Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
ایران تبدیل به
Farhadm (not verified)Fri Jan 09, 2009 02:59 PM PST
ایران تبدیل به یک سیرک بزرگ شده است که ترس و وحشت آنرا اداره می کند. چه انتظاری از نماینده کلیمی ها در این موقعیت میتوان داشت؟ اگر واقعیت را ادا کند که این جمهوری اسلامی است که با سرآزیر کردن اسلحه و موشک ها باعث تشویق حماس به جنگ می شود آیا می توانست قبل از پائین آمدن از تریبون جان سالم بدر برد؟
مگر واقعیت این نیست که جمهوری اسلامی همان جنگ زمان امام حسین را دنبال می کند و با تشویق حماس سنی ها را بسوی مرگ می فرستد و زندگی آنه را فلج می کند تا شیعه به آنجا رخنه کند؟
جمهوری اسلامی جنگ های دینی و مذهبی را در دنیا زنده می کند و اینبار به جای تیغه شمشیر, از موشک و شاید از اتم استفاده می کند
Iranian Jews
by Koorosh R (not verified) on Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:11 PM PSTAs an Iranian Jew, I can assure you Zionism and love for Israel is well and alive in the heart of every Iranian Jew. What do you expect the Jewish Community leader of Iran do? Organize a rally in support of Israel? We all know that we are dealing with a brutal barbaric regime who has no mercy on anyone, not even on their own people, let alone Jews! It was only few days ago when they shut down Kargozaran Newspaper, just for blaming Hamas for hiding behind civilians! Do you have any idea what happens to someone for his/her public support of Israel in Iran? This paper has even gone so far to blame Israel first. Everyone who blames the government for anything, they are quick to fabricate a "Zionist" charge on him. I would also like to request all my Iranian compatriots to support Israel for her fight against Hamas terrorism. For, a blow to Hamas is a blow to Islamic Republic of Iran. We love you Israel and we support you all the way. Long live Iran...
Nader Vanaki, Lets
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Jan 06, 2009 02:25 PM PSTNader Vanaki,
Lets say there is someone who is not in his “right mind!!” and wants to support Israel in Iran, does that person have the right to speak out in favor of Israel or not? The answer is a big fat NO! and you know it. Because your beloved IRI regime has been using the anti Israeli propaganda as a vital survival tool, like Oxygen. If someone takes that away, it’s like taking life support away from someone, and since most Iranians want the regime to “DIE”, then, we should take that “life support system” away. It’s that simple.
The reason the world has been criticizing Israel and the reason that IRI has been criticizing Israel is absolutely two different things. I will not fall into the trap of IRI’s propaganda machine. You can choose to do so.
Nader Vanaki
by Kaveh Nouraee on Tue Jan 06, 2009 09:57 AM PSTIf an Iranian Jew supports Israel, it would be reckless to assume that they would categorically emigrate to Israel, as you're suggesting they would.
Being that you are not there, and likely not Jewish, it would be impossible to determine how an Iranian Jew in Iran truly feels, unless you are an Iranian Jew in Iran yourself.
Also, the fact they are in Iran doesn't say anything concerning their allegiance, one way or the other. There are Jews all over the world, not just in Israel and the United States. Only 35% of the world's Jewish population live in Israel.
Farhad Kashani
by Nader Vanaki on Tue Jan 06, 2009 09:54 AM PSTWho in their right mind would support Israel now? Or what has Israel done in recent history that would warrant any support? If Iranian kalimis supported Israel they would have emigrated there like so many. The fact that they are in Iran clearly shows their allegiance. They listen to the voice of their fellow countrymen and sense the general feeling towards these events. So how do you even suggest that they are not free to support Israel? Stating the obvious does not necessarily make you right.
You certainly picked the worst time to voice your support for freedom of speech for Israel. Obviously your 2 Riali is a bit crooked and that is why you are so off base with your views and in your mind you are putting people on trial.
Nader Vanaki, First of
by Farhad Kashani on Mon Jan 05, 2009 06:51 PM PSTNader Vanaki,
First of all,
when you dont know somebody, don't start making accussations about what they did or didn't do about their country. What do you know about my life? Nothing. So, how some civility if you can.
