(This is a Christmas present for Jahanshah Javid without whose encouragement I would never have found the joy of this kind of writing!)
When you are writing a series it is fatal to stop. If it takes too long between episodes readers, even the most avid fans, tend to lose track of the story. When you take as long as I have this time they lose interest completely. So it is with a very humble amount of hope of recovering my readers’ interest that I am writing this piece. The only thing I have going for me is that I write in a genre in which the plot and coherence of a story matters little. What matters is how well the writing conveys sex. Basically if the reader is turned on by what I write I have succeeded. So I will give you a Christmas episode from a while back that I have wanted to share for a long time and now that I am free from the linear confines of diary writing I will indulge you.
It was many years ago. The children were young. I was in a marriage that was sexually barren. I had gained a lot of weight and blamed myself for my husband’s lack of interest. Though incredibly horny since I first began to touch myself in elementary school I had learned to not covet sexual relations with someone else. I intellectualized myself out of the need for sex. One summer I was vacationing in the South of France, where my parents live. I was living in a big apartment with my children and their Filipina nanny. My husband was away at work. I had an Iranian friend who had been a drug dealer and was well-versed in the workings of the underworld. He was a smart guy who like many compatriots, yours truly included, had wasted his mind and youth on seeking all forms of illicit pleasure. Farhad used to procure me the best opium and though my vacations were sexless they were, in this way, not void of pleasure.
I am usually not closeted about my bi-sexuality. But with some people, especially compatriots, I adopt a "don’t ask don’t tell" attitude more out of respect for their sensibilities and their level of comfort than anything else. Not all of my mom’s friends need to know about me being in love with a roommate in college is my logic.
I decided that it was safe to confide to Farhad about my sexual experiences and proclivities. Not the least because conversation is to opium like cigarettes are to alcohol and we were running out of subjects! One warm Mediterranean evening as we were euphoric with opium I told him how I liked having sex with women. I also told him about how long it had been since I had had sex with anyone. Before the night was over and after the kids were in bed Farhad, the ever obliging friend, went off to the streets of Nice, which were studded with Russian prostitutes, to find me a whore. I had always envied the facility with which men could procure sex. It was an old fantasy of mine to have sex with a prostitute. I awaited his return with an adolescent boy’s mix of fear and enthusiasm.
A while later I heard his car outside the apartment. I went on the balcony to look. There was Farhad with a tall and slim brunette with long hair and pale skin. They came up and I greeted the girl with the warmth and affection of an Iranian auntie. She said her name was Elena. I offered her a drink and poured myself another glass of scotch on the rocks. She spoke English well which was a relief. I was very nervous. I had not had sex with anyone for years! Even if I had it was nothing compared to the prospect of having to engage this prostitute. So I made small talk and she was thankfully lacking in both inhibition and vulgarity: a fine balance that only the best of those in the business of sex-for-money can reach.
Finally my friend got tired of me courting this woman we were paying and signaled for me to go to my bedroom. I did and she followed. She told me right away that she had never been with a woman before. This both excited and scared me. I told her that it was easy. She seemed so young. Yet her pale skin set against huge dark eyes, her tall and lanky figure, her beautiful long brown hair and the delicious plumpness of her lips gave the joyous prospect of undressing her, an erotic urgency. If I had a kir it would have been hard as a rock and ready to explode.
I kissed her. Then took her by the hand and led her to the bed. She undressed with the efficiency of a professional. I started circling her round, young breasts with my fingers. Then I dropped my hand to her koon and caressed it gently. I kissed her on the lips and moved my mouth down to her nipples licking and nibbling them. I parted the buttocks and slid my finger down the crack to her koss. I pressed one finger into her kos and moaned when I felt its wetness. She started responding by kissing my neck. With two fingers inside her I started rubbing her clitoris with my thumb.
As I undressed I made her touch herself. I lay down beside her and pulled her towards me. She caressed my breasts licking my nipples. With her slender hand and long fingers she touched my koss. Finding my clitoris she gently rubbed it with the dexterity that only a woman and very few men possess. I would have screamed if the kids were not sleeping next door. Instead I turned her over and went right down on her koss licking and nibbling her clitoris. I spread her leg wide and slid a finger in her koon and pushed deep. I felt her koss rise into my mouth and convulse with waves of orgasm. Then I sat back on the bed as she kneeled by the bed and started licking my koss spreading my legs like I had done hers a moment ago and pushing a finger up my koon. She slid another finger in my koon and I came as I held her head firmly against my koss.
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
To Lost Identity/Manamanam//Toranj..who are all one..
by Rosie T. on Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:58 AM PSTAh, just as I've been grappling with how to answer the extraordinarily complex (not to mention convoluted :D ) questons you pose on MY blog (as well as those of SCE and the Bahai), here we meet in sunny Nice...so...let the games begin...
