احیا کنندهء شرمساری بشر

برای آنهایی که هویت "ایرانی" را با "ضد عرب" بودن تعریف می کنند


احیا کنندهء شرمساری بشر
by Ali Nasri

این چند روز گذشته اخبار فاجعهء بزرگی که دارد در غزه رخ می دهد زخمهای کهنه ای را بر پیکر بشر باز گشوده است و دردهای زیادی را زنده کرده است.

از یک طرف تصاویر مردمی که به رویشان امکانات حیاتی را قطع کرده اند و در تشنگی و گرسنگی و تاریکی در میان آب های آلوده و مسموم فاضلابی که در خیابانهای شهر نشر کرده است٬ برای ادامه زندگی دست و پا می زنند٬ احیا کنندهء درد و رنج تمام انسانهایست که در طول تاریخ٬ جریان حیات را به رویشان قطع کردند تا که در انزوا به تدریج بخشکند: گولاگ استالین٬ کربلای یزبد٬ اردوگاهای هیتلر...

از طرف دیگر تماشاچیان بی طرف! آنهایی که رویشان را بر می گردانند و گوشایشان را می گیرند تا صدای فریاد هم نوعانشان مزاحم آسایش روزمرگیشان نشود و مبادا حرفی بزنند و یا موضعی بگیرند و یا از افرادی حمایت کنند که باعث بد نامی و ضررشان شود! آنهایی که همه چیز برایشان نسبی است و ظالم و مظلوم و ستمگر و ستمدیده همه مفاهیم مخدوشی هستند که می توان با اندکی تغییر زاویهء دید (در واقع چپ کردن چشم ها!) آنها را به هم نزدیک کرد.

این گروه احیا کنندهء شرمساری بشرند. شرم از مردمی که در طول تاریخ در سکوت دیگران خفه شدند. مردمی در رنج خودشان تنها ماندند و تنها مردند: توتسی های رواندا که در برابر چشم جهانیان قتل عام می شدند تا کارشناسان حقوق بشر سازمان ملل به توافق برسند که آیا این کشتار با تعریف حقوقی کلمهء "genocide" انطباق دارد یا خیر!! و یهودیان آلمان نازی که در برابر چشمهای خونسرد همسایگانشان به اردوگاهای هیتلر کشان کشان و می بردندشان و هیچ کس نمی پرسید "کجا؟"! مردم عراق که برایشان دوختند و بریدند و هر وصله ای بهشان چسباندند تا آنان را مورد حمله و تجاوز و غارات قرار دهند و البته میزگردهای مناظرهء "موافقان" و "مخالفان" جنگ همواره بر پا بود...

اما نمکپاش این زخمها (لااقل برای من) آن دسته از هموطنان ایرانیم هستند که تعدادشان هم کم نیست و حضورشان در همهء مجالس به چشم می خورد و نمی توان نادیده گرفتشان٬آنهایی که می نشینند و تحلیل سیاسی و تاریخی می کنند و استدلال می آورند که مظلومان غزه امروز مستحق ظلمی که بر سرشان می رود هستند !! و برای اثبات حرفشان از فرهنگ و تاریخ و بزرگان ایران مایه می گذارند.

آنهایی که هویت "ایرانی" را با "ضد عرب" بودن تعریف می کنند٬ و هر جا صحبت از حق و حقوق قومی از اعراب می شود٬ هویت خود را در خطر می بینند٬ فورأ برافروخته می شوند و دم از کورش کبیر و داریوش بزرگ و نژاد پاک آریا می زنند و دیگران را متهم به ضدوطن بودن و خیانت و مزدوری و غیره می کنند! و خدا را شکر که آقای جرج بوش و همکاران و رسانه های نئوکانسرواتیوش برچسبهای دیگری چون "تروریست" و "اسلاموفاشیست" را نیز به گنجینهء القاب و تهمت های سیاسی آنها اضافه کرده اند.

ای کاش کورش کبیر که اسم او در تاریخ به خاطر دیدگاه انساندوستانه و حق طلبانه اش به نیکی مانده است و مردم جهان از او به عنوان قهرمان مدافع حقوق اقوام و ادیان غیر یاد می کنند٬ لحظه ای از خواب جاودانه اش بیدار می شد و نظری به نوادگان سرسپرده اش می کرد که ملت دیگری را در سخت ترین شرایطش لعن و نفرین می کنند و به رنج و دردشان پوزخند رضایت می زنند٬ و از کودکان هفت ساله انتقام تاریخ دوهزار و پانصد ساله شان را می خواهند.

