این چند روز گذشته اخبار فاجعهء بزرگی که دارد در غزه رخ می دهد زخمهای کهنه ای را بر پیکر بشر باز گشوده است و دردهای زیادی را زنده کرده است.
از یک طرف تصاویر مردمی که به رویشان امکانات حیاتی را قطع کرده اند و در تشنگی و گرسنگی و تاریکی در میان آب های آلوده و مسموم فاضلابی که در خیابانهای شهر نشر کرده است٬ برای ادامه زندگی دست و پا می زنند٬ احیا کنندهء درد و رنج تمام انسانهایست که در طول تاریخ٬ جریان حیات را به رویشان قطع کردند تا که در انزوا به تدریج بخشکند: گولاگ استالین٬ کربلای یزبد٬ اردوگاهای هیتلر...
از طرف دیگر تماشاچیان بی طرف! آنهایی که رویشان را بر می گردانند و گوشایشان را می گیرند تا صدای فریاد هم نوعانشان مزاحم آسایش روزمرگیشان نشود و مبادا حرفی بزنند و یا موضعی بگیرند و یا از افرادی حمایت کنند که باعث بد نامی و ضررشان شود! آنهایی که همه چیز برایشان نسبی است و ظالم و مظلوم و ستمگر و ستمدیده همه مفاهیم مخدوشی هستند که می توان با اندکی تغییر زاویهء دید (در واقع چپ کردن چشم ها!) آنها را به هم نزدیک کرد.
این گروه احیا کنندهء شرمساری بشرند. شرم از مردمی که در طول تاریخ در سکوت دیگران خفه شدند. مردمی در رنج خودشان تنها ماندند و تنها مردند: توتسی های رواندا که در برابر چشم جهانیان قتل عام می شدند تا کارشناسان حقوق بشر سازمان ملل به توافق برسند که آیا این کشتار با تعریف حقوقی کلمهء "genocide" انطباق دارد یا خیر!! و یهودیان آلمان نازی که در برابر چشمهای خونسرد همسایگانشان به اردوگاهای هیتلر کشان کشان و می بردندشان و هیچ کس نمی پرسید "کجا؟"! مردم عراق که برایشان دوختند و بریدند و هر وصله ای بهشان چسباندند تا آنان را مورد حمله و تجاوز و غارات قرار دهند و البته میزگردهای مناظرهء "موافقان" و "مخالفان" جنگ همواره بر پا بود...
اما نمکپاش این زخمها (لااقل برای من) آن دسته از هموطنان ایرانیم هستند که تعدادشان هم کم نیست و حضورشان در همهء مجالس به چشم می خورد و نمی توان نادیده گرفتشان٬آنهایی که می نشینند و تحلیل سیاسی و تاریخی می کنند و استدلال می آورند که مظلومان غزه امروز مستحق ظلمی که بر سرشان می رود هستند !! و برای اثبات حرفشان از فرهنگ و تاریخ و بزرگان ایران مایه می گذارند.
آنهایی که هویت "ایرانی" را با "ضد عرب" بودن تعریف می کنند٬ و هر جا صحبت از حق و حقوق قومی از اعراب می شود٬ هویت خود را در خطر می بینند٬ فورأ برافروخته می شوند و دم از کورش کبیر و داریوش بزرگ و نژاد پاک آریا می زنند و دیگران را متهم به ضدوطن بودن و خیانت و مزدوری و غیره می کنند! و خدا را شکر که آقای جرج بوش و همکاران و رسانه های نئوکانسرواتیوش برچسبهای دیگری چون "تروریست" و "اسلاموفاشیست" را نیز به گنجینهء القاب و تهمت های سیاسی آنها اضافه کرده اند.
ای کاش کورش کبیر که اسم او در تاریخ به خاطر دیدگاه انساندوستانه و حق طلبانه اش به نیکی مانده است و مردم جهان از او به عنوان قهرمان مدافع حقوق اقوام و ادیان غیر یاد می کنند٬ لحظه ای از خواب جاودانه اش بیدار می شد و نظری به نوادگان سرسپرده اش می کرد که ملت دیگری را در سخت ترین شرایطش لعن و نفرین می کنند و به رنج و دردشان پوزخند رضایت می زنند٬ و از کودکان هفت ساله انتقام تاریخ دوهزار و پانصد ساله شان را می خواهند.