The problem is cigarette smoking has been banned in PUBLIC but not in PRIVATE but the Internet represents a virtual (no pun intended) obliteration of public/private space. IT IS A PROBLEM, A BIG PROBLEM, I agree...but it is also a FACT. JJ can publish this or not and the fact is that any twelve year old school child can key in key words on google that will take him (or her) to the most graphic representations imaginable of whatever words come to his/her mind. AND THAT IS THE NATURE OF THE TECHNOLOGY so the question is what to do?
In Iran it's filtered but look by whom...I don't think Khatami wanted that...he was the great POET of information technology...look at the filtereres...are they on your side?
What Sarvenaz writes here is MILD, it's MILD, in comparison to what every twelve year old schoolboy/girl now is exposed to...if JJ didn't publish this would it change any of that? Wouldn't it be somewhat unrealistic...even solipsistic...on a website set up in the name of civil liberties to PRETEND that erotica doesn't exist?
We're all sitting on 5000 years of patriarchal civilization whose structure can most clearly be seen in buildings such as the Twin Towers, airplanes such as the ones which destroyed them, and the atom bomb...a technology that resembles one big dick. It builds and DESTROYS everything...everything...
and now here we are in this matrix...this womb...this "soft" technology...this cybercunt you see...and everything is...wide open...
I'm not saying it's good, I'm just saying it IS...and we can't go back...the Internet obliterates age-old concepts of public and private...so what is the solution? It's a work in progress...
which brings us back to your orignial questions posed under Ali Mahin Torabi blogs about teenage rage. What to do in such a world? It all has to do with the education of children...at home, in the schools, and elsewhere...it's a challenge we face....no question about it...an ENORMOUS one...but this technology is what it is...the convolutions we're going to go through as we grapple this stage of our technological evoluton are what they are...and there's no turning back the clock...there's simply no turning back....
to filter the Internet is to impose intellectual and social hijab...to not filter it is to face a great challenge which is also a potential antidote to these five thousand years of "civilization" because at least now everything is exposed...for jj to ignore the whole situation completely as an Internet free speech journalist would be...idiocy...if you've read his recent travel blogs he's already told you he's not personally interested in sex for money OR even particularly in "getting pussy" in Amsterdam...just a little weed... he doesn't sound decadent in those blogs to me...so how would his NOT publishing this particular piece we're under save the world?
Please reply,
I agree, one 100%, its sad..
by Bored iranian dude (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:49 AM PSTI agree, one 100%, its sad..
by Bored Iranian dude (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:44 AM PSTI got sick reading this, you ate out a russian whore while your kids were sleeping next door, and most likely gave your kids a good morning kiss with that same mouth? I dont give a shit if your an iranian woman or man, black white, religious or not thats just simply disgusting. I feel sorry for your kids, you need help.
Nihilists and Denialists and brains with no morality bounds
by LostIdentity (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:28 AM PSTDear Ali,
This is one of the effects of rushed freedom and democracy in few immature minds. It crystalizes in the form of arrogance and rage.This is the legacy of issue with our persian community. Take some minds out of a society that sacrifices individual liberty for it's social values (like Iran) and put them in a society that has no respect for social values but promotes individual liberty. Then, you come up with a disaster for some with sick, revengeful, volgar, corrupt, greedy minds who thinks can be better than a "copy cat". Some minds know no respect for their own "self" and mistake "freedom of speech" with "offending others". One day I hope we wake up and realize the effect of social poisons like these articles that are no less than sigarette smoking. It took 20 years to ban sigarette smoking in public because it's effect is "measurable". Why is it hard to realize the demeaning effect of "morally offending others" for the sake of some minority who can push their agenda. I think things like this belongs to closed circles where it can be intended for interested individuals rather than public domain. Public volgarity is one of the degenerative deseases for society responsible for downfall of empires!
To the outraged/ Cultural identity/ Balance
by Rosie T. on Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:11 AM PSTI understand your concerns. A human is part angel and part animal and the historical task to find the balance is a work in progress and one that is exploding in our Internet age...and it is definitely a cause for concern... And so you speak of cultural identity...in response to this "Westoxification.." And what then is your solution? Which culture? Which identity? Do you find it in Shia Islam, whose benevolent Mullah standing in a back alley in Qom arranging a one-hour "marriage" between a teenager and a theology student is so well-known? Is that your cultural identity? Or do you, like Kasravi, argue for a broader Islam? And if so, which one? Wahabbism, as in Saudi Arabia? Or Hafez's--the "rend", the libertine in the tavern? (or the hash cafe of Amsterdam...) And if someone disagrees with you, should they kill you, like Kasravi?
Or are you one of those perhaps who believes that everything that happened in Iran for the past 1400 years was just a blip on the screen and your true cultural identity lies in Zoroastriansims? And if so, which one? Korosh's or the Sassanids'? The latter killed everyone they didn't like...what is your cultural identity? What is your solution to the "problem" of morality vs. the desire nature of humans? To freedom vs. restraint? You don't sound like Maoists so I won't even propose "The LItte Red Book" as a possible solution...
