Bombing Iran is the only path forward

A reasonable scenario is that the entire operation will be completed in three months


Bombing Iran is the only path forward
by mansours

I am writing this article knowing full well that I am opening a can of worm and that some of my closest associates may never forgive me. But I have stayed silent for too long, and I refuse to see yet another opportunity to free Iran to pass by due to the employment of the wrong tactics by us in the anti-regime opposition (as opposed to the pro-regime opposition).

For too long, the opposition has suffered from low self-esteem. We never felt comfortable taking a direct debate with our opponents, fearing that people wouldn’t side with us, circumstances weren’t right, too early to reveal our end objectives etc.

Though most of us know deep inside that the mullahs will never give up power and that the only way to achieve a democracy in Iran is through military means, the majority in the opposition are fearful of expressing these views. Clearly, these are not easily accepted views, and it takes a lot for a person to say that he or she believes that the homeland must be bombed. Nevertheless, that is the reality and the reluctance of ordinary people to accept this is precisely because the opposition has refused to have this debate. If we had a full debate, more people, perhaps even a majority would come around to this view, in my opinion.

Instead, we in the opposition have done everything we can to avoid having the debate.

This frustrated me immensely during the Bush years. We had a great President back then who not only understood these realities, but who also understood that without American and Israeli backing no Iranian opposition group could topple the mullahs. But instead of taking this issue to the Iranian people and the Iranian-American community, we shied away from it. And those who stood in the way of going all out militarily against the mullahs (such as NIAC and CASMII), we dealt with by attacking and discrediting them.

I was a big opponent of this strategy. Not because I have any fondness for NIAC, but because I believed that their efficiency in preventing our agenda was rooted in our lack of self-esteem and unwillingness to have a debate with them. NIAC beat us numerous times on Capitol Hill, and our response was to discredit them in the Iranian-American community – every time they scored in Washington, we attacked them in LA.

Even we monarchists began systematically spreading the writings of Hassan Daioleslam, in spite of his association with the Mujahedin. Some of us thought we were winning, but were we really? We may have done a lot of damage to NIAC’s image and certainly we succeeded in harming its ability to fundraise, but NIAC managed to make the liberation of Iran through military means (since there is no other way) an evil concept.

Had we taken NIAC on in a debate back in 2006, Iran would have been liberated by 2008. I am confident of this. Both the Bush administration and Israel was fully ready to take out the mullahs. But they couldn’t battle Tehran without the full and unconditional support of Iranian-Americans.

We missed that chance because we didn’t dare to have the debate.

And today, I am writing this because I am fearful that we will miss yet another golden opportunity to liberate our homeland. We are committing the same mistake as we did three years ago – instead of having the inevitable debate, I am receiving email instructions to send around articles attacking Akbar Ganji, NIAC, Hadi Ghaemi, Hamid Dabashi and many others.

We should know by bow that this isn’t the right strategy. Certainly not under these circumstances – when the people of Iran are rising up, when they are shouting death to the Dictator, when they are calling for an Iranian republic, then why let the NIAC folks get off the hook by only spreading petty articles about them? We should take the fight to their territory. We should have the debate, let the best arguments win in the free market of ideas. If not now, then when? When the Basij are killing Iranians indiscriminately, who can defend non-action by the US? When the blood of Neda is still on the streets in Tehran, who can oppose sanctions? When Ahmadinejad has revealed that he was a “petty dictator” all along, who can support Obama’s naïve call for diplomacy?

So let me start the debate with the following proposition.

The events of the last few months have not changed the Islamic Republic, it has revealed the Islamic Republic. It is and has always been a dictatorship. It cannot be reformed, and there is no such thing as moderates there. Deep inside, Moussavi is no different than Ahmadinjead. In fact, what Ahmadinejad is doing today to Moussavi, Moussavi did 30 years ago to others. Now more than ever, the horrific IRGC militia is ruling Iran and they will never give up.

So they must be destroyed. It’s as simple as that.

Gasoline sanctions must be imposed on Iran. Not because sanctions are enough to overthrow the mullahs, but because a significant weakening of the economy is needed prior to a military attack. The weaker Iran is, the shorter the military fight and the smaller the total number of casualties. (Consequently sanctions should not be sold as a solution but rather as a measure to soften the enemy before the final operation).

