But, why?

What causes astonishment is the silence towards barbaric deeds against Bahais


But, why?
by Khosro Shemiranie

[Shemiranie was born in Iran, studied in Germany and lives in Canada. He is a freelance writer specializing in analytical articles on the socio-political issues of Iran and violations of human rights. The following is a translation of his recent article titled "I Am a Bahai Too!", published in Shahrgon online journal, 12 September 2008. Shemiranie is not associated with the Bahai community and lives in Canada. -- Ahang Rabbani, translator.]

I want to cry out: “I am a Bahai! For as long as belief in the Bahai Faith is viewed as a crime, consider me a Bahai too! For that, you can end my meager pension, you can stop me from going to university, and you can abuse me in grade school and high school! You can seize me, bind me, imprison me, torture me, separate me from my family, burn my house, confiscate my tools through your religious laws , prevent me from earning bread for my children, execute me and at the end, expel me from Iran – my sacred land!”

It is more than 150 years that, leaning on the Shiite clerical establishment, the governmental apparatus of Iran has been determined to suppress the Bahais of that land. At times these suppressions have been so extremely intense that border on criminal insanity and at other times they have been more subtle and insidious – but always, always they have been present.

The fact that rulers, desiring to maintain their power, and religious priests, fearing the loss of their demagogical influence, have ordered and issued verdicts to suppress [the religious minorities] perhaps is not surprising. Most of the prominent men of history have sacrificed humanity for the sake of more power. And to protect their materialistic domain and riches, with utmost deviousness, the ecclesiastics bereft of spirituality have always and in all parts of the world, turned to corruption and the killings of the innocents. Unfortunately this historical trend is not surprising either.

What causes astonishment is the silence of the society – a society which at times actively collaborates with these barbaric deeds.

It is no secret that what has befallen the followers of the Bahai Faith in Iran has often come about through our own hands. In response to every authority that issued an order or every akhund that produced a religious verdict, tens, hundreds, nay, thousands, of us proceeded to perpetrate harm upon the Bahais and on occasions reddened our hands with their blood. But, why?

The collaboration of various sectors of society with the centers of power and the religious authorities can be attributed to ignorance, and one could say that every society has its share of ignorant individuals, who are used and exploited by influential and powerful elements or its ecclesiastic orders. But what about the group that calls itself progressive, intelligent, on the intellectual vanguard, supporter of the people, and such names, and its claim to moral authority has filled every ear?

Should we close our eyes to the truth that almost every political organization, whether on the left or the right, religious or secular, nationalistic or otherwise, in the most self-serving way have colluded in this suppression? Was not providing the theoretical justification for this suppression [of the Bahais] the best support of the oppressors?

One of the most widespread notions for justifying suppression of the Bahais was: “The Bahai creed is not a religion, but a political organization in service of imperialism.” Did we ever ask: Based on what evidence, what document, do we formulate such an absurd claim?

The Tudeh Party of Iran was one of the most prominent promoters of the above notion, though it was never able to produce a single document in support of its claim. However, the manufacturing of this undocumented theory prompted the silence – and at times the supportive silence of the intellectuals – over the suppression of the Bahais after the Islamic Revolution. The painful truth is that such a theory not only gained currency among the supporters of the [Tudeh] Party, but it also received widespread acceptance among the groups opposing the Tudeh.

The point of referring to these realities is not to analyze the role of this Party or the part of Iranian intellectuals in consenting to the suppression of the Bahais. Most evidently, this is an issue that deserves much greater exploration, requiring careful scientific research and presentation of various documents and testimonials – a task which to the present has received woefully little attention.

The purpose of this essay and raising the points above is to say: Now that we have begun to understand the concept of human rights, then even if we thought “the Bahais are a political organization in service of imperialism”, we have no right to condemn them without proof and substantiated documentation.

We know today that the mass condemnation of all Bahais – like mass condemnation of any other strata of the society – is an evident neglect of the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is this Universal Declaration which we use to denounce the execution of the underage, affirm unlawful any interference with free assemblage or association, and uphold that repression of students and women is barbaric and illegal.

If we truly are defenders of the right of all humans, now is the time to raise our voice in unison and cry aloud: “For as long as the followers of the Bahai Faith are suppressed and imprisoned for their religion and convictions, we are all Bahais!”

Despite the evident threats to her, Mrs. Shirin Ebadi, in a courageous deed, has accepted to defend the Bahai prisoners in Iran. She, however, is under considerable pressure and, in order to be able to continue to discharge this task, she was forced to affirm that she and her daughter are not members of the Bahai Faith.

