Prostitution behind the veil (1)


Prostitution behind the veil (1)
by CBC

PARTS: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Minna and Fariba are neighbours and good friends. They support one another. Both have to live under the pervasive curtailment of women's rights and the double standards of today's Iranian society. They make a living walking the streets looking for men. They have a choice between leaving their small children at home alone or bringing them along when they have sex with men. The film is a sympathetic portrait of the two women, exploring their day-to-day life and the workings of prostitution in a country that bans it and prosecutes adulterers, sometimes with the penalty of capital punishment.

Thanks to SK.



Re: Ali

by jamshid on

Ali why the long post? Just be brief and say all you said like this:

Prostituion exists in LasVegas, therefore its existence in Iran is justified.


I disagree. You should not make the US a role model for yourself and copy from them.



Back to the subject

by Ali (not verified) on

It is my first time I am posting to this website. I think most of us want to talk rather than to read or listen. I'd like to talk about the film rather than anything else. I am a film maker myself, and I have made at least two documentaries in Iran, one for Bam earthquake, and one for AIDS.

I think the maker of this film has been successful to gain full trust of these two women to make her documentary. But she blames a repressive system as the causation for their situation. Honestly, I think that's not an accurate conclusion. Here are the logical steps the movie under takes:

1) Cause of prostitution is drug addiction of both women.

2) Cause of drug addiction is the repression of women.

3) Cause of repression of women is the Islamic Government.

I'll go to the more extreme case of the Sigh. If an 18 year old girl is willing to sell herself to an old man for $200, in Las Vegas the rate is $300. So let's do the comparison:

1) Cause of prostitution is not drug related.

2) Women are not opressed in America.

3) We have a non religious governemnt.

I think with all my respect for the film maker's work, and her good intentions, Iran's problems are not solvable by quick trips, and interviewing two women.

Iran went through an eight-year war with US. Iran is recovering from its debt. As a movie maker, I'd like to compare Iran after the US-Iran war, and post war Europe, and how long it took europe to recover. If prostitution exists in our prosperous Los Vegas, you think you should not find that in post war Iran?

As an Iranian, I won't argue with you. I watched your movie twice to become "hamdard". From now on, when I visit Iran, I'll spend half of my time looking for these women, and try to help them (I think I have been doing that already). There are many non-governement institutions that help these women without asking for sex.


Big deal!

by Dudeman (not verified) on

Prostitution in this day and age takes many different forms. I can argue that your girlfriend or even your wife is a prostitue becasue she will leave you in a second if she can find somebody with more money/better looks or power.
I have a lot more respect for these who you try to belittle by caling them "prostitute".


Re: Ali Akbar

by jamshid on

It is such great and distinguishable honor to be called names by you and the likes of you. It is as much honor to be a thorn in your eyes as well. It find it a pleasure, and it adds that much to my reputation in here. It also shows YOU, not others, but shows YOU, in what kind of "tavileh" you were raised. It is a statement about your immediate family and your upbringing.


I have said many times that Islamists revert to the following list of actions when their bankrupt ideology is slam dunked. The order of this list is important since when one action in the list fails they resort to the next item in the list:


1. Deception, lies and fallacy. 

2. Character assasination.

3. Fosh.

4. Threats.

5. Violence.

6. Murder.


This is due to several factors:

1. Lack of intellect.

2. A bankrupt ideology.

3. Backwarded upbringing.

4. Cowardice.


I enjoyed exposing you, Ali Akbar.


Here's some advice for you

by Ali Akbar (not verified) on

Babat beeghayrate, kharkose.


Re: AliAkbar

by jamshid on

You sound a lot like Q....


Anyway, the day that a coward like YOU wants to toy with ME has not arrived. I will not resort to fosh. Fosh is the tool of cowards which you have so eagerly displayed for us in here, it's even more cowardly when done from behind the safety of a computer.


But then what else could it be expected from you?


