتن (به گزارش ساواک تاریخ 19/12/1340 : ... وجود آقای اردشیر زاهدی به سمت سفیر کبیر ایران در آمریکا اشتباه سیاسی بوده، این امر موجب تقویت عناصر طرفداران جبهه ملی در آمریکا گردیده است ... ) به تهران فرستاده می شود.
پس از عزل دکتر امینی از مقام نخست وزیری و تشکیل دولت اسدالله علم، اردشیر زاهدی در شهریورماه 1341 به عنوان سفیرکبیر ایران عازم لندن شد و تا سال 1345 در این سمت بود. وی در بهمن ماه 1345 با همیاری علم و فرح دیبا در دولت امیر عباس هویدا وزیر امور خارجه گردید.
پس از آتش زدن مسجد الاقصی در اورشلیم، اردشیر زاهدی که مقام وزارت امور خارجه ایران را به عهده داشت از طرف انگلیس به شاه فقید پیشنهاد کرد که برای به اصطلاح نگهداری حقوق مسلمانان جهان، یک کنفرانس اسلامی از سران کشورهای مسلمان تشکیل شود و در راستای حقوق کشورهای اسلامی و تأمین مصالح آنها به بحث و گفتگو بپردازند. این پیشنهاد مورد موافقت شاه فقید قرار گرفت و نخستین کنفرانس اسلامی با پیشنهاد ایران در شهر رباط پایتخت کشور مراکش تشکیل شد. اردشیر زاهدی نقش اصلی را برای جداسازی بحرین در زمان وزارت خود ایفا می کند.
در این زمان با دسیسه های انگلیس و مزدورانش چون علم، فرح دیبا و زاهدی سناریوی جداسازی بحرین ترسیم و اجرا می گردد.
سال های وزارت خارجه اردشیر زاهدی (بهمن 1345 – شهریور 1350) یکی از بدنام ترین دوران های تاریخ وزارت امور خارجه می باشد. پروندۀ وی نشان می دهد که وزارت وی و معاونش پرویز خوانساری که او نیز به همجنس بازی و هرزگی معروف بود در میان کارکنان باسابقۀ این وزارتخانه تنش هایی را علیه این دو سبب شده بود.
در جلد سوم کتاب « خاطرات اسدالله علم » وزیر دربار در سال 1970، نخست وزیر سابق ایران و از وابستگان استعمار انگلیس، چنین می خوانیم که محمد رضا شاه از علم می پرسد : « آیا تاریخ، ما را (یعنی من را، از قول شاه) در رابطه با تجزیه بحرین خیانتکار خواهد نامید ؟ » و علم پاسخ می دهد: « نه اعلیحضرت، ما (یعنی او، زاهدی وزیر امورخارجه و تنظیم کنندۀ لایحه جدایی بحرین و انگلیس) ترتیبی دادیم که سازمان ملل، رأی بر جدایی بحرین دهد. »
سخنان و بهانه های خیانت آمیز وزیر خارجه وقت که گویی از دهان یک خارجی ضد ایرانی گفته می شد، هرگز از خاطرات محو نخواهد شد اما داریوش همایون شوهر خواهر اردشیر زاهدی، پنج سال پیش از تجزیۀ غیر قانونی بحرین، طی نامه ای به امیرعباس هویدا، نخست وزیر می گوید : « بحرین صرفنظر از موقعیت استراتژیک خود در خلیج فارس هیچ امتیازی ندارد که مبارزه به خاطر دست یافتن بر آن را موجه سازد ... » در صورتیکه مجمع الجزایر بحرین مروارید جهان می باشد و دارای دومین مخزن نفت جهان است و از لحاظ آب و هوا بهشت واقعی روی زمین است.