If all of us, or at least a considerable number of us, who claim to be promoters of human rights, were to join forces, perhaps Shirin Ebadi – this brilliant legal defender of peace and human rights in Iran – could raise her head high and tell Kayhan and all those inconsequential, malicious people behind Kayhan, who are more evil and vile than Satan, that: It is none of your business what religion I or my children adhere to!

We must praise the courageous act of Shirin Ebadi and hasten to support her and all defenders of human rights in Iran.

And until such time that mere following of the Bahai Faith in Iran is the source of discrimination and punishment, I, Khosro Shemirani, am a Bahai too!




by moch gheer (not verified) on

stick to the topic at hand.


proportion is integral

by Q on

Because of the limitations of time and space, proportion is an integral part of every activists plan of action. Be it consciously or sub-consciously, the decisions get made all the time.

It's a fact that one cannot be objective about issues close to themselves and their family. Thus, I completely understand if you or other Bahai activists, or any non-activists who care about this issue think it does not get enough attention.

There are however objective measures that can be discussed to compare levels of atrocities, if one is inclined to listen and evaluate them. But I don't necessary hold it against people if they don't.

One of these measures might be "death and discrimination" which certainly applies to Bahais. But let's compare this to Iranian homosexuals, Drug addicts, Afghan immigrants to name just three groups. If one is concerned about saving lives, the biggest, most destructive tool for this is war as proven by History. The last one started by the US in the region has claimed about a Million lives already. Can Bahai atrocities in Iran today, seriously compete with the absolute devestation in death and disrupted lives that is the Iraq war? If there is a war against Iran (like it was planned), 1000 time suffering will be visited on Bahai and non-Bahai alike. What's happening now it child's play compared to that reality.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should drop everything and go after preventing the biggest catastrophe. For human reasons, we care and are emotionally attached to different thing for different reasons. We should however acknowledge that other caring, pro-Human Rights individuals may have different issues to focus on, and they may see them as more important.

I'll give you an example. I have a big problem with Zionists (not all, but most of the activist ones) who have already pre-judged not only that their issues about violence against Israelis is MORE important than violence against others, but also that just the POSSIBILITY of violence against Israeli citizens can and should be worth taking lives of Palestinians and (lately) Iranians.

That's the sense in which I brought up the issue of "proportionality". There are methods and comparisons that can be made, if you are open to them.


What is a "proportion" when it comes to exposing any injustice?

by faryarm on

 Dear Q,

"this issue gets more than its proportion of attention when it comes to exposing discrimination and suffering..."

What is a "proportion" when it comes to exposing any injustice? 

especially when the injustice is  aimed at the most educated and progressive citizens who can potentially become a point for uniting the whole country.

..and credit To Jahanshah and iranian.com for being a pioneer in this endeavour.



Good piece, very informative

by Q on

I don't blame our Bahais friends for sticking together in the face of defamation and ignorance. I would do the same. There is silence within Iran where unfortunately the anti Bahai feeling is widespread and well predates the Islamic Republic.

I wouldn't say there is "silence" about it here on Iranian.com though. Objectively speaking, this issue gets more than its proportion of attention when it comes to exposing discrimination and suffering. But that's not a reason to stop talking about it.


THANKS TO Khosro Shemiranie and Keshtgar!

by love Iran (not verified) on

Thanks to Ali Keshtgar!!


I love Iran


Nauseating..Anonymous remark..

by faryarm on

Dear Anonymous..

you wrote:that i wrote:

"that the Bahai center was placed in Israel, before the state of Isreal was established. I want to remind you that the notion of creating the state of Israel goes way back to it's actual creation. This idea was actually born in the 19th century "

Amazing, why dont you use your real name so history can recognise you for your genius discovery that perhaps,  Nasiridin Shah Qajar of Iran and two Sultans of Turkey Sultan Abdul Aziz and Abdul Hamid planned the state of Israel...in the 19th century.. By exiling  Baha'u'llah  and His family to the Prison of AKKA, to punish them to die there and have Holy place for the Bahais, so that one day brainwashed geniuses like you can blame the Bahais for having their Holy and Administrative center in Israel.

Can someone hand me some Ginger Ale? I heard it helps in these sitautions..!


Mona 19

Mr.Shemiranie, Thank you

by Mona 19 on

It fills my heart with joy when I see sons and daughters of my beloved homeland breaking the silence and speak up to defend the rights of others.

These noble and courageous souls face horrible slanders for the sake of justice, but they're willing to brave the risks .May God protect them all.