With massive American aerial attacks for three weeks on the IRGC, Iran will be in turmoil. To avoid a rallying around the flag effect (which unfortunately cannot be completely avoided), the US will keep a low profile politically and let most of the talking be done by Reza Pahlavi, Shahriar Ahy or Hassan Daioleslam. Alternatively, a council of various opposition groups can be assembled.

If the bombings are heavily targeted, and only hit IRGC compounds, then the already sour popular sentiment in Iran can escalate further. In the best case scenario, no American boots on the ground will be needed, but most likely, an invasion of Tehran from air will be necessary to finish off Khamenei´s rule.

A reasonable scenario is that the entire operation will be completed in three months. Even if everything possible goes wrong, and Iran follows the path of Iraq, then it may take up to five years before a stable government is set up. That may sound bad, but the alternative is that the IRGC continues to rule and impoverish Iran for another three decades. And remember, Iranians are ready for democracy far more than the Iraqis ever were, and America has learnt from its mistakes in Iraq – it won’t repeat them in Iran.

Of course, let me be clear: People will die. My own relatives may day. But aren’t they dying already? Aren’t the youth of Iran being tortured, raped and killed in Evin already? And aren’t their deaths a complete waste today? Wouldn’t it be better to die while actually fighting for freedom?

Does it feel good making this recommendation? Not at all. But if Khomeini didn’t have the guts to call people to the streets knowing very well that they would get killed, there would never have been a revolution in 1979.

And if we don’t have the guts to call for the only solution available to us right now – US military strikes and an invasion of Iran – then we won’t have our revolution in 2009. Or possibly for another three decades.

So let’s have this debate.


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Standing with Israel
Sep 14, 2009
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Smart bombs

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

Smart bombs are just as smart as the people who use them or propose using them.


Mansours do NOT represent monarchists!

by Sassan on

The moment I read this line, "Even we monarchists," I knew this was blatant IRI propaganda, designed to discredit the oppostion, specially the "monarchists," (evidently, these days with the MKO crushed in Camp Ashraf, Reza Pahlavi is the biggest threat to their masters in Tehran).

I agree with the premise of this article, in that the mullahs will not go away without a bloody fight, but the fighting must be done by Iranians. The mullahs are prepared to kill millions (as they already have killed over a million since 1979) in order to stay in power, so we need to militarize ourselves. 

If we truly want our country back we have to take the fight to the mullahs before foreigners, desperate to stop an Islamist nuke, get involved and bomb our country to Hell and back.

As Reza Pahlavi has said on numerous occasions in public, the West should empower the people of Iran so that they themselves get rid of the mullahs, and NOT bomb its nuclear facilites, as those resources belong to the people of Iran and should not be destroyed! I've heard him say this a dozen times!

Reza-Rio de Janeiro

No way !!!

by Reza-Rio de Janeiro on

What an insane idea and article!!!

No human being with an ounce of consciousness and decency can even agree to such an insane idea and worse support of bombing a country and kill her innocent civilians under any circumstances!!! Let alone a true Iranian for his/her own people and country!!!! No matter how much he or she hates this criminal I.R. regime...

However, as a human and an Iranian, I support a United Iranian Coalition to take the criminal I.R. leader, President and all its guilty officials who committed unforgivable crimes against humanity/Iranians to the "International Criminal Court" in Hague, Holland and issue an immidiate warrant for their arrests!!! No matter how SYMBOLIC this might seem at first, but it will pave the way for our collective mission to topple the EVIL I.R. Regime and bring democracy, Freedom and Independance to Iran and for Iranians!

Can we Iranians at least  do that for ourselves and our country through legal and international means and channels first???

Free Iran and Iranians.

PS. The I.R. agent's false lables on me here don't stick! I am an Iranian and I am in love with Iran and True Iranians... 

Try again you coward I.R. evils!


