I, also, have a dream!

I have a dream that I wake up tomorrow and see the IRI no longer in existence


I, also, have a dream!
by Farhad Kashani

Past Monday, the nation celebrated the legacy of a great American figure, Dr Martin Luther King jr.

Dr. King stood for justice, equality, and civility. He dreamed of those things. Considering the current situation in Iran, most Iranians have been dreaming of an Iran which is free, democratic, advanced, respected in the world, and which is in peace with itself and others.

As an Iranian, I have dreams about those things also, in addition to some of the following:

I have a dream that I wake up tomorrow and see the IRI no longer in existence, cause as result, Iran will be freed, and the world will get rid of the biggest threat it faces, and the Israeli-Arab conflict will be resolved, and Islamic fundamentalism will die out.

I have a dream that IRI officials apologize to the Iranian people and surrender themselves to justice for the crimes against humanity they have been committing in Iran for the last 30 years. Apologizing for destroying Iran’s infrastructure, ruining its economy, isolating it, oppressing its people, imprisoning and murdering them, exiling them, taking their freedoms away, taking them hostage in order to promote their own brand of Islam, for making the entire world an enemy of our country, for destroying Iran’s image and reputation, for abolishing the values it once stood for, for taking Iran back to the 7th century, for applying barbaric laws and for leading the world in stupidity and savagery.

I have a dream that IRI apologizes to the U.S and its people, for occupying its embassy and, burning its flag on daily basis, and constantly bad mouthing it, and for putting Iran on the verge of a devastating war with the U.S.

I have a dream for IRI to apologize to Israel for starting an irrational animosity with it, although Israel has never done anything wrong to our country.

I have a dream for IRI to apologize to all Palestinians for doing its outmost for peace not to take place between Israeli and Palestinians, thus, resulting in more and more bloodshed of Palestinian people caught in the middle between IRI-puppet Hamas and Israel.

I have a dream of IRI apologizing to the world for creating and inspiring the model of Islamic fundamentalism, thus resulting in bloodshed in numerous countries from Philippines to America, by the hands of Islamists who seek to follow Khomeini’s model.

And finally, I have a dream for IRI supporters on Iranian.com (!!) to come to their senses and realize that for any reaction, there should be a “rational” action, not just “any reaction”, and for them to realize that their justification and apology for IRI crimes is a betrayal to Iran and its values and it results in the prolonging the life of a regime which its least concern is the life of the Iranian people and the dignity of Iran.

I have a dream!


Recently by Farhad KashaniCommentsDate
Iranians have it far worse than Palestinians
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more from Farhad Kashani

NP: servitude to

by willow (not verified) on

NP: servitude to Israel??

Stop these stupid antiquated Bolshevik slogans.

I know your prefer servitude to Russia and China.

But I hate to break it to you, Iranians are not stupid, they are smarter than you give them credit for.

Neither servitude to USA NOR Servitude to RUSSIA,NO Servitude to ISLAM,either.


چرا تشریف نمیارن در ایران زندگی کنند

پارسا، تهران (not verified)

من واقعا" متعجبم که این دوستانی که یک طرفه رژیم گذشته رو میکوبند چرا تشریف نمیارن در ایران زندگی کنند و از اونور مرز برای مردم داخل کشور نظریه صادر میکنند؟
هم حکومت گذشته دارای مشکلاتی بوده و هم حکومت فعلی! اما عمق فاجعه ای که امروز داره اتفاق میفته قابل قیاس با گذشته نیست. منزوی شدن ایران، مشکلات اقتصادی، نابودی فرهنگ و هویت ایرانی، گسترش فقر، ریاکاری و دروغگویی، خانه نشین شدن آدمهای بزرگ و عهده دار شدن مسئولیت های بزرگ توسط یک گروه از آدمهای بی لیاقت در حکومت فعلی داره اتفاق می افته!


