Road to democracy

Iranians must focus on a permanent fix rather than a quick solution


Road to democracy
by Abarmard

I am under the impression that some people are in search of a democratic Iran without the consideration of the geopolitical and/or sociopolitical situation. Some Iranians are stuck in a mindset that the religion of Islam is the cause of all evil in the Iranian struggle to advance and that Iranians were “defeated” because of the introduction of Islam into their society. For many, the IRI represents a government that promotes the same religion that corresponds to the downfall of the great Persian Empire and its advance society.

To some, revolution is the simplest way to put all of our past behind and move forward. Possibly, the lack of chronological documentation about the Iranians in the past might be a direct result of historical confusion among Iranians. Pre- Islamic Iran for some is as unclear as the post Islamic. The question is whether Iranian conversion to Islam or the modification of Islam to fit the Iranian traditions is at all relevant? How far back should we go to find whether Iranians like or dislike their religion?

The more recent history of Iran and Iranians from the past one hundred years indicates the devotion of Iranians towards the Shia Islamic traditions. No one should defend the historical mistakes that were made, but instead focus on the dominant traditions that existed as norms in the society. Judging a society based on the standards that existed at a particular time in history is accurate and educating. Demonizing Shia Islam in the Iranian society is the simplest way out of finding correct answers. One does not need to agree with an ideology in order to fully understand it.

In the case of Shia Islam, one could argue that it has roots in the Iranian culture and traditions; if it didn’t before 1400 years, it certainly does today after 1400 years. Disregarding this kind of influence cannot be accurate. History is not comprised of disjointed instances; all parts are connected. When one part is still making history, we need to open it up and carefully investigate its contents. We need to realize all the attractive parts of Shia religion that has magnetized the Iranian society and combine it into our political ideology. Successful change is more possible based on the modification of already existing norms in a society.

The current debate among those who oppose Islam all together as an Arabic enforced culture into the Humane Iranian society is a dangerous one; certainly not dangerous for the current regime of Iran but for many young Iranians.  Those Iranians, who otherwise should understand the realities of our society, would fall into an empty mirage of useless nationalistic tricks not too different from what our ancestors wrongly perceived. We have witnessed through our past that history will repeat itself for those who don’t learn from it. This non democratic regime in Iran will continue as long as we are ignorant to the facts and search for a quick answer to very complicated and fragile socio-political realities.

Lack of understanding about our current and historical social component is the root of the Iranian paradox. If most Iranians agree about the role of religion in their lives, then we can move forward to resolve its shortcomings. Yet one can see that many still are not convinced that Iran is a semi traditional and religious society and try to resolve her issues based on the western formula. If we understand our social components then our contribution would accelerate the journey to modernization. If we continue to disregard our realities, then we are only part of the confusion that will slow down our cultural advancement. To learn history correctly, one must ask questions that begin with “why” and “how so”.

We should understand Iran better than we know her now. Iranians must become very careful and more patient about our country’s path and focus on a permanent fix rather than a quick or short term solution. Iranian society is going through dramatic changes that are transforming the traditional Iran in to a modern culture. IRI has shown many Iranians the realities of our traditional thinking and norms, this is a valuable lesson that we need to cherish rather than disregard. I am optimistic that ultimately we will pass this transformation victorious.


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Mort Gilani

Fear of Change

by Mort Gilani on

Our Zoroastrian past may have been imperfect, but it was far better than the worst version of Islamic crap that Iranians adopted and advanced.   You can soil your pants about change, but it is a bullet that Iran has to bite sooner or later for advancement.  In fact, this is a universal problem in the backward M.E.   The misery of that region will not go away and will be chewed one way or another until the people  in that region decide to exchange Isalm with science and progress. The flirting of Iranians with Islam has not done Iran any good in the past 1400 years, and it will not help her in the next 1400 years.


Good article but...

by kurdish warrior (not verified) on

I find the article interesting however I don’t agree with all its points you draw. I don’t believe that Iran as whole is semi religious society. This applies specifically to some parts of Iran (Kurdistan, Baluchistan and Khuzestan). I know for fact that these parts are more traditional than religious. However that is still a problem and not a solution. In order for our society to move along path of democracy, we need national unity which currently, unfortunately doesn’t exist in order to change the regime as whole. Once there is secular regime up and running then education should be one of country’s priorities. However it will take some time before Iranian society changes and develops from its traditional and off course in some parts (Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashad) from its religious norms.


Boy! that woman must have

by Farhang (not verified) on

Boy! that woman must have been released from "Shahr-e-No" recently. Are these the kind of people who want to make a better Iran?!! We really need to educate ourselves and learn decency and tolerance first before making another mistake.



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

a very practical and appropriate advise. How good that we "IANIAN"s know what the Iranian Nation has to do. I take me the time to do a little bit "HART O PURT" again. I mean for me count to Iranian nation the ones who have founded thier ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN, are living there and are willing to protect what they have achieved in the last 30 years. As is generally known that nation has never been quick. The first Farsi word that a foreigner hears and understands in Iran is: YAVASH YAVASH. Yavash yavash get things better. I for my self do not like this word. But it is an iranian way of life. I think so.. Every thing goes Yavash yavash. I think the solution is mentioned and meant hier comes first after reappearing of Mahdi(s). better I for myself take me time and live in peace and friendship with other visitores of "IRANIAN"s and let the Iranians live also in peace and friendship with thier naighbores in thier ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN just in a way as they themselves find it O.K. Greeting



by Troneg on

I've always believed what you wrote. I hope we will be more and more to believe it

Nobody gives Freedom. People learn and take it.


Perfectly done

by amir elmjouie (not verified) on

I agree with you totally totally TOTALLY.
Education before evolution. Short solution is the way of Iranin mentality. It takes time to change, and it takes courage to avert to a comfortable situation. I am a Moselm before an Iranian, I didnt choose that, it was chosen by many many ancestors before me. I try to modify it but I need more ammunitions. since I can't get more ammos, I go for short cuts. KHANE AZ PIE BAST VERUN AST -- KHAGE DAR NAKHSHA ROKHEA AYVAN AST



by Mehdi Arkaki (not verified) on

I mean just look at how uncivilized some people in the opposition are:
