
Nasser Talebzadeh Ordoubadi

Iranian bioweapon researcher dies suspiciously

THE CURRENT AFFAIRS: A US-based Iranian doctor working to discover an antitoxin therapy of biological weapons has purportedly died a “suspicious death.”One of the leading bioweapon researchers and a regular keynote speaker at international conferences, Dr. Nasser Talebzadeh Ordoubadi died on Saturday in what his doctors described as a “suspicious death”.

Media reports have linked Dr. Talebzadeh Ordoubadi’s mysterious death to his notable accomplishments in discovering an antitoxin treatment for bioweapons.

The use of biological and chemical weapons — which is considered illegal under The Hague convention on rules of warfare — is feared by many experts more than the use of nuclear weapons.

Biological weapons can kill, incapacitate, or seriously impede an individual as well as entire cities or places where they are used.

While there are antibiotic and penicillin treatments for different types of bioweapons, some of them such as Botulism and Ricin still remain without any antitoxin or vaccine to cure those subjected to the poisonous weapon.

According to Tabnak, Dr. Talebzadeh’s achievements in finding a cure to bioweapons had made him the target of various accusations from the government of the United States — one of the possessors of biological weapons — since 1992.

In 2000, the Iranian doctor was sentenced to 35 months in prison on charges of health care and mail fraud under the new HIPAA regulations (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).

His jail sentence, which prompted him to change his name to Noah McKay, came after years of government attempts to level various accusations against him.

The charges, which were never substantiated, proven or confirmed, included “money laundering, funding Middle Eastern terrorists, and connections to the Russian mafia in Seattle”.

While serving in the federal prison camp in Sheridan, Oregon, he told one of his lawyers “my life is in danger and I should change my name and request transfer to another prison.”


more from sarshar45

Bob - have you seen the autopsy report, death cert, etc?

by Ostaad on

What are you sources? I admit I had no clue about him until I saw the Tabnak story. Given the fact that Tabnak is not at the top of my list of journalistic un-biased reporting, I took that with a large grain of salt. Here you are out of nowhere giving us details which only a person with certain expertise and access to certain documents can present. That's the reason why I want to know on what documents and evidence you're basing your assertions.


Nasser- a tribute and clarification

by Bob (not verified) on

This article has little basis in fact- it takes bits and pieces of Nasser's life and death and sensationalizes them. It does a disservice to his memory.

No doubt he pushed the envelope, as many creative people do, and becoming successful, financially and otherwise, got caught up in a net of government and insurance regulation. He would tell you that himself.

His death, in stark medical terms, was from an aortic dissection with resultant multi-system organ failure and chronic low grade sepsis. His doctors, nurses,and family labored long and hard over some two months, including ten operations, to deal with bowel ischemia, abdominal collections, renal failure, etc...

The mortality rate for what he had is close to 100%. His death, while unfortunate, was hardly suspicious.

In spiritual and philosophical terms, he would tell you- it was time for his spiritual energy to be unleashed. Like many great, innovative, and principled personalities his life will arguably gain greater meaning after his death.

Ultimately, his life was about helping people- as a physician, a motivator, a humanist, and a friend. This should, and no doubt will, be his legacy despite hearsay and gossip like this article.

Please read his book "Wellness at Warp Speed" to hear, in his own words, what he was about and benefit from his life and his message about living.


This is not about "tsion". It's about a man's death!

by Ostaad on

This is about a death under mysterious circumstances. Fellows, let's not allow a pipsqueak like "tsion" become the focus here by posting his/her Zionist claptrap. Last time I checked the US allowed the KKK wizards and likes of David Duke to express their views. So no matter how revulsive this jerk sounds for questioning people's royalty, his/her brain farts should be allowed.

What baffles me is the dead man's career and his name change to Noah McKay from Nasser Talebzadeh and his peculiar expertise in bio-stuff. I would like to wait to see if more concrete information will be revealed about him.

In the meantime, let's keep this forum free to expressions of opinions and views no matter how moronic they sound.

Darius Kadivar

Gulp ... ;0(

by Darius Kadivar on

I remember a few years ago in the 80's a group of Indian scientists actually mathematicians who worked on some research on sophisticated military research dissappeared in London only to be found dead a little scattered everywhere in Europe. It looked like a theme for a spy novel.