نکته ای که بیش از هر چیز تأسف بار است این است که مثلث فساد علم، فرح و زاهدی، دربار شاهنشاهی ایران را به صورت فاحشه خانه ای بین المللی در آورده بودند، هرگاه سران فاسد رژیم های دیگر هوس عیاشی می کردند به دربار ایران می آمدند. از جمله زمانی که سلطان قابوس برای عیاشی به ایران آمد، شاه برای ضیافت رسمی وی از علم خواست که برنامه ریزی کند ولی زاهدی همراه با علم به او تذکر دادند : « او بدون همسرش به اینجا آمده فقط به این منظور که کمی به خودش برسد ». بعد از دو روز شاه از احوال سلطان پرسید، آنها گزارش دادند : « هر شب با تعداد چهار تا پنج خانم بیرون اقامتگاه ملاقات کرده بود. نمی توانیم شهادت دهیم بعداً چه اتفاقی افتداه بود، اما به هر صورت سلطان راضی به نظر می رسید ».
وی در زمانی که وزیر امور خارجه بود، مسافرت های متعددی به تنهایی با فرح دیبا به کشورهای دیگر انجام می دهد و پس از بر ملا شدن روابط نامشروع با فرح دیبا توسط شاه از وزارت امور خارجه خلع و با همیاری علم و دوستان انگلیسی آمریکایی او به سفارت ایران در واشنگتن گمارده می شود و تا سال 1357 این پست را در اختیار داشته است. زاهدی که یکی از گماشتگان کمیسیون سه جانبه بود و با سران کمیسیون از جمله دیوید راکفر برای سرنگونی شاه در تماس بوده است.
اسناد ساواک نشان می دهد که در سال های 1346 و 1348 اردشیر زاهدی به شدت در تلاش برای احراز پست نخست وزیری بوده است. او در میان مقامات انگلیسی، اسرائیلی و آمریکایی دوستان زیادی پیدا کرد و با بالاترین مقامات رفت و آمد داشت ولی هرگز به دلیل شیوۀ رفتار سبک و نحوۀ عمل او مورد تأیید برای احراز پست نخست وزیری نبود. اردشیر زاهدی نه تنها به صدارت نرسید بلکه رفتارش با فرح دیبا و گزارشات ساواک در مسافرت های به اصطلاح دیپلماتیک آن دو و نزدیکی بیش از حد آنها باعث اخراج او از پست وزارت خارجه در شهریورماه 1350 گردید. او در اسفندماه 1351 دوباره به سفارت در واشنگتن اعزام شد و در آنجا به عملکردهای سبک و عیاشی هایش ادامه داد. اردشیر زاهدی یکی از هرزه ترین نخبگان سیاسی و دولتمردان رژیم محمد رضا پهلوی بود و به این صفت نه تنها در میان خواص، بلکه در سطح جامعه نیز شهرت کافی داشت. در دی ماه 1356 دو هفته پس از مسافرت جیمی کارتر و همسرش رزالین به ایران وقتی فرح دیبا برای شرکت در جشن بیست و یکمین سال تأسیس انجمن آسیایی به نیویورک رفت و در هتل هیلتون اقامت داشت، همراه اردشیر بود و سپس با او به واشنگتن می رود و مدت دو هفته در آنجا با هم بودند.
Ledeen Lewis. Debacl نویسندۀ آمریکایی در کتاب خود می نویسد: « ... شاه هرگز به اردشیر زاهدی اعتماد کامل نداشت و پیوسته به وی مظنون و بدگمان بود که او ممکن است از برکناری پدرش که قریب به سه دهه قبل اتفاق افتاده بود در صدد انتقامجویی برآید».
طی سال های سفارت وی در آمریکا و انگلیس، زاهدی یکی از چهره های خبرساز مطبوعات غرب محسوب می شد و بارها و بارها تصاویر و گزارش هایی از ریخت و پاش ها و هرزگی های وی در جراید کثیرالانتشار اروپا و آمریکا درج گردید. در این سال ها اردشیر زاهدی با کمیسیون سه جانبه آشنا می شود و به علت دشمنی با شاه با همیاری فرح دیبا کمیسیون سه جانبه را در مسیر براندازی شاه متقاعد می نماید.

