Imam Ali

Sheikh Ahmad Kafi's sermon on Imam Ali

Recorded from more than 35 years ago


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"a mosalman can nat be

by 786 (not verified) on

"a mosalman can nat be Iranian A Iranian can nat be a mosalman."

So I guess Hafez, Rumi, Saadi, Khayam, Ferdowsi, Ibn Sina, Sepehri,....were not Iranian. Also all those sublime architectures in Isfahaan and everywhere else were built by none Muslim. Your way of thinking for sure is not the Iranian way...


Don't ask what you've done for Ali ask what Ali has done for you

by ramintork on

Forgive the borrowing from JFK but there is some truth in my statement.

When we wanted to move from the Arab Patriarch system and in our rebellion from Muslim Caliphates reinvented Ali as a dynasty of Imams coming from his scared sperm just as our Kings did!

When we overlooked his massacre of 800 men of bani ghariza tribe some who were boys who had just reached puberty,

When we gave him all the Chivalry qualities of Rustam,

And we gave his Son Hussein who was very happy to kill our fellow Iranians the quality and tragedy of Siavash,

When we turned his Naveh Nateejeh's graves into walk-in hospitals where people gather to beg for good health,

We also gave this jerk that is singing to his glory a free license to make a living out of singing to his glory!

So don't ask what you have done for Ali. Ask what Ali has done for you! 




by bikar (not verified) on

I have never laughed so hard, is it a joke or is he for real?


A mosalman can nat be

by Iran parast (not verified) on

a mosalman can nat be Iranian A Iranian can nat be a mosalman.


Taablo konid!

by Payam S (not verified) on

This guy is good. Really good. He is full of it, but he's good.

I liked how he criticized the commodification of Ali and his image by the christians (capitalists). This criticism derives from competition. It is simple, he criticized how the "christians" "taablo" (commodify) Ali's picture, sword, strong arm and fierce attitude and how we (muslims) buy into it.

But then he followed up by saying the people should "taablo" Ali's faith, "kindness", "justice", "innocense", "bravery", "purity", etc. In other words, commodify the intangible Ali through Shiite Islam Inc. Commodify Ali through the mosque and the Mullahs like himself who are the CEO's of the "muslim" enterprise in competition with the Christians (western).

Very clever,
Payam S