Mona ;)


You decide!

by Nokteh (not verified) on

What Mr. Shemiranie is trying to convey is that each of us should decide what the Baha'i Faith is about, not the vermins in power. We are not bound to sitting crossed legged for 4 hours while someone is shouting what we should think of some one else, but maybe that is who we are, we like to be told what we should think.

Let's not be afraid and use our brains.


برادری ؟ برابری؟

Sahba (not verified)

دوست عزیز، مرسی از مقاله تان. شاید آقایان علما را باید به گفتۀ حضرت علی به مالک اشتر زمانی که به او حکومت مصر را واگذار کرد ارجاء داد که گفت: اما اخیا لک فی الدین و اما نظیرا فی الخلق که آنهائی که بر آنها حکومت می کنی یا در اعتقاد با تو برادر هستند و یا در خلقت با تو برابر. مدعیان و معتقدین به علی پس به چه بهانه ای این چنین عدّه ای مظلوم را آماج ظلم و ستم می نمایند؟


notion of Israel

by Soroush (not verified) on

You are absolutely right but what is the connection to the Baha'i Faith? In actuality the hope of a return to Israel goes back over 2000 years. Could it be that the Moslem sites in Jerusalem, etc. were also to support Israel? I think both assertions are false so let's not mix apples and oranges.



by Anonymous- (not verified) on

You wrote that the Bahai center was placed in Israel, before the state of Isreal was established. I want to remind you that the notion of creating the state of Israel goes way back to it's actual creation. This idea was actually born in the 19th century.


Thank you for your courage and wisdom

by Seagull (not verified) on

Dear Mr. Shemirani, your sober and well spoken words should oblige our Iranian brothers and sisters to re-examine the extent and the nature of the truth by which they identify themselves with God, Justice and freedom.
To demonstrate that Quran came to teach good will and peace is the responsibility of every one of its adherents who would honor the prophet by conducting themselves to His true ideals, Salam, peace.
Otherwise we do not need God to destroy each other, time and time again we have proven our capability of such base acts.
I as a Baha'i who lived and served in Iran for some twenty years and experienced the exact treatment you have so well described, applaud your sense of humanity and your courage to stand in the rank of those who in the darkest hours of this opprssive darkness, have chosen to be the torch bearers of true liberty.
Indeed, free and brave souls such as yourself have, in the course of our glorious past, managed to impress upon our national identity the Lion of courage and the Sun of truth.
May the Lord raise up this wonderful nation to its true destiny, so that we can stand tall once again as we take pride in our labors to better ourselves and better the world while we still have a tangible chance.

God bless you and your company.


Not in my name

by Mehran-001 (not verified) on

I declare myself a baha'i and I won't let anyone under my name to hurt and discrimnate other humans just because they think different.


Then I "am a Bahai too"

by Ali Najafi (not verified) on

Such a well written piece... I lend my voice... I "am a Bahai too"


For dear Gilda

by Khodabakhsh (not verified) on

Dear Gilda,

Thanks for your post. You stated: “It is peculiar the amoung to hyprocrisy in this religion.” Since the sentence is not very clear, I assume you meant to say that the amount of hierocracy in the Bahá’í Faith is peculiar! Also based on your reference to the AFP article and mentioning the Palestinian situation, again I am assuming you are referring to what you perceive to be a perfect collaboration of Bahá’ís with Israelis against Palestinian. I am sure if my assumptions are wrong in trying to understand your post, you will correct me. Since you asked to hear from a Bahá’í, I would love to provide a response. For all the other dear readers of this response, please be assured that it is not meant to create an argument, proselytize the Bahá’í Faith, seek anyone sympathy, or any other such notions. I am merely trying to respond as requested by Gilda.

OK, fact number 1: The Bahá’í administrative headquarters and holy places are located in Haifa, Israel, and have existed in Haifa decades before the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. We are very sorry for all the problems between Arabs and Israelis and we wish there was peace, not only in Israel but throughout the world. Based on this fact, it is not clear to me how the mere presence of the Bahá’ís in Haifa can possibly be construed as collaboration with the state of Israel against the Palestinians (which is the excuse that Iranian government uses to persecute the Bahá’ís). It is my hope that enlightened people in western democracies do not use the same shibboleths as the ones used by the Islamic Republic of Iran. If one uses the “presence” argument, then the second holies Muslim mosque is in Jerusalem and by the same logic, they must be even more of a collaborator with Isrealis!!

Fact number 2: Bahá’ís do not get involved in partisan politics of any country including Israel. This is a matter of belief for Bahá’ís and no one is asking others to believe in it, if they don’t want to. The Bahá’ís should have the freedom to believe in a principle without being judged by others. We can have a rational discussion about the whether or not this principle is moral or ethical or socially justified or even valid, but we cannot condemn the Bahá’ís for believing in it and acting by it!