Backtracking Islamist II

by Fred on

Islamist liar


You are an Islamist liar for not showing where and when I advocated military attack on Iran that you say I do. "Anyone who supports military attacks on Iran - as you do - is anti-Iran"

You are an Islamist liar for not showing where and when I said anything against the religion of Islam and you keep issuing death fatwa by calling me “Anti-Islam”. "It is not just the fact that you have not said, ever, a single positive word about any Muslim - dead or alive - that makes you a rabid anti-Islam, but the fact that you miss no chance to demonize Muslims every chance you get."

You are an Islamist liar for saying “This AIPAC agent, who still pretends that his identity (and e-mail, and place of work, and home) is unknown” and now just gloss over it.

You are an Islamist liar for saying:” True, you live in a country where you can express your opinion in any way you want.” And yet wanted to ban this very article that you did not agree with by saying: “Finally, the most amazing thing is that, such pieces of garbage are allowed to be posted here on this site in the name of freedom of expression.”

You are an Islamist liar for advocating nuke for the Islamist Rapist republic and yet talk about Iran’s national interests. "“The crux of the issue about Iran's nuclear program is, in my opinion, as follows: If Iran has the ability to make the bomb on a short notice, it becomes unattackable. That is not something that the US and Israel can tolerate. They want to be the hegemone of the Middle East.” 

Your are a rabid Islamist in a country which does not allow you to do what the Islamist Rapist Republic does and that has frustrated you immensely. Here in this land of the free you've got to tolerate the opposition and also show the beef, it is in your Islamist Rapist Republic that your mere charging some one with whatever you like is sufficient proof and no one except the Islamists can talk.  It is with that mentality that you write your fallacy-ridden essays which have been challenged many times but as you do here you just gloss over the calls for proof.


Lastly if you think for a moment that you can mix your rabid Islamist ideology, a perverted totalitarian political ideology on a par with Pol Pot’s perversion with any religion be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism or whatever you got another think coming. Take care & Khodeti Haji!


Brelliant Idea Mansour!!!!!!!!

by hazratee on

If you promise to go and live some where in Natanz so when your freedom fighter come, you be the first in line to see and taste it first hand.


Dom-e Khorous

by Mammad on

It is not just the fact that you have not said, ever, a single positive word about any Muslim - dead or alive - that makes you a rabid anti-Islam, but the fact that you miss no chance to demonize Muslims every chance you get.

The very fact that you call me an Islamist liar goes to show this. Have you ever used "Jewish liar" or "Christian liar" or "Hindu liar?" No, you have not, at least not in this thread. Then, why do you call me an Islamist liar? Because this is who you are.

You are so disturbed minded that you have lost control of any iota of rationality that you might have. You have set aside all pretence. You cannot control yourself for even a moment, so that if you want to call me a liar but also demonstrate that you are not anti-Islam and anti-Muslim, not use Islamist. But, hey, nothing else is expected of you. You are who you are.

I have not backtracked from anything. It was only your sick atomic-size brain that lost control of your nerves. True, you live in a country where you can express your opinion in any way you want. But, by the same token and via the same freedom I also have the right to call you what you are: An anti-Muslim, anti-Iran. Anyone who supports military attacks on Iran - as you do - is anti-Iran.


Friend of Persians

As an American born individual...

by Friend of Persians on

...and after seeing what "smart bombs" have done in Iraq, Afghanistan
and Pakistan, I vote the US stays out of military action.  Iran has
shaped it's own destiny before, iranians can do it again.

shaayad keh

You are giving him too much credit

by shaayad keh on

 You are giving him too much credit if you think he will show up for a deate or even defending his positions.


Shaayad Keh

Little Tweet

Come out Come out Wherever You Are

by Little Tweet on

You said "let's have a debate". As you can see we're all against it! so come on down and defend your view.



by Goosfand on


Put the pipe down.  NOW


The problem is Islam

by Cost-of-Progress on

Your scenario, Mansour is like Bush thinking that Iraqi's will welcome the invaders with open arms. That went real well, NOT!

Islam is the culprit no matter who's in power. Denounce this F'ed up religion and may be our decendents can have propserity.

Darius Kadivar

Hmm..Discrediting Monarchists In order to Promote NIAC/AIC ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Sorry Ol' Chum But Reza Shah II is his Own Man ...


REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc... By DK


Oh and before I forget ... And Too Bad if it Bothers NIAC and Trita Parsi or AIC's Houshang Amir Ahmadi ;0)

BUT ...







