Meet the resistance

Divide and conquer! The West has perfected this strategy.


Meet the resistance
by tinoush

Meeting Resistance” is a new documentary by Steve Conners and Molly Bingham. The film is a collection of interviews with various members of the Iraqi resistance, and it is very informative. I would suggest that each of us should take and American, better yet a Republican, to see this film. Americans, more than anyone else, need to see who the members of the resistance are and what is their level of sophistication as far as training and equipment is concerned. There is an important issue that came up in an event in D.C., where Steve Conners took questions from the audience, and it is also mentioned in the film.

Steve Conners was describing his view that Iraqis do not see the sectarian difference amongst themselves in the same manner as the mainstream media is portraying it in the US. Mr. Conners said he had to apologize to Iraqis for asking them if they were Sunni or Shia, and he had to explain to them that his question was for the purpose of his documentary, lest they take umbrage. The most common response given by Iraqis to him was simply “I’m Iraqi!” Many of the people he interviewed would explain to him that half of their family is Sunni and the other half Shia; therefore, the distinction was not important.

Towards the end of his talk, a woman in the audience asked about the roots of the sectarian violence in Iraq. Specifically, she asked if Mr. Conners thought it was possible that the sectarian violence was fueled by US, UK, and their allies. Steve Conners response was that he did not think the military would be involved in such acts because the soldiers are honorable and either would refuse or leak the details to the media. I agree with Mr. Conners. However, there is another possibility that needs to be taken into account.

First of all, the idea that US and UK would like to see Iraq break apart has valid historical precedence. In fact, this has been their standard strategy around the world and especially in the Middle East. All one has to do is to perform a simple experiment. Find maps of Middle Eastern natural resources and ethnic population distribution from the WWI era, and then superimpose them on top of a map of the current boundaries. When the era of independence came, the Western colonial powers did their best to divide up the resources as much as possible amongst nations with weak governments, which will always have to depend on external support for their existence. Divide and conquer! The West has perfected this strategy.

If history is not enough to convince you, there is also the amendment purposed by Senator Joe Biden to partition Iraq into three autonomous regions. The plan was approved overwhelmingly by the US senate. It was also overwhelmingly rejected by Iraqis. Interestingly, in the classic form of propaganda, the amendment was advertised as “unity through autonomy!” It rings true of Orwellian doublethink. “War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength,” and thanks to Senator Biden, sectarian fractionation is unity! This is the latest gift from the West to the people of Iraq.

There are other reasons why it’s likely that Iraq’s sectarian violence has hidden roots. First of all, the divide between Sunni and Shia Islam is not the same as the differences between the various denominations of Christianity. The divide in Islam is more rooted in who would rule the Muslim world. Whereas Shia Islam believed that the descendants of the prophet should rule, Sunnis believed that the role should be fulfilled by the caliphate.

Unlike Christianity, there is only one version of the Quran. The bible on the other hand, has three major versions: the Protestant Bible, the Roman Catholic Bible, and the Eastern Orthodox Bible. These are not merely different translations. They contain different number of books. The Quran is treated differently than the Bible. Practicing Muslims would not touch the Quran, unless they have done their ritual purification. Every Quran that I remember from my childhood had a piece of folded paper in it, because touching the actual words was to be avoided. Hence, the piece of paper was used to follow the word as one read them. Sunnis and Shias pray to the very same Quran and revere it in the same manner. They also share the same exact calendar for marking religious festivals and holy days. Again, this is not the case in Christianity. Orthodox calendar is not the same Gregorian calendar used in the West.

My point is that for a Sunni to blow up a Shia mosque, or vice versa, is far more sacrilege than is being shown in the mainstream American media. A mosque has copies of the Quran in it. It is decorated by sacred religious texts, which carry the same value for a Sunni and a Shia. So, should we not look at other culprits when it comes to key triggering event in the Iraqi saga, such as the bombing of the Al-Askari mosque in Samarra? To this date, no significant, impartial investigation of that bombing has been undertaken. The phrase “key events” is important. A few critical bombings in holy sites were all that was needed to ignite a wave of sectarian violence in Iraq.