Scary Indeed ...



by Cyrus_ (not verified) on

I am calling on all readers of this site to ask the to ban any writings by zion.
In the past I have sent several comments to regarding the news stories about middle east only to see that none of them get published.
I have also compained to regarding some commentaries that are racist and anti arab or anti iranian and have seen no attept by to remove them.
So I ask what is wrong with throwing zion's comments which are all biased and one sided in the garbage bin?



by Cyrus_ (not verified) on



Zion you are so gullible or maybe just pretending to be!

by Anonymous-2 (not verified) on

You want to learn something about this great doctor the information of why he was taken to prison is all on his web-site. Do some research for God's sake.

We all know what happens in this country when you go against big pharmaceutical industries; and corporate insurance companies and the rest of the mafias which control this country as well as the lobbyists? You are finished!!

On another note - there is absolutely no investigation in this country of how $125 billion dollars was totally lost by the U.S. military in Iraq - greater ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff; does this resonate with you?



In the memory of that great I tried to keep my calm,

by Hajminator on

But too much is too much.

Our scientist was assassinated by these nekbats, and look how one of their smart-a__ clown comes and confabulates the story that we have to hear. You are not ashamed, Efriteh?


This is what you get at the end

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

When you help the other side. This is your reward. He should have gone back to Iran and done his research there.


یکی‌ میتون به عبری


یکی‌ میتون به عبری به این مردک ( یا خانم) صهیون بگه که آقا بکن. نظر شما در مورد مسائل ایران اصلا عادلانه و بیطرف نیست. از دیده امثال تو همه ضد اسرألی هستند و به همین دلیل یا باید زندانی شند یا کشته ( دکترین دولت اشغالگر).

Zion please get a life. Oh, and learn to read Parsi. Then you'll fully engage in Iranian matters by getting it first handed and as a bonus you'll be able to translate what I wrote above, a message to you and your kind ( and before you call me an antisemite, translate what I wrote).


Iranian bioweapon researcher dies suspiciously

by kind david (not verified) on

The charges, which were never substantiated, proven or confirmed, included :

"money laundering, funding Middle Eastern terrorists, and connections to the Russian mafia in Seattle".



some details about Dr.

by AnonA (not verified) on

دکتر ناصر طالب‌زاده، پزشک برجسته ايراني و استاد دانشگاه سياتل که نزديک به دو سال در آمريکا زنداني بود، روز گذشته به علت بيماري درگذشت.

وي در سال 2000 به جرم حمايت مالي از حزب‌الله و ارتباط با دولت ايران دستگير و در يکي از دادگاه‌هاي آن کشور به رياست خانم «روتن اشتاين»، يهودي‌زاده ضدمسلمان، به يک سال و نيم حبس محکوم و همه اموالش نيز مصادره شد.
«روتن اشتاين» پس از صدور اين حکم، آشکارا اعلام کرده بود که ما اين حکم را صادر کرديم تا براي مسلمانان درس عبرت شود.

: مرحوم دکتر طالب‌زاده که از نخبگان کوانتوم پزشکي به شمار مي‌رود و از مؤسسان انجمن پزشکي در آمريکا بوده است، پس از تحمل شرايط سخت زندان، با فشار افکار عمومي و با امضاي طومار هزار نفري پزشکان آمريکا، از زندان آزاد شد.

در همين‌ زمينه، يکي از نزديکان وي در گفت‌وگوي کوتاهي با دکتر طالب‌زاده، مديريت هفده کلينيک را در شهر سياتل ـ که به شهر بوئينگ و مايکروسافت معروف است ـ بر عهده داشت. وي به دليل محبوبيتي که در جامعه پزشکي آمريکا و به ويژه «سياتل» داشت، بارها از سوي روزنامه «سياتل‌تايمز» و هفته‌نامه‌هاي اين شهر، به عنوان پزشک موفق معرفي شده بود.

