President Obama, Say Something!

Let Israel know, for heaven's sake, that you are not a puppet


President Obama, Say Something!
by Setareh Sabety

Today is inauguration day. It is the day all of us who supported Obama have been awaiting. It is the day welcomed by all those, the world over, who have had enough of George Bush and his band of neoconservatives. But for many of us, especially Americans of Middle Eastern descent the mood for celebration has been dampened by the just-ended-for-now, in-time-for-the-inauguration, massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.

You see some of us just can’t switch off the anger and remorse we feel towards the murder of 1312 Palestinians, including 417 children, 108 women and the injury of another 5430 people in Gaza. We, unlike T.V. remote controls do not have buttons with which we can change our moods. Hopping from ‘outrage and mourning’ to ‘elation and optimism’ is a difficult task even for the short-attention-span citizens of Planet-CNN that we have become.

Some of us cannot shake off the images of bleeding children, crying mothers and beaten down dads. Some of us cannot forget the senseless and audacious carnage Israel just committed in front of the whole world. Some of us cannot forgive those who remained silent while Israel flaunted her utter contempt for international laws and the opinions of good and upright citizens of the world. Some of us are still in shock. Some of us don’t care who is pro-choice or which reactionary preacher is going to preach at this most historic of occasions we are waiting to hear some outrage coming from that Hill and our president-to-be who promised us change. Whose word we took as real, who promise we believed despite all the jadedness we felt towards politicians. We want to hear that preacher, that super star singer, that beloved new president say something about the massacre of women, children and civilians in Gaza. We want to celebrate but the tears have not yet dried on our faces. We want to love you Obama and celebrate your election but our eyes are still wet from the genocide we witnessed a moment ago.

Forget about the life of a fetus we want to hear some outrage about the blatant taking of innocent, fully-out-of-the-womb, lives by America’s closest ally. We want to hear something, anything, about the massacre we all witnessed at the hands of Israel, the self-righteous and proud abuser of human rights which our tax money supports and nurtures.

We want to hear one of these celebrities, gathered in Washington D.C, most of them champions of humanitarian causes, say something about the genocide committed by Israel. On Martin Luther King Day not one word was uttered in any of the ceremonies about Gaza. Are we to just forget the massacre of those innocents in Gaza who never had a chance to show us ‘the content of their character?’ Are these politicians, activists, personalities and entertainers afraid to dampen the show with some hard core reality? Are they afraid to acknowledge that while in the U.S a black president is about to take office in Israel, thanks to American tax-payers’ money, we see the full blooming of apartheid? Are we supposed to be happy for this eerie, coldly calculated temporary cease-fire?

Mr. Obama much is expected from you. The times are difficult. The economy is in shambles. You have a formidable job to perform. But don’t let the ‘enormity of the task’ make you forget the humanitarian essence of you mission. You have given us hope like no other politician ever has to bring about change. Many of us took that to mean a change for a better America. An America that is more humane an America that some remember before Vietnam and during WWII. An America depicted in the writings of the founding fathers. An America that champions those striving for freedom and helps those who aspire to self-determination. Not the one of the past eight years that bombs without reason and tortures to no end. You promised us a return to an America that is free of paranoia and can lead the world, as her most inspirational citizen, towards the triumph of the universal ideals of justice, peace and freedom. Terms that were empty clichés before you restored them by injecting in them badly needed hope and eloquence.

Israel has tested you. Like your vice-president predicted, early in your career as president you are being tested. Not by Al-Qaeda nor by Iran but by America’s favorite and ‘special’ ally! Let them know, for heaven's sake, that you are not a puppet. That you will not rubber stamp every murderous move they make. You don’t have to disown Israel just practice tough love. If you are tough on Israel, if you stand up to her, you will not only save lives but you will bring about long-term and lasting change in the region. You will reverse the cycle of violence, you will bring hope were it is most urgently needed. You will take away the extremists’ raison d’être, their justifying argument. If you stand up to Israel you will turn this great nation that had the courage to elect you president, into the popular freedom promoting nation it once was. We who voted for you did so because we believed that you had that special something that could help you rise above the politicking and rhetoric and make a difference. Please, please do not let us down. Rise above Israel when she commits blatant murder. Mr. President SAY something in the face of this injustice! We so want to celebrate!

