آقای احمدینژاد در مقام ریاست جمهوری اسلامی ایران در كنفرانس ضد نژادپرستی دوربان 2 در سویس حضور یافت و از آن به عنوان فرصتی برای طرح نظریات كلیشهای تكراری خود یك بار دیگر بهره گرفت. او اگر چه در تبلیغ نظریات خود و پذیراندن آن به مستمعان تازهای در سطح جهان توفیقی نداشت، ولی توانست این كنفرانس سازمان ملل را كه با هزینه سنگین و تلاش چند سالهای تدارك دیده شده بود از مسیر خود خارج كند و دست كم برای ساعاتی پیشرفت آن را دچار اخلال سازد. به جز این، آقای احمدیذژاد در لباس حمایت از مردم فلسطین موفق شد یك بار دیگر افكار عمومی جهان غرب و به خصوص مردم اسراییل را علیه ایران برانگیزد و به آتش خصومت با اسراییل دامن بزند، چهرهای عمیقا خرافی و خشن از ایران به جهان عرضه كند، و شبح جنگ را باز بر سر ایران و مردم ایران بگستراند.
این البته برای اولین بار نیست كه آقای احمدینژاد از سنگر سازمان ملل به عرضه پیام نفرت و خشونت و جهل و خرافه خود میپردازد. او اولین بار در فاصله كوتاهی پس از احراز مقام ریاست جمهوری به سازمان ملل رفت و به وعظ و خطابه و قرائت دعای فرج امام زمان پرداخت. در آن هنگام در این ستون نوشتم كه ظاهرا آقای احمدینژاد سازمان ملل را با مسجد لرزاده تهران عوضی گرفته است. كار او در آن نوبت بیشتر كمیك بود و كمتر برآیند سیاسی در سطح جهانی از خود بر جای میگذاشت. ولی تكرار آن در سالهای بعد و به خصوص نوبت اخیر دیگر جنبه تراژیك به خود گرفته است. او در این فاصله چند سال شعارهای محو اسراییل از صفحه روزگار را پیش كشیده، هولو كاست را به زیر سؤال برده و غنیسازی هستهای را به آستانه توانایی فنی تولید سلاحهای اتمی رسانده است. اكنون دیگر مستمعان او در مجامع بینالمللی كمتر به حرف او میخندند، و بیشتر به این اندیشه میافتند كه ادامه سیاست ایران جمهوری اسلامی تحت سلطه چنین تفكر و فرهنگی برای صلح منطقه و جهان چه عواقبی در پی خواهد داشت.
واكنش بیپرده و تند كشورهای غربی در برابر حضور احمدینژاد در این كنفرانس و سخنان او تا به حال بیسابقه بوده است. آمریكا وكانادا و اسراییل و چند كشور اروپایی و اقیانوسیه از ابتدا به دلیل حضور احمدینژاد در این جلسه آن را بایكوت كردند، و نمایندگان كشورهای دیگر غربی به عنوان اعتراض به آنچه كه او مطرح میكرد در جریان سخنرانی او جلسه را ترك كردند. علاوه بر این، او از اعتراضهای پر سر و صدای برخی دیگر از شركتكنندگان و نمایندگان اناوجیهای حاضر در جلسه نیز در امان نماند، و كفزدنهای شدید همراهان او به رهبری منوچهر متكی نتوانست صدای آن اعتراضها را خفه كند. معلوم نبود آن نیروی غیبی و امام زمانی كه در جلسات سازمان ملل دست بر روی شانه مستمعان او گذاشته بود و آنان را محو در جمال او در جایخود میخكوب میكرد و وا میداشت كه به سخنان او گوش دهند كجا رفته بود، و یا چرا حزباللهیهای همراه او به جای شعار الله اكبر و مرگ بر اسراییل و مرگ بر آمریكا، سوسولوار كف میزدند. ولی این روشن بود كه حضور و سخنان او زنگ خطرهایی را در واشنگتن و تلاویو و پایتختهای دیگری در غرب به صدا درخواهد آورد و فضای سیاسیای را كه اوباما با دراز كردن دست خود به سوی ایران ایجاد كرده است دوباره مهآلود خواهد كرد.