This takes me back to Steve Conners comment, and as I said, I agree with him completely. The American military personnel are honorable and would not engage in such horrendous acts. They are just misguided by corrupt political leaders. However, they are not the only forces in Iraq. There are 168,000 US personnel in Iraq currently. In addition, there are also over 60,000 foreign private military contractors. The most notorious of these is Blackwater, with a solid record of not giving an iota of concern about Iraqi lives and religion, be they Sunni or Shia. Erik Prince, Blackwater’s CEO, has made billions from the Iraqi carnage. His company employs ex-military and paramilitary mercenaries from all over the world, especially South America, often from organizations and governments with dismal human rights record. In South America, the record of these organizations includes murdering priests and nuns. It’s not exactly clear what standards are used in hiring personnel by these private mercenary armies. There is no oversight or public scrutiny into their operation. Therefore, if private security contractors can employ ex-members of organizations which have killed Christian priests, why would it be farfetched that they could also find men who would be willing to dress as Iraqis and blow up mosques?

I’m not asserting that everyone hired by private military contractors in Iraq has a checkered past. However, the right person could be found to blow up a mosque (or church!), for the right dollar figure, and when an army of mercenaries is roaming Iraq unchecked, they should be as suspect as the Iraqis.



Is Tinoush Gay?

by Keer Deraaz (not verified) on

His name has a gayish ring to it. If you are one Tinoush, let us know, we need you so badly. You have all the right things that a gay babe should have.Waiting to hear from you.


Giuliani as next President of the US!

by Anonymous666 (not verified) on

Now that is scary, but unfortunately very probable. Giulina with all of his NY jew connections, his neocon lovers, and his reputation for thinking he actually has hair, may actually start WWIII! Call me ant-semite or anti-israel or a Nazi, but this is realistics - israel is now literally running the US govt. And Giuliani has been a puppet in the making since early 70s in NYC. If Giuliani gets elected 1) no israel/Palestine peace, 2) no improvement in relations between us and European allies, 3) increased hatred of America throughout the whole world, 4) more trrops and bombing of Iraq, 5) invasion or continuation of an Irani invasion (guaranteed!), 6) WWIII!!!!!!!!
Unfortunatly, Hillary or any other of these AIPAC-loving muthafvckan politicians won't be that different. This is really really sad!


Gholi..........the link

by Sasha on

Sorry, I posted the link on the same actual article thread. I saw the graphic video posted of a lion chewing on a man in a circus in Iran. It just threw me off. My son wants to work in a zoo in the future working with lions, tigers, panthers..oh my. Oh my poor nerves.




Gholi.........signing petitions..........

by Sasha on

It is only the beginning. One must begin somewhere. Tell me what have you done to make a difference other than character assasinations on this website?


There is a new article on Activism, I recommend you read it.


J. Rashidian a member of MKO

by MKO_nabashid (not verified) on

Mr Rashidian,

Why don't you go lick you "Pedar Saddam's" bottom? How about sharing the taste with Maryam and Masoud?


sasha! signing petitions

by gholi (not verified) on

sasha! signing petitions doesn’t help. design and lead execution of engagements through framing problems, and identifying approach. U.S. is the best country in the world in Ali Hirsi's words. you can move to any of those countries before supporting the absolutist rulers and writing your wise words.


Gholi you say I have a .............

by Sasha on



You call  me pretentious and small minded but you are dead wrong. I was at a lecture on Abu Grahib that just tore me up. I knew that the same fate awaited Iranians if they,  US was not stopped. I don't know how I managed to stay in that lecture hall  when I was crawling out of my skin. Once I did leave it I thought I was going to throw up. If having a high care and justice perspective, and a moral conscious makes me small minded then so be it. Rather give a damn than not feel anything about it.


I have added a web link for you to view then you can tell me how naive or whatever else you want to call me. Like I said "We live in the US and you can say whatever you want." 


By the way the photos at the Abu Grahib lecture were much worst than the ones you will see. The US soldiers were smiling at thier actions and posing with pictures of the Middle Eastern men's balls and .............removed.






Re: Jeezuz

by gholi (not verified) on

"Your kind is crawling in this web site comments and they all hide, ashamed, with false IDs claiming to be wise and police-style intellectuals." Is it your word to the wise? Are you kidding? You do the exact same. Once a donkey always a donkey and what a donkey you are!! That's your type. We had many like you back in GT.


Re: aguy

by gholi (not verified) on

tinoush could you be more obvious? you are simply too out of date man. or maybe you are niki akhavan's superhero hubby propogating a gay message with that pink tie of his!


sasha the ex-sushi, sure you

by gholi (not verified) on

sasha the ex-sushi, sure you are the ONLY one who cares for Iranians. aravah Ammat! You with a concise and pretentious view of the world from a small mind. Just like my former classmate Tinoush with his sense of claiming to know more than he does.