Second, this is not a reflection on him. Its a reflection on the IRI which has taken away the basic right of freedom of expression from our people, Jews and non-Jews. By IRI law, Jews are not allowed to speak publicly in support of Israel.
Next time, think before you talk.
To Kazemzadeh, Kashani, and the rest of the council of experts
by Nader Vanaki on Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:50 PM PSTThe man is a physician who runs one of the four Jewish charity hospitals in the world which is located in Tehran. He has done more work for his country than any of you.
Folks who have not worked 2 rials for their country can not criticize someone like Siamak. He knows what he is doing and he is right.
XerXes, If I were you,
by Farhad Kashani on Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:27 AM PSTXerXes,
If I were you, I will start looking for a good lawyer right about now. Because when Iran is liberated soon and your devilish IRI regime has been sent down the toilette, you will definitely one of the few that will be triad for treason to our country for collaborating with a regime that has committed every single type of crimes against humanity you can imagine in our country.
So, start looking at the yellow pages.
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Sat Jan 03, 2009 08:15 PM PSTI am with Shazde on this one.
Shazde jaan,
in the next round of selections for various posts, you might get the presidency, unless you prefer the more profitable Rais Astan Qods Razavi?
Forced speech
by not believing mullahs (not verified) on Sat Jan 03, 2009 07:31 PM PSTThere is absolutely no way to beleive that this poor guy really means what has been put in front of him to read that is exactly what Ali Khamenei has been saying. I beleive it only when the damn mullahs allow another person, jewish or not, say something in favor of Israel just for the sake of argument. This is just another forced statement. I really feel sorry for the guy and wish that there will come a day that he can speak his true mind.
More on Iranian Jews
by Nader Vanaki on Sat Jan 03, 2009 07:21 PM PSTTo Shahin:
There is a Persian poet with your name. He was the first Persian poet who was a Kalimi. I am using the term Kalimi because my fifth grade school teacher in Iran who is Jewish told us that this is the correct term. My point is that we have our own Persian Jews who have contributed to our culture. Read Amnon Netzer's book called Montakhabeh Ashaareh Farsi Az Asaareh Yahudian Iran.
So you have an identity of your own and need not cling to some other ethnicity through Israel or nationalist cause like Zionism. By ethnicity you are Persian. So if you feel odd in front of other western jewish folks do a little bit of reading to find something to say about your history.
You draw too many borders that do not affect my view one bit. No Iranian is happy about Iran now and that is the universal truth. I don't care much about who banged my ancestors since what I see in the family album does not bother me even with a great grand father who was a mullah. Of course I take no offense to your views on Islam since I used to think like you. It is such an easy target just to pick on the religious faith. The truth is that there is belief and geniune practice of Islam in Iran but we see the picture that shows the work of others and not the very same believers. I say this for having lived there post revolution.
As for any peeing on Persians, I am a believer that we could really flood the sands of many great deserts in their lands if we understand our commonality of belonging to that country named Iran. Now can I pass you a cup?
Yes Zion
by XerXes (not verified) on Sat Jan 03, 2009 04:27 PM PSTIranian regime is the beast standing tall and strong in front of Israel and it's not going anywhere. Zions will.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is your worse nightmare and there ain't nothing you can do about it.
Proud to be an Iranian
Zions are scared, I say: They should be. As long as there is Iran, they can't get away with these kind of crimes.
Shahin I'm sorry at how
by behzadrm (not verified) on Sat Jan 03, 2009 04:14 PM PSTShahin I'm sorry at how 'patriotic' you have become towards a worthless country like Israel.
Now you state that Iran has been in all these wars since 1979. please tell me which wars you're talking about, as the only 'war' that I know of is the one where Saddam conquered Iran in the bloody 8 year war with Iraq.
So your saying that since it was your land from the start, you have to kill innocent humans to have the right to have your so called 'land' back?
I find it hilarious at how ignorant some people in this world are.