سرگذشت ویرانه چنین بود
علی نصری
Recently by Ali Nasri | Comments | Date |
چرا "تحریم" انتخابات بی معنی است؟ | 133 | May 27, 2009 |
تلاش برای آزادی حسین درخشان | 10 | Nov 22, 2008 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
by Ali_Nasri (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 05:41 PM PSTI read all of your comments carefully and appreciate your time.
However, I do not agree with those of you who say that we should only and only care about the Iranian issues and whatever happens in other places of the world is none of our business! Hasn't anyone of you cared and cried for the victims of September 11th? Hasn't anyone of you ever sponsored a child from Africa or other places of the world? How many of you regularly donate blood to the Red Cross for people you will never know?! Hasn't anyone of you participated in a campaign to save a particular specie of animal in North Pole or Australia?! So, why is it that when it comes to Palestinian/Arab human civilians you deny them your compassion? You either believe in compassion or you don't, you either believe in fighting injustice and oppression or you don't. You can not set "conditions" for these values.
I also see a lot of misunderstandings in the comments about me; people associating my views with the policies of the Iranian government, ethnic Arabs or Marxist internationalists. I am none of those. I am just a concerned Iranian citizen who does not like to see vengeance and hatred against another nation, become the signature of his country. I look up to and expect much more from every single grandchild of Sa'di.
Dear mash mandali
by Ali_Nasri (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 04:39 PM PSTThank you for taking the time to read this article.
However I am very surprised by your comment! Could you please tell me what part of what I said here in this article, differed from the message of peace that we promoted during the Miles for Peace project?!
Mr Nasri
by mash mandali on Thu Jan 31, 2008 04:02 PM PSTI'm sorry my friend but I lost ALL the respect I had for you .
When you were a part of farsang haa baraaye solh " miles for peace " cycling group and paddeled Europ and USA, I met with you guys in LA,( welcoming gattering in Bonyaad-e Imaan ), you had an all together different point of view and mentality back then ( JULY 2007).
You portrayed yourself and the rest of the group a " safir-e solh ", I do remember your speach and the rest of your friends words that night, WHAT A DIFFERENCE !!!!!
As late Iranian singer " FARHAAD " said :
baba ma cheghadar roshanfekr darim too in mamlekat!?
by Ardeshir Keyvan (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 09:56 AM PSTMajority of Iranian people are in pure poverty and their money is going to Palestine. Why?
Saddam Hossein who killed about half a million Iranian people got hung and Palestinians are moaning for him. Why?
When Palestinians even don`t recognize Israel existence and use their children as a weapon such as human shield or suicide attacker and in the mean time even their electricity is coming from Israel why
should I think they are oppressed by Israel?
Since Mahmood Abbass is a peaceful guy unlike Arrafat and is ready to build up a country for Palestinians Hamas which is getting support from Iran is against it. Why don`t you criticize them?
Believe it or not the mullahs in Iran and Ahmadynejad as a second hand servant of them are trying their best to interrupt any peace in region.
If you are really concerned about innocent children in Palestine don`t eat Ahmadinejad and the Islamic regime in Iran propaganda.
Iranian people have no debt to Palestinians or anybody else. It has nothing to do with racism or being biased. Go and think about people of Bam or Baloochestan, Kurdestan... and Tehran.
Damet garm
by XerXes (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 09:25 AM PSTGol gofti. I am with you in this.
Solution: Let the Palestinans have a life too.
by Peace (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 08:58 AM PSTWe can't be hating every body who did something wrong to us or our ancestors forever.
Forgive and go on with your life.
Forgiveness sets you free from your hate.
The solution to resolve the Palestinian issue has been known for a long time.
1. Let them become a part of Israeli society with full civil rights and not as a second class citizens with limited rights.