آقای احمدینژاد این سخنان را در روزی ادا میكرد كه مردم اسراییل به یادبود قربانیان هولوكاست نشسته بودند. علاوه بر این، او در حالی به نشخوار شعارهای ضد اسراییلی خود میپردازد كه در اسراییل یكی از سرسختترین دولتهای چند دهه اخیر بر سر كار آمده است. البته از هنگام روی كار آمدن آقای اوباما در آمریكا خطر فوری حمله نظامی آمریكا به ایران منتفی شده است و اسراییل نیز به دلیل تغییر سیاست آمریكا كمتر به تهدید ایران پرداخته است. ولی گزارش این هفته روزنامه تایمز لندن نشان میداد كه دولت جدید اسراییل ارتش آن را برای حمله به ایران آماده كرده است تا به محض این كه چراغ سبز داده شود بتواند در «ظرف چند روز یا چند ساعت» به ایران حمله كند. سخنان آقای احمدینژاد در چنین فضایی ایراد میشود - سخنانی كه بلافاصله واكنش تهدیدآمیز رهبران اسراییل را در مراسم مختلفی كه به مناسبت یادبود هولوكاست برگزار میشد به دنبال داشت. علاوه بر آن، آقای اوباما نیز ضمن محكوم كردن سخنان احمدینژاد در ضمن تأكید بر عزم آمریكا به مذاكره با ایران فراموش نكرد یادآور شود كه «همه گزینهها» بر روی میز است.
اقای احمدینژاد دمای خطر حمله نظامی به ایران را كه با روی كار آمدن اوباما در آمریكا كمی كاهش یافته بود با ژست و سخنان خود در كنفرانس ضد نژادپرستی در سویس چند درجه بالا برد. او همانند گذشته چهرهای خرافی، خشن و مخوف از ایران به نمایش گذاشت. ایرانیان با چنین چهرهای در سه دهه حیات جمهوری اسلامی آشنایند. در سالهای اخیر احمدینژاد این چهره را به جهانیان نیز عرضه كرده است. اسفبار آن است كه بسیاری از مخاطبان او این چهره را نه از آن جمهوری اسلامی و بلكه متعلق به مردم ایران میدانند. و این یعنی كه ایرانیان در ذهنیت جهانیان تصویری را مییابند كه احمدینژاد با ژستها و اظهارات خود به جهان عرضه كرده است و عرق شرم ناشی از آن را باید تجربه كنند. علاوه بر این، بهای این ماجراجوییها را كه نتیجهای جز فشارهای بیشتر اقتصادی به دلیل تحریمهای سازمان ملل و احیانا تحمل تلفات و خسارات حمله نظامی نخواهد داشت نیز باید مردمی بپردازند كه خود در چنگال حكومت جهل و خرافه و خشونت اسیرند.
حركت اخیر احمدینژاد همچنین در آستانه یك رأیگیری دیگر انجام میشود كه احمدینژاد یك نامزد اصلی آن است. او در این مسابقه نه فقط باید با نامزدهای رقیب از جناح اصلاحطلب به مصاف برود و بلكه در جناح متعلق به خود نیز از حمایت زیادی برخوردار نیست. در فاصله كوتاهی كه تا رأیگیری باقی مانده است، طبیعتا در هر حركت او ملاحظات تبلیغاتی برای رأیگیری نیز گنجانده شده است. سفرهای استانی او كه همیشه جنبه تبلیغاتی داشته است در ماهها و هفتههای نزدیك به موعد رأیگیری رنگ تبلیغاتی شدیدتری به خود میگیرد. بسیاری از ناظران، سفر او به سویس را نیز یك سفر «استانی» دیگر برای تبلیغات انتخاباتی ارزیابی میكنند. در ایران البته اقلیتی از مردم وجود دارند كه از نوع ژستها و اظهارات آقای احمدینژاد در كنفرانس اخیر استقبال میكنند و حركت او میتواند در رأی آنان تأثیر بگذارد. ولی به نظر میرسد كه مخاطب اصلی احمدینژاد در این مورد نه آن رأیدهنگان و بلكه یك رأیدهنده به خصوص است. احمدینژاد ظاهرا میاندیشد كه با اتخاذ و دنبال كردن این سیاست میتواند نظر موافق ولینعمت خود را به دست آورد و به كمك او ریاست جمهوری خود را برای دور دوم تثبیت كند.
