Evin mothers protest

Mothers of detained protesters gather outside prison walls, July 6th, Tehran



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Fouzul Bashi

Thank you Mina khanoum

by Fouzul Bashi on

The only thing that could have made me smile when watching such terrible clip was your complete airhead comment.

So you say:

I do not want to jeopradize their safety.

Whose safety? the brothers who were tortured and murdered by Shah? or the ones who were tortured and murdered by Khomainie? Or were they murdered by both?

Is that the Khomanie that rigged the recent elections or his older brother who came from Paris?  LOL

Thanks for the smile. I needed it after watching all the sad news




by capt_ayhab on

You noted[ What says Koran about kafars? What kind of punishments are ordered in
Koran for kafars? Cutting the limbs of kafar, burning them and so on...

Bring the verses from Qur'an to prove your claim please. Inquiring minds wanna know.

Aren't you mistaking Spanish Inquisition with Islam?



Anonymous kaveh

by capt_ayhab on

A racist p!g like you speaking of honor makes me crap from laughter. Keep up your ridicules 1/2 man show, we all need some laughter.


little man, be original or STFU. ;-) 


P/S They are trying to cut down a tree in Austria which was planted for your fuhrer's birthday, go stop them.  



by MAZIAR058 (not verified) on

Majid khan don't be sad that sometimes our well intentded thaughts are mistranslated by our own persian peoples.


من از محنت دیگران بی غمم؟ ایراندخت؟



Of all people .........you?

And of all people.....me?



by minadadvar on

I mean Khomanie not Khamanei.  Frankly, it does not matter.  They both are from the same cloth. 

Yes, I do know the names of all of them.  I am not at the liberty of disclosing such information. I have to get permission, before I can reveal the source of such infromation.  Even if they give me the permission, I would be very reluctant to do so.  I do not want to jeopradize their safety.  And I do not know, who the hell you are. 


1400 years of ARAB INVASION...

by Anonyed (not verified) on

1400 years of ARAB INVASION & counting...


Minadadvar. 3 brothers? Who?

by SaeedKaf (not verified) on

His three bright, young and educated sons were tortured and murdered by Shah and then Khomanie?
Who is Khomanie?
You mean Khomeini, or Khamenei?

Did you bother to ask the names of these three bright, young and educated sons of this gentleman, who were tortured and murdered by Shah and Khomanie?
Who tortured them?
Who murdered them?
In what sequense?


Give them a break

by MRX1 on

These women are protesting the arrest and subsequent torture of the loved ones,  that will surley come from the hands of our beloved islamo facists,  the best way they know. Their language is not what we would use, but they don't have the freedom and luxury that we have in here, so let them be.



by Anonymous-kaveh (not verified) on

Slow down boy. Believe me people who sit in their home/offices comfortably with glass of wine or a bottle of beer have more honor than islamist like you. You were sleeping in the last 30 years when your islamist friends(IRI) killed 1000s of Iranians in order to keep their bloody, racist religious regime running and now after 30 years of crime and genocide in Iran you talk about sympathizing and supporting those desperate mothers. Speaking of Hitler, why don't you talk about the genocide that Arabs and Turks committed against Iranians?
Mohammad and his followers actually called for FINAL SOLUTION for millions of Zoroasterians, jews, christaian and all non-muslim people who had no fault what so ever EXCEPT being a Zoroasterian, Jew, or a christian etc etc etc . I bet you Mohammad is proud of you for having been such a wonderful students of his islamic philosophy and having so much hatred in your black hearts.
Hitler was in compare to Mohammad and Mohammad's thugs just a harmless little boy. Come on boy, you really need to do some reading specifically about Islam and Mohammad. Did Hitler slept with a 8 years girl as Mohammad did? see my friend, Hitler had more honor than your Mohammd.
Iranians were coerced to Islam by bloody sword of Mohammd tazi and the savage animals of Central Asia and this savage religion must be vanished from our beloved land. Get it.


How could you guys belive in freedom

by AnonymousPB (not verified) on

But not respecting other's belief. If you really want real Free Iran, you must let them practice to whatever they believe and etc... Freedom is about tolerance of other beliefs beside yours.


so sad

by capt_ayhab on

So sad and pathetic how we so comfortably sit in our homes/offices, with glass of wine or a bottle of beer, and rather than sympathizing and supporting those desperate mothers, who at this point of their lives have nothing to call for help except their devotion to their beliefs, keep regurgitating and demonstrating our despicable hatred of a religion that we may or may not know jack sh!t about. Except what we have been FED by anti this and anti that in past so ever many years, by kinds of Amil Imani and gang, Sean Hanitty's, and entire Rupert Murdock REGIME.