2. Withdraw from their land occupied during the 1967 war and let them have their own country.
Unfortunaety, Israel is against both solutions. Israelis pay lip service to the second solution but they continue to confiscate Palestinian lands and push them out of their homes, neigborhood, farmland, etc.
The above points have been well documented by the United Nation agencies, and human rithts organizations and is available on Google search.
instruction please ..
by stroy teller (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 06:45 AM PSTyah, yah..writing story is easy. Now would you please care and tell us, besides talking what is your instruction upon acting for this humanity path
Here here
by Areyo Barzan (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 06:21 AM PSTWell said Mr. Ali
I have to agree with your every word. In answer to those fellow Iranians who
chose to turn a blind eye on these events I refer them to the words of one of
the victims of holocaust in Nazi Germany who said (and I quote)
“First they came for the communists, as I was not one I did not say any
thing. Then they came for union leaders. I was not a union leader so I did not speak.
Then they came for the Jews. I was not a Jew so I did not say any thing.
By the time they came for me there was no one left to say anything.
The fact that today we speak against this oppression and tyranny is not because
that we particularly like one group or another. This is simply our moral duty
as a human being.
Especially for the fact that the Palestinians have not been friendly or fair
towards us in the past. We should not go through the same root and let our bitterness
to take over and cast a shadow our humanity and obligation toward what is right.
This issue goes far beyond the Iranian, Israeli or American government. This
has to do with our humanity and our heritage..
If we do right only by those who have done right with us we will not get
anywhere far and we will not be different to those who wronged us or other
ignorant self centered people. But If as we claim we are the true decendents of kooroshe Kabir then we should always stand up for human right and universal values
I believe as a human and as an Iranian we should always stand up for what is
right and against tyranny regardless of whom the victim is.
There would always be domestic problems and issues to be resolved but we can
not simply abandon our obligation to the humanity simply because we want to
serve our own interest.
Iranians should wake up and realize that in standing up and speaking
for rights of other oppressed
people they first and foremost serve their own interest as a human being and if
as they claim they are better and more civilized that other people in the
region then they should start showing it in their actions
Payandeh baad Iran
They want country so Israel gave them country
by Anonymouspb (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 04:42 AM PSTWhat the fuck they want? If they can't even provide the basic needs of their citizen how could they (Hamas & Palestinian) run a country? They ask for it. How can they bomb Israel every day and night and they expect Israel provide them food, Jobs and etc... They just do not make sense. If they want country then they need to act like a civilize human being in this world or if they want war. Israel trying to make a point to Hamas that with out Israel you guys ain't Shyt!!!!Israel needs to do what he got to do. I support Israel %100 and they have right to protect themselves.
The problem of Palestinians
by para (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 03:33 AM PSTThe problem of Palestinians (esp. Hamas) is not Israel!! The problem is that they are moslems. It means no education and only beliving in some very old ideology, which does not match to our century. And therefore other people and nations come and try to take adventage of this situation. Also the people like you and your akhunds do the same in Iran. They try to find not educated people to stay on the power. What have the 12 emams starts from Emam Ali, Emam Hosein,.... (all arabs) to do with Iran? Akhund also try to find Khar to could stay on power. Isreal also try to find Khar and this they could find in Ghazeh. The Mollas in Iran do the same with Iranian. Do not close you eyes. Without Islam and Arabs we could have much much better situation.
Yes I am sure that there are
by EDS (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 01:37 AM PSTYes I am sure that there are Iranians who may hate Arabs so much that they justify the plight of Palestinians in the light of their prejudice. However these would be in the minority.
No doubt what is happening and has happened to Palestinian people is a tragedy, a human tragedy. However it is not a unique human tragedy. Look around. All corners of the world, including in our own Iran, people are unjustly oppressed. What many instinctively know but may not be able to verbalize is that the responsibility of each is first towards those closest to him. In this case, Iranians need to dedicated most of their time and resources attending to the tremendous and repulsive oppression of Iranians at the hands of the Islamic Republic. Secondly, the disproportionate attention many bestow upon Palestinians overlooking millions of other humans who are similarly oppressed often is motivated by an obsessive fascination and hatred of the Jews.