سرگذشت ویرانه چنین بود

علی نصری


more from Ali Nasri

Iranians are racists!

by Shahrokh Mousavi (not verified) on

I am a young Iranian raised in Europe; proud of my Iranian background but the older I get the more I realize that most Iranians are a bunch of mother fucker racists. I am ashamed of my people for being so damn backward and short minded. Most Iranians don’t know about their true history. They don’t know their own people and therefore they don’t care for them. I come from a decent family in Dezfoul. Both my parents were doctors and we had a good life until we had to move to Tehran during the war. I can’t tell you enough about the nasty behavior of our own people toward us.


کورش وخی که اسرائیل رو حماس میخواد

Anonymous234 (not verified)

تصدقت به حرف ضد انقلاب گوش نکن و بگذار رهبر معظم انقلاب حضرت آیت الله سید علی خامنه ای المجتمع أو فساده چرت بعد از نگاری رو بزنه و همون کورش خودمونو بیدارش کنی بهتره، هم زبر و زرنگتر و هم از غزه و اونجاها سررشته داره و برای یهودی ها کارهایی هم کرده ذلیل مرده. اونیکی گفت کورش بخواب تو یکی بگو کورش وخی که اسرائیل رو حماس میخواد


Can One of You Palestine Lovers Please

by Anonymous Observer (not verified) on

write an an article addressed to the Arab nations asking them why they are so anti - Iranian? Why can't stand the name "Persian Gulf" and have to change it to "Arabian Gulf"? Why they hepled Iraq lock, stock and barrell during its war with Iran, at the same time that they were flooding to Afghanistan to help their "Muslim brothers" who were invaded by the Soviets?

It will be refreshing if one you bleeding heart, PC Iranians poses these questions instead of constantly boring us by telling us how racist we are and making us feel guilty about Iranian nationalism?


من نميدانم چرا

Anonymous1234 (not verified)

من نميدانم چرا باز خواب كوروش را ميخواهيد بهم بزنيد? شما عجالتا چرت ولي عصر آيت الله عظما سيد محمد خامنه اي دامت بركاته را بهم بزنيد كه براي فلسطين اشك تمساح ميريزد .

Bahram the Iranian

Ali, u r right to some extent

by Bahram the Iranian on

yes this is true there are some iranians out there who may mix up the love for Iran with biase aginst others particulary arabs. more stuipd ever, when I see, hear or read some ugualy comments about our neighbours with whom we share many things culturaly or economicly.However there are 2 points that you have missed, first I believe, the reasonable iranians outnumber the irreasonable ones overwhilmingly, My background is persian and I married an arab girl we travel very oftenly to Iran and let me tell this, Over there pepole are much cooler to this idea of anomity between arabs and Iranians.the pepole over here get too paranoiah trying to distinguish themselves and ofcourse in a wrong way second You should not forget all this fuss and buzz about Iranians and Arabs was started with Sadam and continue with hardline elment in the arab world either pan-arabists or wahabies. We should give credit to Iranian goverment  for never getting into sadam games, as u know there is no ill publicities sanctioned by Iran, You should not forget the ongoing psychalogical attacks from shieks in the persian gulf, one day calling the persian gulf by a fake name, the other undermining the treaty by which Bahrian was given to Arabs and 3 islands were given to Iran, that was one package one deal, some arabs want us to respect the Bahrian soverignty and not aknowledgeing the rest of the deal.Having said this I believe we should respect our neighbours and work with them and the same goes to arabs.


Sick & Tired of These People

by Anonymous Observer (not verified) on


I'm sick and tired of these Kaseyeh as ash Daghtars keh sang e Felistin ra be sineh mizanand. I just got done commenting on another of these ridiculous bleeding heart rants....

Can you please tell us where your sense of outrage was when Iranian cities had missiles raining on them by Iraq and (here we go again...I have to explain it again to this dim wit...akhhhh) its sponsors - Arab nations who did everything they could - money, weapons, troops- to win another Qadisiyeh against Iran. Did you know that Palestinian fighters were proudly, and quite openly, fighting alongside Iraqi troops against Iran? Did you know that Arafat was waiting to take Khoozestan as a prize and make it the new Palestinian State? Did you know that Arab media at the time was bragging that Iraqi troops were going to enter Tehran within two weeks

They can't even stand the name of Persian Gulf and want to change it to Arabian Gulf....

….and while all the Arab nations are getting richer and richer and are wheeling and dealing with Israel, our backward, Arab loving people is getting itself mired in a conflict that has nothing to do with us...Why don't you learn from Pakistan and Turkey?

If only Arabs loved Iranians as much as we apparently love them!!!!!