Varjavand IQ> Kashani IQ I

by observer11 (not verified) on

Varjavand IQ> Kashani IQ

I would say at least by 40 points.
I do not like religion but here the logic and english and ability to communicate by Varjavand is impressive.
He definitely needs to be here.


sa'at-e khab

by NiloufarParsi (not verified) on

is that an iranian dream or an israeli one farhad? are you really an iranian?

khab didi!

freedom, peace and secularism? yes pls!

servitude to israeli and US bullying? no way!

hajiaqa: why you keep talking about sex haji?! let people live how they like and do with their bodies as they like.


I bet all of you who admire IRI are living outside Iran

by No doubt (not verified) on

I can bet comfortably that all the mentally twisted hypocrits here who defend IRI, praise it and put it on a pedestal live and work outside Iran in relative ocmfort of the West which they loath so immensely.

I can confidently bet that they have no plans of ever living inside Iran or letting their children go and live there.

What is it with you guys? what do you take everybody for?



by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

I just checked out the Mahastim sites that you had recommended. I find the slogan very powerful it seems that it is used by Iranians inside Iran that want their freedom and a normal everyday life. But I also saw some pictures with the imperial crown. Please let me know is this to reinstall the monarchist regime?

This is not a trick question.


IRI stole their "promised oil" under our sand!

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Kashani, add this to your list:

"IRI to apologize to" U.S/Israel for stealing "THEIR" oil which happen to be under our sand, as that is the "promised oil" that god by mistake put under Iranian and Arab land.


To "Varjavand"

by Shameless (not verified) on

Ignoring all the rubbish you said in futile defense of your beloved akhoonds and their dysfunctional system, none worthy of a response, you finsihed your gibberish saying "Finally, I have a dream too. That someday you stop posting your nonsensical writings on this website."

Right! that is exactly the dream of all the IRI open and closeted supporters and their leftist sympathizers on this website.

You guys shut everybody up inside Iran but you cannot do so outside Iran in the free world even if Obama comes to your rescue!! No way José!

yet I suggest you ask JJ to censor any comments posted on this site offensive to your beloved government in Iran and with which you and you ilk do not agree and HELP turn this site into another completely unadulterated Jew, Bahai and Christian hating mouthpiece of the regime of the ayatollahs.


To Iranee

by Self-confidence (not verified) on

"I rather suffer under IRI for 100 years but not live under the Israeli Apartheid or their surrogate regime for 1 day. And I'm not the only one!"

mmmmmmmmmmmmm Big words from somebody who obviously lives outside Iran.I am amzed at the number of unregistered aliases posted one after the other in IRI's defense and as alawys bringing Israel into the equation to muddy the waters so to speak!

You mullah supporters ooze with such self-confidence ... lol


Dear varjavand,

by S23 (not verified) on

Very well said! These desperate non-Iranians (Ajnabees) think they can change the course of history and the realities by spreading lies and what comes out of their twisted minds. As you can tell, they live in their dreams!

Fortunately, the majority of Iranians are smart and know what's going on. Mullahs are not angels, but as someone else said, they are better than the alternative (Nokars of the US/Israel).


Mr. Varjavand stop insulting us

by Alireza Moalemi (not verified) on

You are a typical elitist leftist who is either in denial of what has happened in Iran or simply trying to fools us. You are a shameless IRI apologist and supporter. Typical! Here are some typical elitist statements:

"Islamic fundamentalism did not start in Iran it started in countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Afghanistan not in Iran."

Yeh Khomeini was a cross between Gandi and mother Teressa and the Vali Fagih, the concept of the Islamic Fundamentalist Rule over 70 million Iranians, is a pigment of our imagination.

"for destroying Iran’s infrastructure....Have you seen any government IRI official driving a bulldozer and destroying roads, bridges, airports, communication networks, etc?"

You do not need bulldozers Mr. Varjavand, all you need is taking the free oil money and spend it on stupid bonyads, creating an Islamist free hand me out state, spending a few billion a year on Hizbollah and Hamas and bingo...When you don't take care of industry and invest on MAINTAINING IT, it is the functional equivalent of bulldozing it.