شیوا رفیعی از پاریس
سازمان زنان مبارز ایرانزمین


پاسخ به آقای: برتیش حند

دختر قیصر حاکم قوچان (not verified)

آقا جان، ما کی دیدیم که انگلیس مادر قحبه بگوید "این کار ماست"؟ مگر کلم پلو نهار میل کردید؟

آن مادر قحبه ها پنهانی حمایت از گروها میکنند با نقشهای ذراز مدت.

شما تصور میکنید چون فهم سیاست انگلیس در ایران دشوار است، بنابراین آن را نفی میکنید!

بنده کاری به بهائی گری ندارم، من میگوبم گول انگیس مادرقحبه را نخورید و نگذارید مابقی عمر ما ایرانیها فدای مسائل دینی شود.....



by Saman Ahmadi (not verified) on

If we assume Baha'is are Unclean, and according to the Ahadith, every drop of rain carries an angle, why does it rain on the homes of Baha'is?


Regarding the request to post the referenced Suras - the Quran is available on the internet, in Arabic, in various English translations, as well as in other languages.


is that what you mean by

by british stamp (not verified) on

is that what you mean by british finger print!

When the brit empire realized the potential of the new religion in empowering, enlightening and educating the self destructive massess, they realized it cant be good news. thus they dispatched the head mullahs and warned them that their days may be numbered.
But if they spread among their subjects that the new religion has something to do with the brits. The blind followers get turend off and continue on self destructive path. a win win situation!
just wondering if thats what you meant since none can explain the british role here!


اگر میخواهند

دختر قیصر حاکم قوچان (not verified)

کسی مزاحمشان نشود، و میگویند اسلام را نیز قبول دارند، خوب دیوانه ها! وقتی کسی مزاحمتان میشود، فوراً بگوئید : اشهد انا محمد.......و بلافاصله حزب الاهی ها رهاتان میکنند. کله شقی نکنید و این عمر عزیز را بکیر گاو نزنید...کدام دین کدام مذهب؟ گول این انگیس مادر قحبه را نخورید، !


true colors of your faith

by true colors (not verified) on

true colors of your faith are shining true;
Jesus did not recount his faith and claim when he went on the cross, he could have spared his own life but he did it to spare the life of people like you in need of Real life.
Bahais also stand by their faith and live their faith so that you would know the Truth.
anyways your truth comes to light and people of the world know the basis of your faith as you have exposed it here despite hiding it long enough.
The world is proud of you for making public toilet of what is holy to others, that is what you are going to do to the world, make one big public toilet!
and what is wrong with dehatis, you are a third world country, that is the dehati of the world with your standard, now dehaties are not worthy?!!!!!!!!!! how offensive and discriminatory is that.
And the Bahais holy places dont just make the faith legitimate but also spare them from the demolition crew!!
So the only fake in this equation is the logic like of you hangs on to!!


Dear people here have

by human (not verified) on

Dear people here have falsely accused the Bahais of all sorts of things. Amazingly no one
has substantiated any of these false claims.
Except that Bahai holy places are in Israel and they were there before Israel. that all Bahai holy places have been destroyed in Iran including Bahai cemeteries.
That Bahais, are non violent non political, peace loving, law abiding citizens of Ian and the world. and talk to you with consideration.
Bahais invite all to live in peace and see each other as the members of human family.
That man and women are of equal worth in the sight of God and should enjoy the same rights.
and the list goes on.
Why follow imagination and continue the strife and discriminate against others on the basis of their beliefs.
You all go to heaven given that you are sincere and are true believers, God has a place for all of us. How about we all go to our own heavens and lets not worry but show kindness to our fellow human being.
God loves all



by Bahai's explained (not verified) on

1. Bahai=fake religion
2. Bahai=created by British ideals for the middle east and colonialism purposes.
3. Bahais= always trying to convert others
4. Bahai= new laughable religion that has no strong base, they try to imitate themselves as a legitimate religion by having a center in Israel Haifa.
5. One of the significant original Bahai leader's grave is a public toilet these days.
6. Bahai= encourage death by encouraging their people to face execution rather than to just "say" they are not bahai. Extremely dumb, religion is in the heart, not what one utters.
7. Bahai= mostly dahatis or decendents of poor dahatis


راست میگویند این آقای قبل از من

دختر کاشف السلطنه (not verified)

نه تنها اکثراً کتاب مقدس را ندارند که بخوانند، بلکه ایشان سوات (منظور سواذ) فارسی را هم ندارند ، چه برسد به عربی!