Hate as much as you wish, actually call for FINAL SOLUTION for Muslim issue as your loving teacher, Hitler have done to other faiths by the account of 20 MILLIONS including 6 MILLION Jews who had no fault what so ever EXCEPT being a Jew, or a gypsy, etc etc etc . I bet you he is proud of you all for having been such a wonderful students of his philosophy and having so much hatred in your black hearts.

If you can not tolerate people having a faith that you do not like , HOW  in the hell are you going to treat your political prisoners and the ones who do not share your view of religion? 

For those of you who have found new reason in your lives to demonstrate how black-hearted you are and how vindictive and ruthless you can be when it comes to demonizing these mothers who happen to be Muslims, I have only one thing to say:

Learn to love and tolerate people of different faiths before you can preach your form of justice[Muslim Genocide] and peace[Bomb them all].

Truly pathetic of some racist characters. Learn it form those youngsters and these mothers the meaning of humility and perseverance.






by minadadvar on

Please read my comment again.  I am saying, yes Islam has some weaknesses.  It does not mean that Moslems are evil.

Many of the activists including student activists like Manuchehry brothers who were imprisoned and tortured for years (one of them died due to being tortured) are in fact quite religious, but believe in freedom and secular government.



To Jaleho: read about the love of your life and rejoice

by Sigheh (not verified) on


I believe those who badmouth ...

by Anonymous4654646 (not verified) on

Islam and insult the religious beliefs of at least about 60 million Iranians are IRI agents, do it deliberately and their intention is to give a bad name to the opposition amd their movement.

This ruse will not work either! everybody is smart enough to see right through you!



by Anonymous-kaveh (not verified) on

You are defending Islam in a specific manner! We are not talking about people(Muslims) and we don't bash people who believe in islam. We criticize islam as a religion(?) and as a barbaric idiology. I'm sure the older gentleman has his wonderful qualities from being Iranian and not from being Muslim. He has his qualities from his wonderful Iranian culture.


Persian westender

by Anonymous-kaveh (not verified) on

That is right, what matters is solidarity with people who are fighting the system and System is an Islamic system practiced by Mullahs. We are talking about the cause of all our problems which is the Islam naabe Mohammadee! Please don't mix up bloody Islam with brave Iranian people who are standing against the barbaric IRI .
As we say in Persian: Dandan lagh ra bayad kand va andakht durr, the sooner the better.


Anon kaveh

by minadadvar on

Kaveh Jan,  there are many weaknesses in Islamic teachings.  No doubt.  However, not all Moslems are evil/bad people.  To give you an example;  I interviewed an older gentleman, who was an activist all his life.  He was imprisoned and tortured for many years, by Shah and Khomanie.  Also, his three bright, young and educated sons were tortured and murdered by Shah and then Khomanie.  This courageous man never stopped fighting for freedom of expression and a secular government.  He is highly religious.  Do you think we should ignore all his wonderful qualities/services due to his faith?  My answer is no.  I hope for all of us to be objective, logical and avoid black/white thinking. That is all.

persian westender


by persian westender on

It is not the time for hatred of Islam. In this movement people with various ideological backgrounds have participated. what matters is solidarity with the people who are in frontline of standing against the system. They need support not bashing.



Its Funny! Where is true islam??

by Anonymous666 (not verified) on

Its funny when islamic apologists or supporters cant defend or justify what is happening in islamic countries they say "this is not true islam" I want to know where is true islam then??!!



by Anonymous-kaveh (not verified) on

Let me ask you this Question, Do people of Iran have(!) to believe in a religion that have so many negative teachings as you included in your comment? Believe me if Mullahs decide one day to practice the true Islam in Iran , from 70 million Iranians 99% would loss their limbs, their eyes, ears etc. because the Sharia law will consider them as Kafer and Gabr. Islam is a brutal religion. Before reading Koran we need know who wrote it and how he wrote it. It was written by a man who slept with a 8 years old girl(I hope you are familiar with the word Padohpilia) and he just copied the good parts of Avesta(Zartosht book) and Bible and the bad parts of jewish book Thora in his book(Koran) and added the savagery of Arab culture and behavior like looting other people, practicing slavery, rape of women who their men were killed by Arabs and so on...

