Time to wake up

Undemocratic anti-Americans


Time to wake up
by Farhad Kashani

It is not a secret that blind anti Americanism has become a culture. This culture is spread throughout the world, even in the U.S, where naïve Americans get influenced by leftist media and leftist activists.

Dictators and irresponsible governments use this culture to justify their actions. Look at our own country Iran. Revisiting the events in the last 50 years, shows that Shah executed a coup with his followers and the people who supported them, and the blame goes on America, Shah falls and the blame goes on America for not supporting him/wanting a anti communist regime in Iran (as if Shah wasn’t!), Khomeini comes in and the blame goes on America for they want to suppress Iran/they are friends with the mullahs/Their alleged 1953 coup caused the revolution/their cultural influence endangered the Iranian culture/, the IRI regime’s actions in the last 30 years is also blamed on America for not conversing with the regime/ignoring Iran’s regional power/animosity with the Iranian people/…and the list goes on! So in every event, there is a bashing of America going on! All of this happens as we Iranian do not exist and have absolutely no role in what happens in our own country. If that’s not 1- Twisting of reality 2- insulting the Iranian people, I don’t what is!

That irrational anti Americanism is not only unique to Iran. Other undemocratic governments have done that too. Some examples are China, Russia, Venezuela, N Korea, Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Syria, Sudan and Cuba. These countries have portrayed themselves as “anti Imperialist”, and “freedom fighters”, and “justice promoters”, and “hope for human beings!!”! That brings up an important question: what is these so called “Anti American” regimes are talking about and what have they done for their own country? Well, numbers don’t lie! Below, I have gathered data that shows the above mentioned governments’ ranking in critical issues such as human rights and economic prosperity.

- Worst offenders of human rights in the world (out of 20): Iran is ranked 17, China is 12, N Korea is 7, Myanmar is 14, and Sudan is 8. //www.guardian.co.uk/rightsindex.

- Democracy Index (out of 167): Iran is ranked 145, China is 136, Russia is 107, Venezuela is 95, N Korea is 167, Myanmar is 163, Zimbabwe is 148, Syria is 156, Sudan is 146 and Cuba is 125. //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index

- Democracy Ranking (out of 150): Iran is ranked 138, China is 120, Russia is 133, Venezuela is 126, N Korea is 75, Myanmar is 150, Zimbabwe is 145, Syria is 138, Sudan is 138, and Cuba is 123. //www.worldaudit.org/democracy.htm

- Freedom of Speech (out of 195): Iran is ranked 185, China is 181, Russia is 171, Venezuela is 164, N Korea is 195, Myanmar is 194, Zimbabwe is 187, Syria is 180, Sudan is 172, and Cuba is 190. //www.freedomhouse.org/uploads/fop08/FOTP2008Tables.pdf - Liberty Index (out of 159): Iran is ranked 147, China is 146, Russia is 124, Venezuela is 118, N Korea is 159, Myanmar is 156, Zimbabwe is 151, Syria is 149 and Cuba is 157. //www.stateofworldliberty.org/report/rankings.html

- Press Freedom (out of 173): Iran is ranked 166, China is 167, Russia is 141, Venezuela is 113, N Korea is 172, Myanmar is 170, Zimbabwe is 151, Syria is 159, Sudan is 135 and Cuba is 169. //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reporters_Without_Borders#Worldwide_Press_Freedom_Index

- Enemies of the Internet (out of 13): Iran is ranked 7th, China is 3rd, N Korea is 8th, Myanmar, Zimbabwe is 13th, Syria is 10th and Cuba is 4th. //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship

- World worst dictators (out of 20): Khamenei is 7th, China is 5th, N Korea is 1st, Myanmar is 3rd, Zimbabwe is 6th, Syria is 12th, Sudan and Castro is 18th. //www.parade.com/dictators/2008/

- Country with most negative influence in the world (out of 7): Iran is ranked 1st!!!! China 4th and Russia 2nd.. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/4674656.stm

- Best environment for doing business (out of 82): Iran is ranked 78, Venezuela is 81 and Cuba is 79. //www.economist.com/markets/rankings/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11697971