I'm not an Islamist, but

by Ali Akbar (not verified) on

I enjoy toying with you. I just wanted to see what kind of stupid reaction you'd have. And I was right. Actually, I was on your side and thought you could tell a joke when one is thrown at you. But you're too fucking stupid to notice. Khaak bar saret konan, badbakht!


Re: Anonymous33434344

by jamshid on

Stop what? Stop protesting at someone who thinks he is being "humanitarian" for substituting "hanging" with "lethal injection" when executing CHILDREN???


If you get disgusted at this notion, then join me and tell this idiot what you think. If you think the same way than that idiot, then shame on you too, you are worst than Changiz khan.


Also, the only ones in Iran that believe in the executions of children are the Islamists. Period.


Next. No I disagree with you when you say emotional reactions were the only thing that got us here. There was also something else and that is not standing up to these bastards. That too contributed to getting to where we are.


Jamshid I've had it with

by Anonymous33434344 (not verified) on

Jamshid I've had it with you.
Stop. Just stop. STOP. ESTOP.
What is your problem? If someone doesn't agree with you or doesn't have the same rage as you, they are an Islamist? What is your problem? You are an Islamist not me. Get a god damn life. Get a grip. Emotional reactions are what got us here.


RE: Anonymous343444

by jamshid on

Anonymous343444, maybe YOU could "relax" while watching a child get executed with "lethal injection" instead of "hanging", and claim that you are being "humanitarian" for not hanging him, as that idiot suggested.


Yes, I would need a chill pill for that and perhaps I would get a heart attack too.


I can't believe you Islamists.


Jamshid is having his period

by Anonymous343444 (not verified) on

Jamshid relax. Take a chill pill. You will have a heart attack soon.


Re: ali akbar

by jamshid on

What the @#$ are you saying? You say: "Instead of hangings and stonings, maybe children will be put to death by lethal injection..."???????


YOU ARE A TRAITOR NOT ONLY TO IRAN, BUT TO HUMANITY ITSELF. Shut your mouth, you piece of garbage.


The people of Iran DO want that the IRI, its ideology and its elements (which includes you) to be dumped and replaced. The only ones who don't want this brutal, unpopular and zede mardomi to be replaced are the mullahs and their moftkhor lackeys like you who are living off the Iranian riches the mullash are plundering and propone the death of children with lethal injection instead of hanging, as though this makes you more human, you piece of garbage. 


Iranians don't want Khatami or rafsanjani. Are kurds, azaris and balouch and arabs in khuzestan Iranians or not not? THEY are. Together with the majority of the Farsis, we all want IRI to be overthrown, AND we don't need a war for that. A war that IRI wants so badly to use as an excuse to further oppress Iranian people so YOU can loaf off a while longer.


har chi too in moda moft khordi ro az too holghoometdar dar miarim, khaen.


Jamshid, don't waste your time...

by ali akbar (not verified) on

Don't waste your time, Jamshid. The people of Iran don't want to replace the IR; they just want a newer, better, and improved Islamic Republic! If they did want change, we would have heard about it already from the BBC and Reuters. And all those so-called "protests" that happened under Khatami, we all know they were just pawns of the CIA, American lackeys. And these two whores on this video, they are just horny or something. And even if they are not, it's because Iran is poor -- and that is because of the imperialist America and Israel. If it weren't for those two Zionist dominated countries, Iran would be a very wealthy country now. The best option right now is to wait for Khatami to lead the loyal opposition (Iran is a democracy, damn it!) against these hardliners, and maybe if the moderate Rafsanjani becomes Velayate Faghih, then we will have a better situation. Instead of hangings and stonings, maybe children will be put to death by lethal injection. Or maybe Iran will have a couple hundred fewer whores than it does now. You just don't understand, Jamshid. You probably have not even been to Iran in a while. Everyone knows that slow change is good...very,very, very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very slowly! So, just mind your own business.


Jamshid is NUTS

by Anonymous33444 (not verified) on

Avalan THUG ESMETE. I never supported IRI, be man nachasbun!
Dovoman, in my original post I said poverty dar iran bidaad mikone and it is terrible so what is your point? I already said the same thing u are saying and I said it before you.
Sevoman, I did a lot of research on prostitution of my degree. So I am telling you as long as Iran is poor, this will persist. IRI or not.