Now you know from where has islam its root. Please read tareekh Tabari and Ibn- Khaldon book too!


This is shameful and sad!

by Jaleho on

The sore loser in particular Mousavi, instead of insisting on a useless re-count for his own ego, should form a political party by coalition of diffrent opposition leaders, and put immediate demand on the government on behalf of a strong youth supprt that he got! You can lose and still represent the agenda of a strong 13 million constituents! The opposition should put forward immediate demands before it completely dies down, the government would be doomed if it doesn't respond to legitimate demands such as:

1. Immediate release of all the prisoners caught in the demonstartions.

2. Put in law certain women's right, including a lax dress code, marriage, child custody and inheritance rights.

3. A review of the laws and institutions, in particular those pertaining to the institution of "velayat faghih" and at least imposition of severe limits on its power.

4. Review all demands by students and faculty in the universities. 

These form the backbone of opposition's legitimate demands, and some LEADER should put it in front of the government and press with these deamnds rather than personal faction fightings!!


IranDokht and AnonUSA

by minadadvar on

IranDokht Thanks

AnonUSA:  Although, I was born asa moslem, I do not think of myself as one. I have not, since I was 15 or 16 years old.   I am spiritual, not religious.  The most horrifying crimes have been commited in the name of religion.

I am not defending Islam, but a brave mother, who is trying desperately to help her loved ones.

If you want to know; Islam does have many positive teachings, including but not limited to,  charity, unity of religions, compassion, honesty, prohibition of opression, etc... It also has many negatives.  The punishment for wrongdoings are harsh/backward. It does not respect women/inequality of men versus women. It believes in polygomy. It damages the moral development etc....In many instances the rules do not make sense.  For example;  you can marry 4 times, as long as, you can treat all your wives the same.  To me that is insanity. 

What is practiced in Iran right now is not true Islam.  They are using Islam to gain power and brutalize people. Shame on them. 

If you want details about Islamic teaching, please read "Quran: The Final Testament"  Translated by Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D. 



Islam is Dead

by Anonymous666 (not verified) on

Wake up people Islam is dead not only in Iran but all over the world. It is dead and its stench is filling the globe. Look at all the horrible things happening around the world and how they are all associated with Islam, Islamic countries and Islamic people.

As much as Irandokht and other iri apologists and agents want to support the regime and islam the facts prove other wise.
Islamic laws are backward and impractical for the modern society. See Islamic countries including our own iri that try to implement these backward laws at the cost of the suffering of millions of peoples.



yeah okay

by Anonymous1981 (not verified) on

yeah okay you can call them supporters of IRI and stupid muslims. I call them my fellow Iranians who I do not agree with their religious beliefs but they are suffering and need my help.
you on the other hand, I call a fat ignorant idiot who has left Iran and has little or no right to have a strong opinion on such matter. I know I know you kiss the Iran from far away but I think you should just go eat your burger and let the real Iranians fight their fight.



by Anonymous-Razy (not verified) on

Are you serious? After so many years of experience with Islam(1500 years) you tell us that it has nothing to do with islam!!!!!!. Is islam abused by animals? Read the Koran and see how this religion turns people to savage animals. What is the meaniang of words like kafar, molhed, najess etc.? What says Koran about kafars? What kind of punishments are ordered in Koran for kafars? Cutting the limbs of kafar, burning them and so on...

Do some reading and educate yourself about Islammmmmm before defending it.


Persian westender

by Anonymous-kaveh (not verified) on

We criticize their faith not the people who believe in the arabic religion. You and these people need to know that we are paying a horrible price for this faith(you call it faith) for the last 1500 years. This is not something new, we had it in the past 1500 years. Wake up, we need to give an end to this barbaric religion if we don't want to see such a horrible things. This is not an Iranian faith, it is arab/turk/mongol religion.


LOL, funny IRI supporters

by Anonymous-iranian (not verified) on

Az khoroos porseedand shahedet keeye, gooft Domam!

persian westender

What’s wrong with you

by persian westender on

What’s wrong with you people? These people are paying a horrible price for their resistance against IRI, yet they should be criticized because of their faith? 



as always IRI- supporters gathering!

by Anonymous-kaveh (not verified) on

I'm sure that you don't know the meaning of: to kh-az mehnat deegaran be ghameee....., if you would know the meaning of it you would never support IRI and IRI's thugs.

PS: People like you(the so called voice of reason) are the real voice of IRI.