"FYI, the conflict between Palestinians and Israel and the bloodshed in ME have nothing wit Iran or with the IRI. It has a long history behind it. It was even more intense during Shah’s regime."

Really Mr Vrajavand? Do you think we are a bunch of retards? Who is Hezbollah and who funds them? Where the Hezbollah Zalzal missiles and Fajr missiles & Silk Worm missiles free at cost to the Iranian people? Has the IRI figured out how to make missile at no cost? Who is giving 25 to 35 million a month to Hamas? Who do Mahmud Abbas, Mubarak and the Saudis blame? Hint genius, The IRI.

You were correct in the begining, you should not interject yourself here because Iranians will not be fooled by your leftist elitist propaganda.

Mr. Kashani, thank you for a great article!
Please stop insulting us Mr. Professor Varjavand.


Maa Hastim

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Dear Mr Kashani

Your dream is more at hand and reachable than you think.
Your just need to stretch your hand and grab it. However to achieve any dream one needs to put some effort and pay a price. That is why in I invite you to join our movement of

Jonbesh e maa hastim

To learn more have a look at these sites or type “mahastim” in any search engine



Payendeh Iran


Mr. Kashani

by varjavand on

I probably should not interject myself into this discussion as I believe the underlying article is so absurd that is not worthy of my comments. On the other hand, I feel obligated to clarify some of the inaccuracies. I must also admit that I didn’t have time to read all the comments. Therefore, some of the points I am about to make may have already been discussed by other commenters.

Mr. K. I have a question for you. Do you have to write? If not, please don’t. Let the bakers bake the cake and the farmers grow corn, wheat, and tomatoes. Did you get the idea? Rest assured that you are not going to sway any opinions by your nonsensical arguments or the absurd comments by your side-kickers. Rhetoric and inaccurate claims are not going to yield any outcome unless they are backed by truth and substance. I am also puzzled by the wisdom of the organizers of this site who post a piece of writing like this on this site and I have reservation about the advisability of doing so. Are they so desperate for an entry that the have to post every peace of drivel? 

 Mr. k. I think the US government has enough apple polishers; it may not need another one. Are you really serious when you say IRI has to apologize to America for “burning its flag on daily basis” one a daily basis? You mean they burn 365 flags every year? Come on, that is lots of flags! Also, for your information, burning a flag, although I don’t condone it, is recognized as a form of a form of freedom of expression in this country. As such, no one has to apologize for it.

Islamic fundamentalism did not start in Iran it started in countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Afghanistan not in Iran.  

You said, “IRI officials apologize”  “for destroying Iran’s infrastructure” Which ones they have destroyed. Have you seen any government IRI official driving a bulldozer and destroying roads, bridges, airports, communication networks, etc? If there is something that they have accomplished relatively well is improving the infrastructures of our country. 

IRI is “leading the world in stupidity”? Are you kidding? IRI is a very smart regime. It might be anything its accusers, like you, say it is, but not certainly stupid. It has played their role so cleverly especially with regards to nuclear issues. How can a stupid regime survive despite prolonged sanctions and so much hostility against it?   You claim that “entire world is an enemy of our country” you know that it is not true. Only the former US government and its allies were. 

You want IRI to apologize “for occupying its (US) embassy” I believe it has already done so. Mr. Khatami admitted that it was a mistake in one of his interview with a US media network. Given the circumstances, that was as close as he could get to an apology. US government toppled our duly elected democratic government more than five decades ago and has not yet offered any apology.  

FYI, the conflict between Palestinians and Israel and the bloodshed in ME have nothing wit Iran or with the IRI. It has a long history behind it. It was even more intense during Shah’s regime.  

IRI was not and is not a war instigator, Bush administration was. Didn’t you watch one of his interview in which he declared himself as war president? 

Finally, I have a dream too. That someday you stop posting your nonsensical writings on this website.  



دمت گرم حاجی


      لپ مطلب رو گفتی اخوی !