There have been very few people in history who have been uniquely situated at a historic cross-road with the mandate to make a real difference, you are one of them, do not waste this precious mandate. Please Mr. Obama, our new president of hope and change, rise up to the occasion and use the mandate we have given you to stop the blood-letting of innocents!


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for your information

by FYI (not verified) on

FYI: Hamas militiamen have rounded up hundreds of Fatah activists on suspicion of “collaboration” with Israel during Operation Cast Lead, Fatah members in the Gaza Strip told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.

They said the Hamas crackdown on Fatah intensified after the cease-fire went into effect early Sunday morning.

The Fatah members and eyewitnesses said the detainees were being held in school buildings and hospitals that Hamas had turned into make-shift interrogation centers.


A Fatah official in Ramallah told the Post that at least 100 of his men had been killed or wounded as a result of the massive Hamas crackdown. Some had been brutally tortured, he added.

The official said that the perpetrators belonged to Hamas’s armed wing, Izaddin Kassam, and to the movement’s Internal Security Force.



Obama to IRI:

by sing (not verified) on

President Obama's inaugural speech:

"We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.

For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus - and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.

To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West - know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."



Most excellent essay. You

by sickofiri (not verified) on

Most excellent essay. You are such a gifted writer. I do implore you however, to write a similar letter to Obama and ask him to not sell Iranian people's rights to social and economic justice for short-term gains and political expediency, and other shady deals with the blood-drenched mullahs, the main obstacle to peace in the region.


You said it! why don't you

by A (not verified) on

You said it! why don't you publish your essay on change .org it might actually be heard by Obama. As Robert Fisk put it "So, I asked the UN secretary general, isn't it time for a war crimes tribunal?"


Ms Sabety

by a sabety fan (not verified) on

Please save your energy and word play for Feb 11th, the 30th anniversary of "your" glorious revolution! I am sure you will be the first to reclaim the victory of a lost cause and give us a mouthful of the "hardship" you suffered under the former regime and how you bravely drove that despotic ruler, the shah, out of power and replaced him by your redeemer, Imam Khomeini.

Eagerly waiting to read your endlessly thrilling novels,

A fan


yes Mr. Obama

by MRX1 on

There is wild and savage entity out there  called Islamic Republic that for over thirty years have killed tens of thousends, impriosened and tortured so many, send millions of it's hard working citizen to exile, pomped millions to terroist organizations like hamas, hezbolah and islamic jihad.

Mr. Obama we recognize Iranian life has no value what so ever, but could you be kind enough and once in a while same some thing to make us feel better.

P.S if There is any money left from Iranian frozen asset could you spend  all of it on Palestenians.  


Reality check please

by farokh2000 on

First of all he is just about to become the new President.

Then, when he is the President, you will have to make sure you don't expect too much so that you would end of being disappointed.

No Politician in this Country survives unless they please AIPAC.

So, if you are expecting the Policy change, you will be in for a big disappointment.

Just remember the biggest questions at the campaign were if the candidate supported Israel unconditionally or not. Did you hear any one of them say no? Other questions were normally the side shows. 

Don't you remember how some of them were saying "We just love Israel", or "We will destroy anyone who would be a threat to Israel"?

Get real, this Country is totally controlled by and will go down with Israel. 


The unfashionable deed

by Fred on

While you are at it Mr. President, as unfashionable as it might be to some, do something about the murderous Islamist republic as well. You see there are those who do not have selective Alzheimer and remember all the butcheries of the Islamist regime and know fully well who is bankrolling the Islamist republic mini-mes in the region.   


He is not a President YET!!

by fussy with details (not verified) on

My GOd, you people! Let the guy be sowrn in first and THEN burden him with your demands.

Time NOw: 9:55 EST (still President Elect Obama)
President OBAMA: 12 noon EST

Be correct!