رأیگیری چند هفته دیگر به دلیل بحرانهای اقتصادی و بینالمللی ایران از اهمیت خاصی برخوردار است و میتواند از جهات مختلفی سرنوشتساز باشد. احمدینژاد با نامزدهای قدرتمندی در جناح اصلاحطلب روبرو است و در جناح خود به دلیل سیاستهای شكستخورده سیاسی و اقتصادیش نتوانسته حمایت كافی جلب كند. او در عین حال در گذشته از حمایت آقای خامنهای برخوردار بوده، و امیدواراست بتواند از این حمایت در رأیگیری آینده نیز برخوردار شود. نقطه قوت احمدینژاد از دید آقای خامنهای سیاست هستهای و خارجی او بوده است. از این رو، احمدینژاد ظاهرا میاندیشد كه اگر این سیاست را دنبال كند ممكن است بتواند حمایت خامنهای را كسب كند. خامنهای دوست دارد كه دشمن داشته باشد، و احمدینژاد نشان داده است كه در تأمین این خواسته ولی خود مهارت زیادی دارد. از این رو، او سعی دارد از هر فرصتی برای طرح نظرات ضد اسراییلی، ضد آمریكایی و ضد غربی خود بهره بگیرد. اگر این سیاست بتواند نظر حسن ولی فقیه را نسبت به او جلب كند او پاداش خود را گرفته است، و بهایی كه مردم ایران باید و ممكن است در نتیجه این سیاست بپردازند در فهرست نگرانیهای او جای عمدهای نخواهد داشت.
From: Iran Emrooz
Recently by Hossein Bagher Zadeh | Comments | Date |
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انتخاب مجدد اوباما | 3 | Nov 15, 2012 |
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Mr. Zereshk
by Manoucher Avaznia on Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:15 PM PDTIf you are receiving the so-called American tax-payers' money to study, please, do not generalize your case. Almost all Iranians who are in North America are hard-working people and they pay taxes instead of receiving tax money. A vast majority of those who arrive in this land are young and at the age of production while they have used the money of the Iranian people to get the education and grow up. Listen to the word of the politicians of these two countries to learn about our roll in these countries. Nevertheless, no amount of the claimed tax money can justify some people's warmongering propaganda. Trillions of those tax dollars have been spent on killing hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq who had no hand in anything that happened in the West.
Mr. Kaashaanee
by Manoucher Avaznia on Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:58 PM PDTWith no amount of reasoning you can hide the fact that you are painting Iranian people with the same brush as you are painting Iranian government; exactly as Israel was bombing schools in Gaza and Lebonan and was claiming she was fighting Hamas and Hezbollah. No amount of "Tahleel Haaye Aabakee" can justify the fact that twice the homeland that you are talking about was occupied during European Wars without us having any hand in any of them and without Mullahs' being in power or being around it. Iranians haven't forgotten those who said that Iranians from head to toe should become like Europeans and still did not get recognition.
the hypocricy of mullah supporters
by Zereshk on Fri Apr 24, 2009 06:08 PM PDTIs there anything more vile and stupid than spewing out Jiahdist anti-Israeli hatred in a UN conference when your own country still STONES people to death, has a few million EXILED diaspora, considers all women merely as men's personalized fuck-property that FORCIBLY must be covered and can only have HALF the legal rights as men? Let alone the vicious EVIN beating and murders, and jailing every frikin blogger and reporter that realizes the TURBAN is actually a fabric CROWN.
