Discrimination in Holland

Iranian students take legal action

Russia Today: Iranian students in the Netherlands are taking the Dutch state to court. They say they have been excluded from certain courses and places, because of UN sanctions against their native country - a situation the students insist is discriminatory and against in breach of their human rights.

Behnam Taebi is leading the campaign against the measures. Hes doing a PhD in science and engineering, and wants to make sure others also have the opportunity.

The Dutch government is unique in interpreting it this way. Students are not mentioned in the resolution and it says nothing about Iranian Dutch people, and this is what were opposing, he said.

Taebi rallied together with a group of Iranian students from across the country who are determined to fight for their rights: students like Kawa Bitaraf, who has lived in the Netherlands since he was four and has never had an Iranian passport.


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Ali P.

They probably don't have a snowball's chance in hell....

by Ali P. on

but good luck to them! :-)



by XerXes (not verified) on

Racist Europeans


I feel for these students!

by Monda on

I will definitely follow on this news. I am curious about the courses which they were not allowed to attend and the university's clear position on such decisions.



Shazde Asdola Mirza

گنه کرد در بلخ آهنگری ... به شوشتر زدند گردن مسگری!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)


dop head dutch

by shirazie (not verified) on

Dutch know something? All they know is a drinking and a being a pot head.

They give us apartheid.. the south African whites are dutch mixed with the English.

the english have changed not the dutch..