No doubt the enormous and disgusting oppression of Palestinians at the hands of Israelis must be condemned and acted upon however only in the context of other priorities.
thank you, I've rarely read
by shadis (not verified) on Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:48 AM PSTthank you, I've rarely read such unbiased accurate observations on this site
Mr. Nasri please...
by ahvazi on Wed Jan 30, 2008 08:56 PM PSTRepeat this statment a 100 times
چراغی که به خانه رواست به مسجد حرام است
if It is what I thought, It would be Mr Ali correct me
by Bahram the Iranian on Wed Jan 30, 2008 08:43 PM PSTI keep coming back to this page because of personal connection I m feeling toward this matter, let me take a guess Ali, You are obviously Iranian and by looking at your last name my best guess is you are from arab origione . if this is the case then 'AHLAN VA SAHLAN" brother (if not, too).If your letter is to complain about some behaviours in Iranian society then you got a sympthsizer here!!!while I believe the iranian pepole are getting more educated which makes us less likly to be arrogent.while I have seen the trend betwen young iranians either in iran or over here a postive one they dont hold the old biases that some ot the older ones do and I tell u, that wouldnt be neccessary only with arabs. I get so pissed when some iranian makes "a not politicaly correct"comment about arabs, I get embarrased in front of my wife. However there are couple things first there have been moments that she got embarrased for the same reason and we r kind of balanced out here, but why it should happen in the first place???and guess what It always came from older folk, 40+ myself is that old but thanks god not that stupid.This isnt something that happens everyday but it does happen.
second in your case you r an iranian, we dont mean you when we say arabs, I ve seen it with my own eyes how iranians in khosestan fought aginst the alqadysie sadam I m sure we all understand this, we appreciate what they did and they havent got back much from the goverment.
I hope you would be fluent in arabic as much as u r in persian, then your next letter should be to one of mst popular arabic website and tell them our side the iranian side. you should tell them how insultaed we get when they undermine our soverngity even if it is only by making up fake names or verbaly laying claim on iranian land, you should tell me if they sign a treaty they should honor it. you should tell me we believe in the same god and it isnt nice to call pepole name.
Do not mix things up!
by Kamangir on Wed Jan 30, 2008 08:37 PM PSTThe suffering of others, be these arabs, jews or others has nothing to do with the fact that our Iranian identity (language and culture) is been arabized (yes arabized)
Under the name of Islamization, Iran is being gradually and systematically forced into a culture, a way of life and a language that belongs to othres (although these others, forced themselsves into Iran some 1400 years ago) this is the continuation of that.
Many of us do see and feel our culture under serious threat from whithin. This has nothing to do with Arabs or Arabic countries or racism. This has to do with heavy arabo-islamic presence in our country, culture and language. I do not hate Arabs, I've had many friends from many different Arabic countries and they are great people. Now, what would they do, if Persian language, culture, events and etc.. is forced upon them? In Iran in the last 30 years, the concept has been: My way or the highway!! We took the highway and here we're. Arabs have nothing to do with this. This has everything to do with Arabo-Muslim presence in Iran trying to stablish itself by brute force, by gradually eliminating anything Persian (its main obstacle)
By the way, I'm very interested in Cyrus, Darius and all the ones you've mentioned, the more they push me towards Hussain and Ali the closer I feel towards my own Persian ancestors.
I wonder
by Anonymous wonder (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 08:18 PM PSTI wonder if Ali Agha Nasri would do anything about it, like help them out of his OWN resources and tear, time or money; or if he wants to pay for them out of wealth and tears of iranian children or "az kiseyeh khalifeh bebakhshad."
There seems to be a good market for iranian tears and wealth with a lot of deserving needie people in arab land. The only non-deserving whom nobody wants to shed a tear for are desperate children of iran and even more desperate blacks of sudan, whom by the way are being killed or set on fire in their houses by the darling moslim arabs.
Where is the outrage for the iranians, or at least for the far far more desperate blacks of darfur.