Oh wait, there is something more stupid and vile. It's their "Marg Bar Amrika" supporters that are living and studying here in the west, in this country, using American tax payers money, and still talking shit about Israel and America, when their own country's human rights record stinks to high heaven.
It's called sang e paaye qazvin. Roo ke neest.
Mr. Bagherzadeh, your
by Farhad Kashani on Fri Apr 24, 2009 05:44 PM PDTMr. Bagherzadeh, your article is great and right on the money as always. Keep up the good work. You have been in Iran and actually lived (not visited) under the brutality of this regime. You know what it’s nature is. Don’t worry about these Islamo Socialists. These are the same ones who destroyed our country in 1979. offcourse they’re not gonna say you’re right and they’re wrong. We fully support you and are well aware of your immense popularity in Iran. You talk for the Iranian people and feel and understand their pain, these people who oppose you talk on behalf of the global Islamo Socialist propaganda machine.
Here are IRIs reasons for its blind Anti Semitic and Anti Israeli stance:
1- IRI is a fundamentalist regime. Since IRI lives in the 7th century, it lives the era where Jews and Muslims went head to head in Khyber and elsewhere. IRI still considered Jews as “enemies of Islam”.
2- IRI wants to dominate the region with its own brand of Islam. Since Israel is the most powerful country in the region and IRIs biggest obstacle, it’s only natural that it would be in the forefront of IRIs attacks.
3- IRI has blind anti Americanism sentiments. Since Israel is America’s leading ally in the region, again, it’s only natural that it would be in the forefront of IRIs attacks.
4- VERY IMPORTANT: IRI claims and acts as Islamic world’s leader in the movement of revitalization of Islam and its attempt to dominate the world. IRI needs supporters. Since Iranians despise the regime, it has to target other audiences. By attacking Israel, IRI attracts a huge young Muslim (especially Arab) population to inspire them to join its martyrdom culture and act as its Fundamentalist army to terrorize the world. Israel is the best tool: its Jewish, “westernized” (i.e Kafar), and occupies Arab land. No target is easier than Israel.
No shameoniri
by Abarmard on Fri Apr 24, 2009 02:18 PM PDTI am as far from them as you can get. Sorry that you have misread me.
sounds like an Islamists Neocon kind of balance
by shameoniri (not verified) on Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:53 AM PDTa balanced and therefore respectable position.
LOL, Abarmard, you're a defender of the one the most heinous regimes on the face of this earth and your demand for any kind of "respect" is highly deranged. No amount of justification or "balance" will obsolve your complicity in promotion of injustice neither your endorsment of those criminals ruling over Iran will change the truth either about you or the Islamic repbulic.
Abarmard, When it comes to truth and justice, you have no leg to stand on. You're a Iranian version of a neocon. You almsot sound like that self-rightgeous Cheney or that idiot Richard Pearl.
Shameful and pathetic.
Mr. Hossein Bagher Zadeh
by Abarmard on Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:50 AM PDTI would take your point only if your arguments were balanced. You seem to point to the fault of one and ignore the other. This is not right.
I don't appreciate the Iranians who, because of the political reasons, take the rights of the Iranians and want to hand it to the West.
This is not an anti Western view, this is a logical and naturally pro Iranian view. They don't have to be in a conflict. If there is a conflict, then there are two sides of a story. You focus on one in all of your writings. It's not a balanced and therefore respectable position. It's very similar to a propaganda paper, even if it's correct on some of the assumptions. The reason again is the lack of balance in the positioning.
Happy Friday.
Stop and think
by Hossein Bagher Zadeh on Fri Apr 24, 2009 06:55 AM PDTIsrael is indeed a racist government
by PEYMANE (not verified) on Fri Apr 24, 2009 01:54 AM PDTIsrael is indeed a racist government!
