Hajjarian "confesses"

Top reformist in political trial "admits fomenting unrest"

AP: One of Iran's most prominent pro-reform figures admitted fomenting unrest and asked for the country's forgiveness Tuesday during the mass trial of activists detained in the postelection crackdown in a confession that the opposition said was coerced. The courtroom statement by Saeed Hajjarian — who is considered one of the reform movement's top architects and who was shot in the head in a 2000 assassination attempt — was the latest dramatic confession in the month-old trial that the opposition has compared to Josef Stalin's "show trials" of opponents in the Soviet Union.

Part 1

Part 2


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Ali P.


by Ali P. on

I think Ali Shariati had only one son, Ehsan.

 Don't know where he is in all this.


Darius Kadivar,

by Siavash31 on

Saeed Shariati is NOT the son of the late Ali Shariati.

Boy, you really need to take a trip to Iran. 


rosie is roxy is roshan

Excellent article on Hajjarian

by rosie is roxy is roshan on



by Benyamin on

Interesting observation.


What is really striking

by sima on

is that it is impossible to know what anybody in these trials is really thinking. The defendents, the court officials, the reporters, the defence attorney, even the prosecutor... nobody is saying what they are really thinking. Even the security guys sitting next to the prisoners... All you can tell is that nobody is saying what's really on their minds.

These shows just make your heart bleed. They are also designed to demoralize everyone, including you and me. They are designed to make everyone paralyzed with fear and hopelessness. We must resist this. There IS a truth and it will be spoken. It's just a matter of time.

Darius Kadivar

FYI/ویدیو: اصلاح طلبان ایران، پای میز محاکمه (BBC Persian)

Darius Kadivar

Darius Kadivar

Even the Son of Ali Shariati Architect of the Islamic Revolution

by Darius Kadivar on

Saeed Shariati is the son of Ali Shariati the Architect of the Islamic Revolution.

His Forced Confession in this mock Trial shows how low this Regime has fallen in the highest so called intellectual circles of the regime's very own Think Tanks. They have gone as far as forcing Shariati's son to denounce Moussavi as "Dangerous" and "Irresponsible".

Recommended Reading:

Official Website of Ali Shariati:


Ali Shariati: The Forgotten Revolutionary by Lawrence Reza Ershaghi


Darius Kadivar

FYI/Photo Saeed Hajjarian when Shot in the face (Nader Davoodi)

by Darius Kadivar on

Saeed Hajjarian was the main strategist of the reformist camp during the first four years of Khatami's presidency in Iran. This led to his attempted assassination on the doorstep of Tehran's city council in March, 2000. He was shot in the face by a gunman who fled on a motor-cycle with an accomplice.


The bullet entered through his left cheek and lodged in his neck. Miraculously, he was not killed. But was badly paralyzed for life.



Gol-Dust, give your comment a thought before posting it here.

by پیام on

Living abroad and telling them "lengesh kon" is very easy. We do not know the full story and God knows what is going on behind the scenes. These guys are struggling for their own lifes and the lifes of their love ones.


This is a sad and poorly directed theatrical play

by Abarmard on

Nothing more. What is the regime thinking?


hajjarian Confesses

by mn on

They are not just having these people to give forced confessions but also trying to discredit the ideas of Thinkers like Max Weber and others.  


If I was told.....

by Benyamin on

That we will rape or kill your love ones right before your very eyes unless you confess to what we tell you to confess to, I would confess out of selflessness, I would confess that I have 2 big horns coming out of my head and at night everytime I snooze fire burst out of my mouth.

My point is, the IRI is getting confessions that are in direct controdiction to these people believes. How can I believe that Hajjarian actually believes in his confession? it is like asking pretty much to eat dirt instead of Kabob and he chooses dirt over Kabob in light of "NO" pressure?!!!

The IRI is in fact on trial here not those that have not "killed" or "tortured" or "beaten" or "raped" anyone. all we need to do is looking at this whole theater as reverse. And remember the freedom fighters and let them know that they are indeed our heros and no one can break their spirits.