- Operational Risk (out of 150): Iran is ranked 137, Venezuela is 144, Myanmar is 148 and Zimbabwe is 149. //www.economist.com/markets/rankings/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10797416

- Economic Freedom (out of 157): Iran is ranked 146, Venezuela is 152, N Korea is 157, Myanmar is 154, Zimbabwe is 156 and Cuba is 155. //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_freedom

- Inflation rate (out of 224): Iran is ranked 218, China is 102, Russia is 189, Venezuela is 222, Myanmar is 219, Zimbabwe is 224, Syria 191, and Sudan is 198. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2092rank.html

- Unemployment rate (out of 193): Iran is ranked 127. Please see rest. //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_unemployment_rate

- Corruption rate (out of 180): Iran is ranked 141, China is 72, Russia is 147, Venezuela is 158, Myanmar is 178, Zimbabwe is 166, Syria is 147, Sudan is 173 and Cuba is 63. //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index

So, how much credibility do these regimes have? How misguided is this irrational anti Americanism that these people invented and promote for? How can we believe or accept anything that comes out of the mouth of these regimes? These are some of the nastiest, brutal, aggressive and human rights violating governments in the history, and because of the influence of global leftist media, some have actually bought there propaganda. America is a perfect target because its powerful, unique and most importantly stands against everything they don’t stand for and is not just a country, but an idea, and Americans have built a nation rarely, if seen at all, in history. This country promotes and represents an idea far greater than what these people can ever understand, and that is respect for human dignity.

It's time to wake up and stop apologizing for these regimes. The only losing party in our justifications and apologies is the people suffering under these regimes.


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more from Farhad Kashani

no biting Barracuda

by Judge Judy (not verified) on

Stick with the argument A... Fish! If you are not a racist, then just explain and substantiate your position. Insults and generalizations will only discredit you further. ....and show a little grace and be greateful to this site and the people that give you the time to point out your flaws.


there are cool heads in all sides, Kashani is not one of them!

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

There are cool heads in all sides, from CIA's Robert Baer, to Israeli Avraham Burg, to Iranian Khatami,... don't let an ultra right extremist like Mr. Kashani drag you into his trap. He is not much different from Iraqi Mr. Chalabi, he is very determined to get a confrontation started. Neither Iran, nor U.S, nor Israel need such a war. Mr. Kashani should go fight his own war!



Rocket Scientists

by Anonymous..... (not verified) on

Kashani, after reading your essay and the reply posted by gobacktowhereyoucamefrom, one can only conclude that illiterate articles brings out illiterate remarks.

You Einsteins, along with the opportunists that game your savy, propose that questioning bad foreign policy, or alerting the public to pirates that continue to steel from tax payers is unpatriotic.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

And programmer Craig, if some of these guys disclose their identity, you'll be intimitated and over shadowed by their stature, so just reduce the rehtoric and stick with the argument. It will eventually enlighten your point of view.

anonymous fish

thanks for proving my point..:)

by anonymous fish on

show me one time where i have been racist.  ONE time. 

what a hypocrite you are!  you call me racist if i criticize something about iran and yet listen to you spew your venom against the country which has give most of you a home and a future free of abuse and WITH the freedom to make your idiotic claims.

i don't refer to wiki as a rule.  it's authenticity is highly suspect.  but if that's your measure of proof... be happy.

you've done nothing BUT prove my point.  we disagree on the comparison between born americans and "naturalized" americans.  that's a piece of paper.  my loyalties are not divided.  can you honestly say that about most, any, or all iranian-americans?  don't be a fool.

i've just as much right to my opinion as you do yours.  the difference is that i recognize that you have a right to feel the way you do. 

get over the "iranian website" business...it's getting old.  this is a website dude.  it's not a private club and i don't think you have a certificate of membership. 

you know JACK SHIT about WWII.  stop your babbling and pathetic attempts to manipulate facts.  your gross exaggerations are a joke.

yes, america did practice slavery.  but in our VERY SHORT history, as compared to your thousands of years, we HAVE accomplished a great deal.  we have abolished slavery and don't think for one minute that what iran is practicing now is not as bad or worse... we have equal rights for women... and we have free speech.  in less than 150 years we have progressed to electing a black man as our president.  what is YOUR great achievement.

iranians don't hate americans???

boy, could have fooled me.