Don't worry!
Tellig the truth and being right
by Dariush (not verified) on Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:41 PM PDTOne can very well be telling the truth and still be wrong.
Ahmadinejad is telling the truth, but he is not right. Since IRI has denied the same rights they expect to get, to many Iranians.
Now, Israeli government neither is telling the truth nor is right.
So the conclusion is that, Iran is 50% wrong and there are some hopes to be fixed, but Israel is 100% wrong and no hope.
3 evil goverments
by shyton (not verified) on Thu Apr 23, 2009 08:35 PM PDTThere are 3 asshole governments in the world that international community must wipe them off the map for good. Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. If these three fuckers go there would be peace and justice in all over the world. Natanyahu you are my boy, please wipe these leaders asses with three atomic bombs. I'll love you for ever.
I cannot disagree with the
by Manoucher Avaznia on Thu Apr 23, 2009 08:16 PM PDTI cannot disagree with the points that Ostaad and smbh have brought up. Mr. Baagher Zaadeh's articles are so one-sided that sometimes I think he has little knowledge of world's history in the past one hundred years. Always, someone is needed to balance his stands by reminding him of facts; and all Eurpoeans nations plus what he has brought up are less than thirty nations in the world community of about two hundred nations. Those who applauded Ahamdinezhaad were definitely way more numerous than his foreign minister and people around him. Also, Mr. Baagher Zaadeh must have the privileg of such an age to remember Moseddegh's government and Western slanders against him. When twice Iran was divided between Russians and British Islamic Republic was not even conceived. If they had the capability to divide Iran again or attack it, they would not wait for Ahmadinezhad's speech to do so. We have seen this in many instances just in the past several years. Sorry, facts do not support claims.
Ahmadinejad is right, but...
by Farin (not verified) on Thu Apr 23, 2009 07:41 PM PDTI agree with all that Ahmadinejad said about the Western collusion in creating one of the racist regimes in the world, namely Israel. The mere fact that some western delegates left the hall once someone spoke about their creature reveals a great deal about their hypocrisy on the issue of racism.
Nevertheless, I am troubled by the fact that Ahmadinejad is the representative of one of the most repressive and reactionary regimes in the world. Not to mention that he himself—with his Imam Zaman baazi-- has introduced a new dimension of superstition in Iran. I hesitate to call it hypocrisy on his part, because I am not convinced if he truly sees it. However, I wonder how much his record and the record of the regime he represents erode his credibility even though, we know, he has eloquently told the truth about the nature of the Zionist regime.
Mr. Bagherzadeh, Iran's current enemies have never been...
by Ostaad on Thu Apr 23, 2009 03:41 PM PDTher friends, and their attitude toward Iran and Iranians will probably never change. You need to give up the idea of ingratiating yourself to those who look down on you merely by brown nosing and "madaahi". I hope you are smart enough to notice the treatment the "king" of Arabia gets in the Western press and by the Zionista even when he tries to be their best buddy.
I'm not for "doshman taraashi" and I abhor Ahmadinejad as a president, but someone has to remind the FEW Western hypocrites that a group of racist extremists created and supported by them are getting away with murder, literally.
On the other hand, if your parents and grandparents were the main perpetrators of the Holocaust, and you yourself were guilty of starving the Gazans because of your guilt to the aggressors, you'd walk out if someone reminded you of your culpability.
What Ahmadinejad is going is to demonstrate the Iranians sense of justice and fairness to the world, although he, as a person, is one of the biggest violators of such humane values.
Ahmadi Nejad is a Jihadist
by Meehan (not verified) on Thu Apr 23, 2009 03:32 PM PDTThrough centuries of fanatical conquests (Jihads) and terrorism (when Jihads failed), Islam has metastasized into a modern day world cancer. As we speak, the civilized world is beginning to collapse under it and has no idea how to react. How does one stop a grotesque cult which will settle for nothing less than TOTAL world domination? So while the U.S. looks under every rock for Osama bin Laden, and Israel defends itself against the Islamist groups financed by the Islamic Republic entity in Iran ,the bloody borders of Islam are closing in on all sides... for in fact EVERY jihadi the potential to become a bin Laden or an abettor of a bin Laden , Khomeini and khamenei!