Fact number 3: Bahá’ís do not hate Arabs. Just as Bahá’ís are in Israel, they are also in Arab and Muslim countries. Just as they abide by the laws of the countries they live in (such as Israel), they also abide by the laws of Arab and Muslim countries in which they live including Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, the Gulf regions and many more. Just as they love and respect Chinese, Latin Americans, Europeans, and Africans, they also love and respect Arabs, even though in most Arab and Muslim countries, they are deprived of basic human rights. The simple fact is that Bahá’ís do not get involved in the politics of Arabs and Israelis (or any other country for that matter), period.

Fact number 4: I am sorry if Bahá’í holy places in Israel create tourism opportunities for Israel, but Bahá’ís didn’t make the Bahá’í Shrines for tourists or to make money off of them. So what should we do? Destroy our own shrines for political expediency??!! In fact, the Bahá’í holy places are among the only religious sites (if not the only one) that do not charge tourism fees or any money for anyone who wants to visit them. It is free for all. Nor do Bahá’ís force anyone to come and visit them. People can make their own choices for themselves. I am not sure if there is anything wrong with that. So if the phrase “The Bahai-Israel relationship is mutually beneficial” is confusing (as it relates to the tourism issue in the AFP article you referred to), it is worth asking the author of the AFP article, because Bahá’ís are not marketing their sites for tourists, so I am not sure what the article is talking about!

Finally, I am sorry if you feel Bahá’ís are hypocrites. While Bahá’ís are by no means perfect (as I don’t believe anyone is), I am not sure how exactly you can judge an entire community accusing them of being hypocrites. This mentality of collective attribution to an entire community is what people of conscience try to avoid: like calling all blacks or all Mexicans or all Turks as such and such. I wish we didn’t do that to each other with one blanket statement. This is how hatred could be created and prolonged. It is my hope that you didn’t mean to make such as general statement about all Bahá’ís.

Take care my friend.



by Maral on

How come three days has passed and no new problem for the Bahais in Iran???...and then here we are.


Attention Gilda Khanum !

by Maral on

The Bahai World Centre is in Haifa, Israel because the Iranians exiled the leaders to Palestine which was then  a part of the Ottoman Empire before becoming a British mandate and eventually the State of Israel.


Ya Hazrat Abbas..

by faryarm on

Ya Hazrat Abbas..

Please make sure this person will never have to worry about the safety of friends and relatives in Iran, especially if God forbid, They were Bahais...

Zaboonam Laaal !



Why call Ebadi Bahai?

by faryarm on


1. The mullahs' worst Nightmare  is the examination of the facts and the exposure of facts and the publicity that would follow any court case regarding the persecution of a Bahai that would expose their lack of reason, injustice ,lies and more than a century of killing the innocent.

It would open them up to questions by the general public as to why they "really" hate the Bahais , the answer to which they do not have the courage or the honesty to give; if they did, they would have to close up shop.

By usng this old way of intimidation, which they have used against any adversary, they thought they can prevent Ebadi to back down.






by faryarm on


Where would you suggest the Bahai's should have their World Center?

There is injustice everywhere..and Bahais can not be faulted for working towards global peace and unity.. 

The very premise of your question is suspect; most people know by now why the Bahai Center is in modern day Israel. They also know that because of its renowned beauty, it is a center of attraction for any visitor, not just heads of state.

You can not miss the Bahai gardens when you are in Haifa


There is injustice everywhere, whether Israel  

What is wrong with wanting the world to know? especially when in the country of its birth, Iran it lacks that freedom... to defend against lies and baseless accusations; the kind that might have influenced your question.

The Bahai world center exists in Haifa, because it hasbeen there since before the state of Israel. It is where all thecentral figures of the Bahai Faith are buried..remember that Baha'u'llah andhis family were sent there (1867) to die by the Iranian and Ottomansultans.

Today, besides being a place of Pilgrimage by Bahaisworldwide including Arab Bahais. The Bahais who reside n Haifa are invitedthere as volunteers to. Bahais can not live in Israel and they can not and donot have any teaching activities.

If you want to know what Tha locals think of the Bahais,you just have to ask and see that Haifa ,is traditionally the most peaceful andthe most integrated city in Israel, where Arabs and Jews actually ownbusinesses and work together.

Arabs In Israel and Haifa have heard through theirparents and grand parents of Bahais and their legacy from the days they wereprisoners of the Ottoman empire.