شتر در خواب بیند پنبه دانه باید از روی نعش ده میلیون  سپاهی و بسیجی و خانواده شهدا و از کنار من رد بشی

از روی نعش ده میلیون سپاهی و بسیجی............باید بگذری ولی از   «کنار»   من رد شو   ! !
به عبارت دیگه............بابا حالا ما یه چیزی گفتیم، ولی جون مولا به من که رسیدی بی خیال! شتر دیدی ندیدی!منو مرده فرض کن !!! هاهاها............




Hey Farhad, You do not

by DreamON (not verified) on

Hey Farhad,
You do not deserve the dream. You got to live the nightmare!


Massacre of Afghans by the

by llama (not verified) on

Massacre of Afghans by the IRI:



Mutiny 1979

by Damon Jaan (not verified) on

Although, Colonel Haghzadeh wasn't born to a noble family he had earned his rank through his performance in Viet Nam, Oman, and Iraqi Kurdistan and Iraq. And although, he had a full battalion of Takavaran(a commando corps, which he himself had been) under his command Haghzadeh was a modest man.

Politically Haghzadeh was okay with foreign troops present on Iranian soil, stating that if Iran had aligned itself with a stronger military power during the 'Great Game' that things would've turned out more for Iran's favor, and that these military advisors were essential given the current situation with the Soviet Union and its support of communist expansion. More so being a good Officer, he was always supportive of the Shah ( the commander ) and was a Hafez of the Iranian Constitution.

Religiously, Haghzadeh was of the Shia sect of Islam, and observed and respected the Holy days as well as paying his respect to Mullahs (Shia clergy).

In July Haghzadeh was asigned by the Command to infiltrate several vallies in Iranian Kurdistan to suppress a communist uprising by the locals. Haghzadeh had drawn up a plan and sent it to Tehran. He stated that an overall objective could be reached within 6 months. The Commanding Officers in Tehran cursed Haghzadeh and stated that he wasn't to stay and support "peace operations" and "educating the locals" and that he was to return to his Hamadan base immediately following the destruction (killing) of the "communist rebels and their immediate supporters", and await further orders. Although, Haghzadeh was upset he followed his orders precisely.

After returning to Hamadan Air/Ground base in December, Haghzadeh reported the actions in Iranian Kurdistan to the detail. Politically, aware Haghzadeh knew that his response was not recieved because of the turmoil in the current Iranian Governmet. Unsure he to turn to, he turned to his immediate Commanding Officer, to no avail he had already left the country.

Haghzadeh's troops were enormously loyal to his command, and Haghzadeh knew that in any circumstance that he could call upon them in order to enforce the Iranian Constitution. With this in mind he left his base at Hamadan (AWOL) for Teheran, with a very diplomatic approach in mind.

Upon arriving in the capital he quickly realized that it was in utter anarchy. Communists, Religious, Iranian (Shahi) forces were in continuous battle. He booked a room at the Teheran Hyatt and began to re-think his engagement.

Upon awaking the next day and hearing the news via radio Haghzadeh was aware of the Ayatollah Khomeini( high ranking Shia mullah) had returned to Teheran. Within minutes a knock came on the door, and as he opened it a G-3 assault rifle was placed next to his face and he was told to exit.

Haghzadeh was immediately taken to a basement in a local Mosque. There the young vigilantes read him his crimes. Included were support of a dictator, support of Imperialists,and killing Iranians. Haghzadeh, stood up and yelled at the vigilantes for even claiming such nonsense. He, was beaten and humiliated by various means untill he complied with their orders. (Being a Takavar this took extremely severe measures)

For some reason Haghzadeh still believed in Iran, and that once he argued against his 'illegal' arrest and for the Constitution of Iran he would be released and returned to his unit.(even given the present circumstance).

Since Sharia law and a (revolutionary) Islamic Constitution had not yet been in placed. The captors decided to kill the Colonel rather than restrain (jail) him.

The history of Colonel Haghzadeh's unit is great, they preformed meticaluously. However, upon his death it is believed that this unit, ceased to exsist.