Even Pat Buchanan has it correct when he wrote... "In population, Islam is exploding, the West dying. Islamic warriors are willing to suffer defeat and death, the West recoils at casualties. They are full of grievance; we, full of guilt. Where Islam prevails, it asserts a right to impose its dogma, while the West preaches equality. Islam is assertive, the West apologetic – about its crusaders, conquerors and empires. Don't count Islam out. It is the fastest growing faith in Europe and has surpassed Catholicism worldwide. And as Christianity expires in the West and the churches empty out, the mosques are going up." WorldnetDaily-12/7/01
Unfortunately the U.S. military cannot help for it was always preparing for the wrong war. Soviet or Chinese communism was never driven by such fanaticism. Besides, the Russians stayed in Russia and the Chinese in China. By contrast, the Soldiers of Islam are spreading into all societies.
the truth
by Souri on Thu Apr 23, 2009 01:43 PM PDTA truth said by devil is still the truth. Ahmadi-nejad may not be better than the ones he is criticizing, but that is another subject. In this matter, we are not here for "judgind somebody" as you just said, but we are judging "the action and parole of the government"
Granted, all you said about Ahmadi-Nejaad, is correct or almost correct, but this, does not negate what he has said about the international Zionism-Imperialism and does not make them look like innocent angels who walk out of it . Who are they fooling?
Ahmadinejad cannot defend Palestinian
by Masoud from California (not verified) on Thu Apr 23, 2009 01:09 PM PDTAhmadinejad is from the gang who mass murdered Iranian political prisoners. This is the group which do not respect the right of his own people. Look at women right groups, writers, journalist, worker syndicate activist, and... who has been prosecuted, tortured, and killed by this regime. other than their own cult, do the other people in Iran society have a right to talk and live in a way they want.
How a regime could defend poor palestinian people when Sunnis could not have the very basic of their right. Like a mosque in Tehran. Why arabs in Iran while living in rich oil area are one of the poorest in Iran. Why with so much money, Abadan and Khoramshahr have not been rebuilt.
why you cannot choose what you want to wear.
Is "defending Palestinian" is a gesture to fool our people and the Arab moslem countries. Are these rhetorics are just word.
when judging somebody we should look at him or her as a whole. Is this guy Ahmadinejad somebody you can trust even for a second.
Telling the truth is not "dosham-tarashi"
by ./. (not verified) on Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:58 AM PDTMr Bagheri
You seem to be confused between being "right" and being "politically right". You seem to have missed the memo that era of being "politically right" is gone. Now people are looking for the truth and what has brought the world to the misery that is in now. Thereby finding a just solution. Presdeint of Iran has pointed out what we see every day in the international relations, as well as in our work place. That is, Zionists are racist, they are blood hungry and not liked by MAJORITY of the world. How you want to analyze that is your business, but lets hope you will be RIGHT doing that.
dear smhb
by Souri on Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:40 AM PDTThis is also what I think. Unfortunately I don't have time today to elaborate it more, but so far, your analyze is the best one on this thread. I had said almost the same thing in a previous blog, but here you said it all, and I have nothing to add to your great analyze. Thanks for your observance and impartiality.
Ahmadnejad was right. Shame on Zionists and their supporters.
by Sarbaz (not verified) on Wed Apr 22, 2009 07:17 PM PDTI like Hossein Bagherzadeh's comments and often agree with his critisism on human rights violations in Iran. however, his article surprised me. Is it ignorance on his part or his utter resentment of the Iranian regime has blinded him to the truth? I, like many others detest IRI for its many human rights violations. However, the truth is that Israel is a racist regime and the foremost vilator of human rights in the world without any equal. I commend Ahmadinejad for being the only world leader to stand up to Zionist, imperiliasts and their supporters and expose them in an international forum. The European delegates who left the lecture hall (when Ahmadinejad spoke) reminded me of bats who couldn't stnd to see the light. They and their governments could not stnd to hear the truth. Their departure was the best indication as to who the real racists are.