Bahais are in no way political participants;whether in  Iran The US or anycountry they reside; they prefer to stay aloof of partisan arguments and thevicious political games, as they belive that the ultimate way is unity andcooperation.

Regarding Bahais and Palestinians; Bahais have hundreds of social and economic projects around the world through their offices and status as an NGO at the UN..I am sure when circumstances permit , they will have no hesitation to help fellow human beings.

I hope this answers your question, although i suspectyour question reeks of possible ingestion of IRI propaganda; with respectany well informed person these days knows better .






Most Iranians are decent Human Beings ...

by faryarm on

I look for sympathy and support to free our land from the Cancer that is eating away the humanity, and everything that is good about Iran, leaving barbarous actions to be ignored by people who are just too lazy or blissfully ignorant to find out why Bahais are persecuted  and willing to die for their ideas.

Iranians are at last waking up to the fact that Bahai's are people of uncompromising  principle , unlike the lies told about them and perhaps the only united body of people in Iran and around the world that have patiently and peacefully resisted persecution, because they truly believe that one day Iran will be freed of the mullahs and their injustice.

Most Iranians are decent Human Beings , when not affected by blind prejudice. 

Before long Truth will prevail.. 


Confused ....

by Gilda (not verified) on

I would love to hear from the Bahai's regarding this report. It is peculiar the amoung to hyprocrisy in this religion. I am not endorsing their mistreatment, but give me a break...

Agence France-Presse (AFP)
November 18, 2007

The Bahai-Israel relationship is mutually beneficial. None of Bahais carry out aid work in the Palestinian territories.

The Bahai center is the main tourist attraction in Haifa. Dignitaries and foreign ambassadors are "invited" to learn about the Bahais and asked for help to curb persecution in Iran, where more than 200 Bahais have been executed or killed since the 1979 Islamic revolution.

Bahais admit 'irony' of preaching global unity in Israel. Given that Israel has among the most insecure yet heavily-armed borders in the world in a region with no imminent prospect of disarmament, they acknowledge a "certain irony" over the location of the Bahai headquarters.



از پس زندگان برنیامدی با مردگان در آویز

Atoosa Daughter of Persia (not verified)

نمیدانم بعد از مردگان، دیگر سراغ چه كسانی خواهند رفت؛ مرا به خاطر میآید زمانی استادی میگفت بعضی گمان میكنند دین عبارت از ساختمان است؛ ساختمان را خراب میكنند تصوّر میكنند دین خراب شد؛ گروهی فكر میكنند دین عبارت از كتاب است؛ كتابها را میبرند و میسوزانند یا خمیر كرده به مصارف دیگر میرسانند؛ تصوّر میكنند دین خراب شد؛ بعضیها تصوّر میكنند دین عبارت از انسان است؛ پس انسان را میكشند، در بند میكنند، آواره میكنند؛ تصوّر میكنند دین خراب شد؛ كجاست آن استاد كه بیاید و ببیند كه بعضیها هم تصوّر میكنند دین عبارت از گروهی مُردگانند كه در قبرستانی به خواب رفتهاند؛ پس باید قبرها را خراب كرد و جسدها را زیر و رو نمود و سنگ قبور را شكست و غسّالخانه را از بنیاد بیرون آورد و به جای آن گودالی باقی گذاشت؛ شاید تصوّر میرود با این كار دین خراب میشود!

آیا اینها نشانهء عجز و زبونی نیست؟ اگر نیست، شما بگویید نشانهء چیست؟


Shirin Ebadi

by Homa Irandust (not verified) on

The Islamic regime achieves its goals through violence and oppression of all other voices. Ebadi is a thorn in the side of regime since she demands recognition of human rights for all Iranian and the Islamic regime will have none of it. But she’s a recognized international figure, so they can’t do with her what they have done to hundreds of thousands of others, namely, killing them. Instead, they have launched a campaign of lies and character assassination to discredit Ebadi by suggesting she’s a Baha’i. Of course Ebadi is fighting back and at the end will win because she’s on the right side of history.


Dear Bahais

by Anonymous erooni (not verified) on

If you are looking for symapathy or you are looking for new converts to your faith I am not sure if you can find it here.Most people have already made up their minds about the kind of religion that they want to have ,but good luck anyway.


Shirin Ebadi

by confused (not verified) on

why are the government calling Shirin Ebadi a Bahai anway?


Nicely written article

by cyclicforward on


Great essay and I agree with you. Today, I too declare myself a Bahai.May other follow suite and work for the freedom of homeland.


I was wondering

by Ya hazrat abbas (not verified) on

how come three days has passed and no article about the Bahais and then here we are.