Jesus is frustrated

by Jeezuz (not verified) on

I wonder who you are really angry with?! It isn't Tinoush. Be honest, about why you attack him. It's not because of his ideas because you couldn't debunk any of those. Instead, you made stupid comments. You're doing it because you're frustrated. Your kind is crawling in this web site comments and they all hide, ashamed, with false IDs claiming to be wise and police-style intellectuals. Go screw yourself man oh wait, you already are with the crap you write here.


RE: You are hallucinating...

by aguy (not verified) on

Mr. Jesus! it is you who is delusional. It was CNN's Michael Ware who in one his recent reports from Iraq said "we (US) are armiing all sides in this conflict".
Regarding the Al Qaeda, these are the guys that likes of you were calling Mojahedin freedom fighters when they were fighting the Sovites. US, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia made them into what they became. Reagan era US politicians though they could use what you call "islamofascists" against both the Soviets and the Iranians. But as we say in the US what goes around comes around, Mr. Jesus.
By the way your ignorance about history and politics is tolerable, but your arrogance is not ay ahmagh.


Gholi What? I hate Sushi..............:o)

by Sasha on

Man I hate Sushi, could you not think of a better title. Yuck!


You still have not answered my question. What are you doing to help those in Iran? Seriously,  have you joined a grass roots organization, signed a petition. picketed somewhere and so on?


I have joined a grass roots organization and I have signed several petitions.


I just want some of you to not only talk about it but actually do something about it. It is not going to happen my magic.


Do you not realize that as part of the torture interrogation by US military Middle Eastern men actually had their  BALLS cut and handed to them.  Do you want this for your country men when the US occupies Iran? Has the world gone mad? How can I be the only one that gives a damn about the demise of Iranian people.


Sushi girl! You say i am

by gholi (not verified) on

Sushi girl! You say i am anti Islam. I say you are pro pro terrorism.


Jesus........then by your comment then.......

by Sasha on

Then by your own comment one would be led to conclude that you must have a life time of sexual fustration then. However, rather than focusing on your love life, I would prefer to focus on the issue at hand.

 Interesting you should select the name Jesus. By the way I am a Shia Muslim. Come on people begin the character assasination as some of you are so good at it. You have years of practicing on how to cut each other down like wheat. Instead of focusing on the real issues. How to save Iran? By the way Jesus the US has been screwing over the Middle East for years for their own gains.


Have you been living in a cave?


As long as people keep rehashing the Islam bashing things will not change in Iran.


By the way I also have Muslima friends in Iran. I don't want it bombed because they will suffer.


We can argue all we want about this and that in our comfort zone in the US while those in Iran continue to suffer. Tell me what are you really doing to save your fellow Iranians?

How about  using some of this angst and joining a grass roots organization. It is easy to be self righteouse but a whole different BALL game to do something about it.


Like you said Sometimes, you can not but talk to a opportunist dumbass like the way he/she should be talked to.



I hope it was as good for you. :o)




Sasha self declared.........

by Sasha on

So now you are my self apointed teacher. No, thanks you lack objectivity. You assume that because Tinoush may be proIslam which may not be the case then he must be like the ones that opressed your people.


From one of your comments, you have made it perfectly clear that you are anti-Islam and therefore anyone who is Muslim must be a facist and extremist. Which is totally not the case.


It is as absurd as saying that since you are of Middle Eastern descent then you must be a terrorist. Do you see how ridiculouse this type of logic is, if it can even be called logic? I am so sick and tired of my Middle Eastern and Muslim friends being stereotyped and labeled as the "others".  By the way not all Muslims are of Middle Eastern descent.