Dear Saman, It is God who

by mortal (not verified) on

Dear Saman,
It is God who has the authority to send new Book and abrogate, and put the Books of the old back on the shelf once they prove irrelevant, having served their purpose!
Mortals have a choice to accept it and go on or live in dismay, disappointment, anger, confusion, and hate of others.
Also kindly post the surahs that you mention, i doubt anyone here has a Quran or has ever owned one! So your readers know what you are trying to say. I hope that is not against the Book!!!


why so paranoid, have you

by Paranoid (not verified) on

why so paranoid, have you ever considered you may be the astray soul, because according to all who dont share you religion, you are.
There is nothing under the carpet except ones imagination!
No one is trying to derail anything exept those who murder, pillage, and persecuate and one wanders if that will keep you on the track.

Someone need to teach us all to live in peace cause we all go astray as time goes on and the words wear off and lose thier potential energy. That is why prophets are sent on regular bases. God knows his people, and he knows if souls are not cultivated they go not just astray but vicious and vile.
Please find the qualities of astray souls so you can tell everyone what it is. stop acting on false beliefs inherited from others, read and be fair.
God loves all



by Saman Ahmadi (not verified) on

If we assume Baha'is are Apostates, then the Quran is crystal clear on the question of choice in religion, 2:256 - anything else would be "corruption of the Books" by mortal men.




by Kafar (not verified) on

"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people."

M.L. King, Jr.


Re: Bahais are not Kafars BECAUSE......

by AstraySouls (not verified) on

I don't think we need to judge one's faith. It's a personal preference and it's fundamental right God gave to all humans. What we can judge is what someone wants to infuse in the society. When you make a public statement, you are under microscope.
It's rubbish to say I believe im Muhammad but I do not believe in his message. It's self contradictory and that is the fundamental err with Bahaism. It's a "ISM" not a religion.


Re Faryam, Baha'u'llah was forced to leave in Iran...

by AstraySouls (not verified) on

Wow, beautiful story of peace; Looks like written in heaven! Suddenly Israel is a peace loving government and Bahai shrine is the center of arab/israeli peace!!!!!!!!!
It's a lovely marriage!!!!!!!! And you think all this is innocent and nothing is hidden under carpet??????
Please tell me if Wahabi's, Ghadiani's and Ahmaddieh are all brought by Baha's companions in prophethood straight from God?

There's been many atempts to derail mainstream Islam during the course of history by so-called moslems or sworn enemies, and this is not the final one.




by Saman Ahmadi (not verified) on

Please read Sura 109 - you might be surprised.


Some facts and

by Anonymous on

Some facts and clarifications;
BahaUllah is the only prophet who actually wrote His own writings, amazing in the history of religion, verifiably authentic! And thus he clarified doubts and misgivings.
this is unprecedented since his teachings were not handed down by the mortals! if that is a point of contention.
Also since the old testaments is part of the Bible and the two are part of the Quran, one may claim they are offshoots of each other. What sets them apart though as independent religions is that they each have their own prophets, holy books, heaven and hell and social and spiritual principles. Yet they have the same foundation , the divine foundation.
To qualify as an offshoot one have to share the prophet but write one's own book, there are ample examples of that all around, even a sect that shares both prophet and the book but interprets differently may be called an offshoot!
Baha'i have their own holy Book and many holy scriptures, their own social and spiritual laws.
And Baha'U'llah is their prophet and the latest manifestation from God and the fulfillment of all holy scriptures.
You don't need to agree but be informed.
That makes Baha'i faith an independent religion, by all means.
Also if a religion is not in accord with the international laws it may be in violation of that and that could be a problem!