Iranian Jews
by Shahin S. (not verified) on Sat Jan 03, 2009 02:42 PM PSTTo Nader Vanaki:
There is no confusion. You want to believe the propoganda machine of the arabs, that's your problem. Zionism has been in our blood, and you and other muslims cannot change that. It seems you do not know anything about us Jews, so please go read about our history and learn few things before you even reply. And also, I am not a messanger, I tell what's in our hearts, not BS you like others that have done so. We are not called Kalimis, we are Yahudi. Please learn to speak the right words. You guys have been brainwashed for the past 1400 years by arabs that killed your ancestors who resisted to become muslims, and now you defend the same arabs that hate you. This is the funniest story I ever heard in history of mankind. Instead of concetrating on how to topple this crime fested regime in Tehran, you are concerned about arabs that go to restrooms in Dubai or Saudi Arabia and say they pee on Persians. I feel Sorry for those Iranians that call themselves, born muslim (mosalman zadeh) and they are ashamed of being muslims. You muslims kill eachother over who has been the successor of mohammad. And you want to tell me about my Jewishness. Please get a life.
زنده باد
Negin (not verified)Sat Jan 03, 2009 01:15 PM PST
زنده باد اسدالله ميرزا٬ حرف حساب رو تو زدي
I am not sure which one was harder on this jewish guy,
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:33 AM PSTکدومش واسه این یهودی بدبخت سختتر بود؟ خوندن اون نطق زورکی، یا شیش بار مأچ کردن احمدی بو گندو؟
To Shahin
by Nader Vanaki on Sat Jan 03, 2009 05:11 AM PSTYour quote: "Persian Jews are fooling themselves by living in Iran." So after 2500 years we have a new messiah that would lead the Iranian kalimis out of their ancestoral land and his name is Shahin who delivers his message by posting on
So in your feeble mind you think a real Persian jew should live in Haifa or L.A.? How come offer of $30000 by Israel to emigrate did not work?
And about your claim to Israel read the latest book on the subject:
Hopefully it will clear some of the confusion as to who is a Zionist/Israeli.
پس از اين بالا منظرهِ اين جورى يه؟
sarekar (not verified)Sat Jan 03, 2009 04:28 AM PST
خدا پدر اسرائيل رو بيامرزه كه با اين كارش به اين بيچاره فرصت داد تا از اين زاويه داخل ِ مجلس رو ببينه...كم كم ديگه زنش هم دو به شك افتاده بود كه شوهرش واقعا نماينده مجلس ِ يا دربون ؟
بچه بدو يه تيپ بيار يه ويدئو از بابات ضبط كن دست كم به درد دانشگاه رفتنت كه ميخوره
Dear Shahin S.,
by Zion on Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:17 PM PSTI understand your frustration chaveri. I do, but don't get emotional. The Iranian regime is a different kind of beast, totally independent of the Iranian people. The Iranian regime is an Islamo-fascist entity, and I would say more arab wanna be than the arab states themselves, but Iran has not become another arab country. The people are subdued and oppressed, but to confuse and generalize the regime, or a gang of hooligans operating in this website with the majority of Iranians and a deep and rich historical heritage is a mistake. Have faith brother. Iran at its core is still intact and on the side of the good. It will be the one remaining after all this dirt is finally washed away.
Most people are condemning
by Farhad Kashani on Fri Jan 02, 2009 09:12 PM PSTMost people are condemning Israel and Hamas actions both, but if you're telling me this "appointed" memeber of the "appointed" so called "parliament" is speaking his mind freely, you're wrong!
According to IRI law, Iranian Jews are not allowed to support Israel. So its natural for him to come out against Israel.
This Jewish MP guy is a stooge! And Israel is wrong!
by farrad02 on Fri Jan 02, 2009 08:32 PM PSTThis guy is a stooge! Not a true representative of Jewish Iranis!
However, I do believe that Israel is not only inhumane but dumb to continue bombing the Gaza City! It's not a proportionate response and it will only play into the hands of the hardliners and in the end hurt the cause of peace!
Israel doesn't seem to be after a peaceful settlement, but rather is looking for a way to drag US and the Western Powers into an eventual armed conflict with the Iranians?! What other explanation could there be for Israel's repeat of last summer's dumb mistake of attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon?