Or is it that rich arab relatives have redder blood?
well said
by m (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 07:47 PM PSTRacism and all that's associated with it, first and foremost is due to a lack of self-confidence and there's plenty of that in Iran's recent history. It is no wonder that the traditions we were once famous for in terms of tolerance and respect for others aren't exactly there today. A once proud nation is 'cornered' to the extent that it seeks its superiority in its skin colour or its DNA, how pathetic is that in this age of reason and thought.
The last sentence of this article sums it up nicely: "were a people seek revenge of their 2500 years history from 7 year old children."
Iran's past glories (to which me and you have have contributed zero) have become a means for us to hide and forget the humiliating memory of the last two and a half century.
علی آقا (Ali Nasri)
second citizen (not verified)Wed Jan 30, 2008 07:39 PM PST
علی آقا - حرف شما در مورد اینکه موقعیت فلسطینی ها در غزه اسفناک ودرد آلود است کاملأ درست میباشد. من هم مثل شما صحنه های دردآور را در اخبار مشاهده کرده و دیدم که چگونه اسرائلیل دیوار جلوی این بیچارگان بسته و حتی نمیتوانند به غذا دسترسی پیدا کند. در همان زمان بارها به اسرائیل و super power هائی که از اسرائیل حمایت میکنند لعنت فرستادم.
از طرف دیگر در همان زمان به کشورمان ایران و به بلاهائی که حکومت لعنئتی آخوندها بر سر خواهران و برادران ما در می آورد فکر میکردم. به دانشجویانی فکر میکردم که از ابتدائی ترین حقوق بشری که آرادی بیان هست محروم هستند. به زنان مملکتمان فکر میکردم که به عنوان second citizen وشاید هم در حد پائین تر با آنها رفتار میشود. به بیگناهانی فکر میکردم در جنگ ایران وعراق چگونه نابود شدند . به جوانانی فکر میکردم که چگونه با کمال وحشی گری در مقابل عموم به دار آویخته میشوند....به تدریج درعین حال که میگفتم صدها لعنت به حکومت آخوند و لعنت ها بر super power هائی که از IRI حمایت میکنند٫فلسطین از یادم رفت وبه یاد این ضربالمثل افتادم که - چراغی که در خانه رواست در مسجد حرام است...
by Anonymous until iran is freed (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 07:23 PM PSTShame on those pseudo iranians who beat their chests for foreigners while orphans of Bam are desperate for 4 years now. Where is the chest beating for children of Bam, where is the chest beating for political prisoners of iran, where is the chest beating for oppressed women of iran, where is the chest beating for homeless children of tehran, where is the chest beating for jobless and hungry youth of iran, where is the chest beating for iranian youth who have turned to drugs out of desperation and hopelessness, where is the chest beating for the dead economy of iran, where is the chest beating for iranian teenagers who turn into prostitution and temporary marriages (sigheh) out of desperation and need, and where is the chest beating for discriminated minorities of iran (including iranian arabs of khuzestan).
Shame on those superficial iranians who want to play Robin Hood, not with their own money, but with the resources and wealth of hungry children of iran to rob them to pay for their super rich proteges, the thief and hypocrite arabs.
Apparently some have such a full belly and comfort that have other priorities than empathizing with helpless iranians inside iran.
hold your noses, the racist arian stink doth enter!
by doc (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 06:51 PM PSTbravo mr nasri. i love how your little essay has smoked out all the racists from their holes, excited to spew more of their hate. take your sorry carcasses somewhere else you fucking shit-heels! you sorry excuses for "humans" who can't stand anyone to express sorrow for any kind of suffering that doesn't have "arian" written on it. pieces of shit who can't see further than your fucking dicks.