Why care about palestine?

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

Sorry about going off the topic a bit but anonsonot farokhzad-I love the name you have picked- asked.

I agree that the Palestinian cause is not the first concern of Iranians. But as a human I can not close my eyes to the unjust treatment of a group of people who have no means of defending themselves. That is it, very simple.

Also I think resolving this issue in a just way will help Iran because it will take away the only excuse present Iranian government has to position itself as the defender of the weak which wins it a huge following in the middle east.


Again, the Islamofascists'

by ... (not verified) on

Again, the Islamofascists' spin factory bells have been rung by the ususl suspects.

They dutifully come to rescue their brethern. comes to the rescue and making irrelevant comparisons between IRI and Israel. How sad!

I'm afraid Kashani jon, your dream will never come true with "Intellectuals " like anony8,Mehdi et al.
These people are vindictive and arrogant Islamist revolutionaries who are hell bent on destroying Iran in the name of their Islam.

They don't really care about Iran to move forward just because they hate the US. And they rather Iran be raped and plundred by Russian and China.


Call me crazy...

by AnonymousSoIDon'tTurnIntoFarrokhzad (not verified) on

But Palestinians are Arabs, right? Why do Iranians care? Have Arabs EVER done Iranians any favors throughout history? Can somebody please explain? Is it because religion (you know, a book you read and nothing else) has trampled nation and culture? Help me out here!



by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

The big question is what will you do after you destroy the maghbareh.


Farhad jaan......

by ali123 (not verified) on

damet garm baraadar....
I feel exactly the same way....
btw, ignore the mullah-loverz who keep ranting about israel and the other bs in their pathetic attempts to change the subject....
you are a true patriot....and our dream will soon come true....I will be the first guy on the bulldozer to go over that dog-khomieni's maghbareh.....
gentlemen, start your engines!
day of reckoning is coming soon


زیبا ترین کلمه کلمه آزادی بود


زیبا ترین کلمه کلمه آزادی بود البته قبل از اینکه غربی پیش قدم شوند و از آن سوئ استفاده نمایند شاید سکس و به بهره کشیدن دختران جوان که غالبا در کشورهای فقیر صورت می گیرد در حال حاضر مقام اول در آمد کشور های غربی و انگلیسی است . چطور می شود در کشورها پیشرفته خودشان نسبت به بهره کشی و آزار کودکان و خرید و فروش آن هاآنها آنقدر حساس هستند و در کشورهای زیر سلطه خود شان بی تفاوت و در بسیاری اوقات از آن هم حمایت می کنند. آیا برای کمپانی بزرگ بیل گیت کنترل و فیلتر تمامی سایت های آذار کودکان و دختران جوان کار دشواری است ؟ اگر جمهوری اسلامی می تواند چرا این ها نمی توانند . برای چه از حکومت ایران وحشت دارند ؟ اگر فریاد حقوق بشرشان هر روزه بر روی ایران بلند است . پس چرا در مورد کشورها ی آسیائی فقیر و آمریکا جنوبی و آفریقا بی تفاوت هستند و کجا دیده شده کشور مسلمانی اجازه دهد دختران جوانش طعمه دلالان سکس شوند . این یک تجاوز است .در کشور های غربی مجازات تجاوز به یک نوجوان و یک زن مجازات سنگینی دارد . اما همین آمریکائی ها و انگلیسی  ها به راحتی به کشورهای فقیر رفته و بازار خرید و فروش زن ها و دختران را گرم می کنند . چطور می شود آمریکا و انگلیس در افغا نستان حظور داشته باشند اما سودا گران مرگ و قاچاق چی ها را در پناه امنیت خود آزاد بگذارند. آیا ترس از حکومت اسلامی به آن خاطر نیست که مردم  تجاوز کشیده دنیا در یابند زندگی بهتری هم می توان داشت؟ که در آن نگران تجاوز به دختر خردسال تان نباشید .تحقیق کنید احمقانه قلم نزنید من در کانادا شاهد گریه خردسال کمتری از 10 یا کمی بیشتر در محوطه جلوی فروشگاهی آن هم دیر وقت بودم که چند پسر و دختر جوان هم سن و سال او در حال آزار او بودم جلو رفتم و با ادب جریان را پرسیدم  آخر سر متوجه شدم گریه دختر به آن خاطر است که دوستانش اورا باکره می نامند و می گویند تمامی  هم کلاسیهای  ماو این ختر رابطه جنسی با بزرگترها و بستگان و مردمعادی داشته اند و این دختر چرا به علت مسلمان بودن پدرش ندارند. چقدر بنویسیم  وقتی مغزی بر اثر مصرف مشروبات الکلی فسد  و تهی از شعور است چقدر باید نوشت و نصیحت کرد که راه بهتری نیست . دنیا گرفتار فرهنگ زشت غربی است .آیاراه حل بهتری سراغ دارید ؟