Salavate boland khatm konid

by KouroshS on

Allah o ma sale ala mohammad va aleh mohammad.

For all seculars and non-seculars:)


Backtracking Islamist

by Fred on

About me, Fred, the Islamist liar says:

 1-“You have supported, directly or indirectly, attacking Iran militarily.”Everything I’ve ever written is on the site and you can easily access it, Prove it Islamist liar!    



2-“ As for being anti-Islam: You have never ever made one positive comment about any Muslim, dead or alive. You have never ever hidden your disgust of Muslims.” I’ve never praised nor made a positive remark about a lot of things including the goodness of soy milk does that mean I’m against soy? So you have got to prove your repeated “Anti-Islam” fatwa against me which carries death.  Prove it Islamist liar!

 3-“ I could not care less where you work, where you live,You are a shameless Islamist liar for only yesterday you wrote:This AIPAC agent, who still pretends that his identity (and e-mail, and place of work, and home) is unknown,”  The rest of your diatribe is of the same stuff.

You are a nuke propagandist for the Islamist Rapist republic and an Islamist liar too, oh wait, the lying part comes with being Islamist, scratch that. Take care Haji 


The little line at the end

by KouroshS on

Of the paragraph suggested that we should put this topic to debate and see if it is going to be a workable solution. It is totally undesrtandale why so many are against such attacks, But by mentioning that little line at the end, I don't think even the author is sure of what he or she is talking about and whether that is the correct action to support or not.

A Call for debate is just that, A call for debate!


Dom-e Khrous

by Mammad on

Do not lose your nerves. You have been losing them lately. Relax!

For a long time you hidded and made all sorts of baseless accusations against me. If anyone needs to prove anything, it is you not me. I am a public person. I write with my full name. You know who I am. You know where I work. You have repeatedly bragged about knowing every move that I make. You have passed judgement on my work as a teacher, you have accused me of being an IRI supporter, etc., etc., etc., all the while hiding behind "Fred."

I could not care less where you work, where you live, etc. Unlike you, who has an "alert" system for my name, and immediately after I leave a comment here, you show up with your rants, nonsense, etc., I have a busy life. I do not give a hoot to what you say. Only when I catch you in your contradictions, I comment. Otherwise, who gives a hoot to what you think? Say what you want. Aside from your own type, no one here in this thread pays any attention to you.

In fact, since you appeared on the "horizon," countering me in your hallucinations, I have become more determined to cotinue writing about what I believe in, based on principles that I believe in.

But, you should no longer pretend that you are hidding, and from your "hideout" you can continue your nonsense and slandering against me. No, just as you know who I am, I also know who you are. Just as you know what I do, same goes for me. So, stop your nonsense. Of course, I should not be surprised. You atomic-size brain never fails to produce nonsense.

I did not issue any Fatwa. I am not a believer in the concept of Fatwa. I am a secular Muslim, believing in religion being a strictly private matter. Nor can I issue a Fatwa, even if I believed in it, because I am simply not at that level.

The person who issues Fatwas - of the secular type - is you, who attacks everybody that says anything that does not agree with his agenda. Who gives a name to everyone, who makes things up just to make a "point" in your pointless comments.

So, change your mirror. When you look into your mirror, you should see yourself, not me. You are the one who issues Fatwas, you are the one who brags about knowing what I do, etc., and now, in your typical fashion, you are accusing me of the same? What is the matter with you? Your "hide and hit" game is up, and you lost your nerves so easily. Relax! Just don't pretend that you are too smart for the rest of us.

As for being anti-Islam: You have never ever made one positive comment about any Muslim, dead or alive. You have never ever hidden your disgust of Muslims. You have supported, directly or indirectly, attacking Iran militarily. You have a name for every Muslim who comes here and comment. You mock them in your typical smart a.. fashion, and when people protest, you say, "it is a gentlemen agreement not to call people with their real name."

Well, you are not gentle. As for being a man, what kind of a man spies on a person, brags about what he knows, and then hides? 

You have called me a Haji (the same way that US soldiers used it in Iraq to demonize Iraqis), among other names that I have had the "honour" of receiving from you. And, when I told you not to do so, you issued your Fatwa: "This is the highest honor for a Muslim."