You are the mullahs...

by Jesus (not verified) on

I suggest you get yourself a boyfriend who can satisfy you. Sexual frustration often leads to hallucinations of magnificent proportions, like the kind of stupid nonsense you have posted here. The sectarian war is caused by the mullahs in Iran who want to dominate the region, and impose their view of Islam on everybody.
On the other hand, we a have an equivalently crazy group of fascists namely Al Qaeda who have repeatedly stated that Shiite Islam is heresy.
You are such a moron, before the U.S invasion of afghanistan, the taliban was killing and massacring shiite villages up in the northeastern part of country, and the herat province. Saddam's wrath was mainly focused on those who were either ethnically or religously different.
Don't tell me all the killings in that part of the world is the evil work of westerners. If you are so dumb not to realize the evil of the islamofascists, you are either amongst them, and benefiting from them, or just too dumb. You don't deserve any respect, I say that because I know a group of people will be asking why I have replied to you in this manner. Sometimes, you can not but talk to a opportunist dumbass like the way he/she should be talked to.


sasha! no you don't have

by gholi (not verified) on

sasha! no you don't have balls, just cook your meatballs! But here READ and learn something:
The point of principle allows to create all probable versions under its subjective theme, as its reality creation/evolvement under that subject is open-ended and unpredictable relying on choice and option. Rules and laws capture a consensus that certain actions and events will occur under a principle (or a combination of principles).


Gholi can you ...........

by Sasha on

Hell man can you not read English? What part of you are living in the US and you can say whatever the Hell you want do you not understand? However, how about staying on topic and having a real debate with those on the thread instead of questioning someone's manhood by the size of his balls.


Hell, I'm a woman and some think I have major balls to be on If I don't have them big enough for you yet. I sure as Hell am earning them.


The Brits have hated Israel from Its birth in 1948..

by Shalom Godlman (not verified) on

The Brits using their puppet regime in the Islamic Republic of Mullahs have been working very hard for the demise of the Jewish state, Israel. Since WWII , the Brits have been wanting to regain their power and control of the middle east. They achieved this by their support to the mullahs in the so-called Islamic Revolution in 1979. The Brits were happy with just control of Iran. They want to control everything. The most important obstacle to their complete control of the middle east is Israel. That's why they have been supporting the Islamic Republic and its terrorist regime. Israel has every right to defend itself against these terrorists. That means a preemptive strike against the nuclear facilities the mullahs are building what they are going to use to destroy the human kind the way we know.

Israeli bombs are on their way. God Bless Israel.


write about the savagery committed by IRI

by goli (not verified) on

The donkey in frederick has been leaving messages in his own name. Anyway I know him too good to not response to his shit. Next time he will write he'll probably come up with more excuses for the shit the IRI has forced on Iranians. He ignores the savagery, cheat, deceit, lie, chopping fingers, cutting hands, hanging, lashing, maiming, murdering, superstition, butchery, torture, wife and daughter beating, women bashing, women exploitations, underage marriage, many wives, pedophile, dogma, public physical beating, forceful praying, eliminating cultures, eliminating languages, unhappiness, burning libraries, no court, no jury, no freedom of speech, no freedom of assembly, no freedom of opposition, no modernity, no invention, no respect as part of his research. Why he doesn’t write about the savagery committed by IRI.


Well, I brought this on myself!

by B-Naam on

Dear Gholi, I can't really complain about your harsh response since I made a personal statement about you in my bolded sentence at the end.  So I am done with my discussion, except to say that your response was nothing other than personal attacks towards Tinoush and me and at best it was an inadequate response.


I wouldn't call this a brawl though, at least not on my part.  I'm not the one who is calling people names such as "Mr. no balls" and "jigar" sarcastically.  Sasha's last point only reinforces what I was trying to say to Gholi at the end.  Have a great day. 


sasha! we can say what we

by gholi (not verified) on

sasha! we can say what we want. are you the school principle or the new mobser e kellas?


B-Naam and Gholi ..........let's take the

by Sasha on

Okay you all how about we take this brawl outside for a minute. Wow! I guess you both know this Tinoush person.


Whether you agree or not that he is opinionated, right, wrong, educated enough, and whatever other issues you have on the matter you forget one thing. We are living in the US in where Tinoush can say pretty much whatever he wants.  Welcome to the US and have a great life.


B-naam, jigar! A degree

by gholi (not verified) on

B-naam, jigar! A degree doesn’t make you and I better men. That GT factory produced a lot of shit. You maybe like Tinoush. You call him “too opinionated” I call him something else. You write “you still don't get the basic principles of living in a democratic society,” whose to say? You? you write “Everyone that knows him also knows that money is way at the bottom of the list for Tinoush and although he has a very prestigious job (which he worked very hard to get), he can make a lot more money working for a private company.” I say why he doesn’t find the same job in the Midwest. Don't forget Balouchistan in Iran is calling him. Who are you fooling jigar? Paloon e kharo poshte roo gozashti. Saafesh kon maybe you learn something. Mr. no balls.


