Siamak Moreh Sedeq

Jewish member of Iranian parliament attacks Israeli attacks on Gaza



Few points

by Iraj khan bacheh Tehran (not verified) on

Is Israil Illegal? Yes, of course. Are they intruding into Plaestinains's houses? Yes. So damned Israel.

But, Palestinains should not forget that we have been helping them for many years, even before 1979 revolution. So why do they sign under the resolutions of Arabs against Persian Gulf island? WHY?


Angry foot soldiers of Pan-Arabi occupation regime

by samsam1111 on

Iran haters & Seeds of Qadesiyeh . Comedy of history that Ommati occupiers talk against occupation of Palestine .

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Like this is supposed to mean anything?

When you are the lone Jew who considers himself Iranian first surrounded by a bunch of thugs who call themselves Moslem first, this man would say or do anything to protect himself.

Darius Kadivar

Shirine Ebadi accused and attacked for Supporting Israel ...

by Darius Kadivar on

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- A group attacked the Tehran home and office of Nobel peace laureate Shirin Ebadi, trampling a sign in the front yard, spray-painting slogans on her building and accusing her of supporting Israel, she told CNN. see Report

Darius Kadivar

With Larijani Looking Down on Him No Wonder ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Can he do otherwise ? ...



Thank you Siamak....

by Romook (not verified) on

Good for Siamak. More power to him and hopefully he has delivered his message from the humanity point of view. With this speech he is doing a genius job, he most definitely can claim political points for his constituency from IRI Government. And why not, he is representing fellow Iranians from a different respected faith. Pax Et Bonum (Peace and good for all).