And, finally, because I caught you in your contradictions, you resort to make, once again, nonsense accusations against me. But, then again, that is what one should expect of you. 




by capt_ayhab on

I think you might have hit the nail on proverbial head! 

No one could be this dumb.




Hmmm ...

by MiNeum71 on

Nice regards to Abarmard, IRANdokht, Ari Siletz and capt_ayhab, well I'm not sure, if this guy is that wrong; history (Germany '45, Cambodia '79, Serbia '99) tought us, sometimes bombs are necessary ... :(



خروس قندی II


The Islamist nuke lover says:


“Finally, the most amazing thing is that, such pieces of garbage are allowed to be posted here on this site in the name of freedom of expression.”

It is the source of never ending amazement at how these rabid Islamists can never really mesh with  democracy. The rabid Islamist, who has lived in the land of the infidels for decades, uses their every available opportunity and bounties, when it comes to tolerating others’ opinion he opts for the Islamist way, banning it.


Look Doc, if you ban all except your own opinion, the believers of the banned opinions can always claim to speak for the majority.  It is when they freely say it that you can gauge their popularity or in the case of this opinion piece advocating military attack lack of one.  Get the replication of your Islamist Rapist Republic in the U.S. out of your Islamist cotton-picking mind.

BTW, for the nth time you issued fatwa branding me an “Anti-Islam” knowing such Islamist fatwa carries death, you have to prove it. And like other times that you made it and could not prove it for the simple fact of it not being true, for the nth times I call you an Islamist liar that you are.

And what do you mean when you say:


“...still pretends that his identity and e-mail, and place of work, and home) is unknown …”

By saying you know where I work and where my home which where my family lives are you threatening me and my family?

You can threaten me till you are blue in the face, as for my family cool it you Islamist thug.

I live in a free society where the safety of my family is watched over by just laws and the entire society. This is not your Islamist Rapist Republic where your rapist Islamist brethrens can raid people’s homes at will in the middle of the night hauling innocents away to be raped and tortured.

As I’ve told you before you can take your knowledge about where I work and live plus all that which your Islamist Intelligence has told you and roll it up tight and take the wad and buy a khoroos-ghandi with it.  All this scaremongering Islamist tactic of yours only makes my opposition to your Islamist nuke advocacy to be redoubled.

Now go and sign another one of those worthless petitions of CASMII lobby the conjoined twin of the NIAC lobby and write the zillionth fallacy-ridden article defending Islamist nuke. Take care Doc.

Kaveh V

  I am surprised that

by Kaveh V on


I am surprised that nobody has tried to play along with Mr. Mansours suggestions to prove their point and see where and how many time things
can go wrong.

Lets play along for a minute; Months of embargo has weakened the
system and forced people into survival mode. They are angrier at the
regime, but not willing to risk life and limb to demonstrate for
freedom, hunger is more important now.

No one has gasoline to drive around except for the IRGC and the military using their strategic reserves.

The military operation has started;

1- Air superiority is established within hours.

2- All major and known IRGC, Basij and other armed repressive
centers, bases, compounds and buildings are targeted and destroyed, with
some, or many collateral deaths.

People are now locked in their houses and waiting to see what is next.
10-12 million in Tehran have food and some services for now, but not
very long.

Now what ?

Need troops on the ground ?  ok, a few infantry divisioins are
deployed just south of Tehran in a large desert base.Tehran and a few
major cities are encircled and in/out traffic into cities is being

Now what (easy so far, but damn expensive!) ? How doyou want to remove IRI without turning people against you ? 

step us through.

Ari Siletz

This reads like a Stephen Colbert skit

by Ari Siletz on

"...anti-regime opposition (as opposed to the pro-regime opposition)."   ??!!!


Monarchist, IRI Supporter ... Tomato, Tomaato

by Pahlevan on

Monarchist or IRI-Supporter?, Neocon or Hezbollahi? they are all the same sh**t and that sh**t is called being anti-Iranian. I don't know if it's my bad luck encountering people or there are a lot of cuckoo individuals floating around One claims that Iran under IRI is "independent" and "free" and the other argues that because IRI is killing Iranians, Uncle Sam might as well kill some more, just to round up the death toll, I guess!! (or more precisely increase it by a factor of 1000).