وي در ادامه افزود: دکتر طالب‌زاده از حدود سال 1992 به دليل کسب موفقيت‌هاي چشمگيري که به زيان سازندگان بمب‌هاي ميکروبي بود، به بهانه‌هاي واهي، مورد اتهام واقع شد و پس از هشت سال در نهايت پيش از 11 سپتامبر 2000 به يک سال و نيم حبس محکوم شد.

بر اثر جوسازي‌هاي پليس و دادگاه فدرال ـ که به جرايم ملي رسيدگي مي‌کند ـ همه کارکنان هفده کلينيک تحت نظر ايشان، مورد بازجويي قرار گرفتند و همين موضوع باعث شد تا دو سوم کارکنان يادشده، استعفا دهند.

وي در ادامه گفت: دادگاه ايشان به اعتراف مطبوعات سياتل، يکي از شلوغترين دادگاه‌هاي تاريخ آن شهر بود و بسياري از حاضران را بيماران وي و پزشکان همکارش تشکيل مي‌دادند که براي حمايت از وي در دادگاه حاضر شده بودند.

بر پايه گزارش‌هاي رسيده به خبرنگار «تابناک»، اين پزشک ايراني به خاطر نزديک شدن به کشف پادزهر سلاح‌هاي ميکروبي که در اختيار اسرائيل است، توسط «موساد» و سازمان «سيا» ـ به طور مشترک ـ بنا بر سناريو ساختگي به حمايت از حزب‌الله، متهم و دستگير مي‌شود.

بنا بر اين گزارش‌ها، پزشکان معالج وي، بيماري و مرگ او را کاملا مشکوک دانسته و آن را با تلاش‌هاي مرحوم دکتر طالب‌زاده براي دستيابي به پادزهري که مي‌توانست خدمت بزرگي به جامعه بشري کند، مرتبط مي‌دانند.

گفتني است، مرحوم دکتر ناصر طالب‌زاده، برادر نادر طالب‌زاده، از کارگردانان سينماي ايران است.



by tsion on

'In 2000, the Iranian doctor was sentenced to 35 months in prison on charges of health care and mail fraud under the new HIPAA regulations (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)...The charges, which were never substantiated, proven or confirmed, included “money laundering, funding Middle Eastern terrorists, and connections to the Russian mafia in Seattle”.'

If he was sentenced, then I assume charges were substantiated for the court. And given his record, he doesn't really come about as that innocent, does he?

Well, if there is anything suspicious about his death, that's maybe because he knew somethings about the terrorists and could have leaked it. It's not the first time they have assassinated a weak link.

[The amazing thing is how easily some "americans" here believe every piece of propaganda accusation against the country they claim they are loyal too. How many times must we see how loyal they really are, I wonder?]



We heard about it . . .

by Anonymous2Be (not verified) on

I heard about it through a friend. I did not think this can happen in the U.S.

You know, US is a free country, why in free and democratic country this happened? Why?

gol-dust, we are reading and I agree with you about raising hell. You and I are doing our share. Where is free press of ABC, NBC, and CBS? Aren't these free to report? Why?


Well, Israel, US are not much different than IRI! U would all be

by gol-dust on

raising hell if it was in Iran! Now that others have done it, you are all scared like hell to write anything, even when God father checney is no longer in charge!! Welcome to the real world of politics! US & UK criticise Russia for poisoning when they do the same! Why this isn't all over the news?


I knew this doctor a smart classmate in Tehran

by Anonymous-2 (not verified) on

I just came across this news on

Nader Ordoobadi is the name that he went by. We attended Community School in Tehran together. He came from a good family; he was an extremely smart, hard working student who minded his own business.

None of the allegations they are claiming against him are true.

His father was a doctor and he followed in his fathers' foot steps.

When the U.S. Gov. wants to smear you with false accusations and then destroy you this is how they do it. This is the price you pay when you want to help mankind by going against the corporate profiteers.

I give my condolences to his family.



by IRANdokht on

this news is too troubling and too scary!

What a great and conscientious scientist.
I am speechless...



God Bless his Soul...

by faryarm on

I had the pleasure of meeting "Noah" at a mutual friend's in 2007. 

He struck me as a warm and deeply spiritual man.

I am saddened by his passing. 

My thoughts and prayers for his young family. 



Marg bar zalem

by Mazloom- (not verified) on