I just wrote this response

by Anonymous4now (not verified) on

I just wrote this response for another thread and cannot motivate myself, in response to this emotional clap trap, to write another piece, so here it is.
My observations, as someone whose work has taken him into Israel, at least a half dozen times, are that you are both right. Israel is the most advanced nation in the middle East, it is the singular democracy in that region and, unlike what most people would like to accept, it is the most secular country in the middle East.
In order for some of the readers not to jump to their own conclusion, I have to make it clear that I don’t work for the CIA or the Mussad or the “Zionist lobby”. My company, in the US, founded by an Israeli, makes high tech equipment and has its headquarters in Israel.
The Israelis despise and abhor their own religious minority more than the Palestinian terrorists, as many of my colleagues and taxi drivers I have spoken with, have conveyed to me.
There is a sizable peaceful Arab Israeli minority (20%) that is doing as well as the Iranian minority in LA. They are typically restaurant owners with large modern homes and at least a couple of Mercedes Benzes in front of their homes. The Israelis confess to having a love affair with Arab/Mediterranean food.
If you go to the Mount of Olive and hold your arms open to make a 120 degree angle in front of you, then every religion in the world has built a shrine in that “holy land”. You see not only the Bahaii mosque, but the Church of Scotland and the Mormon Church both have facilities there. Israelis are extremely tolerant of minority religions.
If the Palestinians wanted real peace, Hamas would get along with Fatah and Hizbollah and they could have peace with Israel in an instant. Ever since Gaza has been handed over, Hamas has been sending rockets into Israel. Hezbollah is poised in a threatening position in Lebanon, and will not get along with either faction. Fatah thinks it is making peace but is threatened by the other factions who want nothing but the destruction of Israel. Each is waiting to exercise its complete dominance over the other, not realizing that, in peace, the industrial might of Israel will benefit not only them but the entire Middle East. In the span of the past 30 years, the IRI has been pouring fuel over this fire, and has tried to increase its influence in the conflict, at the expense of the Palestinians. As long as Israel feels threatened by the Palestinian issue and is engaged in fighting it, the IRI is in the winning seat. Yet, more and more Iranians have fallen for the IRI propaganda machine that pretends to be sympathizing with the plight of the Palestinians, forgetting the plight of their own people and the billions of dollars that have been plundered by this self serving regime, for its own adventures, at the expense of making Iran destitute with 40% of Iranians living below poverty standards. The silence about their plight, is deafening.


It is very sad

by farokh2000 on

Yes, this is very tragic. But the real guilty party, real Natzi is sitting here in D.C. supporting what they are doing there.

If anyone else had done what that Government has been doing for Decades, the U.S., and their puppet, U.N. would have intervened right away.

Their puppets here in U.S., would do anything, at any cost to keep the Masters happy and comfortable, even start Wars that they know have no end to them.

They call them "The only true Democracy in the Middle East"!?.

Unfortunately, there are many sad spots on this Earth in similar situations but since they have nothing that the Super Powers would want, they don't care.

Human Race is really a disgrace to the Nature.



by Iva (not verified) on

What is the writer is trying to say? Is he saying that Iranians should not complain when million upon millions of Iranian assests are given to Hamas to purchase weaponary when Iranians such as folks in Bam suffering themselves?!

I would like to see a link to or perhaps someone can post an actual article from Mr. Ali Nasri in regards to suffering of Ianians in the hands of moslem ruling party.



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Many weeks bevor the little tiny bushy Bushy wanted to go to ME to deepen the, actually non existent divergency between ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN and the arab States begann the media in the "free western" world to try to deepen the mentioned divergency. But as all the world now knows the historical friendship between arab nations and iranians is not broken and after HIS visit in ME is now even deeper. See Egypt.
the heinous entity of Zionism has reached the end. The not any more great satan is laying in his death bed snappin air. Now please acknowledge the following message:
'Occupiers floundering in region'
Wed, 30 Jan 2008 13:46:35
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that the occupiers' ship flounders in the waters of Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine.
"The West has been vanquished for 29 years in its efforts to create a rift among the people of Iran and other people of the region," he added.

He pointed out that once the Iranians decided to stand up against Western bullying, the situation changed to the benefit of the nation.

Today the media, which had been influenced by Western hegemony, have changed their tune. Now they say that Iran is right.

He pointed out that supporters of Zionism will one day be tried at a regional tribunal.
I like to recitite the title of a book which was called: The East is red. Greeting


تا اطلاع ثانوی شما غم غزه را بخور

Fred (not verified)

مردم ایران فعلاً ماتمزدۀ قطع عضو و اعدام های دستجمعی علنی و شلاق خوردن دختران و پسرانشان هستند و تا اطلاع ثانوی شما غم غزه را بخور و از ظلم و ستم دست پروردۀ رژیم اسلامی ایران، حماس هم چیزی نگو