Re: Anonymous34444

by jamshid on

Prostitution has always existed. But today in Iran, it has become wide-spread to the point that it has turned into a social disaster and a national tragedy.


We had prostitution during the shah too, remember shahre no? But it was hundreds of time less widespread than today. It was not a social disaster like it is today.


You ask "dige in tor harf zadan tamum shod raft. Harfe jadid nadari..." No. It is not over. As long as the IRI and its thugs like you exist, these words will be spokent again and again. They are merely a reflection of the words of the people that your gang is oppresing.


Jamshid is NUTS

by Anonymous343444 (not verified) on

Jamshid baba read carefully. I said the profession is as old as time. It has nothing to do with my relatives or yours. Get rid of IRI and you will still have hookers. Mage zamane shah nabud? mage kharej nistan? As long as there is poverty and demand for sex, this will be alive.
STOP turning everything into IRI this IRI that. Boro baba dige in tor harf zadan tamum shod raft. Harfe jadid nadari? get a freaking life. You can't even read a post right without putting words in other people's mouth.

Let's sponsor you and kaveh nouranee to go back to iran to fight the IRI.


RE: Yagub

by jamshid on

You embodiment of idiocy, tell me you stupid dork... How can that Iranian who is suffering under torture by your IRI speaks for himself? You simpleton. Or do you exepct the guy who is just about to be hanged for the crime of freedom to speak for himself?


Or do you want anyone else to speak for himself and immediately land in Evin?


You first rated imbecile say "if they want a revolution, they can do it themselves..." Oh really? what a dork you are. They DO want a revolution, but thanks to you and your likes, they are being imprisoned, tortured and executed for wanting it.


Your turn will come soon too dear traitor ...


who is jamshid?

by yagub (not verified) on

why not let the people who are suffering speak for themselves about the solution. are you a lawyer for iranians? if they want war, let them say it why should we trust you? if they want a revolution, they can do it themselves. who are you to say what they want?


Re: Anonymous3434444

by jamshid on

Oh really? You say get over the prostitution problem in Iran? What about if one of your relatives was inflicted by it? What about your sister? Would you say the same thing? Or would you try to fight it?


If you want to fight it, then you have to get rid of the underlying problem which is the IRI regime.


Get over it

by Anonymous343444 (not verified) on

Prostitution is the oldest profession and will always be here, even after every single molla is dead. In every societey, it is about power and socio economic structure. As long as the demand is there, the supply will be available. In recent years, in Iran, poverty BEEDAAD MIKONEH. And so, more prostitutes are available. IT IS TERRIBLE. But it will always be here.


Re: Slow change?

by jamshid on

You say slow change in Iran is the best option? And why are you telling ME that? Why don't you go and tell "slow change is best" to those who are being tortured in IRI prisons and to those that are sentenced to die because they wanted freedom. Go tell "slow change is best" to those that are being raped by the ruling mullahs and their lackeys, to those that are condemned to abject poverty with no hope for the future, to those that their nation's wealth is being plundered and wasted by their government, .... Shall I continue with the list?


Why don't you go and tell THEM that "slow change is best" while you yourself are living the good life. ALL THOSE WHO DON'T WANT REGIME CHANGE ARE TRAITORS OF THE FIRST ORDER.



waist?! you need to take a

by Natalie (not verified) on

waist?! you need to take a spelling course!


I knew this about mullahs...

by Anony12 (not verified) on

Man hamishe midoonestam ke akhundha jaakeshan. now we have the proof on video.


Canada sucks just like Jamshid

by Mirza (not verified) on

Dirt on your head Jamshid. You are probably more weirdo than you sound. Canada sucks and you know it and now you are blaming IRI for the sucking of Canada? Q you too. What the hell is Q? are you a Treky? Take your love fest with Jamshid out of this discussion board. Get a room (a blog)! for god sakes.