Khaahee nashavee rosva, hamrang-e jamma' at sho.
by Samovar (not verified) on Fri Jan 02, 2009 07:03 PM PSTThe man is a great politician, and for that he should be praised. His speech makes him no more Iranian than, say, Lieberman's fiery pro-Israel speech make him more American. Both are butt-kissers in my book!
Iranian Jews
by Shahin S. (not verified) on Fri Jan 02, 2009 06:57 PM PSTFirst of all, we Iranian Jews are from Judea and Semeria. We are Israelis and Zionists. You guys talk about Zionism like its a bad thing. The area that is now called Israel has been ours from the beginning. Zionism means Jewish nationalism. I am a proud Zionist. The Jews that are in Iran, must get out like Iraqi Jews that got out in 1948. Iran has become another arab state that is acting like Nazi Germany. Iran has been fomenting all these wars since 1979, in order to become hegemonic power in the middle east. Please understand that the arabs, like Syria and Lebenon are just Iran's friend because of money. Iran's oil money is getting spend on training and arming terrosits, Syria, and Lebanon. Persian Jews are fooling themselves by living in Iran. I hope Israel destroys Hamas and Hezbollah so whoever here wants to defend them can have pipe dreams. And any of you that hate Jews or Israel is because you are jealous how succesful Israel has become, and all other countries in the middle east are still in seventh century.
Long Live ISRAEL
Iranian Kalimis
by Nader Vanaki on Sat Jan 03, 2009 02:38 PM PSTFrom 2500 years ago the Iranian kalimis had a nation called Persia. Of course they will never believe in Israel since their own history is so rich so they need not support Israel like their fellow jews in the U.S. and besides they know the difference between being a kalimi and a zionist. They are every bit Iranian as any other and that is why we call them kalimi (from kalamollah) since Iranians never used the term yahudi to refer to them. So Shazde Assdollah Mirza above belongs to this class of Iranians who uses the term yehudi.
Next time you listen to Morgheh Sahar remember Morteza Khan Neydavood was a kalimi. That is just a sample of kalimis contribution to our culture and we are proud to be their hamvatan.
They Kill Off their Kurdish Brothers But Cry for Palestinians
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jan 02, 2009 05:21 PM PSTOh But Of course for IRI Apologists and Supporters the Fate of the Poor Palestinians is More Sacred in their Eyes to that of the Kurds they Willingly Kill OFF !
Where Are Your Petitions Gentlemen ? ...
Not just himself Kaveh
by Zion on Fri Jan 02, 2009 04:25 PM PSTThe fate of the entire Jewish community in Iran rests on such shows. He is trying to protect the entire community. They have to go along with these shows. The Islamo-fascim in charge will settle for nothing less.
Do You Think Larijani will allow Annie Lennox to Sing in Iran ?
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jan 02, 2009 02:15 PM PSTI wonder if all the Crocodile Tears of our IRI Apologists and Supporters would encourage the Head of the IRI Parliament in Tuning on to Annie Lennox Podcast at the next Parlimentary Session ? I'm Sure the following Song would be Fit for Larijani and CO : LOVE SONG FOR A VAMPIRE
LARIJANI AND CO PREFER a Bunch of KOS KHOLS Mullah Geryehoo's who want to give Moral Lessons to the rest of the Free World:
The difference between genuine humanists like Annie Lennox and a Hypocrite like Larijani is SINCERITY.
UK Stars call for ceasefire in Gaza (bbc)
Andre Agassi for the next Iranian President
by Max Rosenberg (not verified) on Fri Jan 02, 2009 01:51 PM PSTIran's theocracy must be abolished. In its place put an American style democratic republic. Its president will be Andre Agassi. Why? Because Andre is Christian. We need a Christian Iranian Armenian running Iran. The Iranians will accept him because Agassi's father was an Iranian boxer in the Olympics. And the West will have one of its men, born in Vegas, running the show.
Please... Jews all over the world have condemned Israel
by Q on Fri Jan 02, 2009 01:13 PM PSThe probably has the support of most Iranian Jews.
First Iranian then etc.
by shirazie (not verified) on Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:57 AM PSTwith a name like Siamak . he is a true Persian. perhaps more than some these readers