Something to learn

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

I do not want Islamic Republic to apologize to Israeli government because their attitude and actions towards the people of Palestine is unacceptable to say the least.

But I think the Islamic Republic must learn a big lesson from the government of Israel and that is the way they treat their own citizens. With respect, care and without abuse.

By the way, I do want the Jewish communities to flourish again in Iran. They are a part of our Iranian heritage.



by Iranee (not verified) on

I rather suffer under IRI for 100 years but not live under the Israeli Apartheid or their surrogate regime for 1 day. And I'm not the only one!


Sweet dreams!

by royahaye shirin (not verified) on

As long as all our courageous opposition can do is sweet dreaming in their cozy beds, mullahs will comfortably stay in power for another thirty years. I wonder how many more people besides you have had their sweet dreams turned into nightmares in the past thirty years.

My friend, keep on dreaming!


Mullah promoters

by Anonymous.... (not verified) on

The more I hear this nonsense about the IRI, the more I actually defend them. It's odd because I'm useing to be their biggest adversary, but Bush and his buddies in Israel make the mullah's look like angeles.

I think Zion, Fred, Kashani and Gansalimi along with their pack are actually IRI promoters. In fact, I will begin to refer to them as Mullah Kashani, Mullah Zion, Mullah Fred etc. etc.

And Mehdi described it best. Here is his 60 Minute clip about the criminals incase you missed it.




by babak123 (not verified) on

it is been 30 years that you had dream, what has changed? nothing. the thing about bloging is that we can right anything we can wish, we can argue, we can say anything. it is free, but has there anything been achived, nothing. if america failed or succsed in iraq was not for left blogger or pro american. it was beacuse sombody took the gun and fight, somebody was crazy enough to blow themselves out.that is why blog is like thought bubble, you wake up one day and feel that is it i found the solutin to iran problem. last night farhad had a dream, but if we ask every blogger to risk anything for their cherished idea then the truth will come out. if i ask give 200$ and iran will be free of IRI you will say yes but if they ask to give you house or your kid away you will not do it.personally i do not like islamic repblic that much but it is funny that some people are waiting for loosers like f or zion to say somthing and then they say bah bah, chah chah. zion will be blogging here for another 5 years and nothing will be diffrent in his bligs. still ranting


This dream is your future and it always will be

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

30 years and counting...

I have a dream that IRI apologizes to the U.S and its people, for occupying its embassy and, burning its flag on daily basis, and constantly bad mouthing it

Do you really think it's Iran that OWES the US an apology? 30 years of dictatorship and SAVAK, 8 years of bombs and chemical weapons, 20 years of sanctions. Who owes who an apology? Can we get compensation for all the stolen oil in the last 100 years?

this is why people like you are reduced to "dreams". You can't understand reality of waking life.



by ganselmi on

I for one look forward to the day when -- after Mr. Kashani's beautiful dream has come true -- the Iranian people can renew their friendship with Israel and the Jewish people. Trust me: neither your antisemetic venom and nor the IRI's genocidal intentions will destroy the special relationship between Persians and Jews, one which has lasted 2,500 years!