Jamshid who are you? SAVAK? Slow change in Iran is best

by Anonymos (not verified) on

You are so rude. All of you monarchist brands are. You are such zealots that you all sound like 16 year olds. Just stop. You're not going to solve anything in this comment section. Stop accusing people. Calm down, take it easy, try to understand that not all people want regime change, not because they love the current leaders! Some people want slow change so that everyone's life isn't turned upside down again. No more wars. Iran will get better, but thanks to people like you!


Re: Qloset Q...

by jamshid on

Q, as usual more ranting, more accusations, more labeling, more none sense. You are a master of diversion, but you have met your match junior. Stay focused on the subject. Attacking me won't save you here. May I remind you that the readers in here are not the usual "masjed boro" types you are used to aquaint with who have a single digit IQ. They are smarter than that.


I asked you to come out of the closet and admit who you are, either you flatly say that you hate the IRI and you are against it and are willing to fight against this regime, or say you are for it which includes the reformist brand too.


Instead of answering this simple question, junior, you attack MY character!!! You do this to divert attention onto something else.


Anyone who is interested can take a look below at my comments and see how I exposed your use of "deception", "diversion" and "fallacy" to deceive, divert and fool others.


I will not allow it this time. Look it's easy. I'll show you. Take me for example. "I, Jamshid, flatly and firmly am against both the IRI and its ideology, including the reformists brand."


There, see? That wasn't too difficult was it? Now your turn.


bacheh soosool, on rooz naresideh ke TO bekhaay be man darse gheyrat bedi, vaay be haale aadamizaad agar TO, ye bacheh naneye soosoole tarsoo, bekhaad dam az gheyrat bezaneh...




by Q on

jamshid, don't project so much. Juvenile is cutting and pasting from Wikipedia and then claiming you "understand" something. No, a monkey knows how to cut and past text. And only in a sub-primate's mind, this "proves" that you "know" what it means.


Juveline is resorting to senile redicule when you have clearly LOST the debate. Everytime I prove to you using your own words that you are a liar and a fascist, the only response you have is to essentially say it's no big deal. "So what if I lied?" "So what if I said X and did Y?" "Rules don't apply to me." How classically fascist. 


Sure, dismiss your flaws as "trophy" and make fun of people who point them out in debates. Honestly, what else can you say? If I was cornered as badly as you, I would probably say something completely useless too. 


In your desperation, you can't win on the merrits, so you belittle the opponent. Yes, I'm sure it's funny to you that I bring up your past conduct as a serial liar. People who have honor take responsiblity for their actions. People with "gheirat" are man enough to admit their mistakes and trasgressions. Not you though. I'm not the only one, there have been others who have thrown your words in your face but you refuse to see the ugly truth about them. No one else gives you "mahale sag" anymore. And I really think I shouldn't either.


You're a proven liar who thinks it's no big deal to be dishonest and and a hypocrite, yet incredibly you can't understand why this matters to people you are conversing with. If you don't understand this, you have no business debating anything.


You're right. I do see this as a victory. By making fun of it in a juvenile fashion as you have done, at least you are admitting it happened. So far, I have made you apologize, (although you chickened out of a real one), I have proven that you break your word and now I have shown your profound dishonesty. Why would anyone dignify you with a minute of their time? I think I have done enough damage for a while. Have a nice day.




Re: Q

by jamshid on

First of all what is it with this "ma'aslam" Arabic crap?


Second, you claim that I don't know what fallacy is. Here is its meaning:

"A fallacy is a component of an argument that is demonstrably flawed in its logic or form, thus rendering the argument invalid in whole. "

I broke down your logic into components and demonstrated that it was flawed, and therefore your conclusions were invalid.


How much closer to knowing the meaining of fallacy could my exposing you get? And you say I don't know the concept of fallacy? Unlike you, I won't throw below-the-belt cheap shots. That is, after I proved to you that I DO know what fallacy means, I am not going to say you are a "fascist" or a "lier" because you said "jamshid does not know what fallacy means.


Hopefully you'll learn some mardoonegi.