Farhad Kashani

by Daryush on

Take note about the American Democracy: shortfilm Comment. Pure example of self censorship that is so common in the Western world.

In Germany a business colleague of mine told me:

"we really don't talk too much against the things that we think they are wrong, because we never know what happens if we go too far! I am not saying that I am being watched, but if I continue to voice my opinion, then I'll be a target to be watched."

For this reason he was frightened to tell his friends and co-workers that he didn't agree with Israeli policies.

Take Note Kashani. Iranians are much more active than you think buddy. There is no comparisons between Iranian with Russians or Chinese. If you think there is a same level of Freedom (dictatorship) then take a trip and see for yourself. Iran is much more free politically than those, and that's not saying much!



by free (not verified) on

Haven't you heard of "freedom of speech" or JJ's rule of "nothing is sacred" on this site?

Do you think that freedom of speech only applies to those who bash other people of the world, in particular, Iranians?


Isn't there a law against

by shortfilm (not verified) on

Isn't there a law against inciting hatred on a website against America?



by Sadegh2 (not verified) on

You forgot to include Europeans in the list of nations who hate American foreign policies. These are true democracies who dislike American "Cowboy" adventurism, especially during the past eight years. Where have you been to witness masses in Europe demonstrating against American war policies?


khod gooee o khod khandy!

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

To all my pro Israeli friends, and those who are admiring FK!

BTW, your khod khandy is making me laugh too! thank you my friends!


Early American history is

by timetomoveon (not verified) on

Early American history is one of conquest. There is no denying that. But wars of conquest have been fought all over the planet throughout time, so what's so unique about the America's past? Why don't we ever hear about Russian Imperialism?

The whole of Middle Eastern/Asian subcontinent history is one of conquest and the rising and falling empires. . The Persians, to take a highly relevant example, were empire builders from very long ago. The Han Dynasty in China built an empire at the Eastern end of Asia that rivaled its counterpart in the West, the Roman Empire. The Arabs during the first millennium built a brutal empire that dominated the known world. (see muslims armies slaughter of Hindus and zorastrians and others). The Mughals invaded India in the middle of the second millennium and were rulers of the subcontinent when the British arrived. Even the so-called Red Indians, built empires and engaged in conquest long before Christopher Columbus arrived on these shores.

It's unfortunately the nature of our species. So once again, I have to ask, why do you fixate so much on supposed European and American wrong doing? Why not admit we have more in common with one another and instead of hate, try learning and understanding a bit more.

let go of your hatred towards Europeans and Americans. Arabs did their share of colonization. Colonization is the way of the world



by Daryush on

Yes, but according to arrogant mentality, that's done by white people who are far more superior than the Asians or non Europeans.

It's OK if they have done all that because it made the life better for them at their home, so what if US goes to war and kill millions in Iraq. It wasn't a communist or Asian doing it, it was the US. So forget that and just focus on the issue, what is the political agenda? To destroy the one country that is talking about all the wrongs US and the West have done. That's the objective. rest is just...who cares!

I am glad that US has a African American president, but it took the country a long time to give little Rights to their own citizens. Last time I visited the US, the city that my friend lived was just horrible, poor and scary. This is happening to the country that has many claims, steals the wealth of the nations and polices their behavior and talks about Rights.

In Alabama, a black man can not marry a white woman based on their state constitution. Go figure. This is the most advance country on earth and they complain about Iran. We have no claims.



by Daryush on

Thanks for your great input.

Arrogant people who have no values for life and pretend that they care, skip all that and go to blame the "third"world nations that trying to find a spot for themselves.

Like the A.Fish, which in some comments acts as if she cares about the "Rights" of women, and her mind can't go further to think about what's happening to the Arab women who are tortured and killed under her supported regimes. Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan. Even Pakistan before the US picking on them was not a problem. Where was the problem, the most moderate of all: Iran. ignorance at its best.