Mansour, I just have a question for you, how close are your relatives in Iran, cousins? aunts? uncles? or grandparents?, how about parents?, are you seriously willing to sacrifice you parents?, because I tell you what, if anyone drops bombs where my parents live I will go and fight them, so will all Iranians for their parents and their children.

IRI will only be overthrown by Iranians (and I mean real Iranians living in Iran), may be within a year may be a decade, but it will be overthrown for sure.The process has already begun; in every neighborhood in Iran there are committees of young people writing anti-regime slogans on the walls and organizing ant-regime activities. But a military attack on Iran will not only succeed but also prolong IRI's life as Iran-Iraq War consolidated its fragile hold on Iran and prolonged its life.


Are you an Israeli? An enemy of Iranian children? Go to hell!

by gol-dust on

Who are you? Taking advantage of the current situation? Israel can go to the red sea! We don't need foreign countries and agents help. Are you using the US regime change fund? No decent Iranian would ever want to drop a bomb on any country, let alone their own people!

Why don't move you fat ass and go ahead and do it! Enjoy your soft sofa! Hell is waiting for you!


who is behind this article?

by SamSamIIII on


In my 1st comment I wondered if he realy is who he says he is & after reading it a 2nd time I,m absolutly sure he is a cyber fanthom created to discredit oppostion & give badly needed credibility to some.

I,m not here for the political take of this propaganda piece .This is a matter of ethics & decency

It is an insult to my intelligence to believe "Mansure" character actualy exists.

Could this be a watergate for some folks. Is this article written to glorify NIAC & CASMII?

Mansour, fess up & drop by if you realy exist, I have a few tough questions for you the so called monarchist warmonger traitor ;)






by anonymous111.2 on

Is this guy for real?!!!!


Dear Mammad

by IRANdokht on


I also noticed that he's saying he supports AIPAC, then he says he's against military attacks, but somehow finds a way to justify them all this time repeating that the people in Iran should be overthrowing the regime, but then again keeps shouting and demanding airtight sanctions.

You're right, the "dom-e khoroos" is evident and no amount of word play can hide the true intentions.

One other thing I have noticed and you can't deny is that he's one of your most persistent fans and follows you around everywhere ;-)   




Bombing Iran is just good

by Hajminator on

To reinforce Khamenei, Ahmadinejad and all other takeoverers in their positions. Our brothers and sisters inside Iran are giving their life to solve this tumor by themselves and War is just what we hear from some extremists like Bolton and others for whom Mullahs handover in the region serve their mutual interests.

There are even some AIPAC sympathizers on this site who have understood that bombing Iran will just prolong A.N.'s life.

If you don't trust, just google it using for example the query "War Iran prolong mullahs life"...



by Mammad on

You are a little too generous! 

Not all APIAC agents condemned the suggestion for military attacks on Iran. One likened it to German and French resistance, in order to give it "legitimacy," hence support. And, this is the man who wondered just a few days ago why he is called anti Iran/anti Islam.

This AIPAC agent, who still pretends that his identity (and e-mail, and place of work, and home) is unknown, wished for a level-playing field in Iran a few days ago. Yeah, the military attacks fantasized about by his compatriots in Israel (which, if carried out, would be turned into their worst nightmeres), lobbied by the AIPAC, and supported by him will truly create a level-playing field in Iran, by destroying it and levelling everything!

This is the same guy who said a couple of weeks ago that, "fortunately, the IRI does not have nuclear bomb yet, so it can still be overthrown." The only way a nuclear bomb and the overthrow of the IRI are linked is through military attacks. The contant nonsense by his atomic-size brain allows "dom-e khorous az laaye abaa biyaad biroon."

And, in his hallucinations he still thinks that he is effectively countering people like you and I!


David ET

mansour's suggestion for Iran:

by David ET on



by Kaveh Parsa on

I am glad you find my idea laughable and I am so deeply wounded!!

FYI I was not referring to mahmoudg and Ali Akbar nor other regular members of this site. None of them to my knowledge pretend to speak on behalf of anyone else other than themselves. so stop your stirring.