You have gone over board, under board, across the board, and killed yourself, literally tortured yourself to find one reference in which I said that you are pro-IRI, and then like always you feel like you have found yourself a "trophy" to present and show off.


Wouldn't it have been wiser to just say what your position with IRI is in one lousy sentence, instead of going to all the trouble you have gone to find that trophy of yours???


And then you make these childish conclusions at the end, and with tears of joy in your eyes you probably told yourself: "I won!, I won!", "I got him!, I got him!" Well, YUPPIE! Bravo! Felicitations! I bet you were so happy, you went out and treated yourself to an ice cream too. I'll send you a brand new shiny nickel as encouragement.


The point of the matter is that after all these deceptive diversions and fallacies, and treasure hunting for trophies, you keep getting exposed, and you keep dodging the main questions. It's like in a game of chess you are a vazir and rokh behind and you keep playing in the hopes that your opponent by pure luck drops dead and you are declared the winner by default.


I know it Q. Ever since that "But your PROMISED me to have the last word" thing in the Columbia thread, I knew I am dealing with a juvenile mentality.


Just answer the damn question and stop dodging it with all these elaborated ranting.



I'm beginning to think you are retarded

by Q on

either that, or you think the rest of us are retarded. First of all, you don't understand the concept of "fallacy". You don't have a fallacy, you're just denying the argument and trying to waste time.

Jamshid, IT'S RIGHT HERE in black and white. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOU LYING ABOUT IT? I'll spell it out one last time in the hopes that you will understand. If you are purposefully acting stupid, then you really have mental problems.


This is what you said:


Your fallacy is exposed. I said I will gladly punish IRI supporters. "IF" you are an IRI supporter, you should be punished too. I stand by that.


This is the first time you said "IF". But fine, I'm with you. So, you'll only punish me IF I'm an IRI supporter. So the question is am I an IRI supporter? Well, you have already answered this. Once again:


those who are even supporting these criminals (such as you Q), are ACCOUNTABLE for each and every crime committed against each and every Iranian.

How do YOU suggest you IRI soldouts should be punished for your crimes when your day comes?


Please pay attention to the BOLD text. You are saying I'm an IRI supporter "such as YOU Q", you are calling me an "IRI soldout" and you are saying I should be punished for it .I've explained this 4 times already.  So, later when you are using "IF", you are being dishonest. Do you have a mental block that immunes you from hearing you own BS?


Conclusion: once again, you are lying to cover up your own ass. You are pretending like you never made the assertion that I'm an IRI supporter, when you clearly did. We're not communicating. I'm communicating, but you are just wasting time with lies. And what's worst, with juvenile cowardice try to misrepresent your own claims. This is why I won't dignify you with a conversation about my own beliefs. Of course it is amusing, how much you HAVE to know about my personal philosophy. It really does bother you. If you weren't so fascist minded, you would not care so much and concentrate on the arguments that I am making on their face value. But alas... that's just asking too much from you.


So, have a nice day. Ma'aslam.



Re: Q

by jamshid on

Just more ranting from you, although a bit more coherent. But the use fallacy is still there. Q for crying outloud, by now you should know that fallacy DOES NOT WORK AGAINST ME.


I am beginning to think that you may not even be aware of your own usage of fallacy. You have become one with it.


Example. You say: "you're (Jamshid is) already on record wanting to GLADLY punish me without even knowing who I am..."


Didn't you read my previous comment on "link words" fallacy method? Let's dissect this sentence and find out where lyes the fallacy, shall we? Your sentence is correct except for the link word "me" which I have bold faced above. Yes , I don't know who you are, and yes, I will gladly punish.... Hmmm.... Punish who?


You cleverly inserted the word "me", in a strategically placed location to induce the thought that "Jamshid gladly punishes Q whom he does not even know". Your fallacy is exposed. I said I will gladly punish IRI supporters. "IF" you are an IRI supporter, you should be punished too. I stand by that.


Now that your fallacy is exposed, I want to go back to YOU. Are you a pro-IRI supporter? Do you support this regime?


Of course you have no guts to answer it. Are you concerned for life after IRI?