by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 06:27 PM PSTThe Article is typical of how many so-called Iranian Intellectuals in Iran (and in the West) think. Their thinking goes something like this: When a government run by a small minority, which was incidentally installed by the West, invades, pillages, occupies, and oppresses the habitants of this Arab land, we should stand up for ther right. This sounds reasonable, does it not? The problem is this is the wrong question to ask. First of all, who died and made us the defenders of the Palestinians? We have no borders with Israel or Palestine. We have very little in common with either the Israelis or the Palestininas. Palestinians DO NOT even care about Iranians. They never did. They supposrted and cheered on their fellow Araba brother, Saddam when he was bombing and dropping chemical bombs on our fellow countrymen. If any thing, they have more in common with the Israelis than with us. After all, they are both of the sae race: Semites. While it is quite sad that the Palestninas are suffering the way they are, this is everyone's problem, not just the Iranians'. Europe, U.S., Russia, and China should bear much much more responsibility than we ever should . We had Nothing to do with any of this. Besides, we have so many unresolved problems in our country, which leaves very little time or resources for this secondary concern. I say to this writer that we do not have to look away when oppression and misery happens. But before we decide to help anayone outside, we should look inside our country first. A lot needs to be done there.
by Another Anonymous (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 05:44 PM PSTAs bad as iranians maybe, I sincerely believe that they are NOT racist at all as long as you know the difference between racism and nationalism. There does not even exist an 'original' iranian word for racism. The word for racism (that I won't tell you what it is) is a new artificial word.
Look at what spanish did with indigenous people once they entered america, what british did with indigenous people when they entered Australia, what arabs are doing with blacks in sudan, what hitler did with jews, what saddam did with iraqis of iranian origin, ... That is racism.
Historically, from 2500 years ago, Cyrus the great did the exact opposite with the Babylonians, Elamites, and Sumerians, and that has been engraved in our culture ever since.
You never see any bad feelings towards azari turks or khuzestani arabs AS LONG AS they consider themselves iranian. The only thing mildly negative addressed towards them are bad jokes, which is for a lot of ethnicities, including esfahanis and ghazvinis, etc.
The fact is that iranians have grievances for 1400 years of arab culture and religious domination of iran, as well as recent siding of arabs with anti-iranian forces. This has been further inflamed by attempts of IRI to suppress the iranian culture to the extent that they could, from Norooz to chaharshanbeh souri, from ferdowsi to pasargad, from speaking persian to embedding as much arabic in speech, etc. They have also seen robbing iranian wealth to pay for arabs while the 350 million arabs are the richest and do NOT need iranian money. This has back-fired.
Western laws severely punish racially-motivated atrocities, and we still see racial crimes from time to time that we never see likes of it in iran.
Nationalism and self-preservation are NOT the same as racism. Mixing the two is dishonest and non-iranian.
The difference
by Farhad Moazemi (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 05:42 PM PSTThe Israeli government is criminal in its nature and in its foundation. Essentially, Israel is a cruel huge military machine supported unconditionally by the Western powers. They have been terrorizing and
killing people for the last 60 years. That is the only way they can survive. I can hardly think of any other government openly terrorizing people except for the islamic republic of iran.
Now, one runs into a dilemma observing these two governments' crimes. Which one is worse? One suppresses and kills its own people (IRI) and the other suppresses and kills Palestinians. Both are verk skilled at their criminal crafts. Some believe killing human beings is bad only if others do it. If the IRI or Israelis do it, no problem!
The world today suffers in the hands of the fanatics claiming the three major Abrahamic religions. Israel has defined and promoted itself as the symbol of the jews. The IRI promotes itself as the symbol of Islam. Bush and his cohorts have promoted themselves as the symbols of fundamentalist Christianity (or the Judeo-Christian civilization??!!) as they like to call it. Until the world gets rid of all three, there would be no peace on earth.
khashmgin (not verified)Wed Jan 30, 2008 05:03 PM PST
علی نصری, ای مردیکه پفیوز, بعد از آنکه یاسر عرفات در اوایل انقلاب به ایران امد و با چمدانهای اسکناس برگشت چه شد؟
وقتی صدام به ایران حمله کرد فلسطینیها به حمایت از صدام و بر علیه ایران "به پا خاستند". این شد. به این نحو قدر شناسی کردند.