When you criticize them, they think you should chill and be calm, but they never do the same on their behalf. Forget the source they say, think about our agenda, and today my friends, that's Iran. Israel thinks so too!!


Ungreatful fools

by capt_ayhab on

How ungrateful are these nations to bite the hands that destroys their homes, cities, farm lands.

How ungrateful are these fools to not appreciate the soldiers who kill their youth and rape the women.

How ungrateful are these nations for not understanding the service US did to world by creating Bin Laden.

How ungrateful are these nations for Bay of Pigs.

How ungrateful are these nations about US toppling their government and placing some puppet regime there.

How ungrateful are these nations for 1000's of napalms that was dropped on their heads.

How ungrateful are these nations for Agent Orange.

How unappreciative are these nations for total control of UN and security council by US.

Such a ungrateful countries for not appreciating all the CIA covert actions in their countries.

Unappreciative fools toward a country who did HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI, AFTER they had already surrendered. US only wanted to see if Uranium kills more people or Polonium.

When are these fools going to realize that the only reason US supported SADAM, was because of the love USA had for them.

When are these fool going to realize and appreciate the fact that the only reason US supports Israel's occupation is because US is looking after them.

Why are so ungrateful for US support of Khomeini[during 70's], Shaban Bi Mokh.

Those ungrateful Vietnamese, biting the hands who fed them decades of death and destruction.

Those Ungrateful Iranians who can not appreciate shooting of passenger airliner over Persian Golf.

when are these SELFISH FOOLS going to realize that US only destroys their homes because they love them, nothing personal about it.

I tell you Mr. Kashani, I am proud that world has voices like you who can speak up about all the humanitarian acts US has done in the world.

Mr. Kashani, never stop telling the truth about these ungrateful and selfish countries who are SELFISHLY fighting for their lives. How dare they???People like you need to keep these selfish fools at bay.

World is grateful to you Mr. Kashani.


capt_ayhab [-YT]


Please leave the US

by gobackwhereyoucamefrom (not verified) on

wow, all the bigoted anti-americans are coming out of woodwork.

How about going back to where you came from. we will provide you with tickets.



by Daryush on

Those countries are the one that Farhad Kashani (Who is actually from Israel but chooses a Persian name. A common trick by Israeli government payroll users here) and anonymous fish support, because they are considered "pro". Israeli media in the US doesn't give a rats a$$ about Human Rights, they care about "political" human Rights. Israeli machine has carved this on the forehead of the most Americans.

US got the brains and the muscle, but his penis, Israel, directs his body around. Chew on that.


anonymous fish, and kind, Chew on this

by Daryush on

Unbiased opinion is the one that compares "the interested" parties fairly. Where is Israel in the equation?

Iranian Human Rights is bad, but what your expectation from a preacher is always more (US, so called the International community) than the "followers".

I mean you care more about a preacher abusing a child than a mad man. Both bad, but one weighs heavier.

The ideas of what you consider a "democratic" ranking is not clear. Where Russia or Iran, China or Afghanistan stand is objective and can easily be argued.

Here is something for you smart group of people to think about:

Suppose that Iran kicks all its population be it any of the following or all: non Muslim, non Shia, non Persian, or those who don't agree with Velaayat e faghih, and instead brings in from all over the world those groups who agree with it fully...The system then gives all freedom because it has nothing to worry about. All those who could fight against the system are out. Do you get it?

That's why Israel is not on the list. Iran arguably is more politically diverse than Israel. Chew on that...OH NO, did you just say that?

anti Muslim, racist and naturally arrogant people who confuse the issue of Human Rights with Politics. If the true report comes out, the amount of people that the United States alone has killed in the past fifty (do I need to even go that far) with ruthless actions, is unbelievable.

So evil is not only what you do at home, but also what you do to others. Aren't you missing this point? Is that of any importance to you? Or politics comes before Human Rights?

