Thinking of you

Short/fun film from a conference trip to Barcelona

Thinking of you
by Siamack


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by Amir123 (not verified) on

Ok, that was nice, but don't you think the audience would be bored with all this personal details of your life? don't get me wrong, you have a great life and your family is also great, but I just don't think you should share all of these details with us. Some stuff like weddings, graduation, or other big events are worth sharing, but you just keep posting any small thing that happens in your life.


Forca Barca

by Aref-Adib on

This is a beautifully constructed video!


don't listen to look good buddy

by Ali Sefati (not verified) on

siarosh jaan don't listen to others you look good as you are...i loved this video...short and to the point...liked the song too.



I like your hi tec style!

by Monda on

beats my pen and paper journaling for sure!


Siamak what happened to the

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

Siamak what happened to the diet...????? Don't let go man. We're counting on you.

Nazy Kaviani

The Gift of Family

by Nazy Kaviani on

What a sweet story! Loved the music and the sentiments. Your diet seems to be working again, as the cheekbones are starting to emerge. Good going and thank you for the "gift of family" for all of us Siamack. Happy Mother's Day to Varinder.


a hair cut and a diet

by cyrus- (not verified) on

there, I said my piece.


Paella man

by ImTheKing (not verified) on

Simak jan, very nice video. But what I don't understand why you show your life on the net? Are these videos for adult that you mention in your clip.


Very good; short and sweet!

by farrad02 on

And yes, good to be back home!


hi siamak

by urstruly (not verified) on

really liked this video, the music and everything. you're good!!!


Nice Touch

by Wondering (not verified) on

Cool video production. I hope to visit there soon.

....and forgive me but to be true to our culture's candor, "ease up on the soltani please"'s starting to effect your style and good looks...

Cheers to your health.