وقتی صدام بر روی مردم ایران بمب میریخت و در جبهه موج موج ایرانی میکشت, فلسطینیها به افتخار پیروزیهای صدام جشن میگرفتند. اونوقت توی احمق خودتو برای فلسطینیها جر میدی؟
ای مردیکهً خوار و حقیر, ای خود باختهً ذلیل, تو بیش از اینکه به فکر فلسطین خیانتکار باشی, قدری به فکر مردم بیچارهً خودت در ایران باش, و یا اینکه شر خودت رو کم کن و برو در فلسطین زندگی کن, ای لجن.
Ali Nasri
by Anonymous2008 (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 04:58 PM PSTIranians have every right to hate (yes hate) Arabs. Just take a moment to see what they have done to our country. Now looking at your picture, I see all elements of Arab DNA in it and that explains whay you are so upset. I suggest moving to Saudi Arabia. You will feel right at home. Bye Bye.
تا آنجا که من
MM (not verified)Wed Jan 30, 2008 04:20 PM PST
تا آنجا که من میدانم ایرانیها نه تنها نژادپرست نیستند که خیلی هم در صلح و صفا با هم زندگی میکنند. من هرگز نشنیدهام کسی بگوید با فلانی وصلت نکن یا معامله نکن چون کرد است یا بلوچ است یا عرب یا فارس یا ترک یا لر است. اصلا این حرفها نبوده و نخواهد بود. در جنگ با عراق همه با هم یکی بودیم و همیشه هم خواهیم بود. در نگاه کلی هم ملت ما بزرگترین حامی فلسطین است. حرفهای شما در مورد بعضی اشخاص ممکن است درست باشد اما در مورد کل جامعهی ایرانی خیر. با وجود همهی دشمنی دنیای عرب با ما بارها شده که ایران میزبان و پناهگاه اقوام مختلف از جمله اعراب بوده. عشق و نفرت همه جا هست. آنهایی که همیشه از فرهنگ ایرانیان ایراد میگیرند بنظر من با فرهنگ دیگر ملل آشنایی عمیقی ندارند.
مردک خر، چه کسی
Anonymous111211313 (not verified)Wed Jan 30, 2008 04:04 PM PST
مردک خر، چه کسی از غم ِ ایران گفت که باید نادیده گرفته شود، چون حالا ما می کشیم همه باید بکشند، بد بخت ما همه انسان هستیم،نژادی وجود ندارد...
Eye for an eye?
by Anon65 (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 04:01 PM PSTTo Anon Observer-
Whether or not there is anti-Iranian racism among Arabs is besides the point. It does not justify anti-Arab racism by Iranians. The grievances of Iranians against Arab chauvinism would be much stronger if they too were not guilty of the same kind of exclusionary and hateful speech and activities.
He's Right...It IS our Fault
by Anonymous Observer (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 03:32 PM PSTHe's right people....it IS our fault. Iranians are the racist assholes....it wasn't Gamal AbdelNasser or Ghadhafi or Saddam or the other Arab nationalist leaders who created the notion of Arabian Gulf and talked about their grand Second Qadissiyeh against Iran... It's not the Persian Guld states who treat foreigners as slaves...literally...read about Philipino and Sri Lankan maids in those countries...It's not the Sunni extremists in Iraq who spew vile anti-Persian hate speech on their websites...It's all us...we're the racis assholes...
The problme with you and the rest of your ilk is that you have never lived amongst Arabs. Try living in Saudi Arabia for a while and you'll see racism...you'll see how much respect they'll have for your Iranian heritage!
Also, Mr. Nasri, can you please direct us to a book, article or a wblink in which an Arab writer has admonished his / her people not to be racist, respect Iranians and feel sorry for the innocent loss of life in Iran during the Iran / Iraq war?
What about Atrocities in Sudan,kenya,Burma,Chechnya ,etc
by Nikoo (not verified) on Wed Jan 30, 2008 03:17 PM PSTMr. Nasri I admire your concern for those people who are suffering under inhumane conditions.In that case,there are so many places in the world that need our attention,but it seems to me that you choose to ignore places much closer to you like Iran.Or if you truly are a humanist, then what about other places?