Think about it. Really. And then, instead of clicking on the soft core porn here which is ALWAYS called "ExperimentaL" (and I think you KNEW this when you clicked...), use your time and fingers to WRITE an article about it...what are your solutions? And I'll bet you anything...ANYTHING...that JJ will publish it...which is a LOT more than can be said of those Mullahs..and Magi...and Mao... . We already KNOW Khomeini's solutons...A goat is still halal for the family of the goat-copulator BUT NOT FOR THE COPULATOR HIMSELF..What are YOURS?
Balance...balance...mizooni? midooni?
Ayatollah Rosie Tozih
Explanation of Problems
by Anonymous+ - (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:47 AM PSTIs Elena's Baccara tryst to be continued?
by Decent Proposal (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:17 AM PSTYour sexual identity (bi-sexuality or transsexual) is your business, but when you are taking public forums, and creating an environment of deception, and then it will be public arguments.
Mr. John Doe (no name calling):
Please stop appearing here or there (you know where!), as women from different ethnicity or nationality. Why as a woman?! Because people could be more sensitive toward a female than male!
Please be yourself.
Stop creating these mostly female characters as a writer or poet to support your fake identity, or in other situations coming out and giving you positive commands on your wicked desire such as this. Although no such harm in here, but when in other platform, you create hundreds of female profiles to get involve with guys who are decent and looking for real female partner, you are taking your sexual desire hypocrisy to extreme level of deceitfulness.
A side from your sexual identity or desire, you are a good writer with humanitarian mentality, so why not be yourself!!!
Friendly advice: PLEASE STOP DOING THIS...
Take the time....... and think
by ? (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:11 AM PSTAli jan you gave us something to think about - that is for sure!
We've become a bunch of nihilists!
by Ali (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 09:39 AM PSTThe more I read the articles and weblogs in Iranian.com the more I realize that the Iranian people have become a bunch of indifferent nihilist to whom nothing matters anymore. One is burning Qurans on camera and is being cheered by others who each come up with their own disturbing and sick suggestions, another one is posting obscene and delirious "poetry" and it is being labeled as "modern art"! The article, weblog and comment sections are filled with bigotry, hatred, profanity, violence and it is being called "freedom of expression"! The editos himself is proud of writing while being intoxicated with drugs and no one cares, they all cheer for him....And now we have this Iranian lady publishing inappropriate articles filled with profanity and perversion and fictional or not, no one is slightly offended by the immoral act of picking up a young prostitute on the street to have sex with! Nothing seems to shock or outrage anyone anymore!
What is this trend? Nihilism? Moral relativism? Loss of cultural identity and values? Sheer indifference? I don't know, I don't feel good at all...
Fuck You
by a disgusted reader (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 09:26 AM PSTWell I should say "khaak too sare to va jahanshah javid" who allegedly encouraged you to write this bull shit!!! I am quite disgusted by your story, and I don't know if this is fiction or it really happened, anyway I didn't know that this kind of bullshit was published in iranian.com
one thing is for sure:I won't pass by anymore...
And then what? / PS Observer
by Rosie T. on Tue Dec 25, 2007 06:59 AM PSTAnd then what? What happened then?
Joyeux Noel et merci pour le cadeau pour notre "Napoleon", our Fearless Leader. On his well-being rests our own. Nice sounds very nice...
PS Observer, of course you never did. Since you were faking it they thought you already had one...see? Simple...
And tomorrow is always another day...ten years, so what? They pass like ten days and nothing is ever wasted, and you may be amazed that you're a completely different person now...so go forth and be fruitful...and let us know how it goes...under "Experimental" ;D
Fiction Writer
by An Observer (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 06:57 AM PSTYou are a good writer for sure (although I am no longer sure if you are a “she” – for all I know you could be a “he”). But I now know that you are a fiction writer and not a “diary writing”. I sure did not think that everything you write is a “true story” but I assumed (do not know why – maybe because you are such a good writer) your writing are in part about your life where in fact the writings are all in your head (which by itself deserves an A+). In any case, your writings were more of a “turn on” for me when I had in my head that they indeed did happened. They are still a “turn on” but I am not sure if that means much – this is from someone who have not had sex for more than 10 years now and when I did, I never had an orgasm – I was always faking it....... Sad I know :-)
Your story is instructive for women i reckon
by meganima on Tue Dec 25, 2007 06:20 AM PSTWhat about G-Point? Do not forget G-Point next time;) (or you might not have one)
Happy you are back
by Souri on Tue Dec 25, 2007 04:43 AM PSTSarvenaz,
Happy you are back. I was used to read your stories of Napoleon mon amour, and liked them very much. It's your skill and talent as a writer I value more than everything else in those stories. You, as a woman writer, can describe the true feeling and sensetivites of all of us Iranian women, very clearly.
To be honest, this last one was not as great as before, but I invite you to write more and more and post them for us, you will get back on the track.
You have a very great talent and can write fabulous novels, I'm sure. Congratulation!
The Russian Prostitute
by zarebin (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 04:37 AM PSTCant wait to read the sequel... hurry up please.