Finally, Iranians don't hate the US. That's an easy argument to prove. It is many arrogant and warmongers who feel their Christian (and some of the Jews) superiority and their rights to dominate. Where we are in the Middle East is the product of those policies FORCED upon the innocent people.

So now, based on the little info provided, who should take the blame? The killers of the servants of the killers?

Unbiased based on Jewish Media. Nothing in the western media, similar to the east (but they got no claim to be the free world) in the international affairs is ever unbiased. UN? get serious. Human Rights? Sure to some extend, but it misses the weight of a powerful country dropping bombs and kills 100,000s, with a government doing bad to their people. Something is wrong with that equation.


Which countries posses

by Fatee (not verified) on

Which countries posses nuclear bombs ready to be used?

2- USA
3- Russia
4- UK
5- France
6- China
7- India
8- Pakistan

Did I mention Israel?

And which country actually dropped atomic bomb on innocent people? Do you have any idea Mr. FK?

Artificial Intelligence

Good Article Farhad!

by Artificial Intelligence on

Thank you. I love how the people in denial counter your arguments with absolute rubbish and out of context historical facts.


Where is Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Persian Gulf dictatorships?

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

oh that's right, they don't count because they are not anti american ( = anti exploitation by American corporations )

where is the "human rights" index on Israel? where is freedom of speech in Turkey and US-friendly former USSR countries?

where is the ranking on all those right wing dictatorships your tax money was paying for in Latin America and Asia and Africa?

boro baba bache, engadr ma ro khar hesab nakon...


unlike usa

by King David (not verified) on

iran never droped Atomic bombs on cities , resulting in 2 million death by radiatian

iran never firbombed DRESDEN , resulting in firstorm that killed 500,000 refugees , mostly children and women

iran never invaded any country in past 100 years

iran never toppled democraticly ellected governments

iran never printed money without Gold backing to steal the whole world out of its wealth and in turn destroy world economy

iran didnt attack vietnam and iraq under false pretex resulting in over 1 million death

USA did all of above and its called decomcracy

programmer craig


by programmer craig on

The beauty of your post is that all the people you are talking about are (mostly anonymously!) telling us how they REALLY feel about the country they live in :)

programmer craig

Anonymous on...

by programmer craig on

Let me give you another example, Chaves has been elected by popular
vote in every election

I'm not calling Chavez a dictator... yet. But if you think all it takes to have a democratic form of government is voting, you're very much mistaken. I doubt you'd call Iraq a democracy if Maliki started jury-rigging things to suit himself. You probably don't even call Iraq a democracy now... am I right?

but since he does not Bend Over , he is called
dictator each time he is mentioned in those wonderful free press.

And who said dictators have to be unpopular, anyway? Rome had democracy until Julius Caesar appinted himself "Dictator for Life". You know how he got away with that? Because he was POPULAR. Well liked by the troops, and well liked by the people. And so the Roman Senate assassinated him. But did they reinstate democracy after he was dead? Well, hell no they didn't. Rome never had democracy again. It's a lot easier to destroy democracy than it is to build it, which is why Chavez's games in Venezuela are so dangerous.


The good ole US of A!

by Ajam (not verified) on

What country is the biggest violator of human rights in the history of mankind? Here are some clues that help finding the answer to that question:

-In what country slavery has systematically been practiced in the recent history?

-What country has used biological weapons against its indigenous peoples for the purpose of ethnic cleansing (by distributing smallpox-contaminated blanket among the native Indians refugees)?

-What country is the only one in the history of the mankind to have used nuclear weapons against civilians, killing hundreds of thousands and maiming millions?

-What country has invaded the most other nations in the recent history?

-What country has the most secret prisons in other countries all over the world with ghost flight "extra-ordinary renditions" in order to torture dissidents?

-What country is the only country in the world (with the exception of Israel) that refuses to ratify the international anti-personnel mine treaty?

-What country is resisting the formation of an international war-crime tribunal?

-What country has opposed environmental treaties including Kyoto?

-What only country among the developed nations is one of the world leaders in carrying out executions?


Patriotism is ignorance!

by Anonymous.... (not verified) on

Patriotism is ignorance! Treason is the truth!