Agha Gholi

by B-Naam on

I doubt that you know Tinoush as long as I have, over twenty years to be more exact.  And I was his classmate in college as well.  I admit that his tone is sometimes too radical and off the wall, but his common sense almost always prevails.  Tinoush is just too opinionated sometimes, that's all.  He is not perfect, but he has enough guts to say what others are sometimes afraid to say.  Obviously, you don't know him as well as you claim.  Everyone that knows him also knows that money is way at the bottom of the list for Tinoush and although he has a very prestigious job (which he worked very hard to get), he can make a lot more money working for a private company.  But he is not a sell-out!


I can only hope that most of us enjoy the freedom to question the government of our adopted country.  After all, that's precisely what we lacked back home.  Your comment about asking him what the hell he's doing here demonstrates to me that after living in the U.S. for years, you still don't get the basic principles of living in a democratic society, one of which is the right and duty to question and openly criticize.  Something that a Georgia Tech engineering degree couldn't teach you!!!  



Sectarian Islam in Iraq

by J.Rashidian (not verified) on

A few months ago, an influential Iraqi Sunni official openly insulted both Iranians and the Shi’ites, and called on Arab leaders to save Iraqi Sunni Arabs from “total destruction by the “Persians” and Sh’ia “hegemony”, the Shi’a-based Islamic Republic of Iran has remained silent.

"Your brothers in Baghdad are facing an unprecedented campaign of genocide carried out by militias and death squads under Iranian direction, planning, support and weaponry", Mr. Adnan al-Dulaimi, a senior member of the National Concord Front, one of the main Sunni political parties in Iraq, said in a communique released on 13 August and addressed to the leaders of all Arab nations.

Iran seeks to uproot the sons of Sunnis in Baghdad and make Iraq a village of Iran. The National Concord Front resigned from the Sh’ia-dominated Iraqi government led by Mr. Nouri al-Maleki on first of August and accused the government of failing to rein in Shi’ite militias, accused of killing Sunnis in the brutal Iraqi sectarian strife.

Iranian political analysts are surprised and indignated at the silence imposed by the authorities on the media to not report Mr. Dulaimi’s communique, specially because not only he insulted Iranians, but also the Sh’ias, an Islam sect which is predominant in Iran, but also in the neighbouring Republic of Azarbaijan, as well in the Persian Gulf island of Bahrain, with minorities all over Arab and non Arab Muslim countries,

"Your brothers are facing the most ugly injustice and persecution in the ancient and modern history of Iraq... that seeks to uproot the sons of Sunnis in Baghdad and make Iraq a village of Iran", the communique stressed, adding: "Scores are dying every day. The government and the occupation detention camps can no longer accommodate our youth who total more than 80,000 and whose only crime was being Sunni Arab".

"By God, it is a war that started in Baghdad and will not stop there. It will engulf any place where Arabic is spoken", Mr. Dulaimi alleged, quoted by the British and French news agencies Reuters and Agence France Presse (AFP).

The author of this article knows that the IRI is also a political entity and for its political the moment looks for appeasement with Sunni communities.
The author also knows that sectarian conflicts are confirmed by all Iraqi analysts and have histrical roots rather than political ones.


Tinoush the Bozo

by gholi (not verified) on

I believe all those who have comments here so until now are the best of all who come to this site. The idea that another piece is posted by this bozo to prove to us what an idiot atkes the job away from some decent workers in the U.S. work place is so funny. This Tinoush guy and I were classmates. He is the reincarnation of OMMAT in suit. The idiot campaigns for the dissolution. His miserably failing arguments were known back then and it seems nothing has changed about this IRI bill boy. You can read his article in these verses: please Allah damn the Jews and Israel and all those who support the Jews and Israel and the U.S. Just don’t damn me while I earn my good U.S. money. Love the Arabs and follow the teachings of the Koran to the last detail. Ask this Tinoush gigolo and he comes up with a law to justify looting and more. I once asked him what the hell you are doing here. I am asking him again why not move to Iran or Gaza? You hypocritical terrorist lover.


همان بزغاله ای

xrm (not verified)

همان بزغاله ای هستی که حرفش را ریس جمهورت زد


Tinoush did you have your

by nd (not verified) on

Tinoush did you have your Quran explained on the Donekey's ass?