""When representatives of
by sickofiri (not verified) on Wed Apr 22, 2009 05:29 PM PDT""When representatives of many Arab and Muslim nations publicly applaud Ahmadinejad's racist rant, the real losers are the Palestinians.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the Durban II conference on racism turned into a racist rant against Israel and the Jewish people. The conference, intended to give the people of the world an opportunity to challenge racism, lost all credibility when many in attendance applauded Ahmadinejad's claim that the Jewish people used the Holocaust as a pretext to take over and dominate the people of Palestine. Ahmadinejad, you'll recall, won global attention when he became the first leader of a UN country to call for the wiping out of another UN country (though he later claimed he was only calling for regime change), and for denying the very existence of the Holocaust""...
دشمن تراشی
smhbWed Apr 22, 2009 02:28 PM PDT
Actually the text of his speech to the UN Conf on Racism was perfectly timed and presented. The reaction of the imperialist / neo-colonialist and zionists was expected and it really doesnt mean nything. This speech and its timing was also a pleasnat reminder to the people of the world (the great majority of whom live in the 3rd world) that there is an independent and free country outside of the orbit of the international criminals who has the courage and dignity to speak truth to power in the face of overwhelming odds.
The fact that the author of this piece attaches such importance to the reaction of international criminals and advocates their positions is astounding, to say the least.
The previous session on racism held in South Africa was very successfull indeed and I suggest that the author and those who actually think like him look at the date and the overall political and psychological condition that zionists found temselves in prior to that meeting. Things may become a bit more clear.
I am really sorry to hear and read that there are people who have already abdicated their dignity and rights just, because the international criminals huff and puff and threaten and bit their chests and declare a leader(s) as insane, crazy, terrorist, mad and etc...
These international criminals and thieves used to call Premier Mossadegh as mad and crazy also. They used to call Allende the same names and the list goes on.
Grow up.
به قول معروف
dairus42 (not verified)Wed Apr 22, 2009 02:24 PM PDT
به قول معروف لیوان یا نسفی خالیه یا نسفی پر. دشمن تراشی = دوست پیدا کردن از دشمن دشمن. در کنفرانس ضد نژاد پرستی ایران باید با نژاد پرستان دشمنی کنه، و گر نه خودش نژاد پرست است.
I agree
by IranLover (not verified) on Wed Apr 22, 2009 01:21 PM PDTIsrael has many things wrong with it but the solution is not to antagonize them. Israel, in fact, is not that important. The whole thing has been erected by British criminals in order to maintain instability in the area. They make money this way. Iran should totally ignore Israel. Israel is not really a threat to Iran. If Ahmadinejad stopped antagonizing them and even invited Israel to have talks, whatever leftover threat would be immediately resolved. Palestinians will not be helped by such antagonizing and threatening speeches.
Israel is indeed a racist government
by Peace Lover (not verified) on Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:50 PM PDTRegardless of Ahmadinejad's reasons, and his own faults and tyrannical personality, he is right about Israel being a racist government. Arabs are treated as second class citizens and Israel through continued use of violence has left no peaceful alternatives to oppose its policies in the Islamic/Arab world, hence indirectly strengthening Islamic Republic of Iran and Ahmadinejad.
Bigots are best friends of bigots, as they try to prove that an extremist stance is needed to neutralize and fight a racist extremist stance.
Israel has tried to silence opposition and free speech against it for years using the holocaust excuse. As a result, Israel is often run by some of the most corrupt governments/cabinets in the world. Every few days there are indictments or rumors or news about embezzlement, bribery, prostitution, betrayals, etc. Natanyahu is devil-in-person and compared to him Ahmadinejad is an angel.