I would hardly call what you are doing patriotic to America! You've simply bought into the BS of thoes who have hijacked america's political system and control its media.

Wake up and smell the coffee.


Nice try Farhad, but no cigar . . .

by A Friend (not verified) on

This is a quote from a friend:

"In America, there is an abundance of propaganda and misinformation (Fox) etc. which works in favor of the government and against the people - the people lose the ability to become critical thinkers; they believe in their free press and no longer question anything.
In a country like Iran censorship works against the government, but works in favor of the people - the people doubt everything the government tells them and look for alternate news - makes them more intelligent and better informed.”


Anonymous Fish/American Wife

by Farhoumand (not verified) on

You know, it’s getting really tiring listening to your racist talk. You hide behind being married to an Iranian, somehow feeling "entitled" to give out your opinions about Iranians, but your comments more than once have been racist toward Iranians. You will need to stop your condescending tone to Iranian Americans. Last I checked, you are no more and no less an American than the Iranians you constantly criticize and denigrate. You are only as good as your one vote and so are they. This is a free country and people are entitled to their opinions without fear of harassment or persecution. People like Farhad Kashani are well known to the rest of us and we use his tirades as good entertainment on a slow Sunday night. Hearing you agree with the same silly utterances, however, provide no entertainment but an affirmation of your audacity, coming to an Iranian website and talking down at Iranians.

Here, my little cupcake (!), is a link to something which is hopefully at your level of comprehension. A Wikipedia link on who and what a naturalized US Citizen is. Read and learn and change your tone in such a way that your racist thinking is at least less apparent.


"The Constitution also mentions 'natural born citizen.' The first naturalization Act (drafted by Thomas Jefferson) used the phrases 'natural born' and 'native born' interchangeably. To be 'naturalized' therefore means to become as if "natural born" -- i.e., a citizen."

You are no more patriotic an American than Iranian Americans no matter how much you disagree with their opinions.


which country produces the most arms to kill others?

by Parvis (not verified) on

Why Persian Gulf is called . . . A. Gulf by BBC, Guardian, and the Economist? These are the sources which Farhad Kashani cited.

To follow some of the posters:
Which country produces the most arms to kill the people of other countries?
1. Israel
2. USA
3. Russia
4. Britain



by Anonymous on

I guess whoever does not agree with Neo-Crazie and Fahad Kashani they must be Un-Americans, Hmm same tactic was used somewhere else and some other time, I wonder where and when?

Your sources are corrupt and their rankings are a Joke , they have politicized every category that you mentioned which delegitimizes them automatically. It is basically party-Bazee, you give the press enough advertisements and increase their revenue you can control them. case in point Bill Mahr and ABC

Let me give you another example, Chaves has been elected by popular vote in every election , but since he does not Bend Over , he is called dictator each time he is mentioned in those wonderful free press. oh my god I am just so thrilled that so many lost their life throughout the history so CNN and Lemonde can be bought and sold in stock markets around the world to see who can produce more mind poison and propaganda .


Which country brought down the financial markets?

by AnonymousEverybody? (not verified) on

Which country brought down the financial markets?

Which country has the most thief CEOs?

Yes, USA


Are you kidding us?

by Anonymous2Be (not verified) on

How much credibility does the collected data have?

These sources (BBC, Guardian and the Economist) also call Persian Gulf another name! Are they correct you boozo?

Country with most bad influence on the world is Iran?? According to BBC?

How about which country has stolen natural resources the most out of other countries:
2. Britain
3. Russia
How about the most stolen articles displayed in other museums?
1. USA
2. Britain
3. France

How about draining third world countries resources to make it good for I-ranians to enjoy while the live out of Iran?
1. USA
2. France
3. Britain
4. Canada

How about spying? Training I-ranians to spy on their own countries? Which countries?
1. USA
2. Britain
3. Russia
4. France

Do you want more? Okay, media. You call CBS, ABC, and NBC free media? You must be kidding.

How about which countries steal technology/
1. Israel
2. USA
3. Russia
4. Britain